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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Technology for Pursuing Good Life——Ortega y Gasset's Ethical Value Theory of Technological Practice
    JING Di, WANG Bo-lu
    2017, 19 (6):  551-556.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.001
    Abstract ( 721 )   HTML   PDF (846KB) ( 1256 )  
    As one of the greatest technology philosophers in humanism, Ortega y Gasset is unique in making a point that the mankind and his technological practice are consistent with the demand “to live well” (el bienestar). By turning to an analysis of the relationship between technological practice and human life, he points out that good technological practice of making man a man is the ethical practice for realizing the virtues of good life. His discussion on the ethical value of technological practice and good life goes beyond the quest of what is modern technology and what is human life, and turns to what the relationship between the two should be. Accordingly, the focus of traditional humanistic technological philosophy moves from the debates on modern technological utopia or dystopia to the ways of making modern technological developments better serve human life. Meanwhile, Ortega's historical theory based on “la minoría selecta y las masas” interactions could inspire more current research on the ways to realize a good life in the technological age.
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    Mechanism of Technological Creation Triggered by Dependence on the Sensitivity of Possibility
    LUO Ling-ling, MA De-yong
    2017, 19 (6):  557-563.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.002
    Abstract ( 589 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 1114 )  
    The connotative relationship of affordance is an ecological basis of Bergson' claim that intelligence is a tendency of establishing relationships, so affordance provides an interpretation mechanism on how to transform instinct to intelligence. It can be summarized as dependence on the sensitivity of possibility in creation, whose connotations include the initial attention mechanism of creation, the possibility mechanism of action and creation by coordinating the mankind and the environment, and the impossible avoidance mechanism of negative affordance perception. The mechanism of dependence on the sensitivity of possibility has important theoretical values in explaining technological creation for it lays the foundation for technological purposes and indicates the natural logic of technological creation.
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    Philosophical Thinking of the Effect of Virtual Reality Technology on Audience Cognition
    GAO Hui-lin, ZHENG Bao-zhang
    2017, 19 (6):  564-570.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.003
    Abstract ( 832 )   HTML   PDF (851KB) ( 2713 )  
    A believable virtual world created by immersion, interaction and imagination techniques in virtual reality technology can bring about not only a visual impact and full of illusion of sensual pleasure for the audience, but also lead to a cognitive confusion of the objective world, subvert all the natural ways of human life and long-term accumulated life experiences, and even cause abnormal or extreme behaviors. The three characteristics of immersion, interaction and imagination in virtual reality technology are respectively analyzed from the philosophical perspective. The dialectical effect of virtual reality technology on audience cognition is explored and the negative effect on the psychology and behavior of the audience is also expounded upon.
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    Economics and Management
    Trade Liberalization and Location Choice of FDI——Evidence from the Countries Along “One Belt and One Road”
    WU Xin-sheng, LIANG Qi
    2017, 19 (6):  571-580.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.004
    Abstract ( 451 )   HTML   PDF (886KB) ( 1044 )  
    An empirical analysis was given by adopting the spatial panel data of 2005-2013 in 39 countries along “One Belt and One Road”. It was found that there exist the third-country effects characterized by spatial agglomeration. The regional economic integration represented by the EU and China-ASEAN free trade areas promotes trade liberalization and produces varied investment transfer effects. Market size has a significant positive effect on the location choice of FDI, and there is home market effect as well. FDI tends to flow to the country with a large market scale, high degree of openness, excellent infrastructure, political stability and better legal environment, and FDI itself has a significant dynamic characteristics. FDI's location choice displays resource-seeking motivation, but the purpose of reducing production costs does not exist. The promotion of human capital level to FDI absorption is not obvious, and there is a time lag. Countries with rich resources and capital have a crowding out effect of FDI. The location choice model of FDI and its influential factors are quite different among countries and regions.
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    Working Mechanism of Issuance of Time Currency on the Construction of a Long-term Care System
    LU Wei, ZHENG Hong, ZHANG Ping
    2017, 19 (6):  580-586.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.005
    Abstract ( 516 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 832 )  
    With the deepening of population aging in China, it is particularly important to build a long-term care system from the top level design. The main obstacle to building a long-term care system to cover the population as a whole is where the money comes from and who will deliver services. Learning from the international experience, the issuance of time currency as a medium of mutual endowment intergenerational exchange is tentatively put forward, which can effectively solve such problems as financial sources and services delivered, and help to build a universal long-term care system as soon as possible. Based on the media, value scale, means of payment, means of storage, the functions of time currency as a type of currency are explored. Besides money currency, time currency promises to become an alternative currency people trust. Consequently, the issuance of time currency of national credit guarantee is put forward, i.e., time currency serves as the medium to build an informal care support system, encourage people to take care of the elderly spontaneously, and lessen the social risks of the elderly unattended. The research shows that building a long-term care system with time currency as the medium will open up a new way for the establishment of a healthy aging society.
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    On Teacher Team Building of Parallel Class Teaching Mode ——Based on the Two-sided Matching Decision-making Method
    JIN Ying-wei, SUN Xue-yuan
    2017, 19 (6):  587-595.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.006
    Abstract ( 492 )   HTML   PDF (869KB) ( 942 )  
    In recent years, the establishment of a scientific, harmonious and sustainable development of the teacher-team has become a hot issue in the field of management and education research. Given the needs and preferences of head teachers, the expectations and values of subject teachers, as well as the stipulations of teaching administration systems from school administration sectors, a two-sided matching decision-making method of the parallel class teaching mode was proposed, whereby a harmonious and scientific teacher team could be built. Based on the stratified teaching mode, a 0-1 mixed integer model of subject teachers and head teachers was set up to maximize the three parities' satisfaction. Moreover, a heuristic algorithm was developed to solve the model and examples were given to test its effectiveness and feasibility. On the one side, the study could provide strategic support for the relevant administration sectors in terms of scientific quantification. On the other side, the study could enrich and develop the two-sided matching decision-making methods in terms of characteristics and complexity of the issue.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On China's Urban Vulnerable Groups' Tool Choice of Employment Policies——Based on an Analysis of Policy Texts
    SUN Ping, LIU Meng
    2017, 19 (6):  595-602.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.007
    Abstract ( 625 )   HTML   PDF (846KB) ( 961 )  
    As an important carrier to reflect the relationship between policy makers and target groups and the key link of policy formulation and implementation, it is of great theoretical and practical importance to carry out the research on the tool choice of public policies. Content analysis method is used to establish a quantitative analysis system of employment policies for China's urban vulnerable groups for the purpose of seeing through the structure and characteristics of the tool choice of current policies. It is shown that the choice of basic type tools takes the majority, the choice of direct and advocative tools occupies a moderate number but not balanced in their micro-structures, and the choice of indirect ones displays a structural deficiency.
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    Community Deliberative Democracy: Functional Orientation and Platform Construction
    ZHAO Jing, ZHANG Ping
    2017, 19 (6):  602-607.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.008
    Abstract ( 757 )   HTML   PDF (836KB) ( 1036 )  
    Community deliberative democracy is an important part of the development of China's socialist deliberative democracy, which functions as political consultation, government consultation, social consultation and citizen consultation in China's political practices. It is of great significance to construct the socialist deliberative democracy system by following the principles of the party's presence, government steering, equal consultation participation of varied community subjects, implementing the autonomy system of community residents, guiding the institutional development of community deliberative democracy, building an effective platform for deliberative democracy, cultivating citizens' rational spirit and social capital, utilizing negotiation skills and local knowledge to make community deliberative democracy work effectively, and ensuring the functioning of deliberative democracy.
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    Social Governance in the Process of Smart City Construction ——A Case Study of Shenyang
    LI Jia, LI Zhao-you
    2017, 19 (6):  608-615.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.009
    Abstract ( 898 )   HTML   PDF (1006KB) ( 1630 )  
    With the development of information technology and popularization of big data application, smart city construction has become an important way to improve urban social governance and service. Starting from the concepts of social governance and smart city, the current situation of social governance, existing poor collaboration, lack in information sharing and thorny social problems are elaborated upon, and based on smart Shenyang's logical foundation, interaction, multiple subjects, goal orientation, overall planning and modes, open information sharing and integration of the status quo of construction, several countermeasures and suggestions are put forward on the innovation of social governance in smart cities' top level planning and design, co-construction and sharing of big data, extensive promotion of smart applications and diversified construction of subjects in order to achieve the innovation, fine elaboration, cooperation and layout unification of social governance.
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    On Approaches of Review on Self-judging Essential Security Interest Clauses in International Investment Agreements——Also on China's Choices
    GE Chen
    2017, 19 (6):  616-624.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.010
    Abstract ( 483 )   HTML   PDF (901KB) ( 1023 )  
    The self-judging essential security interest clause under international investment agreement is an edge tool for safeguarding host state's national security and sovereignty. The function of self-judging essential security interest clause is formed on the basis of its text and context, and determined by the standard of review adopted by international arbitral tribunals. Due to current divergence regarding the standards and approaches in conducting good faith review by international arbitral tribunals, the de facto function of such clause has remained uncertain. The standard of review adopted by the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO in reviewing the Article XX of GATT, the margin of appreciation adopted by the European Court of Justice and the standard of review adopted by domestic administrative courts in judicial review could provide beneficial models to the international investment tribunals in conducting good faith review. This Article argues that China shall form and improve the self-judging essential security interest clause on the basis of a profound understanding of its standards and approaches of review as well as its de facto function, while embedding the value of balancing the national security interest and investor's interest.
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    Identification Standards for Causation in German Accident Insurance and Its Implications
    ZHAO Yue, LI Xue, ZHANG Hong-jian
    2017, 19 (6):  625-630.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.011
    Abstract ( 529 )   HTML   PDF (847KB) ( 1294 )  
    Causation has been an important issue in the theoretical and practical fields of the science of law, and after two hundred years' effort, Germany has established the systematic identification standards for the general accident insurance and industrial injury accident insurance respectively. In the general accident insurance, Germany implements the “proportionated” identification standards for the cause-effect relationship. In the industrial accident insurance, Germany gives priority to the “substantial conditions”. In contrast, China hasn't clearly stipulated the cause-effect identification standards for accident insurance, which leads to some disorder in the legal practices. It is suggested that China should follow the model of Germany and establish a causation identification system which is different from that of the civil laws. To be specific, China should implement the “proportionated” cause-effect identification standards in general accident insurance and the identification standards for the “substantial conditions” in industrial accident insurance.
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    Marxism Theory
    Theoretical Connotations and Practical Approaches of China's Green Development Concept
    QIN Shu-sheng, HU Nan
    2017, 19 (6):  631-636.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.012
    Abstract ( 671 )   HTML   PDF (837KB) ( 1222 )  
    Green development concept has profound theoretical connotations and practical approaches. It is a scientific summary of the idea on world development, China's inevitable choice of reversing the resource crisis and environmental deterioration, and the latest expression of the CCP's development concept and governance idea. Green development concept advocates green values and calls for building green development modes and green life styles, whose value goal is to help the people enjoy ecological happiness. To promote green development, the greenization of production ways and life styles should be accelerated so as to build an institutional system of green development.
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    On the Development and Challenges of Marxist Feminism
    ZHONG Lu
    2017, 19 (6):  637-642.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.013
    Abstract ( 1199 )   HTML   PDF (847KB) ( 1956 )  
    Marxist feminism is not only a critical examination and advancement of Marxist women theory, but also a theoretical response to other feminisms such as liberal feminism and radical feminism. Based on the classic Marxism, Marxist feminism gives a new understanding on private property and gender division, the sources of women oppression and women's liberation strategies. Apart from that, Marxist feminism argues a lot with other feminist schools on issues like how to deal with the relationship between patriarchy and capitalism, and how to explain the dilemma of class, gender and ethnicity. The controversial Marxist feminism is an important part of the left feminism and it will develop dynamically in front of the complex theoretical challenges.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    A Corpus-based Study on the Syntactic and Semantic Features of English Middle Constructions Used by Chinese EFL Learners
    JIANG Lei
    2017, 19 (6):  643-649.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.014
    Abstract ( 490 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 1266 )  
    The research method of corpus linguistics is employed to describe how well Chinese students are able to use middle constructions by exploring the syntactic features of subjects, verbs and modifiers in such structures, as well as the semantic relations among the three components. The results show that Chinese students can use both patientives and locatives as subjects, various forms of verbs as predicates, and prepositional phrases and adverbials as key modifiers to describe the properties and states of subjects. Compared with native speakers, Chinese students are inclined to choose the same verbs, and use fewer forms of verbs, zero modifiers and atypical middle constructions. The frequency of middle construction use does not show any statistically significant difference between Chinese students and native speakers.
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    From a Naked Life to a Citizen of the World——Based on the Refugee's Identity Reconstruction in The Light of Day
    WU Yi-qun
    2017, 19 (6):  650-656.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.015
    Abstract ( 595 )   HTML   PDF (859KB) ( 934 )  
    The works of Graham Swift, a British contemporary writer, mostly explore people's psychological response and behavior in the face of a great psychological crisis. The refugee in The Light of Day becomes a naked life who is excluded from all the laws and human communities because of the loss of the nation's political identity and the collapse of the psychological order. Faced with the hopeless situation of existence, the instinct for survival makes her copy the image of the country's excellent others as her own for reconstructing her disintegrating subjectivity with the imaginary self-deception. However, when the refugee's mental mechanism is restored, she gets rid of the aggression of the others, and is reborn as a citizen of the world with qualities allied by the other countries and her original country and with the international status and human vision, so that she rebuilds her political identity and psychological identity.
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