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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On the Responsible Innovation in the Practice of “Governance of Five Waters” in Hangzhou
    CONG Hang-qing, GU Ping, SHEN Qi
    2018, 20 (2):  111-117.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.001
    Abstract ( 609 )   HTML   PDF (849KB) ( 1011 )  
    The core of the “Governance of Five Waters” project in Hangzhou is responsible governance, setting the governance goal as a long-term sustainable development and adhering to the “responsible innovation” in the methodology of implementation. Centering around the “responsible innovation”, the engineering background, process and effect of the “Governance of Five Waters”, the system engineering, comprehensive management and innovation mode of optimizing water dispatching projects of the governance of five waters in environmental management, the innovation models of the “river chief system', “joint action system” and “Online and offline interactive” supervision system, and the innovation modes for long-term sustainable development, village-enterprise cooperation, participation of the whole people as well as social collaborative governance are studied. The practice of “Governance of Five Waters” explores the realization of the three aspects of law, policy and morality as the social governance of engineering projects, and establishes the active and promising keynote for the governance body of the engineering society.
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    Deep Technology of Death: Philosophical Discourse of Cryonics on Death
    DU Hai-tao
    2018, 20 (2):  117-122.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.002
    Abstract ( 648 )   HTML   PDF (850KB) ( 1551 )  
    Cryonics is a product of the modern technological civilization, and in the combination of modern technological rationality and “future study” emotion, death and technology have acquired a more complex coupling. Death technicalization originally refers to the conversion of death from a natural state to a state that depends on technology in the modern technological civilization. Cryonics embodies an attempt of the modern technology to regulate and control death, which is a “post-death” technicalization act in nature. Faced with the ethical dilemma of life and death caused by cryonics, it is necessary to take modern bioethics as the basic principle for conducts and to clarify the point that medical assistance is more significant than medical experiments in terms of technical operation. Moreover, death is still a spiritual event and means the transformation of the legal and ethical relationships of the dead in terms of legal rights and ethics. Only in this way will the ambiguity of life and death in biotechnology not evolve into a social ethical issue, and the technical operation itself can be stipulated based on ethical rules.
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    Theory of Original Technology in the View of “World” in Being and Time
    SHEN Guang-ming
    2018, 20 (2):  123-130.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.003
    Abstract ( 603 )   HTML   PDF (903KB) ( 1286 )  
    The original technology in Inquiry of the Technology, which is focused on the dangerous effect of modern technology, has been specifically explained in the Existenzialitaet of Being and Time. It is the action between “man” and “being” in Being and Time, scilicet “Existenz”. “Man” and “nature” have an original common world of “worldliness” by the construction of the pre—theoretical original technology mode of Zeughaftigkeit, Bezug and Raeumlichkeit. The purport of the critique of modernity in the review of the technical world from the perspective of original technology is that it provides the modern people with the living habitat of freedom and meaning.
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    Economics and Management
    Managerial Ability and Enterprises' Investment Efficiency——Based on an Empirical Study of A-share Listed Companies in China
    LI Yan-xi, GAI Yu-kun, XUE Guang
    2018, 20 (2):  131-139.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.004
    Abstract ( 689 )   HTML   PDF (898KB) ( 2150 )  
    Based on the research sample of A-share listed companies in Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges from 2011 to 2015, the DEA-Tobit two-stage model was used to measure managerial ability and the OLS regression model was applied to empirically test the influence mechanism of managerial ability on investment efficiency. In addition, the moderating effect of property right, ownership concentration, and managerial power was also investigated. The results showed that managerial ability is positively and significantly correlated with enterprises' investment efficiency, that is, the improvement of managerial ability is helpful to improve firms' investment efficiency. A further analysis found that the state-owned property right and ownership concentration may weaken the promoting effect of managerial ability on investment efficiency while managerial power may play a reinforced role.
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    On the Relationship Between Price Promotion and Customers' Impulsive Purchase
    LI Xue-xin, YU Yun-bao, LIU Zhen-zhen
    2018, 20 (2):  140-146.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.005
    Abstract ( 631 )   HTML   PDF (879KB) ( 1465 )  
    From the new perspective of transaction utility theory, the effect mechanism of price promotion on customers' impulsive purchase was explored. It was concluded that price promotion significantly affects customers' impulsive purchase directly or indirectly, transaction utility plays a partial mediating role between price promotion and customers' impulsive purchase, and companions' purchase proposal tendency plays a regulating role in the impact of price promotion on transaction utility, the impact of transaction utility on customers' impulsive purchase as well as the impact of price promotion on customers' impulsive purchase. It was thus suggested that such strategies as commodity comparison and companion inspiring should be applied to help enterprises or businesses to carry on more effective price promotions, enhance the transaction effectiveness of customers, and broaden the impact boundary of price promotion on customers' impulsive purchase, thereby increasing their marketing performance.
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    On the Threshold Effect of Environmental Regulation upon the Improvement of China's Industrial Green Innovation Efficiency
    LUO Yan, CHEN Ping
    2018, 20 (2):  147-154.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.006
    Abstract ( 572 )   HTML   PDF (892KB) ( 1615 )  
    The SBM-based Global Malmquist-Luenberger (GML) method was used to calculate China's 30 provincial-level green industry innovation efficiency from 2005 to 2015, and the panel threshold model was built to evaluate the non-linear relationship between environmental regulation and green innovation efficiency. The results showed that on the whole China's green innovation efficiency is low, taking on the “West-East-Middle” descending order pattern. The threshold regression showed that there exists a threshold effect of environmental regulation on green innovation efficiency if level of economic development, R&D investment and ownership structure are taken as the threshold variables. Besides, the industrial structure does not have a significant negative impact on green innovation efficiency and opening up helps improve green innovation efficiency while government intervention would curb green innovation efficiency.
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    On the Relationship Between Employees' Coproduction Belief and Voice Behavior——From the Perspective of Followership Reversion
    WANG Hong-yu, LI Yun-jian
    2018, 20 (2):  155-161.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.007
    Abstract ( 546 )   HTML   PDF (904KB) ( 960 )  
    According to the boundary-less and flat structure in the contemporary organizations, the perspective of followership reversion was proposed to explore the working mechanism and boundary conditions of coproduction belief on voice behavior by taking coproduction belief as the core variable and voice behavior as the appeal form for increasing organizational production. Moreover, the mediating role of responsibility for constructive change and the moderating role of empowering leadership were examined. Based on the hierarchical regression analysis of 46 immediate supervisors and 225 subordinates of 15 enterprises in Shenyang and Changchun, it was concluded that coproduction belief is positively related to employees' voice behavior and empowering leadership positively moderates the relationship between employees' coproduction belief and voice behavior. Besides, responsibility for constructive change haspositively mediated the relationship between coproduction and employees' voice behavior through empowering leadership.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On the Vulnerability and Resilience of Poor Farmers——Also on the Improvement of the Analytical Framework
    QU Zong-xiang, ZHANG Dan-ni
    2018, 20 (2):  162-169.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.008
    Abstract ( 533 )   HTML   PDF (965KB) ( 1511 )  
    Vulnerability has received extensive attention in the field of poverty research because of its predictive and prospective value in risk management. Individuals, families, risk extension and sustainable livelihood are the main dimensions of studies on poverty vulnerability. However, due to the tendency of different dimensions, there lacks a framework for explaining poverty from vulnerability and summarizing the process of poverty generation and poverty reduction. Resilience, which coexists with the concept of vulnerability and poverty, was introduced, and the vulnerability factors of individuals, farmer households, the government and the society were combed based on the existing representative framework. Moreover, according to the resistance acts of each aspect, a more comprehensive analytical framework of poor farmers was reconstructed so as to expand the thinking of the work on poverty reduction.
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    On the Difficulties of Urban Community Consultation——Based on the In-depth Interview of 35 Community Secretaries
    ZHANG Ping, JIA Chen-yang, ZHAO Jing
    2018, 20 (2):  170-176.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.009
    Abstract ( 1092 )   HTML   PDF (858KB) ( 2006 )  
    Community consultation is a vivid practice of mass autonomy at the grassroots level, which is of great significance to resolve social conflicts and promote democracy construction at the grassroots level. Based on an encoding analysis of the in-depth interview data of 35 community secretaries, several major difficulties of city community consultation are explored, including singleness and inadequacy of community consultation subjects, one-sidedness and disorder of community consultation contents, incompleteness and randomness of community consultation procedures, and monism and out datedness of community consultation forms. It is thus proposed to establish the legal policy guarantee of community consultation, improve the subject structure of community consultation, enhance the subject quality of consultation, clarify the content list of community consultation, respond to the common appeals of community residents, better the community consultation procedures, reinforce the use of consultation results, increase the investment of community consultation and innovate the community consultation forms.
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    On the Interaction Between Subdistrict Office and Community Based on the Grounded Theory
    GUO Zhen-zhong, LIU Guan-nan
    2018, 20 (2):  177-183.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.010
    Abstract ( 488 )   HTML   PDF (904KB) ( 1052 )  
    The subdistrict office and community are the basic elements for building the urban governance system, and the smooth relationship between both of them is the basic guarantee for the modernization of governance system and governance capability. In reality, however, there are many deep contradictions between both of them. Through the grounded theory, 22 data samples of subdistrict offices and communities in Liaoning Province were transcribed and encoded, and the four-element model of subdistrict office and community was formulated. The relationship between both of them is an “interaction”, which is made up of four elements—power interaction, work contact, means and forms (information exchange, funds flow, and personnel transfer), and external environment (district-bureau relationship, and open relationship). As the deep representation of the interaction relationship between subdistrict office and community, power interaction is the decisive element among others.
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    Public Corporation: A Proof to an Idealized Government Regulation in the Era of “Internet Plus”
    XING Dong, GUO Xiao-zhen, HE Jun-ming
    2018, 20 (2):  184-189.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.011
    Abstract ( 534 )   HTML   PDF (835KB) ( 945 )  
    With China stepping into the era of “Internet Plus”, all fields in the society are experiencing great and dramatic changes, which pose new challenges to government regulation. However, the public corporation, which originated from the USA, is characteristic of its government background, definite mission, flexible organization, free mechanism, methodical surveillance, controllable risk, reasonable profit and strong public welfare. If introduced into China as a new regulative model, the public corporation is very likely to contribute to solving some problems currently faced by China's government regulation. However, it should be noted that the introduction of public corporations should not be copied with no changes and it is suggested that the introduction be tried only after some adaptable revisions made of the legislation, law enforcement and judiciary in all or some regions. Meanwhile, precautions should be taken against wrong and compelling public power behaviors by public corporations in the name of corporate governance.
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    On the International Law Regulation of Overseas Military Base Construction
    SI Yu-zhuo, YUAN Zeng
    2018, 20 (2):  189-196.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.012
    Abstract ( 625 )   HTML   PDF (882KB) ( 2206 )  
    Overseas military bases play an important role in safeguarding national strategic interests. As a special form of international servitude, modern overseas military bases do not have the infinite legal rights of extraterritorial powers and the legal status of an embassy's fictitious territory. Overseas military base construction should be based on the international law supported by hard and soft laws. In addition to the domestic law authorization, countries should sign clearly the rights and obligations via mutual agreements. Overseas military bases have limited autonomy and restrictive immunity, but the receiving countries enjoy some sovereignty and the corresponding price of the premise should be paid punctually. Through the establishment of the basic law of the sea and other domestic laws and the recognition of the principle for restrictive national immunity, it may provide the legal basis for the construction of China's overseas military bases.
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    Marxism Theory
    On the Beginning of Marx's Practical Philosophy——Based on An Investigation of On the Jewish Question
    LI Shuang-tao
    2018, 20 (2):  197-202.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.013
    Abstract ( 685 )   HTML   PDF (846KB) ( 995 )  
    In the book On the Jewish Question, Marx launched his first criticism towards Bruno Bauer, which marked the beginning of Marx's practical philosophy. This origin indicated that the change of practical philosophy has started, but it is far from completion in that Marx's concern about the Jewish question is still spontaneous rather than conscious. However, Marx indeed criticized Bruno Bauer's thought based on the resources of speculative philosophy. Having started shows that Marx realized that the Jewish question is a secular issue rather than a theological one. The Jewish question needs to be solved through the critiques of the civil society.
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    On the Productivity Basis for the Productivity of Science and Technology and the Founding of Socialism Society
    ZHENG Wen-fan, WEN Fei
    2018, 20 (2):  203-208.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.014
    Abstract ( 585 )   HTML   PDF (842KB) ( 961 )  
    Marx founded Marxism, and it left behind important theoretical questions for the successors, one of which was the productivity basis for socialism and how to build it. Since the reform and opening-up, the CPC and state leaders have seriously summarized the experiences and lessons of the socialist revolution and construction with Chinese characteristics, and solved the issue of the basis for socialist productivity in theory and in practice. The 19th CPC National Congress presented that the process of solving the main contradiction in China is the process of building the foundation of socialist productivity. The basic line is the line guarantee, the basic economic system of socialism is the system guarantee, the primary stage of socialism is time guarantee, the reform and opening-up is the dynamic guarantee, peaceful development is the international environmental guarantee, party leadership is the direction guarantee, and ecological civilization construction is the environmental guarantee.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    On the “Invisible Female” in Richard Wright's Novels
    FANG Yuan
    2018, 20 (2):  209-215.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.015
    Abstract ( 611 )   HTML   PDF (869KB) ( 1554 )  
    Behind the gender politics under criticism, androgyny and the archetype Anima in Wright's works is worthy of attention. Archetype Anima in Wright's works is both positive and negative. Positive Anima is the source and guide for the development and improvement of black males' personality while negative Anima may become the seducer of males' depravity. The invisible black woman in Rite of Passage is the most typical image of Mother Anima in Wright's works, who is the patron saint of the male character's growth. The inherent femininity of the hero in Rite of Passage is also derived from the projection of Mother Anima. Only by respecting and recognizing the heterosexual personality in the soul can an individual find the bridge leading to the unconscious and become a person with perfect spiritual life.
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    An Analysis of the Survival Dilemma and Identity Construction in Roughing It in the Bush
    FU Xiao-na, SHI Gui-ren
    2018, 20 (2):  216-220.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.016
    Abstract ( 628 )   HTML   PDF (832KB) ( 1142 )  
    The construction of the female's identity is not an isolated process; it's achieved in the female's conflict and coordination with survival dilemmas. The conflict between the female and the survival dilemma is the main content of Roughing It in the Bush, which is also Susanna Moodie's courageous attempt in constructing the female's identity. In Roughing It in the Bush, Mrs. Moodie's self-awareness woke up in the conflict with the survival dilemma, including the conflicts between human and nature, between the individual and others, and between the individual and herself. What’s more, Mrs. Moodie's self-awareness promoted her to find out her own value, which finally led to the construction of her identity.
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