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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    An Analysis of Mobile Internet Based on Technological Phenomenology
    SHEN Ji-rui
    2015, 17 (2):  111-116.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.001
    Abstract ( 610 )   HTML   PDF (879KB) ( 1132 )  
    Three key elements are included to analyze the essence of technological phenomenology in terms of media technology. They are relationship convergence, human intervention and information environment. Relationship convergence and human intervention are extracted from Borgmanns device paradigm. Information environment serves as the degree index of media shaping the media world, with the media world forming the juncture of Borgmanns device paradigm and Ihdes I-world phenomenology in media research. This paper uses the three key elements to explore the three nodes of media development and the trends of mobile Internet. It is pointed out that the technological phenomenology of mobile internet is based on the complete form of information technology device, which could create complete information environment anytime and anywhere independently.
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    Power of Cyberspace: Technology and Discourse
    LIU Gui-zhan
    2015, 17 (2):  117-121.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.002
    Abstract ( 516 )   HTML   PDF (836KB) ( 1077 )  
    The power of cyberspace is a tool with which the social actors take advantage of information technology and information resources to control and dominate others. Relying on technology and discourse as the dual support, the Internet has reshaped the settings of human production and living. It links the world as a field between the global and local conflicts, where power flows among different countries or individuals. With the shaping of information technology, the power of cyberspace has presented its operating characteristics with the unity of decentralization and centralization, being productive rather than repressive. The developing countries should not only use the new opportunity to develop information technology and actively participate in the global Internet management, but also construct their own ideological system so as to fight against the erosion of global discourse into national culture power.
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    On the Application of Technology to Social RulingBased on the Thoughts of Marx, Marcuse and Foucault
    LIU Guang-bin
    2015, 17 (2):  122-128.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.003
    Abstract ( 578 )   HTML   PDF (867KB) ( 775 )  
    As to how technology is applied to social ruling, Marx thinks technology abides by the logic of capital in its applications to the capitalist society. Technology not only acquires the forms of capital, but also becomes the means of obtaining capital to rule the living labor. Marcuse holds that technology follows the one-dimensional logic in its applications to the developed industrial society. Technology is a new form of control, whose one-way applications in such areas as production, consumption, politics and culture have created a totalitarian society. Foucault argues that technological applications should follow the micro-power logic. By integrating knowledge and power, he concludes that the applications of technology to discipline power and life power have brought about a disciplinary society. The three thinkers viewpoints about the application of technology to social ruling are of great theoretical significance for us to understand correctly the social functions and nature of technology.
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    On Suppess Imaging Experiments and Their Philosophical Significance
    YANG Qing-feng
    2015, 17 (2):  129-134.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.004
    Abstract ( 476 )   HTML   PDF (851KB) ( 843 )  
    By using modern imaging technologies, Patrick Colonel Suppes did experiments on the brains cognitive activities. Despite great significance, his experiments have been literally ignored. The technological foundation of Suppess experiments is the mature application of four types of imaging technology on brain, including EEG, MEG, PET and fMRI; the philosophical foundation is the similarity of technological image, which relies on the probabilistic similarity of image shapes; and the ethical foundation is the participants voluntariness. They work together to form the external and internal foundations. Since Suppess experiments pose challenges to the distinction between object and concept in the philosophical system, particularly the basic distinction between object intentionality and concept intentionality, they must be confronted in the scientific philosophy of phenomenology.
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    Economics and Management
    Financial Expenditure Competition and Regional Capital Allocation EfficiencyAn Empirical Test Based on Spatial Econometric Model
    SUN Xiao-hua, GUO Xu
    2015, 17 (2):  135-141.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.005
    Abstract ( 419 )   HTML   PDF (864KB) ( 889 )  
    Different from the previous studies, this paper takes spatial external effects into consideration in terms of the relationship between financial expenditure competition and regional capital allocation efficiency. The capital allocation efficiencies of 31 provinces in China are calculated and compared based on Wurglers model. Furthermore, an empirical test about the effect of financial expenditure competition on capital allocation efficiency is given using the spatial econometric model. The results indicate that on the national scale, capital allocation efficiency has negative correlation with space while financial expenditure competition has a significant impediment to regional capital allocation efficiency in the whole country. The grouping estimation shows that there is an obvious difference between the eastern regions and the mid-western regions, and the financial expenditure competition in the east is beneficial to improve the capital allocation efficiency while in the mid-west it distorts the direction of capital flow and reduces the capital allocation efficiency to some degree.
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    Effect of Borrowers Reputation on Borrowing CostBased on the P2P Lending Platform—paipai.com
    QIAN Bing
    2015, 17 (2):  141-147.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.006
    Abstract ( 542 )   HTML   PDF (870KB) ( 971 )  
    Based on 50000 micro data of the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform paipai.com from 2007 to 2013, this paper explored the effect of borrowers reputation on borrowing cost with propensity score matching (PSM). It was found that individuals of higher reputation have a significant advantage on borrowing cost compared to those of lower reputation, with the lending rate decreasing roughly by 0.02. The test results of different occupation and age groups showed that high reputation exerts a significant effect on borrowing cost as well, with the lending rate decreasing by 0.040~0.044 in occupation and 0.038~0.047 in age. Moreover, the information transmission mechanism of P2P platforms could effectively lower the degree of information asymmetry.
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    Impact of Health on Household Financial Asset AllocationEvidence from the Micro-data in China
    HU Zhen, HE Jing, ZANG Ri-hong
    2015, 17 (2):  148-154.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.007
    Abstract ( 520 )   HTML   PDF (876KB) ( 1244 )  
    Using the newly released data by the research team of Chinas Urban Household Consumer Finance, this paper explores the effect of health on Chinese urban household financial asset allocation. It has been found that such variables as health status, economy and demography may exert varied effects on the different types of urban household financial assets. Health deterioration tends to reduce the financial assets, especially the risk assets, which are held by urban households. The proportion of risk assets held in the east is higher compared to the central and western regions. A household in good condition has a 2%~3% higher probability of holding risk assets than the one in poor health. The effect of economy on financial asset holding is fundamental.
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    Geographical Differences of Nation-owned Land Transfer PatternsFrom the Perspective of Land Finance Governance
    WANG Yu-bo, YUN Xiao-fang
    2015, 17 (2):  155-161.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.008
    Abstract ( 417 )   HTML   PDF (2027KB) ( 1259 )  
    The changes in land transfer of 31 provinces (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) were summarized according to the proportion and price of each land transfer pattern from 2003 to 2010. Choosing the proportions of market land transfer pattern in 2003 and 2010, and the average land prices of negotiation pattern and market pattern from 2003 to 2010 as classification indexes, this research used hierarchical clustering analysis as well as qualitative analysis to divide the 31 provinces into four geographical clusters. The reasons for differences in land transfer patterns of these geographical clusters were explored from the following perspectives—contribution of land transfer fee to local finance, land transfer price, regional economic development level and national macro strategies. Due to the unsustainability of land transfer and the possible negative effects of land transfer pattern changes, this study proposed some countermeasures to govern the land transfer and promote the land finance transformation of each geographical cluster.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On the Internal Obstacles to Government Innovation and Obstacle Surmounting
    LI Zhao-you, DONG Jian
    2015, 17 (2):  162-168.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.009
    Abstract ( 599 )   HTML   PDF (872KB) ( 1095 )  
    To further studies on the key internal factors for government innovation helps to promote effective interaction between government innovation theories and practices. The internal subjects of government innovation, namely the public administration personnel and the ecological environment of government internal organizations, serve as the key internal factor for government innovation, which directly decide the success or failure of government innovation projects. In the process of government innovation, there exist such subject obstacles as identity, capability, motivation and interest conflict, and such ecological environment barriers as organizational structure, organizational climate and physical condition. In order to get out of the internal dilemma of government innovation, both the high push from the government and the active participation of administration personnel at the grassroots are needed. Moreover, it is necessary that the partnership of multiple administrative subjects should be established and an innovation-friendly environment should be created.
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    The Network of Opinion Leaders in Public Affairs and Its Implications to Political Engagement
    GUO Feng-lin, SHAO Zi-jie, YAN Jie
    2015, 17 (2):  169-174.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.010
    Abstract ( 647 )   HTML   PDF (3347KB) ( 1488 )  
    Does the Internet create a more equal structure to political engagement? Using the Weibo data of the selected opinion leaders in Xia Junfengs case, this paper gave an analysis of the internal network structure. It was found that opinion leaders act as an agency in transforming individual demands into public topics and online political engagement takes on a polar structure of “individual-opinion leader-the public”. Besides, characterized by monopoly, only those opinion leaders with social and economic importance could play a steady role; however, they tend to have different perspectives and viewpoints, which could help to relieve the pressure of public opinions.
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    Whole Process Management of Government Performance Information Seeking the Improvement of Effectiveness of Performance Management
    DONG Jing
    2015, 17 (2):  175-180.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.011
    Abstract ( 447 )   HTML   PDF (917KB) ( 899 )  
    The precondition for performance information to trigger performance improvement lies in its utility, reliability, availability, intelligibility and the hypothesis that performance management can be integrated with organizational goals, decision-making and management process. Therefore it is of great importance to examine performance information from the perspective of whole process management. In the stage of information collection, it is necessary to accurately position the goals and roles of performance management systems, to judge the needs and preferences of stake-holders, and to ensure the reliability and validity of performance measurement and the quality of information. In the stage of information transmission and reporting, it is essential to transmit information timely, completely and accurately, to separately report information to different receivers, and to choose proper technologies and forms for information description and presenting. In the stage of information use, it is imperative to obtain and strengthen political support and to promote the dynamic combination of performance information with strategic goals and management systems, effectively connecting actions for better performance.
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    On the Deviations and Rectifications of Joint Action in Chinas Environmental Governance
    YAN Ting-yu
    2015, 17 (2):  181-186.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.012
    Abstract ( 476 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 987 )  
    Joint action by different stakeholders in environmental affairs not only helps to deal with urgent environmental affairs, but also works as a fundamental solution to daily environmental challenges. From the actors perspective, this paper analyzed the deviations of joint action in Chinas environmental governance based on such features as broad participation, consensus-orientation, subsystem coordination and participants collaboration. Through such rectifications as encouraging broad participation, ensuring independent interest representation and improving capabilities for joint action, the goal that different actors of environmental governance cooperate for a better outcome could be reached.
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    The Dilemma and Ways of Imputation Principles for Ecological Destruction Liability in the Newly Revised Environmental Protection Law
    LI Yu
    2015, 17 (2):  187-192.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.013
    Abstract ( 451 )   HTML   PDF (854KB) ( 1091 )  
    Article 64 of the newly revised Environmental Protection Law stipulates that Tort Liability Law should be applied to ecological destruction liability but the imputation principles for ecological destruction liability are not explicitly stated. Whether ecological destruction liability applies to the principle for rigid liability or the principle for fault liability, or both, is still in the debate among the academic researchers. Due to the lack of a clear basis for judicial practices, similar cases may end up with very different trials. It is argued that ecological destruction is hazardous, which conforms to the imputation principle for rigid liability. Therefore, a special law for environmental tort at an adequately effective legislative level should be laid down based on Article 2 and Article 7 of Tort Liability Law, and it should be clearly stated that ecological destruction should apply to the principle for rigid liability.
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    Towards Responsive Laws: From the Perspectives of Transitional Societies and China
    YU Hao
    2015, 17 (2):  193-197.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.014
    Abstract ( 493 )   HTML   PDF (835KB) ( 1232 )  
    How to establish a legal paradigm with more social needs and factors has been a heated issue for the legal system and transitional societies. As an academic response to judicial activism, responsive laws are open, participative and flexible, which represent more social change needs. As a product of legal “ideal” and “factual” integration, they contribute to the establishment of new and universally accepted civil order, which fit the requirement for developing Chinas legal paradigm. However, China is still in transition from repressive laws to autonomous laws. Despite the possibility of man-made introduction of responsive laws and the direct transition from repressive laws to autonomous laws, it is not conducive to the overall legal construction. Therefore, China should rely on an effective construction of legal order in the process of moving towards responsive laws.
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    Marxism Theory
    From Marx to Giddens: Ecological Dimension of Critique of ModernityDiscussion on Its Implications to Chinas Ecological Civilization Construction
    LIU Shun, HU Han-jin
    2015, 17 (2):  198-204.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.015
    Abstract ( 523 )   HTML   PDF (876KB) ( 919 )  
    Although modernity is a theoretical field in which all schools of thought contend, the views of Marx and Giddens are among the most representative figures. Although Marx did not explicitly raise the concept of modernity, he always represented the fundamental direction of critique of modernity in that the intrinsic factor of modernitys paradox is what Marx continuously criticized—capital logic. It is true that ecological critique couldnt be a main task for Marx in his time, but he unintentionally revealed his own profound ecological thoughts in his critique of capital, instrumental rationality and alienated labor. In the twentieth century, Giddenss thoughts of modernity also developed in the context of capitalism, so they couldnt do without Marx; i.e., he subtly “inherited” Marx. It is of great benefit to interpret the two thinkers profound thoughts of ecological critique in the context of China, which may carry implications to Chinas ecological civilization construction.
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    The Third Dimension of Marxist Analysis of Hominology Individualism
    LI Ming, GUO Zhong-yi
    2015, 17 (2):  205-209.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.016
    Abstract ( 479 )   HTML   PDF (837KB) ( 704 )  
    Marxs hominological research is a unity of individualism, collectivism and historicism. However, the collective approach totally repudiating the analysis of individualism has long been regarded as the classics of Marxism, which once became the methodological principle of hominology concerning contemporary Chinas political, economic, legal, and historical theories. This is a mistake on Marxist hominological analysis; however, it became the theoretical source of a series of leftist errors and social practice errors as well as the important methodological foundation of the planned economy. It has become an in-depth cultural obstacle to establishing the prerequisites of the socialist market economy and the relevant legal system and the basic concepts of public administration. Therefore, recognizing and establishing the triple dimensions of Marxist analysis of hominology is extraordinarily significant to perfect the socialist market economy and the corresponding law-ruling civilization.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    A Feminist Reinterpretation of Untranslatability
    HE Jing
    2015, 17 (2):  210-215.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.017
    Abstract ( 482 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 1162 )  
    With the outreaching of the feminist trend of thought and the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural turn of translation theory, the feminist translation theory emerged and brought a new perspective to translation studies. Adopting interventionist translation strategies and discovering womens works “lost” in literary scenes, feminist translators aim to subvert patriarchal ideologies in language to realize a true liberation for women. Feminist theories provide a unique perspective different from traditional translation theories concerning the relationship between the source text and the target text, translation criteria and the role of a translator, thus extending the possibilities of deconstructing untranslatability. Taking pun translation between Chinese and English as an example, translators could resort to accommodative strategies of homophonic compensation, image replacement and separate explanation so as to turn the untranslatable translatable.
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    Translation of Chinese American Literature Based on Readers Reception TheoryA Case Study on Rootless Back-translation in Joy Luck Club
    WANG Chen-shuang
    2015, 17 (2):  216-220.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.02.018
    Abstract ( 611 )   HTML   PDF (845KB) ( 1592 )  
    Translation of Chinese American literature can be regarded as a special genre of back-translation. Given that no source text exists in the process of back-translation, it is called rootless back-translation. This paper attempts to explore rootless back-translation in the Chinese American novel Joy Luck Club from the perspective of reception theory. Comparing the two Chinese versions by Tian Qing and Cheng Naishan, it presents different translation strategies and methods adopted by different translators, which proves that different translators may be concerned about different target readers and have different translation purposes. It is suggested that translation of Chinese American literature be put into the framework of reception theory and the effects of such translation factors as translation purpose, translation strategy and method, translator and readers upon rootless back-translation be explored so as to guide the Chinese translation practice of Chinese American literature.
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