Process mineralogy of refractory gold ore in Jinya, Guangxi province
Yang, Hong-Ying (1); Yang, Li (1); Tong, Lin-Lin (1); Fan, You-Jing (1)
2007, 28 (8):
DOI: -
Jinya gold mine in Jinya, Guangxi Province PRC is of refractory type, in which the Au and Ag contents are 6.28 g/t and 1.37 g/t, respectively. The rest includes As 0.58wt%, S 3.10wt%, and C 1.76wt% containing TOC 0.21wt%. In the gold concentrate the Au content is 52.61 g/t, Ag 6.00 g/t, As 11.32wt%, S 29.32wt%, and C 0.35wt%. It was found that the main metallic minerals in Jinya gold ore are pyrite and arsenopyrite and the rest includes galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite, etc. The main gold-bearing minerals are pyrite and arsenopyrite, and the occurrence form of gold in the ore is sub-micro grain gold. The main arsenic-bearing minerals are pyrite, realgar and orpiment. The objectionable constituents are arsenic, carbon-containing material and clay minerals. The characteristics of the gold ore are fine-grain granular texture and minuteness dip-dye structure.
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