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    Information & Control
    Fault Diagnosis Method for Batch Process Based on Identification of Fault Feature Phases
    WANG Shu, ZHAO Zhen, CHANG Yuqing, TAN Shuai
    2013, 34 (6):  761-765.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 603 )   HTML   PDF (429KB) ( 560 )  
    Because of the multiplicity of operation phases in batch process, faults may have obvious features in one or more specific operation phases, but do not show any features in other operation phases. That is, faults have corresponding feature phases. A fault diagnosis method based on identification of fault feature phases was proposed. Identification of fault feature phases was realized by comparing the differences between the centroids of historical faulty data set and the normal data set. Different fault diagnosis models were respectively developed based on multiway Fisher discriminant analysis (MFDA) to reduce the search space to specific fault feature phases and improve the diagnosis performance of the models. Simulation experimental results showed the feasibility and validity of the proposed method.
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    A Novel Stator Flux Linkage Observer of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
    XING Yan, WANG Xu, LIU Yan, YANG Dan
    2013, 34 (6):  766-769.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 953 )   HTML   PDF (644KB) ( 1510 )  
    Stator flux estimation is an indispensable part of direct torque control. In order to avoid the integration of the backemf, several improved methods of stator flux estimation were proposed. Several types of state observers have been considered, especially the extended Kalman filter(EKF) has been received more and more attention. The EKF was used to estimate stator flux linkage, and the simulation results indicated that the proposed method not only does well in speed, rotor position and stator flux linkage estimation, but also is robust to motor parameters.
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    Stability Criteria for Descriptor Systems with TimeVarying Delay
    ZHENG Lianwei, SONG Shuni
    2013, 34 (6):  770-773.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 557 )   HTML   PDF (302KB) ( 553 )  
    Due to the delay is timevarying and ranges in an interval, the problem of stability for descriptor systems with a delay was investigated. A criterion guaranteeing regularity, free impulse and asymptotic stability were formulated in terms of four linear matrix inequalities. The delay interval was partitioned into two equal subintervals, for each of which, the coefficients of the integrals were enlarged by appropriate inequalities. The upper bound of the derivative of the LyapunovKrasovskii functional was expressed as an affine function with respect to some parameter. Two linear matrix inequalities were derived to guarantee the negativity of such derivative. Therefore, the convex combination method in the literature had been generalized. Theoretical analysis and an example showed the result obtained was less conservative than those of some existing ones.
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    Research of Conflict Detection Algorithm in STM
    LIU Ying, GAO Fuxiang
    2013, 34 (6):  774-777.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 480 )   HTML   PDF (355KB) ( 859 )  
    To improve the performance of the parallel program execution by transactional memory, RSTM was chosen as the experimental system. According to the situation of the application, specific library implementation was used for optimization. STAMP was the benchmark program suit developed by Stanford University. Its six typical applications were used in this experiment to test nine library implementations in wordbased STM. And the influence by data version management was evaluated in conflict detection. The experimental results showed that TML running on various applications had the best effect while SGLA had the worst one. In addition, compared TML with TML+Lazy, the eager version management had the better effect, because the conflict could be detected and avoided in time. But in the case that there were many aborts or livelocks, the performance might be declined.
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    A Method of Automatically Matching Dose Calculation Model Based on Simulated Annealing Arithmetic
    WANG Yu, WANG Hong, PAN Xiaoguang
    2013, 34 (6):  778-781.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 463 )   HTML   PDF (484KB) ( 736 )  
    Based on simulated annealing arithmetic, a method of automatically matching point kernel convolution/superposition dose calculation model was suggested. A global optimal solution can be reached with simulated annealing arithmetic, but it is uncontrollable because of its randomicity. To solve this problem, a method of limiting the energy spectrum sample space was used, which improved the optimization efficiency and stability. BeamNRC software was also used to generate a good initial energy spectrum in order to reduce iteration times. From results of the test on the machine data, it was concluded that the method mentioned in this article could meet the clinical requirements since the optimization time was around one point six hour. Having good initial energy spectrum, the result was better than the international similar products. The dependence degree of the operator technique and the maintenance cost could be reduced, and the product competitiveness could be improved with this method.
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    Research on Representing and Determining Topological Relations Between Fuzzy Spatiotemporal XML Data
    BAI Luyi, YAN Li, MA Zongmin
    2013, 34 (6):  782-785.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 436 )   HTML   PDF (406KB) ( 664 )  
    Determining topological relations between fuzzy spatiotemporal data is one of the most important operations in fuzzy spatiotemporal data management. Although topological relations of fuzzy spatiotemporal data have received significant attentions based on XML, current efforts have mainly focused on the qualitative issues. A fuzzy spatiotemporal XML data model was firstly proposed. In succession, representing method of topological relations between fuzzy spatiotemporal data was studied, and its quantitative computing method was given. Subsequently, transforming methods of fuzzy spatiotemporal XML data model structure were studied. After extending the coding scheme, algorithm for matching the position nodes in fuzzy spatiotemporal XML data model structure was proposed. Finally, the experimental results demonstrated the performance advantages of the proposed approach.
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    Secure Scalar Product Computation of Vectors in Cloud Computing
    SHENG Gang, WEN Tao, GUO Quan, YIN Ying
    2013, 34 (6):  786-791.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 617 )   HTML   PDF (440KB) ( 767 )  
    The security problem is one of the key issues of cloud computing research. A secure scalar product computation scheme of vectors was presented in the cloud computing model, which provided correctness verification for computation result and privacy preservation for data simultaneously. Based on the algebraic properties of vector and scalar product of vectors, the transformation vector and mirror vector were constructed for the original vector, which enabled the client to verify the correctness of the computation results. The existing privacy preserving scalar product computation protocol of vectors between two parties was extended to three parties in the cloud computing model. Security analysis demonstrated that the scheme could resist a variety of possible threats. Experimental results showed the efficiency of the scheme.
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    Breast Tumor Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Selection ELM
    WANG Zhiqiong, KANG Yan, YU Ge, ZHAO Yingjie
    2013, 34 (6):  792-796.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 592 )   HTML   PDF (730KB) ( 919 )  
    Breast tumor detection is an effective way for preventing breast cancer, and the classification algorithm of extreme learning machine(ELM) that based on XRay image feature model of breast had been used in computer aided detection of breast tumor. Due to the low learning efficiency and detection accuracy of ELM caused by the dependence between features, a breast tumor detction algorithm was proposed in this paper based on features selection ELM. The methods of impact value selection, sequential forward selection and genetic algorithm were used to improve the performance of ELM. The 490 XRay images used in the experiment came from Tumor Hospital of Liaoning Province, and the results showed that the precision of breast tumor detection could be improved with the proposed method especially for genetic selection algorithm.
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    The High Altitude Airship Selfadaption Gesture Calculating Algorithm Based on Information Fusion
    ZHAO Hai, PENG Haixia, LI Dazhou, LIN Chuan
    2013, 34 (6):  797-801.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 621 )   HTML   PDF (473KB) ( 1239 )  
    Although the existing balance filtering algorithm for calculating the high altitude airship gesture angle has fused the acceleration information and the angular velocity information, it did not analyze the application conditions of the acceleration, resulting in accumulation errors and dynamic solver accuracy problems. In order to solve these problems, a selfadaption gesture calculating algorithm was put forward. According to the airship’s different motion states, the proposed algorithm integrated the acceleration and angular velocity data to adjust the gesture calculate algorithm. The validity of this algorithm was verified by the Matlab experiments, and the experimental results showed that this algorithm had effectively solved the weakness of the existing balance filtering algorithm. As introducing the concept of SMV (signal magnitude vector), the high altitude airships’ motion states were judged accurately, and it also improved the accumulation errors problem and enhanced the dynamic solver accuracy of the high altitude airship.
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    Parameters Optimization for Prism Based SingleLens Stereovision System
    ZHAO Yue, WEI Yongtao, CUI Xiaoyu
    2013, 34 (6):  802-805.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 487 )   HTML   PDF (639KB) ( 848 )  
    A method for analyzing and optimizing the prism based singlelens stereovision system was proposed so that the pictures captured by this system were adequate for the application of stereovision. The stereovision system was firstly analyzed from the standpoint of system setup and parameters selection. Then a mathematical method was introduced to calculate the FOV of the prism based singlelens stereovision system. The proposed method used line in space to show rectilinear propagation of light. The vector calculation method of the refraction of light theorem was used to solve the equation of the straight line through the prism in order to determine FOV. By adding some restricted condition, the area of FOV was redefined and a detailed connection between FOV and capture picture was given to obtain the appropriate image pair for stereovision.
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    Trustworthy Web Service Recommendation Based on Collaborative Filtering
    SHENG Guojun, WEN Tao, GUO Quan, WU Di
    2013, 34 (6):  806-809.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 574 )   HTML   PDF (431KB) ( 564 )  
    A trustworthy Web service recommendation method was presented based on open network environment and collaborative filtering. First, a set of Web services with same or similar functions was searched according to user’s requirement. Second, the collection of users that have similar preferences for the target user was computed based on their common evaluations, and the recommendable user set for each candidate service was obtained, then the recommendation degree for each service was computed using its similarity, and the candidate services was sorted according to the recommendation degree to the target user. The experimental results showed that the referral effect increased with the increase in the number of user evaluations.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of HotRolled Dual Phase Steel with Stage Cooling Pattern
    LI Chengning, YUAN Guo, ZHOU Xiaoguang, WANG Guodong
    2013, 34 (6):  810-814.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 862 )   HTML   PDF (954KB) ( 930 )  
    The effects of deformation temperature, holding temperature and holding time on microstructure evolution and properties of NbTi microalloyed hotrolled dualphase steel were researched by the thermal simulation test. The results showed that the ferrite content rises and the martensite morphology evolutes from block to island with the decreased deformation temperature. While the holding temperature drops gradually from 740℃ to 580℃, the amount of ferrite transformation firstly increases and then decreases, and reaches the largest at 660℃. The relation curve between the amount of ferrite transformation and holding time presents “S” model. The hotrolled dual phase steel is obtained by using ultrafast cooling+air cooling+laminar cooling mode, and adjusting the finish rolling temperature and air cooling time. The tensile strength is ranging between 630 and 710MPa, and yield ratio is less than or equal to 061. The microstructure of the steel is the mixture of ferrite and martensite or ferrite, martensite and a small amount of bainite.
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    Influence of Rolling and Cooling Process on Mechanical Properties of a Low Alloy Quenched and Tempered Steel
    WANG Chao, LI Yuanyuan, WANG Zhaodong, WANG Guodong
    2013, 34 (6):  815-819.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 633 )   HTML   PDF (2207KB) ( 709 )  
    The influences of different rolling and cooling processes along with reheating quenching and tempering treatment on the microstructures, mechanical properties and reheating austenization progress of a low alloy quenched and tempered high strength steel were investigated. The results showed that the controlled rolling process increases the prior austenite grain boundary area and the reheating austenite nucleation rate. So the finer reheating quenching microstructure is obtained, and the strength and toughness after tempering are also enhanced. Lath martensite is obtained under continuous watercooling condition. Granular bainite is obtained under aircooling condition with uneven distribution of carbon element, which is beneficial to the strength after quenching and tempering. The mechanical properties are optimized by controlled rolling and interrupted cooling process after heat treatment.
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    Microstructural Control and Mechanical Properties of 590MPa Grade HotRolled VN High Strength Steel
    HU Jun, DU Linxiu, WANG Wanhui, LI Jing
    2013, 34 (6):  820-823.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 593 )   HTML   PDF (1418KB) ( 818 )  
    The controlled rolling and controlled cooling test was conducted on lowcost VN microalloyed steel. The transformation mechanisms and precipitation behavior were discussed, and the comprehensive mechanical properties were systematically studied. The results indicated that the microstructure composes of polygonal ferrite, granular bainite and small amount of acicular ferrite. The nanoscaled V(C, N) precipitates distribute dispersedly in the matrix of ferrite or bainiteferrite. The experimental steel with tensile strength 615MPa possesses excellent elongationafterfracture. The cold bending property is qualified. The holdexpansion ratio is 95%, which meet the demand of the automotive wheel disc. The low temperature impact toughness is outstanding. The fine grain strengthening, dislocation strengthening, precipitation hardening and transformation strengthening are the main strengthening mechanisms.
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    Numerical Simulation of COREX Raceway by Coupling Between CFD and DEM
    SUN Junjie, ZHOU Heng, LUO Zhiguo, ZOU Zongshu
    2013, 34 (6):  824-827.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML   PDF (938KB) ( 833 )  
    The raceway plays a very important role in the blast furnace and COREX ironmaking processes and is also the basis of smooth operation of the furnaces. In order to describe its shape and size, a combined discrete element method (DEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed. The particle porosity of raceway with bed height of 04m and gas blowing velocity of 1174m/s was obtained. When blowing time was 013s, some of particles which are nearby the gas inlet were blown away. The number of particles increased with the increased time. When blowing time was 019~021s, the raceway began to stabilize. The particle velocity inside and around raceway at different blast velocities was simulated. The results showed that the particles which are nearby the tuyere make circular cyclotron motion, and the raceway increases with the increased gas blowing velocity. When the gas velocities are 1174m/s and 1683m/s, the raceway is more stable. When the velocity is greater than 2190m/s, the raceway becomes unstable.
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    Numerical Analysis on Oxygen Jet Characteristic for BOF Convertor TopBlown Process Based on CFD Method
    LI Qiang, LI Mingming, LI Lin, ZOU Zongshu
    2013, 34 (6):  828-831.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 621 )   HTML   PDF (487KB) ( 1145 )  
    Considering standard k~ε model, a CFD model of compressible oxygen jet was developed for BOF convertor topblown process. Jet behaviors inside and outside de Laval nozzle were simulated. Flow characteristics of oxygen jet on the condition of various operating pressures and ambient temperatures were investigated and shock waves of jet were expounded. The numerical simulation results showed that when the operating pressure is under the design pressure, the oblique shocks are formed from the nozzle corner and alternate between compression waves. When the operating pressure is beyond the design pressure, a fan of expanding wave is released from the nozzle corner and expansion and alternate between expansion and compression waves. Simultaneously, the numerical simulation also showed that the length of supersonic region of jet increases with the increased ambient temperature, but kinetic pressure of jet is not influenced. Finally, the quantitative relationship between the length of supersonic region of jet and operating pressure is obtained.
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    Characterization of Consolidation Degree of Iron Ore Pellet by Mercury Injection Method
    GAO Qiangjian, JIANG Xin, WEI Guo, SHEN Fengman
    2013, 34 (6):  832-835.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 622 )   HTML   PDF (459KB) ( 790 )  
    Mercury injection apparatus, which is a measuring instrument for solid porosity and pore size distribution, is widely used in the analysis of powder metallurgy and ceramic materials due to its advantages such as high precision and easy to operate. Based on mercury injection method, the oxideconsolidation index (OCI) is defined to represent the consolidation degree in process of roasting for pellets. The OCI was calculated according to measuring porosity and pore size of different iron ore pellets when the green pellets were roasted to product pellets. At the same time, the compressive strength of these product pellets was detected. Comparing OCI and compressive strength of pellets, it is found that, when the pelletizing technique and raw materials are stable, the oxideconsolidation index (OCI) is higher, the consolidation degree is more complete, and the compressive strength of product pellets is higher. This method not only exposits the physical character of pellets, but also represents the consolidation degree of pellets precisely, which will provide an analysis method and evaluating indicator for pellets to investigator and producer.
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    Reaction of Chlorine in Pulverized Coal Injection at BF Tuyere Zone
    LIU Xiaojie, LYU Qing, JIANG Haibin, ZHANG Shuhui
    2013, 34 (6):  836-839.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 659 )   HTML   PDF (617KB) ( 899 )  
    The reaction thermodynamics analysis of chlorine in coal was carried out in BF, and the distribution and reaction rules of chlorine at the tuyere were researched by simulating the situation of BF tuyere. The results showed that chlorine release as HCl from coal during the combustion. The evolution rate of chlorine in BF tuyere zone is only about 40%~60%, which is different from other common combustion process. The residual chlorine element still remains in the unburned coal powders. Wherever the chlorine of pulverized coal injection into blast furnace to go, they are not conducive to the smooth progress of blast furnace smelting process. Establishing detection system of chloride content on pulverized coal production site, reducing damage by chlorine element blast of furnace gas, improving the ability of the slag ruled out chloride are the future direction.
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    Experimental Study on Gasification Reaction Characteristics of Coal Char with CO2 in Molten Blast Furnace Slag
    YU Qingbo, WANG Huiyao, LI Peng, QIN Qin
    2013, 34 (6):  840-843.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 475 )   HTML   PDF (695KB) ( 694 )  
    The charCO2 gasification reactivity in molten blast furnace slag was studied kinetically by the isothermal thermogravimetry using STA409PC thermal analyzer. The effects of the slagcoal ratio, gasification temperature and coal types on the gasification reaction were investigated through the calculation of relevant kinetic parameters according to the reaction rate equation method. The results showed that both the charCO2 conversion rate and the peak value of the reaction rate were positively correlated with the slagcoal ratio. The molten blast furnace slag had a certain promotion effect in the charCO2 gasification reaction. When the gasification temperature was lower than 1673K, the charCO2 conversion rate and the peak value of the gasification reaction rate both increased with the increase of the gasification temperature. When the gasification temperature was higher than 1673K, the carbon conversion rate and the peak value of the gasification reaction rate both appeared the tendency of decrease with the increase of the gasification temperature. The gasification reactivity with different types of coal char used differed from each other that the gasification reactivity of Datong coal was better than that of the Fuxin coal and even better than the coke. The dynamic parameters of the gasification reaction existed significant difference in different conditions. The apparent activation energy and preexponential factor of the coke increased with the increase of the slagcoal ratio; the apparent activation energy and preexponential factor of Fuxin coal increased first and then decreased with the increase of the slagcoal ratio.
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    Comparison of Two Kinetic Analysis Methods for Biomass Pyrolysis Processes
    XIE Huaqing, YU Qingbo, QIN Qin, ZHANG Haitao
    2013, 34 (6):  845-848.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 1147 )   HTML   PDF (528KB) ( 1288 )  
    Kinetic analysis of pyrolysis processes of pine cone and corn cob was carried out with CoatsRedfern method and Starink isoconversional method. CoatsRedfern method needed the assumption or sifting of the kinetic model, and therefore this paper used Malek method to sift from 10 common kinetic models. The pyrolysis processes of pine cone and corn cob fitted D3 and R2 models, respectively. Starink isoconversional method didn’t need the model assumption, and the activation energy obtained by this method was higher than that by CoatsRedfern method. With Starink isoconversional method, the activation energy of corn cob obtained rarely changed in the whole pyrolysis process, indicating its pyrolysis process can be described by the simple kinetic model, while the activation energy of pine cone was opposite to that of corn cob.
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    An Optimization Model of the Power Production Side in Iron and Steel Enterprises
    LIU Jingyu, CAI Jiuju, YANG Jinghui
    2013, 34 (6):  849-853.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 664 )   HTML   PDF (484KB) ( 626 )  
    On the premise to ensure the stability of energy supply and the normal production safety, using mathematical programming method, the dynamic mathematical optimization model was set up based on the optimal allocation of the surplus gas between the buffer users and production scheduling of the steam between the production equipments. The accuracy of power network production output is effectively improved by this optimization model, which can make full use of secondary energy and residual heat and energy, and achieve the rationalization of the outsourcing and the optimization of electricity production structure, hence effectively reduce the diffuse gas and steam, save energy, and also reduce the production cost of enterprises.
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    Effects of Scandium and Erbium Microalloying on Microstructures and Properties of Weld Joint of 7A52 Alloys
    XU Zhen, ZHAO Zhihao, LI Ying, DONG Yu
    2013, 34 (6):  854-858.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 663 )   HTML   PDF (979KB) ( 659 )  
    7A52 aluminum alloy was welded using traditional ER5183 welding wires and selfmade 5183 welding wires containing Sc, Er and Sc/Er by TIG welding method. Mechanical properties and microstructures of the welded joints were studied. The results showed that all the tensile fracture occurred in the center of the weld joints and the weld zone was the weakest link in the weld joints, followed by the soften zone in the heataffected zone. The additions of Sc and Er to ER5183 welding wire fined grains of weld joints significantly and increased the strength of the welded joint. The best result was achieved with the addition of Sc independently, followed by the addition of Er alone. The tensile strength of the welded joints reached 3324MPa, and was 725% of that of the base material.
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    Preparation of TiO2 Thin Biofilm on NiTi Alloy by Activation Sputtering Method
    GAO Shuchun, ZHAI Yuchun, JIANG Da, WANG Qiushi
    2013, 34 (6):  859-862.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 610 )   HTML   PDF (507KB) ( 611 )  
    Based on different sputtering voltage conditions, nanometer titanium dioxide biofilm was prepared on NiTi shape memory alloy surface by the activation sputtering method. The influences of the sputtering voltage on the thickness of the film and crystal structure were studied by the step profiler and Raman spectrum. The corrosion resistance of the NiTi alloy and TiO2coated NiTi alloy was evaluated in simulated body fluid at 37℃, respectively. Results showed that under the condition of this experiment the thin film was anatase structure, and the major constituent was nanometer titanium dioxide. The titanium dioxide thin films effectively improved the corrosion resistance of the NiTi alloy in simulated body fluid at 37℃.
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    Preparation and Performance Research of CeTiO2/Diatomite Photocatalytic Materials
    CHEN Jianshe, XIONG Lingling, CAI An, LIU Kuiren
    2013, 34 (6):  863-866.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 502 )   HTML   PDF (535KB) ( 726 )  
    The CeTiO2/diatomite photocatalytic materials were prepared by lowtemperature combustion synthesis(LCS) method, which were characterized by XRD and SEM. The optimized photocatalytic preparation and degradation conditions of the supported photocatalytic materials were studied and determined, which selected Rhodamine B solution as the target pollutants. The results showed that the optimized calcination temperature was 600℃ and the optimized amount of doped Ce was 02%. The prepared samples were composed of anatase and rutile mixed polymorphs, and the anatase accounted for the major part. The optimized photocatalytic degradation conditions were Rhodamine B solution with initial concentration of 10mg/L, the amount of catalyst of 10g/L and the solution pH of 9. The degradation rate of the composite photocatalyst materials after deactivation and regeneration was 93%, and can be used repeatedly. Its photocatalytic performance was much better than that of the pure TiO2 photocatalytic material.
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    Researches on the GoldBearing Minerals of the DeepSeated Deposit of Jiaojia Gold Mine in Shandong
    DONG Jinkui, YANG Hongying
    2013, 34 (6):  867-870.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 677 )   HTML   PDF (629KB) ( 733 )  
    Jiaojia gold deposits is a famous large gold deposits of tectoniclastic alterated rocks which lead to special attention of the experts as a new type of gold deposit named “Jiaojia type” gold deposits. With the continued exploitation, many characteristics of the process mineralogical properties of the oral greatly changed. In order to improve gold recovery rates and determine the ore dressing scheme, the characteristics of goldbearing minerals of deepseated deposit of the Jiaojia gold mine was researched. The researches on the types of goldbearing minerals, gold occurrence state, grain sizes of gold mineral etc. were carried out with optical microscopy, electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis. The results showed that the major goldbearing minerals in Jiaojia gold ore were pyrite and chalcopyrite, and the minor were sphalerite, galena and quartz in which the gold bearing minerals in sulfide accounted for 8650% and the gold bearing minerals in silicate accounted for 1350%. The grain size of gold mineral in the pyrite and chalcopyrite was much bigger than that in the silicate minerals. The sizes of the gold particles in the pyrite, chalcopyrite and quartz were 0074~0037mm, 0043~ 0037mm and>0037mm, respectively. Gold occurrence states of Jiaojia gold ore were the fissures gold accounted for 6551%, wrapped gold accounted for 1819% and intercrystalline gold accounted for 1666%.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Simulation of Hot Air Drying on Corn Grains Based on the Three Dimension Entity Model
    ZHANG Shiwei, KONG Ninghua, ZHANG Zhijun, XU Chenghai
    2013, 34 (6):  871-874.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 777 )   HTML   PDF (999KB) ( 988 )  
    Based on the threedimensional entity model, the simulation of interior heat and mass transfer process in a single corn grain under the conditions of hot air drying was carried out. The corn grain was scanned by high precision medical CT machine. The CT images were processed with MIMICS and ANSYS to construct the corn kernel’s three dimension entity model. The Fourier heat conduction equation, the Fick diffusion equation, the heat transfer coefficient and mass diffusion coefficient formula were chosen as the governing equations of dry theoretical model. COMSOL Multiphysics was used to complete the simulation calculation. The results showed that the mass transfer is dominant in the corn kernel hot air drying. The simulation method based on the three dimension entity model can describe the interior heat and mass transfer phenomenon more accurately in the single grain.
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    Research on NC Auxiliary UltraPrecision Positioning Work Platform
    CHEN Mingfang, ZOU Ping, HAN Gang, HOU Bomin
    2013, 34 (6):  875-879.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 539 )   HTML   PDF (1129KB) ( 890 )  
    Submicron or even nanoscale positioning accuracy is generally required during ultraprecision machining. The positioning accuracy of conventional servo motor and precision ball screw driver can only reach micron level. To improve the positioning accuracy of CNC feed device, this paper proposes a new closedloop displacement compensation control program based on the original positioning device. Displacement resolution and positioning accuracy of the piezoelectric drive micropositioning work platform can reach nanoscale level. Good performances both in static and dynamic stiffness are obtained. The tests show that 10μm stroke ultraprecision micropositioning platform can perfectly compensate the deviation of CNC ball screw positioning and achieve the requirements of ultraprecision machining feed.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    The OreControlling Mechanism of Lattice Structures in Guocheng Goldfield of Eastern Shandong
    MEN Yekai, WANG Ende, WU Minggang, ZHAO Chunfu
    2013, 34 (6):  880-883.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 640 )   HTML   PDF (546KB) ( 963 )  
    Located in the northeastern margin of the Jiaolai Basin, the goldfield of eastern Shandong was beneath the fault zone of Guocheng of the Jingshan group metamorphic and Muniushan adamellite, and the formation of the deposits was controlled by the NEtrending faults. The study for major fault structures and orecontrolling characteristics in the mining area indicated that the sinistral shearcompression activities of Guocheng fault in the metallogenic epoches derived NEtrending secondary faults, and the NEtrending faults with opposite tendencies but same or similar trend met at the profile formed lattice orecontrolling structures which made the distribution of the deposits with the same tendency presented imbricate arrangement and that with the opposite tendency presented lattice shapes in the profile. The formation of lattice structures provided channels for the goldbearing fluid migration and orehosting spaces of the deposit mineralization and also controlled the formation and emplacement of the gold deposits.
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    Effects of Small Molecule Organic Depressants on the Flotation Behavior of Chalcopyrite and Galena
    PIAO Zhengjie, WEI Dezhou, LIU Zhilin
    2013, 34 (6):  884-887.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 571 )   HTML   PDF (511KB) ( 710 )  
    The effects of the new depressant O, Obis(2, 3dihydroxypropyl) dithiophosphate(DHDTP) on the flotability of the chalcopyrite and galena in the floatation system with diethyldithiocarbamate as a collector were investigated. The interaction mechanism between DHDTP and the minerals was also explored through zeta potential and infrared spectrum analysis. Flotation test results showed that in the range of pH=4~10, the DHDTP had slightly inhabition effect on the chalcopyrite while strong inhibition effect on the galena. With the increase of DHDTP content, the recovery rate of the galena decreased rapidly while that of the chalcopyrite decreased slightly, which was due to the adsorption capacity of DHDTP on the galena was much stronger than that on the chalcopyrite.
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    Influence of Serpentite on Flotation of Magnesite in Sodium Oleate Flotation System
    YAO Jin, HOU Ying, YIN Wanzhong, ZHANG Lili
    2013, 34 (6):  889-893.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 704 )   HTML   PDF (602KB) ( 697 )  
    In the flotation environment with sodium oleate as collector, the floatability of magnesite, serpentine and quartz, the influence of serpentine on the floatability of magnesite, various particle fractions of the serpentine on the floatability of magnesite with different size range, and the influence of serpentine on the mixture of magnesite and quartz were researched and the mechanism was discussed. The results showed that the serpentine with different size range had individual effect on the floatability of magnesite with different grades and serpentine had strong inhibition effects on the flotation of magnesite. According to the mineral dissolved component diagram and SEM results, this was mainly because the dissolubility of the serpentine solution was relatively high, the ions of serpentine solution had relatively strong hydrophilicity which were easy to reunite with the Mg2+ and O2- ions on the surface of magnesite, that led to the increase of hydrophilicity of magnesite and decrease of the chance of sodium oleate attached on the surface of magnesite and therefore depress the floatability of magnesite.
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    Management Science
    Density Operator Based on Negotiation and Its Application
    LI Weiwei, YI Pingtao, GUO Yajun
    2013, 34 (6):  894-897.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 450 )   HTML   PDF (316KB) ( 445 )  
    To solve the problem of information aggregation in group evaluation, density operator was researched and used from the aspect of stakeholder negotiation. The basic idea of negotiation is to make a minimum deviation between the negotiation value and the negotiators’ values. Based on this, combing the density operator process with the feature of the same and different group, two types of negotiation models were provided to aggregate information. At last, a numerical example was given to illustrate the using of this method. This research could further perfect theory system of density operator and extend its application range.
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    Analyses of Formation of Competitive Patent Pools
    LUO Youtao, DU Xiaojun, XIA Dong
    2013, 34 (6):  898-900.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 396 )   HTML   PDF (310KB) ( 503 )  
    The theoretical analyses of patent pools almost exclusively assume that only one patent pool is in one market, so this patent pool is a monopoly. In the other hand, the theoretical analyses also assume that before the formation of patent pools, there were many complementary patents in one market. Many substitutability patents, however, were not considered in one market. However these assumptions are far from the fact of patent pools. The probability model of the formation of the patent pools was developed at the cases that one market could have two patent pools and many substitution patents. Why the number of patents is a key factor in formation of patent pools was explained and it could be concluded that when building patent pools, the type of patents should not be considered, neither could the number of patents.
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    Stock Market Index Forecasting Based on IDNPSOBP Neural Network
    LIU Jiahe, JIN Xiu, CHEN Luyan, YUAN Ying
    2013, 34 (6):  901-904.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 664 )   HTML   PDF (333KB) ( 638 )  
    An improved dynamic neighborhood particle swarm optimization (IDNPSO) was proposed. A new topological structure which constructs dynamic neighbors was induced, and the parameter settings were dynamically adjusted. To improve the predictive accuracy of BP neural network, an improved prediction method of optimized BP neural network based on IDNPSO was introduced. Making use of the index price of Shanghai composite index and Shenzhen composite index, comparison of the forecast performance between IDNPSOBP and GABP neural networks was taken. The result showed that INDPSOBP neural network outperformed GABP neural network, and had the ability to forecast stock index price.
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    Characteristics of the Merger Target Firm in Post Nontradable Share Reform Era—An Empirical Study on the Listed Companies in Chinese Equity Market
    GAO Zhenming, ZHUANG Xintian, CAO Xiaoling
    2013, 34 (6):  905-908.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 694 )   HTML   PDF (321KB) ( 642 )  
    Characteristics of the merger target firm were investigated based on Chinese capital market and institutions in post nontradable share reform era with the listed companies of A share market taken over in 2009~2011, using statistical analysis such as ANOVA and Logit model. It shows that the targets companies usually have inefficient managements, large firm size, low equity liquidities, lower growth rate and insufficient financial resources. The trading volume and turnover rate of the targets can reflect the merger in advance. The operating capacity, debt paying ability and capital to expand capacity well explain the merger target firm. The Logit model can well help to identify the merger targets.
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    Biologic Engineering
    Cloning and Structure Analysis of LEAFY Homologues of Genomic Sequence Isolated from Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Qianshouguanyin’
    MA Yueping, ZHOU Yizhong, WEI Jiangxue, WANG Yuanzhi
    2013, 34 (6):  909-912.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 590 )   HTML   PDF (410KB) ( 725 )  
    LEAFY(LFY) plays an important role in the process of flower development. Not only does it control the transition of the inflorescence meristem to floral meristem, but also controls the flowering time. In this study, the LFY homologue was cloned from Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Qianshouguanyin’ based on the genomic PCR. The sequences analysis shows that the genomic sequence contains three exons and two introns. There are two different structures in intron 1. The two introns of this gene have high variability in their sequence comparing with the DFL gene isolated from Dendranthema lavandulifolium. The putative protein of this gene is 99% identical to the DFL. The phylogenetic analysis reveals that the LFY protein of ‘Qianshouguanyin’ is more closed to dicotyledon FLO/LFYlike than to monocotyledon or to gymnosperm. Southern blot hybridization results indicate that LFY homologue of ‘Qianshouguanyin’ has two copies in its genomes.
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