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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On the Ecological Logic of Technical Artifacts' Development
    LUO Ling-ling, WEI Chun-yan
    2018, 20 (3):  221-226.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.001
    Abstract ( 622 )   HTML   PDF (810KB) ( 1565 )  
    The development logic of technical artifacts is the transformation between ecology and non ecology on the basis of affordance theory, which explains that technical artifacts undergo three stages—the core development stage of instrument, the core development stage of action machine and the intelligent artificial tool. Technical artifacts taking instrument as the core are the combination of organic (body) and inorganic technologies, which belong to the bud of the non-ecological technology system. Technical artifacts taking action machine as the core represent the formation of the non-ecological technology system. Intelligent artifacts, which move from body movement replacement to intelligent replacement, haven't changed their essence of non ecology. Accordingly, the development bottleneck of intelligent artifacts is how to solve their ecological existence.
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    On the Security Risks of Universal Home-used Intelligent Robots
    YAN Guo-hua, YAN Chen
    2018, 20 (3):  227-232.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.002
    Abstract ( 567 )   HTML   PDF (811KB) ( 1295 )  
    With the rise of artificial intelligence, universal intelligent robots are rapidly developing and gradually entering ordinary households. In view of their powerful presupposition, universal intelligent robots often need to collect family information, intervene in family life or even play a family role to bring convenience to family life and may also lead to security risks of information privacy, life and property, and moral ethics. These risks include the conventional risks of any product due to its instrumentality, the distinctive risks posed by the functional positioning of robots, and the growth risks associated with robot intelligence. Therefore, in affirming the advantages of smart home-used intelligent robot technology, every effort should be made to eliminate or reduce its potential security risks by enhancing information security, promoting intrinsic safety and paying attention to human-computer harmony.
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    Ethical Risks in the Ubiquitous Network Era
    JIANG Yan-yan
    2018, 20 (3):  233-238.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.003
    Abstract ( 666 )   HTML   PDF (804KB) ( 945 )  
    Internet media is developing rapidly, which will come into the ubiquitous, omnipresent and omnipotent “ubiquitous network” in the future and push human society into a new “Ubiquitous Network Era”. The ubiquitous network will have a deep and fundamental influence on the “subject” so that it may build up a “new subject” without “stabilization”, i.e., the combination of cyborg, immersive person and post human. The ethical risks of this new era can be attributed to the “new subject” built up by the ubiquitous network. Because the sacred source of ethical construction is composed of the family and its members, the family is the natural starting point of ethical construction while its members are the starting point of the beginning. The “new subject” under the ubiquitous network will blur the moral characteristics of men and women and change the ethical role of offspring. As a result, it will profoundly shake the sacred root of ethical construction and transform the generative path of ethical construction. To deal with the ethical risks in the “Ubiquitous Network Era” is to learn to think ethically, putting forward a reliable ethical warning in time and making a reasonable ethical plan in advance.
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    Economics and Management
    Voluntary Information Disclosure of Intangible Assets, Financial Constraints and Underinvestment——An Empirical Study Based on Data from Chinese High and New Tech Listed Companies
    YAO Hai-xin, WANG Yi-ying, WANG Shu-lin
    2018, 20 (3):  239-246.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.004
    Abstract ( 582 )   HTML   PDF (876KB) ( 1208 )  
    This article is an empirical research on the impact of voluntary information disclosure of intangible assets on financial constraints and underinvestment based on the data for the years 2013-2015 collected from Chinese high and new tech companies listed on A-share market in Shanghai and Shenzhen. It is found that the sample companies are mostly financially constrained and under-invested, which reflects that cash savings of financially constrained companies has a mediator effect on investment-cash flow sensitivity and will sacrifice investment in current year, causing under investment. To some extent, the intangible assets represent a business's ability to grow and profit and its corporate value. Voluntary information disclosure of intangible assets has a moderator effect and can effectively reduce the information asymmetry and relieve the problem of financial constraints to avoid under investment.
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    Backward Linkage Spillovers from High-tech Product Exports
    SUN Ying, ZHANG Xiao-yu, CHEN Xin-yi
    2018, 20 (3):  247-254.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.005
    Abstract ( 585 )   HTML   PDF (838KB) ( 797 )  
    Based on the panel data of China's high-tech products and their exports from 2002 to 2015 and the input-output table in 2007 and 2012, a dynamic model was set up and the backward linkage spillovers of China's exports were investigated by using GMM. The results showed that there exist positive backward linkage spillovers in the export of high-tech products, and the horizontal linkage spillovers are obvious as well. Further study found that some specific high-tech industries including electronic and communication equipment, computer and office equipment, as well as instruments and meters generate obvious backward linkage spillovers while such industries as medication and aeronautics do not. Accordingly, the corresponding policy recommendations were given including encouraging the exports and through industrial clusters building a better relationship between high-tech products' exporters and their up stream industries, and implementing differentiated strategies to make full use of linkage spillovers.
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    Effects of Supply-chain Network on Corporate Entrepreneurship ——The Mediating Role of Organizational Learning
    GAO Fei, HUANG Yi
    2018, 20 (3):  255-261.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.006
    Abstract ( 481 )   HTML   PDF (858KB) ( 955 )  
    From the perspective of network embeddedness theory, the influence mechanism of supply-chain network on corporate entrepreneurship was explored. The results showed that organizational learning plays amediating role in the relationship between supply-chain network and corporate entrepreneurship. The two characteristics of relationship and structure exert their effects on corporate entrepreneurship by affecting exploitative and exploring learning. Specifically, the relationship strength and network density of supply-chain network have positive effects on corporate entrepreneurship by promoting exploitative learning, but have negative impacts on corporate entrepreneurship by inhibiting exploitative learning. A conceptual model which reveals the influence mechanism of supply-china network on corporate entrepreneurship was then established accordingly. The present study broadens the application scope of network embeddedness theory, enriches the research on the antecedents of corporate entrepreneurship, and instructs firms to build a dynamic competitive advantage in the fierce market environment.
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    Research and Design of Weather-index Insurance of Agriculture ——Based on the Panel Data of Corn in Liaoning Province
    NIE Rong, SONG Yan
    2018, 20 (3):  262-269.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.007
    Abstract ( 461 )   HTML   PDF (859KB) ( 1278 )  
    Based on the panel data of 14 cities in Liaoning Province, corn was selected as the object to research and design weather-index insurance. The corn drought index was established according to the single meteorological factor of precipitation. Then, the loss expectancy method was applied to determine the premium rate, trigger value of corn drought index insurance and the corresponding compensation value. Based on the multiple meteorological factors of annual mean temperature, annual amount of precipitation and annual sunshine duration, the panel data model was constructed to simulate the weather-index value. And on this basis, the weather-index insurance of corn was designed with the payment standard of benchmark yield. It was suggested that a step-by-step principle should be followed in researching and designing the weather-index insurance, and compulsory insurance should be implemented moderately, weather-index insurance amount should be increased and farmers' participation rate should be improved in publicizing the weather index.
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    Politics and Public Management
    The Research on Driving Mechanism of Organizational Operation in Group Corruption
    ZHOU Yun, ZHAO Hui
    2018, 20 (3):  269-276.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.008
    Abstract ( 478 )   HTML   PDF (835KB) ( 766 )  
    Group corruption organization network is built through the interactive relationship formed by the exchange of corruption among members. Interest exchange and emotional interaction are two logical mainlines that guide the organizational operation. On the one hand, the productive exchange structure, as the internal structure built around resource benefits, promotes and maintains the organizational operation, and the desire for profit drives members to seek resources by way of exchange and cooperation; therefore, resource income and capital reproduction are the internal drives; On the other hand, influenced by the interpersonal structure in traditional Chinese society, the process of organizing corporate corruption is actually constrained by human factors such as responsibility, obligation and commitment. Interaction logic, behavior pattern and role positioning among members are partly shaped by the external environment, so social construction which is based on relational structure is the external drive. Under the combined effect of the internal drive that pays attention to the pursuit of profit and the external drive that emphasizes norm and stability, group corruption has become an interest-emotional community.
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    Research on the Optimization of Business Environment Based on Institutional Embeddedness——A Case Study of Liaoning Province
    ZHANG Guo-yong, LOU Cheng-wu
    2018, 20 (3):  277-283.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.009
    Abstract ( 594 )   HTML   PDF (943KB) ( 1703 )  
    From the perspective of the “institutional embeddedness”, the enterprise which is the subject of the economic activity is embedded in the government, the market and the social system. Business environment is an institutional environment, which is composed of the government service environment, the market regulation environment and the social infrastructure. The optimization of business environment is conductive to reduce the “uncertainty” of the external environment and institutional transaction costs. As the main responsibility body of the business environment optimization, the government should achieve the efficiency of the government service, the fairness of the market competition and the completeness of the social resources through effective institutional innovation. The paper briefly reviews the optimizing practice of business environment in Liaoning, and analyzes the problems and their institutional causes. Countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to build a service-oriented government to satisfy the enterprises, to improve the market regulation mechanism of fair competition, and to perfect the social support system for gathering resource elements effectively.
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    Coupling Strategies of Social Organizations in Community from the Perspective of Legitimacy——A Case Study of L Organization in Shanghai
    WU Jing, ZHOU Jun
    2018, 20 (3):  284-290.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.010
    Abstract ( 490 )   HTML   PDF (861KB) ( 1029 )  
    Social organizations can gain the qualification to provide services in the community by undertaking the government purchase of public services. But they still need to take a series of action strategies to obtain recognition and acceptance from the community, and achieve the organizational development in this process. The study based on the theory of new institutionalism shows that, organization L synthetically uses the strategies of “complying with the environment”, “controlling the environment”, “choosing the environment” and “creating the environment” to get the recognition and support of the community participants. Meanwhile, social organizations need to establish “selectively coupling” between the requirements of legitimacy and efficiency in the process of “entering the community”. To avoid “over-coupling” or “decoupling”, the government should formulate policies in line with social expectations and professional norms, and social organizations should pay more attention to capacity-building so as to enhance their environmental adaptability.
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    Research on Two-level Arrest Proof Mode
    WANG Lei
    2018, 20 (3):  291-298.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.011
    Abstract ( 441 )   HTML   PDF (848KB) ( 840 )  
    The existence of wrong logical relations in entity element of the arrest system in our country and the problem of strong administrative color and weak judicial nature in the review process have brought practical difficultiesin“arresting if constituting a crime”. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to carry out a theoretical perspective, restructure factors of current norms concerning arrest laws in our country, proceed with the litigation transformation of the review procedures of procuratorial organs, and establish a two-level proof mode which can prove that the suspects have committed crimes and are dangerous to the society. Such mode should be applicable to different proof standards, methods, and certification procedures so as to prevent wrong arrest and illegal detention, making the arrest system in China more in line with the laws of criminal justice and thus improving the accuracy and authority of arrest decisions.
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    On the Institutionalization of Civil Self-help Behavior in China
    SONG Ge, YIN Wei-min
    2018, 20 (3):  299-304.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.012
    Abstract ( 553 )   HTML   PDF (800KB) ( 996 )  
    Civil self-help behavior is the right relief way for civil subjects to protect themselves when the situation is urgent and calls for timely public relief after the event. China's law does not stipulate this regulation, which leads to the lack of guidance on the civil self-help behavior of civil subjects in social life, and the lack of standards in the court's trial behavior. Civil self-help behavior serves as a civil rights relief way, which is a combination of public relief and private relief,and should be included in China's civil legislation. The constitution of self-help behavior, the civil public security force and the legal consequences should be clarified so as to guide and standardize civil subjects' self-help behavior, and entitle the individuals to the appropriate ways to achieve right relief and exert the unique functions of civil self-help behavior.
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    Marxism Theory
    The Significance of Xi Jinping's Party Building Thought in the New Era
    CHEN Song-you, TANG Ke-di
    2018, 20 (3):  305-309.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.013
    Abstract ( 669 )   HTML   PDF (787KB) ( 994 )  
    Xi Jinping's Party building thought is formed in the historical context in which socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era. It originates in the complicated and volatile background of the Party's problems and hidden dangers and is deeply rooted in the historical orientation of the new era. It undertakes the great mission of the Party building project, focusing on forging the ability to govern the country in a new era. It has, by sober political awareness and responsibility, drawn a blueprint for Party building in the new era and deepened the understanding of policing the Party itself and imposing strict discipline on its members, creatively opening up a new realm for Party building and providing theoretical guidance and fundamental compliance for Party building work in the new era.
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    Digital Labor, Digital Commodity Value and Its Pricing Mechanism ——Reinterpretation of Marx's Labor Theory of Value Under the Condition of Big Data
    WU Huan, LU Li-ge
    2018, 20 (3):  310-316.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.014
    Abstract ( 629 )   HTML   PDF (899KB) ( 1813 )  
    Digital labor and digital commodity are the new value source and value carrier emerging from the big data era. Being non-consumptive, timely, duplicable, sharable, segmental, exclusive, and zero in marginal cost in the big data social environment, digital commodity is featured with value dynamics with its ownership, management right and use right corresponding to the attribution rights of value, exchange value and use value respectively, which are not only interconnected but also relatively independent. Although still following the value rules, digital commodity is priced largely based on the absolute rent and differential rent derived from the income of property right and patent right. The tax collected from digital commodity serves as the policy influencing factor for its pricing, and the change of demand-supply relationship in the market contributes mainly to the fluctuation of its pricing.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    A Metaphorical Framing Analysis of American Political Discourses on Climate Change——Exemplification with Two Presidential Speeches on Paris Climate Accord
    HUO Ying, LIU Wei
    2018, 20 (3):  317-324.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.015
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (895KB) ( 1208 )  
    In combination with the trinocular perspective and framing theory, conceptual metaphors and their formation mechanisms in American political speech discourses have been interpreted from three levels in an analysis of two selected presidential speeches on climate change accord. Language forms of metaphorical expressions as the surface structure are induced “from below”, text meanings as the deep structure and metaphorical thinking are investigated “from roundabout”, and mapping and functions of metaphors are analyzed “from above”, showing the different positions and public policies on climate change for Democratic Party and Republican Party in the United States, and highlighting the systematic, continuous and dynamic metaphorical view of the two parties. Based on the surface and deep structure, the linguistic nature, cognitive nature and social nature of conceptual metaphors have been explored in depth from the trinocular perspective.
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    Memory Writing and Historical Thinking in Doris Lessing's Mara and Dann: An Adventure
    LI Rui, HE Ning
    2018, 20 (3):  325-330.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.03.016
    Abstract ( 639 )   HTML   PDF (806KB) ( 910 )  
    Doris Lessing's science fiction Mara and Dann: An Adventure describes the world spectacle in thousands of years. With the seemingly simple narration, the novel includes several themes. Besides the concerns about the environment and the ecology, Lessing reflects on human beings' survival with the philosophical thinking in this fiction. This paper manages to read Mara and Dann: An Adventure from the perspective of memory and points out that Lessing thinks profoundly about the complicated relationships among memory, individual identity construction and historical development. By describing memory's constructor, rejecter and preserver, Lessing attempts to encourage the reader to ponder on memory and history.
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