

    15 July 2011, Volume 32 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Fault detection of networked control systems with packet dropout subject to sensor saturation
    Shen, Zhe (1); Yang, Guang-Hong (1); Sun, Peng (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  913-916.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 298 )   HTML   PDF (364KB) ( 654 )  
    The fault detection problem was considered for a class of networked control systems with packet dropout subject to sensor saturation. The packet dropout was assumed to be exist in the sensor-to-controller link, and two independent Bernoulli distributed white sequences were used to describe the packet dropouts. A fault detection observer was designed to increase the fault sensitivity and attenuate the effects of disturbances. Based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) techniques, a sufficient condition was derived such that the robust fault detection system is uniformly bounded mean-square stable and satisfies the prescribed H performance constraint. A numerical example was given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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    Image mosaic algorithm based on scale-clustering affine filtering
    Wang, Cun-Rui (1); Zhang, Qing-Ling (1); Duan, Xiao-Dong (2); Liu, Xiang-Dong (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  917-921.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 360 )   HTML   PDF (1604KB) ( 742 )  
    The positions of SIFT points and scale value were composed to a vector, which was used to the dataset of cluttering algorithm. The parameters of global affine transformation were got by the clustering algorithm, which was used to filter the matched point. For the image mosaic problems of the existing algorithms, a grid-selection mosaic algorithm was proposed. The visual skeleton and the image mosaic offset were put forward to measure the stability of the filtering and the performance of mosaic algorithm. Experimental results indicate that the methods proposed can overcome the problems of traditional algorithms and have better stability and accuracy.
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    Robust passive control for uncertain singular systems with time-varying delay
    Yang, Dong-Mei (1); Wu, Yan-Ling (1); Han, He-Xin (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  922-926.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 383 )   HTML   PDF (366KB) ( 566 )  
    The robust passive control problem for a class of time-varying uncertain singular systems with state-delay and input-delay was studied. The uncertainty is norm-bounded, but does not need to meet the matching condition. Based on LMI methods and the generalized Lyapunov function, the passive condition of time-varying delay uncertain singular systems was obtained. Furthermore, the design of a memoryless feedback controller was solved in terms of the solution of LMIs, making the closed-loop system strictly passive. Finally, a numerical example was simulated by utilizing Matlab LMI toolbox, and the result demonstrates the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.
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    Case-based decision support system for fault management in CDMA networks
    Shi, Yong-Gui (1); Wang, Hong-Feng (1); Tang, Jia-Fu (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  927-930+943.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 298 )   HTML   PDF (1199KB) ( 750 )  
    In order to improve the efficiency of CDMA network management, continuously improve the quality of network and satisfy the requirement of consumers, a decision support system for fault management was designed for CDMA network using an artificial intelligence technique which is called case-based reasoning. The overall framework and work flow of the system were given and some key technologies of system implementation were designed. The validity of the proposed system was examined in the test examples where the initial case base was established using some typical daily fault management recorders of a CDMA company and the new cases were generated using the other recorders. The experimental results show the proposed system can enhance the efficiency of CDMA network default management.
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    Fuzzy query based on XML content and structure
    Yan, Wei (1); Ma, Zong-Min (1); Yan, Li (1); Wang, Xing (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  931-934.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 422 )   HTML   PDF (1381KB) ( 624 )  
    Users often have fuzzy or imprecise requests when querying XML documents. A new approach based on XML content and structure was proposed to reflect users' fuzzy query intention. Based on the fuzzy set theory, a fuzzy extension of XPath query expression was proposed, which can be expressed exploiting fuzzy predicates. And then fuzzy query relaxations was provided to get more querying results which satisfy users' query requests. The proposed scoring method uses an extended vector space model, which considers the relevance of both content and structure when ranking these query results. According to the matching of the structure and content, the nodes whose scores are greater than the threshold are query results. Finally, the efficiency of the approach is demonstrated by experimental results.
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    Application of Kalman filtering in localization estimation for WSN
    Zhao, Hai (1); Zhang, Kuan (1); Zhu, Jian (1); Liu, Wei (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  935-938.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 290 )   HTML   PDF (1179KB) ( 699 )  
    Focusing on the instability of the actual signal in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the simply algorithm improvement cannot meet the requirement of localization precision. An improved self-adaptive log-normal shadow model was proposed in distance measuring. Kalman filter and Markov process were adopted in coordinate estimation. The state equations were established and combined with the states of the measured coordinates to estimate the optimal values of coordinates. Finally, these two improved processes were introduced in the existing triangle localization algorithm. The experimental results show that the improved self-adaptive log-normal shadow model enhances the adaptability and accuracy of the distance-measuring model, and Kalman filter and Markov process reduce localization errors.
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    Abstracting and metrics of core frame structure in large-scale software based on k-core
    Li, Hui (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Hao, Li-Ying (1); He, Bin (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  939-943.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 264 )   HTML   PDF (1361KB) ( 680 )  
    The case study on hierarchical structure of large-scale open-source software shows that software systems are reflecting characteristic of flat hierarchical structure. On this basis, we took advantage of k-core to divide the software system structure into layers, abstract the core frame structure (CFS) of software system. The statistics on weighted connected degree between CFS and other layers show that CFS tightly communicates with other layers and its nodes have great influence on the nodes of other layers. Then, through the metrics on network parameters of CFS, It was found that CFS reflects characteristic of free-scale and small-world, and reflects higher degree of software reuse. In addition, CFS is in a decisive status in the software system integrated structure.
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    Analysis on quantities of in-use aluminum stocks in China
    Yue, Qiang (1); Lu, Zhong-Wu (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  944-947.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 311 )   HTML   PDF (1660KB) ( 619 )  
    Social stocks of metallic substance mainly refer to in-use metal stocks. Analytic method of the in-use metal stocks was given. Influences of metal consumption on the in-use metal stocks and its recycling rate were analyzed under the three circumstances: the metal consumption remains unchanged, chang in a linear trend and change in an exponential trend. In-use aluminium stocks for China were calculated during the period 2006~2009. The results revealed that in-use Al stocks keep increasing and reach 88.9 millions tons in 2009, its average recycling rate is 1.45 percent. Recycling rate of in-use Al stocks will rise in the future along with the reduction of the increasing rate of aluminum consumption. Analysis of in-use metal stocks can provide some basis for resource strategy, industrial policy and environmental policy-making of China's metal industry.
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    Hot deformation and microstructures analysis of S32750 super duplex stainless steel
    Wang, Jia-Fu (1); Hua, Fu-An (1); Liu, Zhen-Yu (1); Wang, Guo-Dong (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  948-951.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 422 )   HTML   PDF (1911KB) ( 783 )  
    The hot deformation behavior of super duplex stainless steel S32750 was investigated through MMS-200 thermal-mechanical simulator within 1000~1150°C and the strain rate range of 0.01~10 s-1. The corresponding flow curves were determined and the microstructures were analyzed. The results showed that peak stress increases with the increasing strain rate. Dynamic recrystallization of austenite is enhanced by increasing temperature and decreasing strain rate. Based on the constitutive equation for hot deformation, the apparent activation energy (Q) of the steel is 460 kJ/mol. According to the present experimental data, the relationship between peak stress and Z parameter is obtained.
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    Structure and performance of anode oxide films on the surface of aluminum alloy reinforced by nano-SiC
    Chen, Sui-Yuan (1); Li, Hai-Xiong (1); Yang, Mi-Jun (1); Liu, Chang-Sheng (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  952-955.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 265 )   HTML   PDF (1679KB) ( 779 )  
    Using H2SO4, H2C2O4 and C7H6O6S·2H2O as the basic electrolyte containing nano-SiC particles of 3, 8, 12 and 15 g/L, respectively, anodic oxide Al2O3 films with nano-SiC particles were prepared on the surface of a 2024 aluminum alloy by using optimal operating parameters. The results showed that the hard anodic oxide Al2O3 films reinforced by nano-SiC particles were formed. With increasing the content of nano-SiC particles in the electrolyte, the thickness of the composite oxide films increases from 42 μm without the nano-SiC additions to 48 μm, and the hardness increases first and then decreases. When the nano-SiC addition was 12 g/L, the composite oxide film exhibits the highest hardness 440 HV and the minimum wear loss 8mg. The hardness of the composite oxide film increases from 400 HV without nano-SiC additions to 440 HV, and the wear loss decreases from 25 mg to 8 mg. Nano-SiC particles enter in pores of anodic films during mechanical mixing and adsorbing in the processes of anodic oxidation, and then the microstructures of films were changed, the hardness and the wear resistance of the films are also improved.
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    Synthesis and compatibility evaluation of self-assembled monolayers of γ-APT silane on hot-dip galvanized steel
    Wang, Lei (1); Liu, Chang-Sheng (1); Shi, Lei (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  956-959.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 304 )   HTML   PDF (1437KB) ( 715 )  
    The synthesis of γ-APT silane self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on hot-dip galvanized steel (HDG) and the SAMs compatibility with γ-GPT silane were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and contact angles analysis. The results showed that the SAMs of the γ-APT silane are deposited on HDG surfaces. First, the SiOH groups of γ-APT are absorbed quickly onto the HDG surfaces to form Si-O-Zn. Then Si-O-Si covalent bonds are formed between the γ-APT silane molecules and the zinc surface, releasing water as a byproduct. The SAMs become stable and the compatibility between the SAMs and γ-GPT silane is good when HDG sheet is immersed in the silane for 10 hours. After that the SAMs is no continuity as a mishmash.
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    Control techniques of oxide scales in hot-rolled heavy and medium plates
    Chen, Yong-Li (1); Cha, Xian-Wen (1); Chen, Li-Qing (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  960-963+980.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 439 )   HTML   PDF (1936KB) ( 1317 )  
    Formation mechanism of iron oxide scales in hot-rolled heavy and medium plates was analyzed to explore the control method of oxide scales. The experimental and industrial results showed that the lower Si and Mn contents, the addition of Gr, the rapid heating with slight positive pressure and partial-pressure oxidization atmosphere, the descaling temperature above 1173°C and the reasonable equipment parameters of descaler can inhibit the formation of iron oxide scales. Adopting reasonable rolling parameters, high-temperature fast rolling and low-temperature finish rolling can also effectively reduce oxide scales. Rolling speed and reduction ratio can significantly affect the oxide scale thickness and surface roughness. The thickness and surface roughness of oxide scale decrease with the increase of reduction rate and rolling speed.
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    Analysis of burst pressure for X80 steel pipeline with MY criterion
    Li, Can-Ming (1); Zhao, De-Wen (1); Zhang, Shun-Hu (1); Zhou, Ping (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  964-967.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 319 )   HTML   PDF (584KB) ( 743 )  
    With MY (mean yield) criterion in plastic limit analysis, the burst pressure of a defect-free line pipe was analyzed to obtain an analytical solution. The burst pressure of rolled X80 steel was calculated by this method and compared with those based on Tresca, Mises and TSS yield criteria. The results showed that the burst pressure is a function of the strain hardening exponent n depending on the yield-to-tensile strength ratio ReL/Rm, the original pipe geometry t0/D0 as well as the ultimate tensile strength. The burst pressure decreases with the increase of the strain hardening exponent and increases with the increase of the ratio of thick to diameter and tensile strength. It is also concluded that Tresca criterion predicts a lower bound to the burst pressure, while TSS criterion predicts an upper bound one. However, the burst pressure on the MY criterion lies just between the TSS and Tresca solutions, and the MY criterion almost has the same precision with the Mises solution.
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    Development and application of roller quenching process for XGCF62 plate
    Wang, Chao (1); Yuan, Guo (1); Wang, Zhao-Dong (1); Wang, Guo-Dong (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  968-971.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 378 )   HTML   PDF (1843KB) ( 554 )  
    Based on domestic plate roller quenching equipment and technology, the theoretical calculation and the industrial experiment were used to develop the quenching process and the product of high-quality pressure vessel plates XGCF62. Using finite difference method, the calculation model of plate quenching temperature field was established to analyze the trend of internal temperature with different quenching parameters. Compared with industrial experiment, the effects of different quenching parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties were analyzed. The calculated and experimental results were applied to actual production and a series of 6~60 mm thickness XGCF62 products with good flatness and mechanical properties were successful developed.
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    Effect of component activity on coloration feature of hot-dip galvanization bath
    Le, Qi-Chi (1); Cui, Jian-Zhong (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  972-975.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 400 )   HTML   PDF (1892KB) ( 703 )  
    The special color coating on steel sheets or members could be obtained in hot galvanization processing while the bath contains some transitional elements together with the cooling control. Understanding its coloration mechanism from a thermodynamic point of view is helpful for further bath composition optimization due to its potential industrial application. The effects of the main solute elements and impurities in the zinc bath on its excess thermodynamic properties were investigated through the Miedema model and Tanaka relationship together with some basic thermodynamic equations. The results indicated that the activities of solute elements in the bath are closely related to its color generation feature. The effects of solute concentration and hot dip temperature on the bath coloration ability should owe to their effects on the solute activities in zinc bath. The effects of impurities such as Al and Mg and color generation solute Ti are related with their effects on the solvent activity.
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    Effect of preparation technique on synthesis of ZrO2(f)/NiFe2O4 composites
    Hua, Zhong-Sheng (1); Yao, Guang-Chun (1); Ma, Jun-Fei (1); Zhang, Zhi-Gang (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  976-980.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 340 )   HTML   PDF (1302KB) ( 821 )  
    NiFe2O4 spinel was synthesized via solid-state sintering technology using NiO and Fe2O3 as the raw materials, and ZrO2(f)/NiFe2O4 composites were prepared by adding ZrO2(f) fiber into NiFe2O4. The effects of molding pressure, sintering temperature and sintering time on the porosity and bending strength of ZrO2(f)/NiFe2O4 composites were investigated, and the composites were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the composites prepared under 160 MPa and sintered at 1300°C for 6 h possess low porosity and high bending strength, which are mainly composed of tetragonal ZrO2 and cubic NiFe2O4 spinel. There are no chemical reactions between ZrO2(f) and NiFe2O4, therefore, the excessively powerful interfacial binding strength is avoided.
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    Synthesis of NaGdF4:Yb, Er nanoparticles and their application in cell biolabeling
    Mi, Cong-Cong (1); Gao, Huan-Yu (1); He, Zhe (1); Xu, Shu-Kun (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  981-984.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 249 )   HTML   PDF (1387KB) ( 924 )  
    The monodispersed NaGdF4:Yb, Er nanoparticles were synthesized via a solvothermal approach. Rare-earth stearate was used as the precursor. The properties of as-prepared nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), fluorescence spectra and magnetic hysteresis loop (MHL). Experimental results showed that the nanoparticles are single crystal hexagonal phases with an average size of around 20 nm, exhibiting good superparamagnetic and excellent up-conversion fluorescent characteristics. The as-prepared nanoparticles were modified with amino groups by Stober method, and linked with transferrin to make it to be a probe. The probe was applied to the bio-labeling and imaging of HeLa cells. This method was proved to have good specificity, and the infrared light excitation can effectively avoid the autofluorescence of biological samples.
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    Microwave-assisted preparation and characterization of ultrafine spherical SiO2 powder
    Shen, Xiao-Yi (1); Zhai, Yu-Chun (1); Sun, Yi (1); Sun, Yang (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  985-987.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 374 )   HTML   PDF (1143KB) ( 1096 )  
    Mono-disperse spherical SiO2 were successfully synthesized by sol-gel method in the isopropanol-H2O-NH3 system. Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and ammonia were used as raw materials and catalyst, respectively. The as-prepared SiO2 powder was characterized by XRD, SEM, FT-IR and UV-VIS. The results indicated that the synthesized SiO2 powder is amorphous with regular mono-dispersed spherical feature, uniform size, smooth surface, good dispersity and narrow size distribution. There are broad absorption bands at 1126, 805 and 475 cm-1 in FT-IR spectrum, which are attributed to the asymmetric stretching vibration, the symmetric stretching vibration and the bending vibration of Si-O-Si bond, respectively. The SiO2 powder has strong ability to absorb ultraviolet. The concentration of ammonia has notable influence on the size of ultrafine SiO2 particles and is the key factor of the hydrolysis of TEOS.
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    Modal analysis and optimization of the bed structure of a CNC machine tool
    Li, Xiao-Peng (1); Zhao, Zhi-Jie (1); Nie, Hui-Fan (1); Wen, Bang-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  988-991.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 630 )   HTML   PDF (1889KB) ( 1658 )  
    The simplified finite element model of the machine tool bed was established with ANSYS and the natural frequency was detected as the index of the dynamic performance. Based on the simulation analysis, the first 6-order natural frequency and vibration modes were comparatively analyzed, during which the effect of the bed height on the its natural frequency was studied. The impact of the arrangement mode of ribbed plate of the spindle box supporting platform on the bed dynamic properties was also investigated and some effective solutions were proposed. It indicates that an optimized machine tool has better dynamic performance, which can offer higher workpiece quality and process stability.
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    Research on the frequency reliability sensitivity of structural systems with arbitrarily distributed parameters
    Lü, Chun-Mei (1); Zhang, Yi-Min (1); Wang, Xin-Gang (1); Zhou, Na (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  992-995.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 301 )   HTML   PDF (287KB) ( 654 )  
    Based on the research of structural systems with normally distributed parameters, the formulas of frequency reliability and its sensitivity were derived when the random variables were arbitrarily distributed. The unknown probability distribution function was expanded into standard normal distribution function by the way of Edgeworth expansion in the condition that the first four moments of the parameters are known. Meanwhile, the probability distribution type of the random variable moment X was loosely restricted, which was more close to the engineering practice. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method were demonstrated by a practical example, which is a multi-degree-of-freedom random continuous dynamic structural systems with arbitrarily distributed parameters and independent failure mode.
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    Amplitude sensitivity of the driving point anti-resonance vibrating machine based on fluctuation of the exciting frequency
    Jiao, Chun-Wang (1); Liu, Jie (1); Wang, Fu-Bin (1); Wang, Qian-Qian (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  996-999+1023.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 336 )   HTML   PDF (871KB) ( 704 )  
    The principle of driving point anti-resonance vibrating machines was analyzed and the expressions of the upper and lower body's steady amplitude were derived. With the upper body's steady amplitude of 5 mm and the lower body's steady amplitude of 0.5 mm, parameters were chosen according to different mass ratios and anti-resonant frequency ratios. The sensitivity formulas to the exciting frequency of the upper and lower body's amplitude were derived. Effects of the mass ratio and anti-resonant frequency ratio on the sensitivities were discussed. The results show that: when the mass ratio is invariant, the larger the anti-resonant frequency ratio is, the lower the sensitivities of the upper and lower body's amplitude to the exciting frequency are; when the anti-resonant frequency ratio is constant, the smaller the mass ratio is, the lower the sensitivity of the upper body's amplitude to the exciting frequency is, while the sensitivity of the lower body's amplitude to the exciting frequency changes little.
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    Study on thermal characteristics of slide guide of the machine tool based on FEM
    Sun, Zhi-Li (1); Yang, Qiang (1); Gao, Pei (1); Yan, Ming (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1000-1003.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 332 )   HTML   PDF (1843KB) ( 892 )  
    In the machining process of high-speed and high-precise machine tools, the friction heat can cause thermal deformation of the slide guide. Former study on the thermal characteristics of the slide guide get the analytic solutions of the slide guide's thermal deformation by traditional calculation method. It neglects the effect of heat source movement on the slide guide thermal deformation, and the results are thus not accurate. Taking such effect into account, the finite element model of the slide guide was built. The temperature field of the slide guide was obtained by numerical simulation. The thermal deformation of the slide guide was further achieved. The deformation decreases 2.52 μm as compared with that of stationary analysis. The slide guide reaches a thermal balance in about 1.25 hours. The maximal straightness error at the horizontal plane is 5.03 μm, while the maximal gradient error on the surface of slide guide is 0.0002189°. The result provides some basis for understanding the effects of the slide guide thermal deformation on the machining accuracy and furthermore for the error compensation of machine tool.
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    Simulation of the temperature field of high-speed point grinding and its effect analysis
    Liu, Yue-Ming (1); Gong, Ya-Dong (1); Han, Ting-Chao (1); Cao, Zhen-Xuan (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1004-1007.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 373 )   HTML   PDF (1223KB) ( 605 )  
    The contacting area difference between the point grinding and cylindrical grinding was analyzed. Theoretical and finite element models of the temperature field were built based on theories of heat source temperature field distribution and heat transfer. Three dimensional simulation of the temperature field was carried out with the ANSYS software for the contact area between the workpiece and the wheel. Then the distribution of temperature field and the mutative curve of temperature versus time were calculated. The relationship between the max temperature of the grinding zone and the swivel angle α was also studied. The results show that the temperature of the point grinding zone is lower than that of the common cylindrical grinding when α is not 0°. A thin damage layer on the surface is observed from imaging the metallographic structure of the workpiece, which confirms the theoretical analysis and provides a basis for further research on the temperature field of high speed point grinding.
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    Experiment study and mechanism analysis of the vibration drilling based on helical drill
    Gao, Xing-Jun (1); Zou, Ping (1); Xiang, Zhi-Yang (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1008-1011.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 260 )   HTML   PDF (786KB) ( 917 )  
    With the aid of the vibration drilling table, experiments were carried out on high temperature alloy and carbon steel under different parameters by using normal twist drill and helical drill, respectively. The differences of breaking chip effect between the vibration cutting and the normal drilling of helical drill were studied. The axial drilling force and the torque of vibration drilling were experimentally and theoretically studied. Effects of the use of normal twist drill and helical drill on the machining process were theoretically discussed. The results showed that, compared to ordinary drilling, vibration drilling is favorable for chip breaking, small chip and easy chip removal. The vibration drilling force and torque by using the complex helical drill are much smaller than that by normal twist drill and the change of the drilling force is relatively steady.
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    Molecular simulation of flow characteristics of the biomolecules and ions in parallel-plate nanofluidic channels
    Liu, Kun (1); Zhang, Xiao-Ling (2); Xiao, Song-Wen (1); Ba, De-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1012-1015.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 265 )   HTML   PDF (1960KB) ( 966 )  
    Molecular simulations were performed to simulate the transport process of biomolecules in parallel-plate nanofluidic channels based on GROMACS program package. Models were built with a series of simplifications and assumptions and simulated the process in the 3.1 nm high channel. Then the simulation results were discussed, such as the RMSD (root mean square deviations), density distribution of water molecules, and concentration distribution of the ions. The following conclusions were drawn: near the channel wall, water molecules delaminate and form compact layers with a density high up to 2500 kg/m3 while the distribution is smooth in the middle area. The protein molecules pass through the channel along the electric field direction accompanying with rotations and translations due to the function of ions and electric field. The main reason for the charge inversion phenomenon is the electrostatic effect of the channel wall on the ions after comparing the ion distributions under charged and uncharged surfaces.
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    Stereo display system for an integrated model of city surface and subsurface
    Wang, Yan-Bin (1); Wu, Li-Xin (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1016-1019.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 261 )   HTML   PDF (1575KB) ( 783 )  
    In order to have a more realistic display of the seamless integrated model of city surface and subsurface under Internet environment, 3D models were stereoscopically displayed by both active and passive methods. With the CD-TIN as a link, city surface and subsurface integrated model seamlessly integrated the buildings, the ground and the spatial entities underground together. Stereo display of the 3D models was realized according to the principle of stereo vision. Using ActiveX control, 3D models were displayed on web pages. Watchers with stereo glasses can thus view 3D models. The results showed that the stereo viewing can enhance the display effect of the model and induce a strong sense of immersion. It is favorable to the observation and analysis of the spatial geological model.
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    Data jump method: A new approach to eliminating the deformation monitoring data with gross errors
    Mao, Ya-Chun (1); Wang, En-De (1); Xiu, Chun-Hua (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1020-1023.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 331 )   HTML   PDF (1552KB) ( 914 )  
    When there are several gross errors in the observations, the Pau Ta's criterion can only eliminate one at a time. If the mutual deviations among the gross errors do not satisfy certain conditions, the Pau Ta's criterion will be invalid. To solve this problem, a new approach named as data jump method based on the Pau Ta's criterion was proposed. It overcomes the limitation of the Pau Ta's criterion. The deformation monitoring data with gross errors can be eliminated in batches. The method is used to process some actual monitoring data, and a good result is obtained, which provides a theoretical basis and algorithm for the gross error determination and elimination using computer program.
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    Mechanism of the crack formation induced by pre-split blasting and design method for the pre-split blasting hole space
    Chen, Qing-Kai (1); Zhu, Wan-Cheng (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1024-1027.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 918 )   HTML   PDF (891KB) ( 1519 )  
    The pre-split crack initiation mechanism during the pre-split blasting is still a controversial topic. The clarification of the crack initiation mechanism during the pre-split blasting is of great significance for the engineering design. Comparative analysis indicates that the crack propagation velocity and the blasting-induced gas dissipation velocity change under different decoupling charging coefficients. The comparison of the magnitude of the two velocities shows that the crack propagation is caused by both the blasting stress wave and blasting-induced gas dissipation. It is thus concluded that the pre-split blasting mechanism is characterized by a dynamic process depending on the time and charging parameters. According to the blasting stress wave and blasting-induced gas dissipation induced stress distribution of the hole surrounding, a design method of the pre-split blasting hole space and a calculation equation based on the dynamic compressive and tensile strengths of the rockmass are proposed.
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    Study on unstable rockmass conjectural method of stope roof at Sanshandao Golden Mine
    Zhao, Xing-Dong (1); Liu, Hong-Lei (1); Guo, Jia-Teng (1); Yang, Su-Jun (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1028-1031.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 397 )   HTML   PDF (1664KB) ( 747 )  
    A 3D rockmass non-contact surveying system was employed to identify the space geometry parameters of stope roof. Based on this, a new 3D joint modeling and analyzing system was developed, and applied to set up 3D spacing model of stope roof, including the joint structure. According to space geometry parameters of structural plane of stope roof, structural plane, such as joint, fault and constitution, were stretched, which will intersect in spacing position and form the wedge structure. The spacing position, shape, and capacity of the wedge structure can be recognized, and its stability of the wedge structure can be analyzed. By applying these studying results, the spacing structure of stope roof has been surveyed and established the 3D modeling in 40055# stope of Sanshandao Golden Mine. The spacing position of unstable rockmass has been determined on site, which can provide the real and reliable data helpful to the analysis of the stope stability and evaluation of risk.
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    Stability analysis of boundary pillars safety thickness for transition from open pit to underground mining
    Yang, Yu-Jiang (1); Li, Yuan-Hui (1); Yin, Guo-Guang (2); Han, Hong-Jiang (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  1032-1035+1040.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 318 )   HTML   PDF (1359KB) ( 931 )  
    Based on the conditions of open pit and underground mining of Guilaizhuang gold ore, the stability of different thickness boundary pillars was assessed with considering the effect of static load and dynamic load, respectively, by using software of FLAC3D. Under dynamic load, blasting construction load was simulated with usual triangular wave, the vibration velocity and the stress distribution laws of different thickness were then achieved. According to the statistical relationship and the tensile strength standards of rock, the threshold vibration velocity for the boundary pillars with different thickness was analyzed. The results showed that the relationship between the vertical vibration velocity and the maximum tensile stress is linear. The maximum vibration velocity of a particle can be used as the safety criterion. When the ore room span is 8, 10 and 12 m, under the dynamic loads, the minimum safety thickness is 8, 14 and 18 m, respectively.
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    Adsorption property and mechanism of ammonium sulfamate-bacterial cellulose to Pb2+
    Lu, Min (1); Guan, Xiao-Hui (2); Wei, De-Zhou (1); Li, Yan-Ying (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  1036-1040.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 340 )   HTML   PDF (1799KB) ( 765 )  
    The new adsorbent of ammonium sulfamate-bacterial cellulose (ASBC) was prepared through chemical modification of bacterial cellulose. ASBC was used for removing Pb2+ in order to study the adsorption property and mechanism of ASBC. The results showed that pH is a very important parameter to the adsorbed efficiency. The adsorption rate can be well fitted by pseudo-second rate model, the adsorption isotherm can be described by Langmuir model and they have good linear relationship. Typical single-molecule layer adsorption of ASBC for Pb2+ can be described. And the electrostatic attraction and chelating effect are one of main mechanisms of adsorption.
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    Finite element analysis on square tube filled with steel reinforced high-strength concrete subjected to axial compression
    Zhao, Tong-Feng (1); Wang, Lian-Guang (1); An, Shan-He (2); Li, Xiao-Peng (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  1041-1043.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 269 )   HTML   PDF (670KB) ( 763 )  
    The properties of square steel tube filled with steel reinforced high-strength concrete were analyzed by using finite element analysis software ANSYS. The results showed that the improved stress-strain model for confined core concrete is fitting for the simulation of bearing capacity and peak strain. The post-peak response shows a good agreement with the test results before high distortion, but the subsequent deformation doesn't accord with the true state. So ANSYS can be employed to analyze steel tube filled with steel reinforced high-strength concrete.
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    Analysis on vertical squeeze in industrial clusters by the buyer power of multinational corporations
    Li, Kai (1); Gao, Jia-Qi (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1044-1047.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 223 )   HTML   PDF (817KB) ( 843 )  
    Attracting foreign investments depend on the strategy of cluster is one of the most important way to develop economy for developing countries. While the multinational corporations squeeze profit out of the local enterprises by buyer power, which would make local enterprises go bankrupt. The basic model of vertical relations in the clusters based on the model of double marginalization was established, set example of IT industrial clusters in Kunshan, and considered the oligopsony power and unequal powers of downstream and upstream marker were important reason of leading vertical squeeze. Decreasing the dependence on multinational corporations and enhancing the non-substituability are important tactic of avoiding excessive competition and vertical squeeze for local enterprises.
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    Investment opportunity research of the real estate based on chance programming
    Zhuang, Xin-Tian (1); Zhu, Jun (1); Liu, Yang (2)
    2011, 32 (7):  1048-1052.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 295 )   HTML   PDF (948KB) ( 844 )  
    Combining the net present value analysis of the real options with the Markov transition matrix, and using the real-estate enterpriser confidence index, the Markov-Bayesian transition matrix was constructed by which the changes of the macro-economic was reflected. Based on these, from the value of the real options contained by the investment decisions of the real estate enterprise, making use of the chance restriction to bring market price risk into the investment decision-making analytical framework, and discounting the cash flows by the required investment return rate of the different Markov states, a 0-1 integer chance programming was established to study the opportunity optimal investment decision based on the multi-stage scenario tree mode. Empirical analysis of the Jingjiang item invested by the Baosteel Group Enterprise Development Corporation was also presented.
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    Study on forecasting models with CPFR-exponentially weighted quantile regression
    Ji, Shou-Feng (1); Huang, Ying-Jian (1); He, Jia-Qiang (1); Zhang, Chuan (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1053-1056.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 501 )   HTML   PDF (1169KB) ( 835 )  
    Considering the high volatility and skewness of real sales series, the latest forecasting method in statistics, exponential weighted quantile regression, was applied to get higher forecast accuracy. The cost model for supply chain system based on CPFR was built, which includes the retailer's cost, the manufacturer's cost and the supply chain total cost. This model forecasts directly the quantile of the sales series, which not only avoids the forecast mistakes based on hypothesis of research at present, but also makes the forecast results approach the real results of the demand model. The numerical analysis illustrated that quantile regression forecast is better than traditional methods in the demand forecast by giving real examples.
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    The scatter-degree method of subjective information insertion type and its application
    Qi, Yu (1); Guo, Ya-Jun (1); Guo, Ying-Min (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1057-1060+1064.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 344 )   HTML   PDF (1048KB) ( 1237 )  
    Due to the limitations of scatter-degree method, in order to make good use of subjective and objective information and emphasize its objectivity, justness and rationality in the evaluation process, a scatter-degree method of subjective information insertion type was proposed. Examples show that this method reflects the whole diversity between evaluated objects at its utmost, and can reflect experts' subjective judgments as well, so as to realize the effective integration of subjective and objective information. Finally through the comparative analysis with scatter-degree method and weighted scatter-degree method, it can be seen that the scatter-degree method of subjective information insertion type is an easy and effective evaluation method.
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    A method based on Cook-Seiford function for group decision making with ordinal intervals
    You, Tian-Hui (1); Liu, Cai-Na (2); Gao, Mei-Li (1)
    2011, 32 (7):  1061-1064.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 424 )   HTML   PDF (1024KB) ( 725 )  
    A method was proposed to solve the group decision making problem with preference information in ordinal interval form. Firstly, a description of the group decision making problem with preference information in ordinal interval form was given. Then, according to the basic thinking of tranditional Cook-Seiford function to solving group decision making problems, the calculation steps were given to solve group decision making problem with preference information in ordinal interval form, where the key point was to define the distance (s) between the rank (s) of group and the rank of each expert, and in order to find a rank of the group which has the smallest distance with the rank of each expert, a linear optimization model was constructed to obtain the ranking results of alternatives. Finally, an example was used to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
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