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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    The Characteristics of Information Civilization Based on Philosophy of Technology
    XIAO Feng
    2015, 17 (1):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.001
    Abstract ( 550 )   HTML   PDF (894KB) ( 909 )  
    From its unique perspective, philosophy of technology links the social nature and appearance with the development and revolution of technology. Given that information civilization is a specific stage of social development, it is essential that the characteristics of information civilization should be pinpointed from modern information technology. Both the basic characteristics of information culture and the general characteristics of information civilization are all rooted in information technology. The generation of information productivity, the superiority of information resources to material resources, the emergence of information economy, the coming of information consumption era, and the birth and widespread dissemination of information spirit all call for the interpretations of information technology use, which displays more abundantly the universal relation of “a specific technology creating a specific form of civilization”. In combination with the perspective of social construction of information technology, it comprehensively and profoundly enlightens us to deepen our understanding of the philosophy of information civilization.
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    On the Generation of Scientific Problems and Its Evolutionary Mechanisms
    LIU Min
    2015, 17 (1):  8-13.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.002
    Abstract ( 431 )   HTML   PDF (953KB) ( 1157 )  
    A problem itself could trigger the mechanism of scientific exploration. To some extent, the history of science is the generating and evolutionary history of scientific problems. The generation and development of scientific problems accord with the evolution model of self-organization, and the “problem system” promotes the progress of science with the hypercycle model. The starting point of emergence, the criteria of selection and the mechanisms of evolution are the key points of the development model of problem hypercycle. The process of developing and exploring scientific problems is not a single battle on a single problem but a joint operation under the influence of nonlinear coupling in one scientific field, by which to promote the growth of scientific knowledge and the progress of scientific research.
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    From Abstract Ration to Existential Ration On the Existential Turn of Modern Western Philosophy
    LI Hai-feng, SONG Cheng, WANG Xian-wei
    2015, 17 (1):  14-18.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.003
    Abstract ( 562 )   HTML   PDF (859KB) ( 954 )  
    The existential turning of modern western philosophy is not accidental but closely related to the westerners pursuit of ration. From the ancient Greece, the westerners set up the rational image of the lonely, which lost its original existential foundation with the emergence of science. The appearance of existentialism does not mean the loss of ration in the western society; it simply means that the way of inquiring into rational life has changed. Looking back on the occurrence and decline of ration, it is found that the internal logic of developing ration is to pursue a rational life which can be explained. With the appearance of existentialism, the westerners began to realize the pre-existence of real existence to rational existence and strove to reconstruct the path to rational life from reality.
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    An Objective Measuring Tool of Creativity: The Development of Chinese Remote Association Test
    LI Liang-min, LUO Ling-ling, LIU Wu
    2015, 17 (1):  19-24.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.004
    Abstract ( 952 )   HTML   PDF (881KB) ( 3136 )  
    Based on Mednicks remote association theory, CRAT by Ren chunhui and her colleagues from Taiwan, China and The Chinese Common Words Frequency Table by Beijing Language and Culture University, Chinese Remote Association Test suitable for the language habits of the mainland students was developed. Based on the difficulty and discrimination parameters in the pretest, the quality items were selected and used to test the screening samples together with New Creativity Test by Wu jingji et al. The results showed that Chinese Remote Association Test has a quite good internal consistency, with its Cronbachs α being 0.734, and the test has a good criterion validity, with remarkable correlations to New Creativity Test in fluency, flexibility and originality. Chinese Remote Association Test has been used in university independent recruitment examinations and performed satisfactorily as a screening instrument.
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    Economics and Management
    On the Establishment and Economic Outcomes of Enterprises Investing and Financing Match Index
    ZHANG Yue-mei, LI Yan-xi, LIU Xiao-dong
    2015, 17 (1):  25-31.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.005
    Abstract ( 545 )   HTML   PDF (885KB) ( 1194 )  
    An evaluation model of investing and financing match index was built up by selecting the indexes from such aspects as quantity, duration, specificity, risk and benefit-cost and by determining the weight of each index with entropy. Taking the machinery, equipment and instrument manufacturing industries as its samples, this study illustrated the index measuring process and verified the economic outcomes of investing and financing match. The results showed that the investing and financing match index plays a positive role in promoting enterprise value, and the investing and financing allocation reinforcement of listed companies can serve as one signal for the increase of enterprise value.
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    Research of RMB Exchange Rate Forecasting Based on the NARX Model
    Wang Nan, HOU Tie-shan
    2015, 17 (1):  32-37.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.006
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML   PDF (2134KB) ( 1587 )  
    Based on the characteristics of the current RMB exchange rate, a new forecasting model should take into account the qualitative studies of exchange rate theories, the quantitative research of historical tendencies and the impact elicited by policy issuing. The nonlinear auto regressive model with exogenous inputs, NARX for short, was adopted to forecast RMB exchange rate, and the non-deliverable forward exchange rate, known as NDF, was selected as an external input of the NARX model to improve the forecasting performance in face of sudden policy and news. By empirical testing, it was found that the NARX model with NDF performs much better than the NARX model without NDF. Moreover, selecting the training data from a wide range and with the historical values impacting exchange rate tends to affect the models generalization performance to a large extent.
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    Impact of Skill-biased Technological Progress on Wages: Based on Quantile Regression
    NIE Rong, WANG Chun-rui
    2015, 17 (1):  38-43.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.007
    Abstract ( 532 )   HTML   PDF (938KB) ( 734 )  
    Based on quantile regression, the impact of skill-biased technological progress on wages was explored. A theoretical analysis model was established based on the CES production function in order to reveal the varied impacts of skill-biased technological progress on wages. The CHNS data were used with quantile regression to empirically test the theoretical assumptions. The results showed that under the spillover effect of high technology, skill-biased technological progress positively exerts a larger impact on wages, especially on medium-low wages, and vice versa. In addition, wages are also affected by such factors as occupation, workplace, gender, age and other individual characteristics.
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    Empirical Researches on Related Ingratiation Behavior in China
    HUANG Wei-de, CHEN Xin, ZHANG Hai-yan
    2015, 17 (1):  44-50.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.008
    Abstract ( 496 )   HTML   PDF (912KB) ( 1023 )  
    Ingratiation behaviors could be divided into self-focused and others-focused ones. Based on the relevant studies both at home and abroad, a study was done on self-focused ingratiation behavior and it was found that such behavior in China involved two sub-dimensions, i.e., moral-related and capability-related promotion. Then, a self-focused ingratiation behavior scale was developed and verified. Moreover, this study examined the effect of organizational justice and perceptions of organizational politics on ingratiation behavior. The results showed that organizational justice positively impacts both others-focused and self-focused ingratiation behaviors, and perceptions of organizational politics are negatively related to self-focused ingratiation behavior whereas there exists a weak relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and others-focused ingratiation behavior.
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    The Environmental Evaluation Index System of Eco-industrial Parks: Based on the “3R” Principle
    SHEN Jiang, SONG Xu-yan
    2015, 17 (1):  51-55.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.009
    Abstract ( 616 )   HTML   PDF (952KB) ( 907 )  
    Based on the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (“3R” for short) Principle, this study established an evaluation system for eco-industrial parks including 18 evaluation indexes. The AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis was given involving experts evaluation to establish the comparison and judgment matrix, and the weight of each index was acquired through the consistency test. The findings indicated that the Reduce is the precondition for realizing “3R” circular economy of eco-industrial parks. That is, smaller input may lead to more profit, and the sustainable development could be achieved by consuming fewer resources so as to build up an eco-friendly environment and coordinate the development of economy, environment and society.
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    Politics and Public Management
    A Cultural Analysis of the De-administration Reform of Public Institutions
    ZHANG Zhi-gang
    2015, 17 (1):  56-62.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.010
    Abstract ( 454 )   HTML   PDF (895KB) ( 823 )  
    De-administration reform is the key to institutional reforms, which involves not only separating the functions of the government from those of institutional organizations, but also breaking administrative conventions and constraints, uplifting institutional confidence and reshaping organizational spirits. De-administration reform is to a larger degree hindered by such barriers as conventional administrative hierarchy, authority submission, humble tool and vulgar mammonism. It is suggested that a cultural analysis and diagnosis of what lies at the core of institutional reforms, in combination with subtle cultural promotion and rigid administrative system reform, should exert great impact on the institutional de-administration reform.
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    The Dilemma of Social Trust in Chinas Deep Transformation and Its Way-out
    ZHAO Li-tao
    2015, 17 (1):  63-68.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.011
    Abstract ( 723 )   HTML   PDF (885KB) ( 1559 )  
    Most discussions on social trust dilemma are from the perspective of traditional moral weakening or trust lack within a social system. They hold true to some extent but the problem is that being confined to such perspectives and ignoring trust dilemma in the background of social transformation will make it difficult to have a correct understanding of trust dilemma. At present, doubt or mistrust, trust utilitarianism or stigmatization, or trust repair predicament are related to the uncertain environment of market communication, the induction of “capital logic” and the disjunction of moral trust model and institutional trust model in the context of deep transformation. Therefore, to crack the dilemma of social trust, the in-depth transformation should be implemented, the cost of breaking trust should be raised, the market operating mechanism should be improved, and the moral as well as institutional foundations of trust should be strengthened so as to construct the trust model with Chinese characteristics.
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    Behavior Analysis of Policy Advocacy of Environmental NGOsIllustrated by “The Campaign for Measuring Our Motherlands Air Quality”
    ZOU Dong-sheng, BAO Qian-yu
    2015, 17 (1):  69-76.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.012
    Abstract ( 603 )   HTML   PDF (917KB) ( 1576 )  
    The policy advocacy of NGOs in “The Campaign for Measuring Our Motherlands Air Quality” is represented by two models—one is social mobility and the other is advocacy coalition. It was in the process of setting policy advocacy agenda that the model of social mobility was able to emerge, evolve and develop. Through public reports, measurement of air quality by citizens and PM 2.5 data releasing, the basis, methods and impact of social mobility were analyzed. The construction of advocacy coalition served as a key driving force in practice for NGOs in the form of tight coalition with the media and loose coalition with other NGOs. When changing from environmental advocacy to policy advocacy, Chinas NGOs should fit their campaigns with rational norms and capabilities.
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    On the Implications, Impact and Countermeasures of Patent Troll
    XU Sheng-quan
    2015, 17 (1):  77-81.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.013
    Abstract ( 470 )   HTML   PDF (873KB) ( 818 )  
    Patent Troll refers to not only a specific type of patentees in practice, but also the phenomenon of patentees exercising patents. Patent Troll may be suspected of “indulging in infringement”or “fraud and coercion” causing some enterpriseshuge economic losses and intensifying the tool orientation of the patent system, which has affected the healthy operation of the patent litigation system. However, Patent Troll has also explored a model of patent operation; therefore, it couldnbe opposed or supported absolutely. To deal with Patent Troll, the patent legal system should be improved in terms of the judgment standards of patentability and the legal liability of patenteesmisconduct.
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    Criminal Policy Orientation of Crimes on Non-governmental Financing
    FAN Miao
    2015, 17 (1):  82-87.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.014
    Abstract ( 503 )   HTML   PDF (871KB) ( 828 )  
    Crimes on non-governmental financing have been on the rise in recent years, whose conviction and sentencing has become a heated topic in the society and the jurisprudential circle. Non-governmental financing crime is a typical economic crime, whose demarcation between crime and non-crime is changing with economic development and national policies. Hence, it cannot be settled substantially by simply studying substantive law theories or researching specific charges from microcosmic angles; rather, it should be analyzed from the perspective of criminal policy. Based on the type and structure of criminal policy, in combination with the features of non-governmental financing crime, the corresponding types of criminal policy are explored and the structure of non-governmental financing crime is analyzed in terms of subject, object, means and purpose for accurate positioning so as to provide guidance on problem solving.
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    Marxism Theory
    A Critical Reconstruction: William Leisss Study on the Way of Human Existence
    LIU Yang
    2015, 17 (1):  88-92.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.015
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML   PDF (866KB) ( 688 )  
    In todays world, human existence is a major theme of the times. As the earliest eco-Marxist who studies the way of existence from the perspective of Marxist theory, William Leiss has his unique logic thinking and research paradigm. He precisely predicts the turning of human alienation from production fields to consumption fields in the setting of high-intensity market and ascertains the historical trend of the way of existence from rational control to irrational cunning. William Leiss’s depiction of the eco-socialist blueprint seems to be an extremely romantic Utopia, but it is of greater importance that he opens up a research orientation from the perspective of ecological Marxism.
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    Historical Evolution of the Chinization Marxism on Consumption
    ZENG Wei
    2015, 17 (1):  93-98.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.016
    Abstract ( 713 )   HTML   PDF (881KB) ( 1103 )  
    Since the PRC was founded, the Chinization Marxism on consumption has formed a macroscopical and systemic knowledge about the value, behavior and mechanism of consumption. It has undergone three gradual periods of evolutionthe budding and struggling period, the period of system development and improvement, and the period of system enrichment and innovation. At the budding stage, the thoughts of thrifty consumption and the consumption policies of coordinating accumulation and consumption were formulated. At the struggling stage, the consumption policy of high accumulation and low consumption, the system of distribution according to work, and the idea of applying the laws of commodity economy were proposed. In the period of system development and improvement, the basic thoughts about thrifty and moderate consumption, differentiated and diversified consumption, and consumption optimization were put forward. And in the period of system enrichment and innovation, a systemic thinking about consumption was formed from the political, cultural, economic, social and ecological perspectives.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    A Clarification of the Difficultieson Pragmatics Research from an Evolutionary Perspective
    MAO Yan-sheng
    2015, 17 (1):  99-104.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.017
    Abstract ( 467 )   HTML   PDF (889KB) ( 737 )  
    Evolutionary perspective finds it hard to integrate itself into pragmatics in the form of conundrums though it has been greatly valued in many other disciplinary studies. When an evolutionary paradigm is deployed to explain linguistic facts, it is often confronted with challenges from ontology, epistemology and methodology. Based on the evolutionary veins of pragmatics, it is found that the major misunderstandings of evolutionary perspective on pragmatics are manifested in determinism, reductionism and Panglossianism, the clarification of which requires the academia to focus more on the theories of evolution and the social dimensions of pragmatics so as to emancipate pragmatics in a real sense.
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    On the Literary Images of “Old Woman” in Chi Zijians Creative Continuous Writing
    WANG Chun-rong, JIANG Yao-yao
    2015, 17 (1):  105-110.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.01.018
    Abstract ( 826 )   HTML   PDF (890KB) ( 1933 )  
    “Old woman” is a particular artistic image in literary creation. Lu Xun and Chi Zijian, a winner of Lu Xun Literature Prize, both portray “old woman” in their works. Endowed with rich culture and artistic meanings, old women are worthy of in-depth understanding and careful study. Lu Xun once called Auntie Hua “old woman” directly, and Chi Zijian, inheriting Lu Xuns literary spirit, continues to portray this type of woman. She portrays the overall image of “old woman” represented by such figures as chieftains woman, Granny Chun and Ji Lena, and constructs the aesthetics of desolate old women, which reveals her creative continuous writing of the “old woman” pedigree in the history of Chinese modern and contemporary literature.
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