Journal of Northeastern University ›› 2013, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 673-678.DOI: -

• Materials & Metallurgy • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Numerical Simulation for Optimization of FEMS in Billet Continuous Casting

SU Wang, JIANG Dongbin, LUO Sen, ZHU Miaoyong   

  1. School of Materials & Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China.
  • Received:2012-10-26 Revised:2012-10-26 Online:2013-05-15 Published:2013-07-09
  • Contact: ZHU Miaoyong
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Abstract: An FEMS mathematical model was built for 160mm×160mm continuous casting billet by ANSYS and CFX software. With establishing viscosity of the molten steel as a function of temperature, and considering the important effect of molten steel while solidification, the distribution of electromagnetic field and flow field in the mushy zone of the billet and the influence law of maximum flow velocity at the solidification front under various stirring currents were investigated. The calculation results showed that with increasing 100A of the current intensity, the magnetic intensity, tangential electromagnetic force and flow velocity of molten steel increase 250×10-4T, 1933N/m3 and 69cm/s, respectively. The onsite tests showed that the proper liquid core radius at solidification end of billet for FEMS is 344mm, and the optimal frequency and current for FEMS are 6Hz and 380A, respectively. With these FEMS parameters, the maximum flow velocity of molten steel at the solidification front caused by electromagnetic force is 165cm/s and central carbon segregation index in billet is 104.

Key words: billet continuous casting, FEMS (final electromagnetic stirring), electromagnetic field, flow field, numerical simulation

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