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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Type, Paradigm and Ethical Dispute of Human Enhancement
    ZHANG Can
    2018, 20 (1):  1-6.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.001
    Abstract ( 747 )   HTML   PDF (822KB) ( 1737 )  
    Emerging human enhancement technologies are increasingly penetrating into the mankind's inner body, constantly building and reinventing human beings. Proponents argue that human enhancement technologies make human beings super-humans while opponents hold that man will eventually become Frankenstein. Human enhancement can be divided into four types: physiological enhancement, cognitive enhancement, moral enhancement and compound enhancement. Human enhancement technologies constantly challenge such traditional concepts as body/mind, natural/artificial and living/non-living, accompanied by ethical disputes including treatment and enhancement, human nature and dignity, moral freedom and social risk. There are different explanation paradigms for these disputes-the biomedical paradigm is focused on the definitions of treatment and enhancement, the transhumanism paradigm gives priority to how to understand the mankind while the social paradigm pays more attention to moral freedom and social risk.
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    From Abstract Alienation to Alienated Abstraction: Logic and Nature of Alienation Behind Symbol Consumption
    TIAN Xin, XU Shao-yuan, XU Gui-di
    2018, 20 (1):  7-12.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.002
    Abstract ( 645 )   HTML   PDF (808KB) ( 1322 )  
    If the alienation of man in commodity production and consumption is merely abstract, then the alienation of man in symbol consumption is thereby made abstract as well. Man loses not only the object of anti-alienation but also the ability to oppose alienation because of symbol consumption, who gets stuck in a living condition that is symbolized. With consumerism prevailing in capitalist societies, production of goods and production of symbols are further combined, and consumption of goods and consumption of symbols get further compounded. Through symbolization of commodities and commercialization of symbols, capital converts its power of control from production to symbols, by which its control of man is accordingly realized. Only by carefully examining the manifestations and logical conversions of alienation in capitalist societies can we profoundly interpret the nature of symbol consumption and the alienation of man hidden behind, thereby understanding how the subjectivity of man becomes thoroughly enslaved by symbols in the behavior of consumption, and providing theoretical basis for alienation elimination.
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    Operatory Thought of Alienated Labor Based on Ecological Philosophy
    WANG Yan, ZENG Li-hua
    2018, 20 (1):  13-18.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.003
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML   PDF (810KB) ( 1076 )  
    In a multi-dimensional dialectical way, the operatory thought of alienated labor based on ecological philosophy is an important theoretical path of the relationship between human beings and nature, which provides a unique view to solve ecological crisis problems. With the implication deconstruction of alienated labor as the starting point, and by reflecting on the ecological space of alienated labor, the concept of alienated labor and ecological philosophy are linked indivisibly, which illustrates that alienated labor is based on production and labor practices. It is also the concept of practicing the sense of existentialism, which connects the relationship transformation of human beings and nature. To avoid the alienation of alienated labor, the critique of alienated labor should be made inherent and solid in its nature. Therefore, it is of great significance to promote the sublation of alienated labor, to eliminate the ecological crisis and to realize the all-round development of human beings.
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    Economics and Management
    Demographic Structure, Economic Growth and China's Social Welfare Level
    HE Jun, CHENG Jia-min, WAN Hong-yan
    2018, 20 (1):  19-26.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.004
    Abstract ( 842 )   HTML   PDF (856KB) ( 1472 )  
    The classic Ramsey(1928) model is expanded and and the Hamilton function is built to explore the dynamic relationship among demographic structure, economic growth and social welfare. Then, based on China's provincial panel data from 2005 to 2016, the empirical results show that: the youth dependency ratio and the total dependency ratio are negatively correlated with social welfare level, the elderly dependency ratio is positively associated with social welfare level to some extent, and economic growth is harmful to social welfare level. Furthermore, the regional analysis suggests that economic growth restrains the improvement of social welfare in the east and central regions, while economic growth in the western areas promotes the level of social welfare.
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    Effect of Internet Applications on Small and Micro-sized Enterprises' Innovation Performance of Under Open Innovation
    WANG Chun-yan, ZHANG Yu-ming
    2018, 20 (1):  27-35.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.005
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML   PDF (900KB) ( 1169 )  
    Open innovation emphasizes that enterprises should integrate and make use of the internal and external resources to absorb innovative elements and achieve performance improvement. The effect of Internet applications on the innovation performance under open innovation is explored. Internet applications are divided into three dimensions, i.e., Internet flexibility, Internet integration and Internet openness. Then, innovation environment and absorptive capacity serve as the moderating variables to empirically research the influence of Internet applications on innovation performance. The results show that: Internet flexibility, Internet integration and Internet openness have significantly positive impact on innovation performance; innovation environment has positive moderating effect on the influence of Internet applications on innovation performance but has no significant moderating effect between Internet openness and innovation; and absorptive ability has a moderating effect on the relationship between Internet flexibility, Internet integration and innovation performance to a certain extent, but it exerts no moderating effect between Internet openness and innovation performance.
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    Effect of Enterprises' Financial Flexible Policies on Innovation Efficiency ——Based on the Empirical Evidence in the Context of New Normal Economy
    FAN Sheng-ran, CHEN Zhi-bin, SHEN Lei
    2018, 20 (1):  36-43.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.006
    Abstract ( 611 )   HTML   PDF (857KB) ( 2023 )  
    Using the panel data of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2012 to 2015, the effect of enterprises' financial flexible policies on innovation efficiency is analyzed with the optimized OPSW model. The results show that financial flexible policies could make use of the existing low-cost access to financial capitals so as to promote the efficiency of innovation. By further distinguishing different financial flexible policies, it is found that the comprehensive financial flexible policy improves enterprises' innovation efficiency more significantly compared with cash and indebted flexible policies. Under the influence of marketization factors, enterprises in the regions of high (low) degree of marketization that adopt “high cash high debt (high cash low debt)” ratio have more advantage than taking comprehensive flexible policies.
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    Does Service Remedy Really Lead to Customer Satisfaction?——From the Perspective of Customer Emotions
    JIA Wei, ZHAO Zhe
    2018, 20 (1):  44-51.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.007
    Abstract ( 557 )   HTML   PDF (885KB) ( 1861 )  
    Service remedy is crucial to marketing, and customer emotions after the remedy play an important role in their evaluation of the entire service. From the perspective of customer emotion, the circum flex model is introduced into the research of service remedy and a new model is established which involves the relationship among service remedy, customer emotion and customer satisfaction. The results show that timely and initiative remedial measures will lead togreater pleasure and higher arousal after faulty services occur; the enhanced pleasure and arousal will exert positive effect on the satisfaction degree of customers; and after service remedy, arousal will have more influence on customers' satisfaction degree compared to pleasure.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Contentious Performance and Legal Countermeasure in Internet Accountability——An Analysis of Contentious Politics
    LIU Li-rui
    2018, 20 (1):  52-58.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.008
    Abstract ( 509 )   HTML   PDF (828KB) ( 938 )  
    Internet accountability refers to social actors' supervision and accountability on public power through the Internet platform, which has the basic attributes of contentious politics. Social actors often need to rely on Internet performance to gather the power of protest, and effective accountability must meet the needs of the public, the media and the officials. Power actors introduce legal weapons to take a strong counter against Internet accountability by resorting to the logic of rights and order. The tactics of power actors to deal with Internet accountability are determined by the types of public power, so the mightiness of public power and the imperfection of civil rights protection lead to the legal rebellion of Internet accountability. The abuse of legal weapons would result in the chilling effect of society, and protecting the rights of citizens and regulating public power is the key to the rapid development of Internet accountability and even the modernization of Internet governance.
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    Generation Mechanism and Governance Mechanism of Administrative Inaction Under High-pressure Anti-corruption ——Based on a Systematic Analysis of Accountability Elements
    LYU Yong-xiang, WANG Li-feng
    2018, 20 (1):  59-65.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.009
    Abstract ( 552 )   HTML   PDF (866KB) ( 884 )  
    At present, the existing studies on administrative inaction in the academia are mainly carried out from the perspective of a single element of accountability mechanism. Based on the previous research, this paper is unfolded with the correlation of various accountability elements and different types of administrative inaction with the purpose of constructing the three-dimension analysis framework of “accountability subject-accountability object-accountability content” of administrative inaction. Under this framework, three types of administrative inaction (cannot do, dare not to do and not willing to do) are generated respectively by aggravating the unreasonable right and liability allocation of accountability subject, responsibility-performing risk of accountability object and unbalanced setting of accountability content under high-pressure anti-corruption. On the basis of this analysis, the perfection of accountability elements should be regarded as the governance mechanism for administrative inaction. The generation mechanisms of the three types of administrative inaction mentioned above could be cut off through the reasonable allocation of right and liability of accountability subject, reducing responsibility-performing risk of accountability object and balanced accountability content, and the precise governance of administrative inaction would be realized.
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    Process, Model and Factors of Governance Innovation in Local Governments with the Development of Internet Technology ——Illustrated by the Governance of Online Car-hailing Service
    LU Wen-ling, WEI Shu-yan
    2018, 20 (1):  66-72.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.010
    Abstract ( 630 )   HTML   PDF (832KB) ( 1075 )  
    The online car-hailing industry is a typical mode of “Internet +”, which develops from the traditional taxi industry with numerous and complex governmental regulations. Taking the governance of online car-hailing service as an example, the dynamic process of governance innovation of local governments can be probed into and the insight into the innovation manifestation and features of governance ideas, governance policy and governance mechanism can be obtained. The governance of online car-hailing service is a problem-oriented innovation model of governance for local governments and the development trend of the model is that the governance attitude of subjects is from passivity to activeness, the means of governance is from prohibition to promotion and the order of governance is from disorder to order. The development of the Internet defines the boundary and nature of the problem, which serves as the direct factor for local governments' governance innovation. The local governments possess quite strong autonomy and the willingness and capacity of the administrators decide the extent and quality of innovation. The intergovernmental relationship of strong center and weak localness is an important factor which affects the directions and ways of innovation.
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    Improvement of Petition Relief in China from the Perspective of Administrative Guidance
    SUN Ping, DENG Xiao-chuan
    2018, 20 (1):  73-78.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.011
    Abstract ( 498 )   HTML   PDF (811KB) ( 973 )  
    Administrative guidance is a new administrative behavior and management mode to adapt to the economic and social development and transformation of government functions. It plays a positive role but may cause administrative counterparts' losses sometimes. As an administrative relief means, administrative guidance with petition relief not only has the theoretical foundation and legal basis, but also conforms to the requirements of the contemporary social management innovation and development. However, in practice, there are some deficiencies in the petition relief of administrative guidance, including the unsmooth channels, the unclear processes as well as the unscientific and nonstandard mechanisms. Therefore, it is suggested that we should smooth the channels for claim expression through information construction and application, take the petition system into the orbit of law ruling, construct the relief system with the coordinated development of petition relief and judicial relief, and constantly promote the administrative guidance to be scientific, legalized and standardized so as to protect the rights of citizens.
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    The Development of Crimes in the Field of Charity and Criminal Law Responses——Reflection on 10 Years' Criminal Cases in Charity
    LIU Pu-jun
    2018, 20 (1):  79-87.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.012
    Abstract ( 546 )   HTML   PDF (857KB) ( 956 )  
    Internet spatialization and charity webifying lead to an acceleration of crime committing in charity in China. In the age of Internet, the scope of crimes in charity is complicated. Analyzing plenty of criminal cases is required to summarize the development law of committing crimes in charity, so as to obtain a comprehensive knowledge of the distribution of accusation, the change of crime circumstances and the application of penalty. On this basis, precise and scientific responses of criminal laws are not only necessary to update the traditional criminal law itself, but also serve as an important way to effectively restrain crimes in charity. However, interpreting the existing guilt by criminal justice to deal with the high incidence of crimes in the field of charity, adding charges to deal with the misbehaviors in the field of charity, and adjusting the sentencing rules to achieve the reasonable match between penalty and crime seem to be the best response of the criminal law to the alienated charity crimes.
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    On Objective Optimization of Talent Cultivation in China's First-Class Universities
    ZHAO Rui, SHI Wan-bing
    2018, 20 (1):  88-93.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.013
    Abstract ( 839 )   HTML   PDF (819KB) ( 1100 )  
    The study on objective optimization of talent cultivation in China's first-class universities is of great value for constructing “Double-First-Class” universities in China. The cultivation objectives in China's first-class universities are to train practical and high-quality talents with characteristics of patriotism and social responsibility, professional knowledge, innovation and practical skills, morality, and global outlook, but attach little importance to training students to be global citizens and leaders with the spirits of humanity and science and the ability of life-long learning to pursue meaningful life. China's first-class universities are supposed to reposition and perfect their objectives of talent cultivation while insisting on the Chinese characteristics.
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    Comprehensive Reform of University Logistics from the Perspective of “Double-First-Class” Construction
    SUN Lei
    2018, 20 (1):  94-98.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.014
    Abstract ( 621 )   HTML   PDF (799KB) ( 1330 )  
    Under the background of promoting “Double-First-Class” university construction, the comprehensive reform of university logistics is of great importance. There still exist many problems and shortcomings in terms of development process, management concept, system and mechanism, and talent cultivation. Based on the construction of university logistics management system serving discipline construction and talent cultivation and the open, international logistics support system, the comprehensive reform should be made from directional policy, conceptual culture, operational mechanism, and team building. The reform is based on the “academic” characteristics, and pursues the “socialized” outcomes. Consequently, a benign situation will come into existence that the “Double-First-Class” university construction should interact with and promote the comprehensive reform of university logistics construction, so as to construct the top-ranking logistics serving the “Double-First-Class” university construction.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    On SFL's Semogenesis and Its Roots in Biological Evolution
    ZHOU Hai-ming
    2018, 20 (1):  99-104.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.015
    Abstract ( 721 )   HTML   PDF (847KB) ( 1160 )  
    Semogenesis in SFL serves as a diachronic paradigm for approaching meaning, which models the evolution of language system and discourse patterns, particularly the way in which language helps social functions evolve through meaning-making processes. The Chinese version of “semogenesis” well reflects the original connotations, foregrounding the theoretical position of meaning and evolution in SFL. Semogenesis finds its roots in Darwin’s theory and functionary evolution can be seen as one of the essences of SFL. The theoretic core, Chinese translation and theoretical origin of semogenesis are examined for a deeper understanding of this paradigm, which may help advance the studies of meaning and reveal the essence of language constructing reality.
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    Criticism of Collusion Between Aesthetic Politicization and Patriarchal Ideology in the Perspective of New Leftist Feminist Aesthetics——A Commentary About Susan Sontag's Fascinating Fascism
    LI Yan, WANG Chun-fei
    2018, 20 (1):  105-110.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.01.016
    Abstract ( 695 )   HTML   PDF (822KB) ( 1435 )  
    With the coming of “post-theory” era, as a cultural research paradigm, post-Marxism is connected with postmodern feminist literary theory, and “new leftist feminist aesthetics” is thus derived. Based on Sontag's Fascinating Fascism, the paper explores how new leftist feminists, from the unique female perspective, reveal and criticize the collusion of aesthetic politicization and patriarchal ideology, and points out that the philosophical root of the powerful fascist aesthetics is the same philosophy advocated by Androcentrism. Sontag's “new leftist feminist aesthetics” shows unique cultural taste and pioneering aesthetic thoughts of the new leftist in the collision of aesthetics and politics. It studies politics, aesthetics and gender consciousness in the post-Marxist framework, and provides new thoughts and directions to the development of post-modern feminist philosophy. New leftist feminist aesthetics has important academic meaning in expanding the Marxist contemporary domain, while is of significance in alerting various new totalitarianisms.
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