

    15 September 2010, Volume 31 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Temperature control of regenerative heating furnace based on double-crossing clipping PID-RBR
    Chen, You-Wen (1); Chai, Tian-You (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1217-1220+1229.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 441 )   HTML   PDF (1461KB) ( 1071 )  
    The temperature control of regenerative heating furnace has a direct impact on steel qualities and energy consumption. Due to the frequent dramatic change in the gas in heating furnaces, the furnace temperature control process is characterized with multi-variable, time-varying, inherent nonlinearity, variable coupling, large inertia and dead time. For this reason, it is mainly dependent on manual operation now, a furnace temperature control system is therefore designed via double-crossing clipping PID and RBR(rule-based reasoning) so as to ensure the high stability and robustness of the system. The proposed control system has been successfully applied to some steel plants with much benefit gained, e.g., the energy-saving rate of the heating furnace is 13% with the rate of output/quality reliability assurance up to 100%.
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    A multi-model softsensing method of water quality in wastewater treatment process
    Cong, Qiu-Mei (1); Zhao, Li-Jie (1); Chai, Tian-You (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1221-1225.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 321 )   HTML   PDF (1538KB) ( 694 )  
    Analyzing the varying operational conditions in accordance to the characteristic parameters of influent water quality in a wastewater treatment plant and based on the multi-model concept, an effluent water quality softsensing model was developed, where the submodel was described by Hammerstein model. With the error BP-like stable learning algorithm and the recursive least square method introduced to learn the multilayer perceptor as nonlinear gain and the ARX model as linear part of Hammerstein model, respectively, the clustering center was adjusted online according to the adjacency between the center and sample. Then, the softsensing method of effluent COD was proposed according to soft switch. The experimental results showed that the clustering centers adjusted online can reflect the varying operational conditions, and that the multi-model softsensing method can offer high accuracy in comparison with operational data.
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    Dynamic analysis of scale-free network traffic with fixed bandwidth
    Yu, Hao (1); Jing, Yuan-Wei (1); Zhou, Yu-Cheng (2); Ma, Yan (3)
    2010, 31 (9):  1226-1229.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 265 )   HTML   PDF (945KB) ( 580 )  
    Discusses a class of problems on complex network traffic that has a fixed bandwidth, and develops a relevant model with link bandwidth constraint. Taking the information flow in traffic as a background, the change in network load with different bandwidth constraints is investigated qualitatively in a BA scale-free network with an "adjustable clustering coefficient". It is found that there is a high load capacity in the network with wide bandwidth, and the load capacity in the network is reduced greatly with reinforcing bandwidth constraint. When the bandwidth constraint is reinforced to its permissible limit, the load capacity of network traffic has already not been affected by the capacity of data processing package. The reason why the bandwidth constraint affects network traffic is analyzed qualitatively from the perspective of complex network topology and traffic mechanism.
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    Design of quantized feedback control of networked control systems with nonlinear perturbation
    Jiang, Chong (1); Zhang, Qing-Ling (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1230-1233.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 274 )   HTML   PDF (169KB) ( 516 )  
    Aiming at the networked control systems(NCSs) with network-induced delay, data packet drop-out and nonlinear perturbation, a new general model of NCSs is developed taking account of such disturbance as quantized error and nonlinear perturbation. Based on principle of Lyapunov stability and method of linear matrix inequality, the sufficient condition is given to make the NCSs asymptotically stable with the design method of a quantized feedback controller proposed. Maximum allowable delay bounds of NCSs with nonlinear perturbation is obtained by solving a convex optimization problem. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the new method proposed.
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    Application of improved PSO algorithm to reliability problems
    Zou, De-Xuan (1); Wang, Gao-Nan (2); Gao, Li-Qun (1); Wu, Jian-Hua (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1234-1237.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 471 )   HTML   PDF (156KB) ( 802 )  
    An improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) algorithm was proposed to solve reliability problems. The IPSO made use of three strategies to improve the velocity updating in PSO algorithm, thus benefiting the improvement of its develop ability to space solution. In addition, a dynamically adjusted inertia weight was introduced into the velocity updating so as to balance the global search and the local search of the IPSO algorithm. Experimental results showed that the IPSO algorithm has stronger convergence and stability than the other two PSO algorithms for solving reliability problems. So, IPSO is an efficient alternative for solving reliability problems.
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    Stability of delay load balancing system during parallel computation
    Meng, Qing-Yang (1); Wang, Shu (2); Qiao, Jian-Zhong (1); Lin, Shu-Kuan (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1238-1241.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 291 )   HTML   PDF (1785KB) ( 564 )  
    An approximate linear delay model is proposed to solve the dynamic load balancing problem during parallel computation. Analyzing the stability of the model, the delay-dependent asymptotic stable conditions are obtained, then the theoretical load balancing gain with different time delays and on different system scales is solved approximately by LMI toolkit. The simulation results indicated that the optimal load balancing gain is in inverse proportion to communication/transmission delay and in direct proportion to system scale. Such a conclusion drawn here applies to different communication/transmission delays and system scales, and has guiding effect on designing a more useful load balancing algorithm under time delay conditions.
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    An enhanced chaotic communication scheme based on cat map
    Zhu, Zhi-Liang (1); Song, Jing-Ping (1); Cui, Kun (1); Yu, Hai (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1242-1245.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 296 )   HTML   PDF (531KB) ( 653 )  
    An enhanced scheme based on cat map was proposed to solve the security problem in the chaotic communication with synchronized chaos. For the existing chaotic communication scheme, the chaotic signal can be broken by return map and power analysis even if the parameters of a chaotic system are unknown. In the proposed scheme, the cat map is used at the sender to disorder the chaotic sequence and the disordered one is used as the carrier in the secure communication. While at the receiver, the original chaotic sequence is recovered to implement the chaotic synchronization via inverse transformation for demodulation. It is found that this scheme is secure against the two attack methods, i.e., return map and power analysis.
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    A feasible intrusion detection mechanism in hierarchical Ad Hoc networks
    Yu, Yao (1); Guo, Lei (1); Wang, Xing-Wei (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1246-1249.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 298 )   HTML   PDF (840KB) ( 567 )  
    An intrusion detection mechanism was proposed for mobile agent to meet the security requirements in accordance to the hierarchical characteristics of Ad Hoc networks. In this mechanism, a typical behavior model of nodes is developed by analyzing the node's ability to deal with the messages in routing process. The cluster-head agent is used to monitor and collect the behavior information of all the members in the cluster. Then, the collected information is matched with the typical behavior model to estimate the abnormal behavior of the node, thus locating the attacking node by virtue of fuzzy method so as to take responding measures to restrict the harm of malicious nodes which are attacking the network. Simulation results showed that the intrusion detection mechanism proposed can detect the abnormalities in time and accurately in hierarchical Ad Hoc networks.
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    Lung nodule recognition by integrating feature weighted fuzzy clustering with pixel spatial information
    Pei, Xiao-Min (1); Guo, Hong-Yu (1); Dai, Jian-Ping (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1250-1253.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 444 )   HTML   PDF (1009KB) ( 604 )  
    In the computer-aided detection (CAD) for lung, the recognition of solitary pulmonary nodules may be interrupted by noise, trachea, bronchial or veins. A method is therefore proposed to recognize lung nodule by integrating the feature weighted fuzzy C-means clustering with pixel spatial information so as to segment the region of interest (ROI). Every feature weight in ROI is calculated by the feature selection algorithm, and the weighted fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is used to classify ROI, thus recognizing the lung nodules. Experimental results showed that the ROI segmentation algorithm is capable of denoising robustly and that the accuracy of ROI classification is improved. The integrated algorithm proposed has a high sensitivity to tumors with low undetected rate. It can provide helpful information to quickly identify suspicious focus in early stage of lung cancer.
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    Microstructure and property of in situ deformed Cu-14.5%Fe composites(I) microstructure evolution
    Qu, Lei (1); Wang, En-Gang (1); Zuo, Xiao-Wei (1); He, Ji-Cheng (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1254-1257.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 295 )   HTML   PDF (1143KB) ( 551 )  
    The microstructure evolution and characteristics of Fe fibers of in situ deformed Cu-14.5%Fe composites were investigated. The results showed that the disordered Fe dendrites formed in solidification process of Cu-Fe alloys are rearranged along the drawing direction with the increasing deformation due to drawing and present the ribbon-like morphology on the transverse section. This is because of the texture orientation of the two different phases during large deformation. Based on the quantitative metallographic analysis, a relationship between interfiber spacing d and the drawing ratio η is given, i.e., d=41.76exp(-0.411η). Moreover, the relationships between the fiber thickness (δFe) and fiber width (bFe) and the drawing ratio can be expressed as ln(δFe)=3.396-0.686η and ln(bFe)=4.114-0.431η, respectively.
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    Microstructure and property of in situ deformed Cu-14.5%Fe composites(II) -Mechanical properties and electrical conductivity
    Zuo, Xiao-Wei (1); Wang, En-Gang (1); Qu, Lei (1); He, Ji-Cheng (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1258-1261.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 266 )   HTML   PDF (383KB) ( 736 )  
    The mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of the in situ deformed Cu-14.5%Fe composites were investigated. The results showed that the Young's modulus of the composites is 134.41 GPa, which is approximately in agreement with the predicted value 138 GPa by ROM (rule of mixture). The investigation on the strength of Cu-Fe composites indicated that the ROM is not suitable to the prediction of the strength of Cu-Fe composites when the drawing ratio is greater than 5. The relationship between the strength as the excess over the value predicted by ROM, ΔσD, and the interfiber spacing d should satisfy the formula ΔσD=-188+465×d-1/2. The resistivity of the composites is affected mainly by the Fe content, while the conductivity fluctuates between 49.54%IACS and 56.89 %IACS.
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    Simulation and analysis of liquid-liquid separation mechanism of hypermonotectic Al-Bi alloy
    Kang, Zhi-Qiang (1); Wang, En-Gang (1); Zhang, Lin (1); He, Ji-Cheng (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1262-1265.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 244 )   HTML   PDF (1670KB) ( 682 )  
    A mathematical model was developed by Eulerian method during the solidification process of the hypermonotectic Al-Bi alloy in immiscibility region. A numerical simulation was done for the moving behavior of the liquid-phase decomposition of the alloy and its liquid-liquid separation, thus discussing the effects of two-phase temperature field, moving velocity, concentration distribution and other physical parameters on the microstructural evolution during solidification. The results showed that the undercooling in locally prenucleated region is the main influencing factor on the formation of local big-size droplets. Taking no account of gravity, the Marangoni force drives the second-phase droplets to migrate to the casting center, thus resulting in the ununiform distribution of the alloy. The ununiform distribution of concentration is the precondition under which the macrosegregation forms. Eventually, the directional motion results in the two-phase macrosegregation.
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    Effect of annealing temperature on formability of cold-rolled ultra-purified Cr17 ferritic stainless steel sheet
    Liu, Hai-Tao (1); Ma, Dong-Xu (1); Gao, Fei (1); Wang, Guo-Dong (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1266-1269.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 363 )   HTML   PDF (2464KB) ( 916 )  
    The cold-rolled sheet of an ultra-purified Cr17 ferritic stainless steel stabilized with both Nb and Ti was annealed at different temperatures, and the effect of annealing temperature on the microstructure, texture and formability of the sheet was investigated. The results showed that the annealing temperature to the sheet is the key influencing factor on its formability. The average grain size increases gradually and the heterogeneity among all grain sizes is aggravated with increasing the annealing temperature. Moreover, the γ-fiber texture is gradually strengthened while the α-fiber texture is weakened, thus increasing the (average strain ratio) gradually with the Δr (planar anisotropy) value changing slightly. To avoid the occurrence of "orange peel" (rough surface), the annealing temperature should be below 1000°C and the average grain size should be controlled smaller than 40 μm. In such a way, the finished sheet has the best formability with value 1.92 and Δr value 0.12 after annealing at 975°C without "orange peel".
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    Influence of finish-rolling temperature on formability of Nb micro-alloyed 17%Cr ferritic stainless steel sheet
    Gao, Fei (1); Yu, De-Jian (1); Liu, Zhen-Yu (1); Wang, Guo-Dong (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1270-1273.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 329 )   HTML   PDF (1698KB) ( 686 )  
    The influence of high/low finish-rolling temperature on the formability and ridging of Nb micro-alloyed 17%Cr ferritic stainless steel sheet was investigated by using metalloscope, XRD and EBSD (electron back-scattered diffraction). Based on finish-rolling temperature of 930°C and 810°C comparison, the results showed that, for the cold-rolled and annealed sheets, the low finish-rolling temperature is beneficial to the alleviation of the deviation from exact <111> fiber axis, strengthening γ-fiber texture at different layers along sheet thickness, with textural homogeneity improved and a less frequent formation of orientation colonies in the finished sheets. Therefore, the finished sheets which were hot rolled at low finish-rolling temperature may enhance their formability with ridges reduced.
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    Study on the direct-chill semi-continuous casting process of composite ingot
    Jiang, Hui-Xue (1); Qin, Ke (1); Zhang, Hai-Tao (1); Cui, Jian-Zhong (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1274-1277.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 315 )   HTML   PDF (587KB) ( 742 )  
    With a cooling plate mounted in the traditional mold, the composite aluminum alloy ingot for making brazing sheet was prepared in lab by the direct-chill (DC) semi-continuous casting process, and such a process was investigated involving mainly temperature field distribution near the contact interface between two different aluminum alloys during DC casting, macro-morphology, microstructure and distributions of both components and hardness of the composite ingot. The results showed that the semi-solid layer with a certain thickness is formed under the action of cooling plate in the vicinity of the contact interface, thus ensuring the successful implementation of casting the composite ingot, where the two different aluminum alloys are well bonded together metallurgically. It was found that the distributions of components and hardness of the two different aluminum alloys in the composite ingot are in corresponding relation.
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    Effect of magnetic field on the morphology and distribution of Al3Fe phase in hypereutectic Al-Fe alloy
    Ban, Chun-Yan (1); Han, Yi (1); Ba, Qi-Xian (1); Cui, Jian-Zhong (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1278-1282.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 292 )   HTML   PDF (968KB) ( 578 )  
    The changes in the morphology and distribution of the primary Al3Fe phase in Al-2.89%Fe alloy solidified in an AC magnetic field (0.3 T) and a high-intenisy DC magnetic field (12 T) were investigated. The results showed that the majority of primary Al3Fe phase is deposited on the sample bottom when the alloy solidified in or out of AC magnetic field. The Al3Fe phase was refined and accumulated towards the sample center to form a pyramid-like distribution in AC magnetic field. But, when the alloy solidified in a high magnetic field (12 T), the Al3Fe phase is distributed uniformly in the whole sample because the magnetic force acted on it was balanced with the gravity force. Furthermore the Al3Fe phase aligned perpendicularly to the magnetic field direction with a preferred direction [121]. The functional mechanism of the magnetic field was discussed.
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    Structure and properties of Cu-based self-lubricating composite with high graphite content
    Chen, Sui-Yuan (1); Liu, Yi-Jie (1); Liang, Jing (1); Liu, Chang-Sheng (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1283-1286+1291.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 350 )   HTML   PDF (1091KB) ( 647 )  
    With Cu and Ni powder used as matrix materials and W, SiC, Y2O3 and MoS2 as additives, the new copper-based self-lubricating composites were prepared by means of powder metallurgy where the graphite content was variable and included 3%, 3.5%, 4%, 4.5% and 5%. The structure and mechanical properties of the samples were investigated by metalloscopy, SEM, XRD, confocal imager, hardometer and tribometry. The results indicated that the best sintering temperature and time of the self-lubricating composites are 910°C and 4 h, respectively. The structure of prepared samples typically consists of the copper's α-solid solution, Cu0.8Ni0.19, WMoS2, SiC and graphite, and their mechanical properties lower with increasing graphite content. However, the self-lubricating performance is improved by increasing graphite. A conclusion is therefore drawn that increasing the content of solid lubrication phase in the composite is the key factor for self-lubricating behavior, though keeping up the high mechanical properties provided by matrix materials is necessary.
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    Physical modeling test of vortex during teeming from ladle
    Lin, Rui (1); Yan, Zheng-Guo (1); Yu, Jing-Kun (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1287-1291.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 374 )   HTML   PDF (1555KB) ( 723 )  
    To reduce the impact of slag entrapment due to vortex on the strip quality at the end of teeming from refining ladle, some main influencing factors on vortex during liquid steel draining operation from ladle were studied via hydraulic simulation test, such as resting time, initial liquid level, nozzle diameter and eccentricity. It can be concluded that the rotary direction of vortex is uncertain with no resting time, but the vortex rotates anticlockwise with the resting time prolonged and it tends to rotate anticlockwise with rising initial liquid level. The nozzle diameter has no obvious effect on the rotary direction of vortex. With the increasing nozzle eccentricity, the vortex is found right above the nozzle and its rotary direction becomes indefinite. The Coriolis force is the basic factor causing the vortex if there are no other external influencing factors.
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    Study on oil producibility from oil shale and kerogen by infrared spectra
    Xue, Xiang-Xin (1); Liu, Yan-Hui (1); Li, Yong (1); Jiang, Ya-Zhou (2)
    2010, 31 (9):  1292-1295.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 434 )   HTML   PDF (1095KB) ( 911 )  
    FT-IR spectra of oil shale and demineralized oil shale were studied by Lorentzian curve fitting and A-C factor, with the full-aliphatic-chain-bearing micritic paraffin taken as standard substance. The content and structure of various hydrocarbons in kerogen were analysed. The results showed that all the organic compounds in oil shale and demineralized oil shale were of the type-II kerogen. Demineralization enables the aliphatic branches to be stripped from the backbone of kerogen, but the overdemineralization is unallowable because it will make the aliphatic chain content in kerogen, the CH2/CH3 ratio and the ratio of aliphatic C-H to aromatic C-H all increase then decrease. The aliphatic chain content in the type-III kerogen is up to 54.06 %, while the values of CH2/CH3 ratio and the ratio of aliphatic C-H to aromatic C-H are 7.11 and 2.73, respectively. The removal of inorganic substance will improve the potential oil producibility of kerogen.
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    Effect of baking temperature on photocatalytic properties of calcium titanate
    Yang, He (1); Han, Chong (1); Xue, Xiang-Xin (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1296-1299+1317.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 336 )   HTML   PDF (837KB) ( 727 )  
    With CaCO3 and TiO2 as raw materials, they were separately baked at 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400 and 1500°C, and then characterized by XRD, SEM, FT-IR, UV-vis. The results showed that the high-purity CaTiO3 can be synthesized above 1400°C. With the temperature increasing, the micro morphology of synthesized CaTiO3 surface changes from irregularly polygonal to smooth, and the agglomeration of particles tends to be apparent. The different contents of CaTiO3 and TiO2 lead the absorbance of catalyst to be greatly different in UV-visible region. As the experimental results of photocatalytic performance evaluation, the degradation rate and efficiency of methylene blue both decrease with temperature increasing, and the reaction rate constant decreases by 50%. The degradation of the methylene blue with calcium titanate is comparatively in line with the characteristics of first-order reaction kinetics.
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    Influence of superfine slag powder on the hydration of cement
    Zhang, Ping (1); Li, Qiu-Yi (2); Zhao, Tie-Jun (2); Xue, Xiang-Xin (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1300-1303.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 329 )   HTML   PDF (387KB) ( 1400 )  
    The influence of the replacement ratio, fineness and age of superfine slag powder on the properties of cement paste was investigated by tests with XRD. The results showed that compared with the reference slurry, the diffraction peak intensity of the Ca(OH)2 crystal drops sharply in the 28-day hydrated cement sample blended with superfine slag powder, and that the consumed quantity of Ca(OH)2 is in close relation with the age of hydrated cement sample and the replaement ratio and fineness of the powder. The hydration rate of the cement paste with P1000 superfine slag powder(measured specific area: 1885 m2/kg) is so quick that the secondary hydration reaction can be completed basically just in 3 days.No significant change is found in Ca(OH)2 diffraction peak intensity in the period of 3-60 days. The hydrated cement's absorbability of Ca(OH)2 is enhanced with the increasing slag fineness and slag powder's specific area. However, the hydration processes of such clinkers as C2S and C3S are not shortened with the decreasing quantity of Ca(OH)2 crystal, which shows the inconsistancy with the general rules and the reason is to be investigated further with other testing means.
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    Aluminum flow analysis based on average service life of aluminum products in China
    Yue, Qiang (1); Wang, He-Ming (1); Lu, Zhong-Wu (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1304-1308.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 279 )   HTML   PDF (1077KB) ( 834 )  
    The means of transportation were taken as examples to analyze their service lives in terms of three probability distributions, i.e., the normal, Weibull and Beta distributions. Combining the service life distributions of Al-containing products with the structure of consumers' demands for aluminum products in China from 2003 to 2007, the average service life of aluminum products was calculated to be 15~19 years by the weighted average method. The aluminum flow as a material flow of the life cycle of aluminum products in 2007 was analyzed via a tracking observation process from the alumina/aluminum production, processing/making of products and utilization up to scrapping/recycling, thus giving the materials flow indices of aluminum industry to obtain the variation of resource self-support ratio and the use ratio of aluminum scrap in China from 2003 to 2007. The overall use ratio of aluminum scrap was in the range from 13% to 17%. The quantity of aluminum scrap recycled and loss of aluminum in the life cycle of aluminum products from 2003 to 2007 were both analyzed. Then, some policies are suggested with the intention of making China's development of aluminum industry sustainable.
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    Influence of heating rates on char-CO2 gasification reactivity at elevated temperature
    Li, Peng (1); Yu, Qing-Bo (1); Qin, Qin (1); Du, Wen-Ya (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1309-1312.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 274 )   HTML   PDF (1010KB) ( 917 )  
    The char-CO2 gasification reaction at elevated temperature was investigated kinetically via the temperature-programmed thermogravimetry using STA409PC thermal analyzer, where the influence of heating rates on gasification reactivity was emphasized and the kinetic parameters were calculated by the Freeman and Ozawa methods. The results showed that the heating rate affects the reaction greatly, and that the higher the rate, the higher the conversion rate from char into CO2 within the same period. However, there is on upper bound for the heating rate, which varies in accordance to different coal origins. In addition, the relevant DTG (derivative thermogravimetry) curve moves forwards higher temperature with increasing heating rate, and the peak temperature and maximum reaction rate increase as well. The activation energy of coal char used in ANSTEEL and BENSTEEL is about 110 kJ/mol, while that supplied by Fuxin Coal Mine is just 87 kJ/mol.
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    Calculation of mean residence time of solids in carbon rotary kilns
    Chen, Wen-Zhong (1); Wang, Chun-Hua (2)
    2010, 31 (9):  1313-1317.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 286 )   HTML   PDF (1401KB) ( 1248 )  
    Based on the earlier works concerning the formula of the change in the axial depth of a bed in a diameter-invariable rotary kiln, the formula of axial depth of bed in a diameter-variable kiln was deduced to adapt to the diameter enlargement at kiln inlet and the turn-down rigs set on the kiln lining. Then, the formulae of mean residence time of solids in both diameter-invariable and diameter-variable kilns were deduced, where several factors were taken into account, such as the inner diameter, total length, discharge dam height, axis inclination and rotation speed of kiln mass feed rate of solids, and the particle diameter and dynamic angle of repose of solids. Cold-state experiments were carried out on a laboratory rotary kiln to verify the formulae proposed, and the results showed that calculated results of the residence time of solids are basically in agreement with the experimental values, with no correction coefficient required because of small errors.
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    Preparation of conductive La0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films by chemical solution deposition
    Li, Feng-Hua (1); Luo, Qing-Wei (1); Gao, Feng (1); Fan, Zhan-Guo (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1318-1321.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 245 )   HTML   PDF (690KB) ( 523 )  
    Epitaxial La0.5Sr0.5TiO3(LSTO) thin films were prepared by chemical solution deposition as buffer layer for YBCO coated conductor, i.e. the high-temperature 2nd-generation superconducting strip. Lanthanum acetate (La(CH3COO)3 · 1.5H2O), strontium carbonate (SrCO3) and butyl titanium (C16H36O4Ti) were used as precursors to synthesize the precursor solution where the La concentration is about 0.14 mol/L. The precursor solution was deposited by spin-coating method on the substrate and the LSTO film was obtained after proper heat treatment. Differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis were both made to determine the synthesize process of LSTO film. XRD results showed that the films annealed at 840°C and 890°C are of single-phase LSTO with (100)preferred orientation, and slow temperature rise benefits the crystallization of LSTO films. SEM observation showed that the LSTO films are smooth and dense. The resistivity of these films is about 1 × 10-2 Ω · cm as the result of four probe method. The epitaxial conductive LSTO films can be a promising buffer layer for YBCO coated conductor.
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    Hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical properties of nanoparticles Zn2SnO4
    Yuan, Wan-Song (1); Tian, Yan-Wen (1); Liu, Guo-Qiang (1); Mu, Ping (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1322-1324.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 311 )   HTML   PDF (367KB) ( 756 )  
    The powdered Zn2SnO4 with nanoparticles were hydrothermally synthesized with SnCl4 · 5H2O, ZnCl2 and N2H4 · H2O as starting materials. The crystal structure, morphology and electrochemical properties of the powdered Zn2SnO4 were investigated by XRD, TEM and galvanostatic charge-discharge test. The results showed that when the molar ratio ZnCl2:SnCl4:N2H4 · H2O=2:1:8 and hydrothermal synthesis was done at 180°C for 24 h, the pure powdered Zn2SnO4 present the well-growing crystal form and good electrochemical properties. The initial discharging and charging capacity of powdered Zn2SnO4 are 1634 mA·h/g and 709.7 mA·h/g, respectively, and its discharging capacity after 30 cycles is 483.7 mA·h/g.
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    Transfer loss based reliability design of vehicle intake system
    Yue, Gui-Ping (1); Zhang, Yi-Min (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1325-1328.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 237 )   HTML   PDF (1121KB) ( 602 )  
    With the increasing need of vehicle's comfort ableness, the acoustic performance of vehicle intake system is further required. Based on the acoustic theory, the numerical method of reliability was applied to the acoustic reliability evaluation in the conceptual design of vehicle intake system. Then, based on the comprehensive score evaluation of reliability distribution in combination with the given index of acoustic reliability, the acoustic reliability of vehicle intake system was redesigned, thus getting the information on reliability optimization design of all muffler component for vehicle intake system rapidly and accurately. Therefore, the acoustic reliability design based on transfer loss can provide a reference quantitatively for the constructional design of muffler components of vehicle intake system in conceptual design, which is of significance to engineering practice.
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    Robust reliability design of main transmission mechanism of traction machines
    Lu, Hao (1); Zhang, Yi-Min (1); Ji, Zhan (2); Huang, Xian-Zhen (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1329-1332+1336.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 278 )   HTML   PDF (232KB) ( 518 )  
    Considering the uncertain influencing factors on the worm-gear pair as the main transmission mechanism of traction machines, the reliability modes were developed on the basis of its failure modes. The reliability and its sensitivity of the worm-gear pair were analyzed to determine the impacts of mutative random variables on the reliability. Then, the design of the pair was optimized to improve the main transmission mechanism with an appropriate reliability index. Introducing the reliability sensitivity into the model of optimization design, the robust reliability design can be attributed to the problem of multiobjective optimization to satisfy the requirements for reliability. A numerical example was given to verify the practicality and effectiveness of the method proposed.
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    Research on the fuzzy robust control of robotic excavator
    Liu, Jie (1); Lin, Jian-Feng (2); Ma, Xiao-Bo (2); Liu, Kuo (2)
    2010, 31 (9):  1333-1336.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 335 )   HTML   PDF (388KB) ( 516 )  
    To implement the trajectory tracking control of a robotic excavator, the 4-DOF Lagrangian dynamic model of a robotic excavator's working device was developed with a robust controller designed. The relevant control law includes an equivalent control and auxiliary control, where the former ensures that the control input of a closed-loop system is based on the expected dynamic model, while the latter ensures the robustness of control system and the tracking error which approximates to zero if there are dynamic modeling errors and uncertainties. The fuzzy control is applied to alleviating the chattering during control input. With the designed fuzzy robust controller used in simulation, its effect of trajectory tracking and control input are both given.
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    Vibration reduction of flexible system by time-optimal multi-mode input shaper
    Li, Bing (1); Xie, Li-Yang (1); Wei, Yu-Lan (1); Wang, Lei (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1337-1340.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 266 )   HTML   PDF (968KB) ( 978 )  
    The residual vibration of a multi-mode system can be greatly reduced by a multi-mode input shaper, and the delay in system response time can be shortened by time optimization. Two time-optimal multi-mode input shapers with negative impulse are described: one involves partial sum and the other involves unity-magnitude. The two-mode negative impulse input shapers involving both partial sum and unity-magnitude of a 3-DOF flexible manipulator were framed. The numerical simulation results showed that these two kinds of input shapers are able to not only shorten the delay in system response time but also reduce the residual vibration of the system efficiently, thus suppressing the vibration of the system.
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    An aground-underground seamlessly integrated multi-scale modeling method considering semantics
    Zhang, Yuan-Sheng (1); Wu, Li-Xin (1); Guo, Jia-Teng (1); Yang, Yi-Zhou (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1341-1344.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 297 )   HTML   PDF (989KB) ( 729 )  
    The multi-scale modeling of the aground-underground integrated space is the key technology for digital mine, digital city and digital geotechnical engineering. Analyzing the multi-scale geoscientific data, they were partitioned taking account of semantics so as to develop a series of multi-scale models, inclusive of semantic differences. Integrating the seamless modeling with multi-scale modeling, an architecture based on the 6-level LOD (level of detail) of the aground-underground integrated multi-scale monolithic modeling was proposed, which was implemented on the software platform Geos3D V1.0. Experimental application results showed that the method of aground-underground seamlessly integrated multi-scale modeling with semantics taken into account can take full advantage of geoscientific data to model the aground, surface and underground objects integrally, thus providing a new technological approach to the seamlessly integrated multi-scale modeling for geoscience.
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    On the DE-SVM-based forecast of rock stratum drillability
    Xing, Jun (1); Jiang, An-Nan (2); Qiu, Jing-Ping (1); Sun, Xiao-Gang (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1345-1348.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 369 )   HTML   PDF (243KB) ( 614 )  
    The support vector machine (SVM), as a statistical learning algorithm to minimize structure risk, is used to develop a forecasting model of drillability, thus avoiding the high-cost testing for determining plutonic rock stratum drillability and the overlearning which is often found in the application of neural network model of logging data. Learning the samples with SVM, the complex nonlinear mapping between rock stratum drillability and many logging data is given. To select the SVM parameters, the difference evolution (DE) algorithm as a global optimization algorithm is introduced to develop the DE-SVM evolutionary model so as to improve further the forecast precision by modeling. The numerical example indicates that the DE algorithm converges rapidly and its forecasting precision is higher than other conventional methods. The method proposed is of importance to selecting drill-bits for new oilwell and determining the drilling speed.
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    Numerical studies on stress migration during depressurized mining for inclined medium-thick ore bodies
    Liu, Jian-Po (1); Chen, Bin (2); Yang, Yu-Jiang (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1349-1352.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 357 )   HTML   PDF (1061KB) ( 637 )  
    To solve the problems that mining tunnels along vein often destroyed by the poor stability of surrounding rock of metallic mineral deposit and ground pressure, the distribution characteristics and changes of ground stress in rock mass due to different mining methods were studied numerically. The mechanism of stress field migration controlled by depressurization was discussed to provide theoretical basis for the optimization of structural parameters of stopes. The results showed that mining ore-body will induce ground stress re-distribution in rock mass nearby, and increasing the span or decreasing the height of goaf can lead to obvious vertical stress drop so as to implement depressurized mining. For the medium-thick ore-body of a copper mine, the numerical results showed that when the roadway is located 6m away from the footwall of the ore-body, the vertical stress in the vicinity of roadway is decreased by 18% after mining, which can meet the requirements of depressurized mining and economic benefits.
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    Early warning based on BP neural networks for real estate market in Shenyang
    Qi, Xi-Jing (1); Zhao, Liang (1); Wu, Hong-Shuang (3); Kou, Jie (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1353-1356.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 304 )   HTML   PDF (866KB) ( 562 )  
    An early warning index system was set up by combining the characteristics of the real estate market in Shenyang with such functions as monitoring, evaluation and early warning. According to the artificial neural network (BP model), 11 data as early warning indexes were chosen in the range from the year 1998 to 2008, among which the data of the first 9 years were used as trained samples with the data of the last 2 years as tested samples. Trained with the Bayesian normalized network 1538 times, the target accuracy was achieved with high dependability as verfied by the network simulation results. The comparison between modeling analysis and actual market situation showed that the market is fairly brisk in both 2007 and 2008. The model proposed will benefit the sound and sustainable development of real estate market in addition to its effect of early warning on the market.
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    ASD-degree-based method of stochastic multiattribute decision making
    Zhang, Yao (1); Fan, Zhi-Ping (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1357-1360+1368.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 273 )   HTML   PDF (216KB) ( 899 )  
    A method of stochastic multiattribute decision making was proposed where the attribute values were in form of stochastic variables. Describing and analyzing the ASD rules, the ASD degree was defined with its calculation formula given. Then, dominance relations on pairwise comparisons of alternatives were established according to ASD rules, thus ASD degrees of alternative pairs were calculated and the ASD degree matrix with regard to each attribute was built. Furthermore, total relative ASD degree of each alternative is calculated to obtain the ranking of alternatives. A numerical example is given to illustrate the feasibility and validity of the proposed method.
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    Framework and process for evaluating the construction effectiveness of knowledge base
    Sun, Pei-Shan (1); Fan, Zhi-Ping (1); Chen, Xi (1); Kang, Feng (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1361-1364.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 336 )   HTML   PDF (845KB) ( 965 )  
    Knowledge base has been widely using in enterprises and customer service organizations. Evaluating the construction effectiveness of knowledge base is very important. It plays a key role for enterprises in determining the success or failure of the program related to knowledge base construction and providing guidance to improve and maintain knowledge base dynamically. On the basis of several earlier works relevant to the evaluation methods, a framework for evaluating the construction effectiveness of knowledge base is presented and the corresponding evaluation process is given. An example is given to illustrate the practicability and application value of the proposed framework and process.
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    Relationship between ultimate ownership and firm's total factor productivity
    Zou, Yi (1); Li, Kai (1); Ai, Bao-Jun (1)
    2010, 31 (9):  1365-1368.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 186 )   HTML   PDF (754KB) ( 492 )  
    The ultimate ownership and firm's total factor productivity (TFP) were calculated on the basis of the panel data of manufacturing companies listed in China from 2003 to 2007. A fixed effect model was developed to study the relationship between the ultimate ownership and firm's TFP. The regression results show that there is a significant cubic curve relationship between ultimate ownership and firm's TFP. The relationship changes clearly twice when the ultimate ownership rises, i.e., if the ultimate ownership is below 0.30, it is positively related to the TFP. However, the relationship becomes negative while the ultimate ownership is in the interval of [0.30, 0.75]. Further, if the ultimate ownership is above 0.75, the relationship becomes positive once again. The results indicate that the ultimate ownership has a significant governance effect and can influence the TFP.
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