

    15 September 2011, Volume 32 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Scene feature extraction method based on biological visual perception
    Chen, Shuo (1); Wu, Cheng-Dong (1); Chen, Dong-Yue (1); Chu, Hao (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1217-1220+1228.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 367 )   HTML   PDF (1261KB) ( 706 )  
    According to the problems encountered in image understanding and classifying in the complex environment, a novel scene feature extraction method was proposed. This method adopts perceptive features of orientation, color and intensity to construct saliency map and the maximum operation is used to get the more accurate orientation information. A region segmentation algorithm is designed to accelerate feature extraction. Then, region segmentation descriptor is constructed. Finally, image matching is implemented through the support vector machine (SVM). Compared with traditional methods, it has a good invariance in image scaling, translation and robustness across a substantial range of affine distortion. Meanwhile, it has good classification results. The experimental results demonstrate that the method is well applied to scene classification and retrieval with better timeliness.
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    Novel optimization mechanism based on improved particle swarm optimization
    Lu, Feng (1); Gao, Li-Qun (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1221-1224.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 548 )   HTML   PDF (918KB) ( 1014 )  
    To accelerate searching speed and optimization accuracy of traditional PSO, an improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was presented. Regularly varying function and slowly varying function were introduced in the position and velocity update formula. New mechanisms such as explorative operator and exploitative operator are formulated. At the beginning, most elements will be updated by explorative operator in the entire search space sufficiently. Within the iterations, more and more particles will be handled by exploitative operator, which are useful to overcome the deceptions of multiple local optima. It can be seen from the simulation results of the standard benchmark test functions that the proposed algorithm not only accelerates the convergence process, but also improves global optimization ability.
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    A new intelligent prediction method of sulfur capacity
    Nian, Hai-Wei (1); Mao, Zhi-Zhong (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1225-1228.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 301 )   HTML   PDF (1209KB) ( 560 )  
    In the traditional calculation of sulfur capacity, some parameters in the mechanism model are difficult to obtain. To solve this problem, a regression method was proposed based on the AdaBoost and LS-SVM approaches. Sulfur capacity can be predicted by this method. In the method, LS-SVM has fast computation and it is suitable for the problems with small sample set. The AdaBoost method can combine the weak learning machines into a strong learning machine and its accuracy is higher than single LS-SVM's. Meanwhile, the method can reduce the effect of parameters on final prediction results. The result of the simulation shows that this method can significantly improve the prediction accuracy and meet the production requirement.
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    Application of the quantum particle swarm optimization approach in the geometric constraint problems
    Cao, Chun-Hong (1); Tang, Chuan (2); Zhao, Da-Zhe (3); Zhang, Bin (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1229-1232.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 460 )   HTML   PDF (916KB) ( 688 )  
    Geometric constraint problem is equivalent to the problem of solving a set of nonlinear equations, and the constraint problem can be transformed into an optimization problem. Inspired by the classical PSO method and quantum mechanics theory, this paper presents a novel quantum-behaved PSO (QPSO) to solve geometric constraint problems. In the QPSO model, the state of a particle is depicted by a wave function instead of position and velocity. The advantage of the algorithm is that it can maintain the diversity of the population in the interested problems. The experimental result shows that the algorithm can improve efficiency and convergence of the geometric constraint solutions.
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    WNNP-based clustering algorithm for ad hoc networks
    Sha, Yi (1); Huang, Ye (2); Huang, Li (1); Zhang, Li-Li (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1233-1236.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 331 )   HTML   PDF (600KB) ( 569 )  
    According to the dynamic characteristics of ad hoc network topology, a wavelet neural network prediction (WNNP) model was used to predict the geometrical location of the nodes. Comparing the predicted total holding time with the threshold, the stabilization of a cluster in next time can be measured. If the cluster tends to be unstable in next time, a routing pre-repair mechanism can be initiated before the link failure to avoid frequent breaks of links. Thus the network performance is significantly improved. Simulation results show that compared with the lowest-identifier (lowest ID) algorithm and location-based WCA (LWCA) which has no prediction model, WNNP-LWCA can improve by 7% and 5% of the packet delivery rate, reduce by 63% and 50% of the broken routing number, and maintain the stabilization of the cluster.
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    Analysis and metrics for complexity of software systems based on software-core structure
    Liu, Zheng (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Zhang, Qian (2)
    2011, 32 (9):  1237-1239+1260.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 290 )   HTML   PDF (301KB) ( 601 )  
    The complexity of large-scale software systems makes their structure more and more intricate, which seriously affects the quality of the whole systems. In order to master the sophisticated structure of software systems and control the structural complexity, a measuring method for complexity of software systems based on the basic structure of the system was proposed. According to the algorithms of extracting and expanding the software-core structure, the inheritance depths of classes are analyzed. Furthermore, a complexity metric method for large-scale software systems is discussed in the view of inheritance. According to the relationship between the depth of inheritance and in-degree of class, a method of detecting the structural drawbacks in a software system is proposed, by which defects in the structure can be diagnozed during the software designing, and the cost of testing and maintenance in future can be reduced.
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    Correction algorithm of fish-eye lens image distortion based on the circle segmentation approach
    Zhang, Kun (1); Wang, Cui-Rong (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1240-1243.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 352 )   HTML   PDF (1533KB) ( 2940 )  
    For the severe distortion problem of fish-eye lens images, a correction algorithm based on circle segmentation approach was proposed. The circular structure of the fish-eye image features is extensively used in the algorithm and the image is split into concentric circles, then the function method is used to adjust image distortion. A tuning coefficient is introduced to make the algorithm more flexible. The distance between the fish-eye lens and the actual object is considered to adjust the size of tuning coefficient such that a better corrected image is obtained. Matlab experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve satisfactory adjustment results and the calculation of the algorithm takes less time, so that it can be applied to real-time monitoring systems.
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    A routing algorithm for DTN
    Liu, Jun (1); Ye, Ning (1); Zheng, Zhong (2); Sun, Jie (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1244-1247.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 248 )   HTML   PDF (820KB) ( 726 )  
    Due to its characteristics such as long communication delay, high dynamic topology, sparse distribution of nodes and frequent link break, a DTN routing algorithm with the mechanism of "storage-carry-forward" was proposed. Source nodes do not establish a complete route to destination nodes to send data packets. However, they just choose relay nodes which can carry data to destination nodes with larger probilities in their neighborhood. Under this circumstance, the relay node receives packets, stores them and then finds the destination or a better relay node to forward packets. Through hop-by-hop storage-carry-forward strategy, packet will finally arrive at the destination nodes. In the storage-carry-forward process, routs are constructed by considering the characteristics of the DTN. Although DTN topology is frequently changing, nodes within local area may be strongly connected in a short time and thus can provide a path from source or relay nodes to destination or better relay nodes. Ad hoc network routing strategies are used to improve the network performance. NS2 network simulation software is used to analyze the validity and reliability of the proposed DTN routing algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better performances and it is suitable for DTN applications.
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    Heat treatment of new high strength Al-Mg-Si alloy
    Meng, Yi (1); Zhao, Zhi-Hao (1); Cui, Jian-Zhong (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1248-1251+1290.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 395 )   HTML   PDF (1459KB) ( 1334 )  
    Solution treatment and aging treatment of the new extruded aluminum alloy Al-Mg-Si were investigated by mechanical properties tests, SEM, DSC and metallographic microscope to supply the references for the heat treatment plans of productions and further experimental research. The results showed the over-burnt temperature of the extrusion is 572°C and the melting temperature is 594°C. Solution treatment at 560°C for 2 hours and aging treatment at 170°C for 12 hours are the optimal peak-aging treatment condition. The corresponding mechanical properties are 406 MPa in UTS, 340 MPa in yield strength and 18.37% in elongation. The fully recrystallization are observed in the extrusion, resulting in disappearing of the work hardening phenomenon.
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    Research on billet and reheat microstructure of A356 alloy by nearby liquidus casting
    Wang, Ping (1); Wei, Chun-Ying (1); Li, Xiao-Feng (1); Cui, Jian-Zhong (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1252-1255.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 322 )   HTML   PDF (1852KB) ( 1123 )  
    Aluminum alloy A356 with uniform, fine and rose flowered grains was obtained by nearby liquidus semi-continuous casting method. The structure evolution of aluminum alloy A356 during remelting was studied by electron microscope. The results showed that when A356 alloy was heated at 585°C for 10~15 min, semi-solid thixotropic organization was obtained. The remelting temperature and the time of heat insulation affect the evolutionary process of the organization. And the growth and globe rate of α phase increase with the remelting temperature increasing, while the roundness increases with the time of heat insulation.
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    Numerical simulation on heat transfer and heat stress of carbon anodes during baking
    Feng, Ming-Jie (1); Peng, Qing-Yong (2); Wang, En-Gang (1); He, Ji-Cheng (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1256-1260.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 334 )   HTML   PDF (1383KB) ( 658 )  
    A 3-dimmension heat transfer and stress model of carbon anodes during baking was established. The temperature raising process and heat stress variety in carbon anodes were simulated with the measured temperature curves as boundary condition. The results showed that the heat stress and temperature gradient in carbon anode synchronously change, and the most temperature gradient and the most heat stress have convex parabolic relation with baking time (first increased and then decreased). The temperature difference between center and surface and the temperature gradient in width direction and the heat stress raise maximum in modest reheating phase. The heat transfer flux in width direction is far more than 10 times that in length direction and highness direction.
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    Primary investigation on collapsing phenomenon in COREX melter gasifier raceway
    Luo, Zhi-Guo (1); Zhou, Xiao-Lei (1); Han, Li-Hao (1); Yu, Ai-Bing (2)
    2011, 32 (9):  1261-1264.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 291 )   HTML   PDF (1480KB) ( 628 )  
    COREX static model and experimental system were developed to study the COREX-C3000 melter gasifier. The model was established on the basis of the material balance and heat balance, and its input parameters were set according to the operating parameters of production process. The results of static model were used for setting the parameters of physical experiment. COREX physical experimental system was based on the similar principles. The internal information of the physical model was obtained by thermocouples and observation panel. It was found that with the increase of discharge rates, wax/maize volume ratio, air temperature and air flow, the possibility of collapsing is increased. And the influence of collapsing in the raceway is preliminary analyzed.
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    Development and application of equipment malfunction prediction models for ironmaking process
    Guo, Xian-Zhen (1); Chen, Xian-Li (2); Guan, Zhi-Min (1); Shen, Feng-Man (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1265-1268+1298.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 304 )   HTML   PDF (1149KB) ( 674 )  
    The operation process of ironmaking equipment is varied and complex, so forecasting and analysis of equipment malfunction need to satisfy the modern requirements of equipment management. A malfunction prediction model of ironmaking equipment was established by the combination of gray system GM(1, 1) model and metabolism model. By analyzing the real-time data and finding the law among them, the model can predict the reliability of equipment more precisely. The monitoring of Anyang steel hot blast stove showed that this model can analyse the data timely according to the real time status of equipment. This model can work faster, more convenient and reliable than the traditional method, which can reduce significantly the simulated calculating works and improve the accuracy of prediction.
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    Influence of basicity on separated granulating sintering of vanadium titanium magnetite
    Sun, Yan-Qin (1); Yang, Song-Tao (2); Lü, Qing (2); Li, Fu-Min (2)
    2011, 32 (9):  1269-1273.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 311 )   HTML   PDF (1913KB) ( 605 )  
    Separated granulating sintering is a kind of new sintering process, which makes separately the concentrate ore into high basicity materials and acidic balls, then mix with fuels and returned mine to sinter. Sintering test was made in laboratory to study the effect of basicity and to define the new processing parameter. The results showed that when the basicity is low, the binder phase is based on C2S with viteic and the quality of sinter is good. With the increase of basicity, the content of CaO·TiO2 increases, which has badly destructive effect. When TiO2 is fully created into CaO·TiO2 and the basicity is 2.02, the content of SCFA is high, the liquid phase of sinter covers the pellet, the quantity of sinter is better and its metallurgical properties are improved.
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    Effect of argon gas bottom injecting and rotating magnetic field on two phase flow behavior
    Wang, Fang (1); Li, Bao-Kuan (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1274-1277.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 329 )   HTML   PDF (1912KB) ( 673 )  
    The application of rotating magnetic filed on metallurgical reactor with an argon bottom injecting was proposed. The model of gas-liquid two phase flow behavior with the argon gas bottom injecting and the rotating magnetic field was established. The effect of nozzle position and magnetic field density on flow structure and gas bubble behavior of reactor was considered. The results showed that if there is only gas stirring, the shape of gas plume is the inverted cone. When the gas stirring and the rotating magnetic field are applied together, the shape of gas plume becomes the spiral. The simulation results showed a good agreement with the experiment observation. If the distance between reactor center and nozzle position and the magnetic density increase, the channel length which gas bubbles float to the free surface is prolonged in the linear and exponential form, respectively.
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    Synthesis and characterization of titanium silicalite zeolite ETS-10 using anatase
    Liu, Li-Ying (1); Tan, Wen-Jun (2); Zhai, Yu-Chun (1); Xu, Dong (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1278-1281.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 369 )   HTML   PDF (1372KB) ( 775 )  
    The synthesis process of titanium silicalite zeolite ETS-10 using commercial anatase and Na2SiO3 without the addition of fluoride ions was investigated. The synthesized ETS-10 was characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric and N2 adsorption-desorption. The results showed that the prepared ETS-10 exhibits high BET surface area and pore volume of 333 m2/g and 0.21 cm3/g, respectively. ETS-10 is well crystallined with the morphology of truncated bipyramid and uniform particle size. The microporous structure with a uniform pore size of 0.7 nm is observed. Although the prepared ETS-10 contains a small amount of unreacted anatase, it shows similar adsorption performances in comparison with the common ETS-10. It also could be an effective adsorbent for CO2 capture from the flue gas stream due to the high selectivity of CO2/N2.
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    Synthesis of sialon ecomaterials with different compositions using fly ash
    Ma, Bei-Yue (1); Li, Ying (1); Zhai, Yu-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1282-1285.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 301 )   HTML   PDF (1765KB) ( 631 )  
    Sialon ecomaterials with different compositions were synthesized by a carbothermal reduction-nitridation process with fly ash and carbon black as raw materials. Effect of synthesis temperature on the phase composition was investigated. The microstructure was observed by SEM. The carbothermal reduction-nitridation process of fly ash was also analyzed. The results indicated that synthesis temperature has a remarkable effect on the phase composition of the materials. Increasing synthesis temperature accelerates the decomposition of mullite and the formation of Sialon. The Sialon materials with different compositions can be synthesized by controlling the temperature. The (O'+β)-Sialon/mullite, (X+β)-Sialon/corundum and β-Sialon materials can be synthesized at 1350~1400°C, 1450~1500°C and 1550°C for 6 h, respectively. The average particle size of β-Sialon synthesized at 1550°C is around 2~3 μm. The carbothermal reduction-nitridation process of fly ash consists of the nitridation formation process of O'-Sialon, X-Sialon and β-Sialon, and the conversion processes of O'-Sialon to X-Sialon and β-Sialon as well as X-Sialon to β-Sialon.
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    Improvement of dispersibility of short carbon fibers by hydroxyethl cellulose(HEC)
    Che, De-Hui (1); Yao, Guang-Chun (1); Hua, Zhong-Sheng (1); Zhang, Xiao (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1286-1290.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 313 )   HTML   PDF (1358KB) ( 1188 )  
    Using HEC as a dispersant, the short carbon fibers were dispersed by rotary stir. The effects of HEC concentration, stirring speed and stirring time on short carbono fibers were studied. The microstructure of copper coating before and after dispersion of short carbon fibers was characterized by SEM. The results showed that after dispersion treatment, the dispersibility of short carbon fibers is significantly improved. The concentration of HEC in the water must keep moderate. The dispersion of short carbon fibers is not obvious when the concentration of HEC is too high or too low in the water. The dispersion ratio of short carbon fibers increases with the increasing stirring speed and time. When the stirring speed is controlled at 800 r/min and the stirring time is 30 minutes, the dispersion ratio of short carbon fibers rises to 98% at HEC concentration of 1.5 g/L. Copper coating layers of dispersed carbon fibers turn to smooth and uniform.
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    Effect of associated minerals on cyanide leaching gold in refractory gold ore
    Cui, Ri-Cheng (1); Yang, Hong-Ying (1); Chen, Sen (1); Ma, Peng-Cheng (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1291-1294.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 600 )   HTML   PDF (1120KB) ( 1283 )  
    Several common associated minerals in refractory gold ore were tested to analyze their effects on cyanide leaching. The effects of Fe2+, Cu2+, As3+ on the consumption of cyanide were analysed by standard solution of chemical reagents. The results showed that pyrrhotite has the greatest effect on cyanide leaching in iron minerals, which decreases gold dissolution rate by 28.1% and increases cyanide consumption by 4 times. Pyrite and hematite have little effects. Chalcopyrite and chalcocite have great effects on cyanide leaching in copper minerals. Chalcocite decreases gold dissolution rate by 36.81% and increases cyanide consumption by 10 times. Realgar and orpiment are extremely harmful to cyanide leaching in arsenic minerals, which decreases gold dissolution rate by 41.95% and 49.90% respectively, and increases cyanide consumption by 13.8 times and 15.0 times. On the contrary, arsenopyrite is more stable in the system, and has little effect on cyanide leaching. In ion consuming cyanide test, Fe2+ and Cu2+ consume a lot of cyanide in the system, while As3+ isn't reactive with cyanide and cannot cause cyanide consumption. Thus the formation of thio-cyanate is the main reason of arsenic minerals consuming a lot of cyanide.
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    Uncertainty analysis of reliability for crane brake
    Li, He (1); Zhang, Jie (1); Zhang, Lei (1); Wen, Bang-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1295-1298.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 315 )   HTML   PDF (1109KB) ( 543 )  
    Traditional analyzing methods can simply calculate the value of reliability but can not analyze its accuracy or obtain the effect of every fault factor on it. So a novel analyzing method combining fault tree with information fusion was proposed to study the uncertainty of the system reliability. Variance importance is presented to improve the accuracy of reliability. Effects on the device reliability of every fault factor are calculated, and the accuracy of the most significant factor reliability is improved to meliorate the accuracy of the system reliability. Finally, the efficiency and accuracy of the method are demonstrated through an uncertainty analysis example.
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    Research on the inherent characteristics of rotor system with speed increasing gear
    Dai, Ji-Shuang (1); Ma, Hui (1); Li, Chao-Feng (1); Wen, Bang-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1299-1303.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 347 )   HTML   PDF (1405KB) ( 697 )  
    The finite element model of a non-associated gear compressor rotor system was established with considering the influence of the gears engagement. To study the characteristics of the gear-rotor system, the single axis of the whole system are successively analyzed. Dynamic characteristics of the whole machine with engaging gears are tested through bending, torsional and coupled vibrations. The results show that new system frequency arises due to the existence of the gear meshing effect; the torsional effect of sleeve on the coupled system is mainly reflected in the third and the fourth order; the coupled effect of gears is relatively weak in the coupled characteristics of bend and torsion. To avoid design defects of the system, the gear meshing effect must be fully considered. This work provids a theoretical reference for fault diagnoses, vibration control and stability design of the rotor-bearing system.
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    Reliability-based topological optimization design of normal distribution continuum structure
    Li, Jing-Kui (1); Zhang, Yi-Min (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1304-1307.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 367 )   HTML   PDF (1249KB) ( 737 )  
    The continuum structure with stochastic parameters was designed by topological optimization. The reliability constraint of stochastic parameters under normal distribution was also considered to guarantee the reliability. Based on the first-order second-moment method of the reliability theory, the stochastic finite element method is used to analyze the continuum structural reliability. The implicit reliability constraint is transformed into the equal conventional constraint. The K-nearest neighbor method of the pattern recognition technique is introduced to the design domain of the continuum structure to carry on the topology optimization design. Finally, several calculation examples prove that the design method is feasible, and proves theory basis for engineering design.
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    Research on the optimal maintenance period for repairable product with renewing warranty
    Hu, Zhi-Yong (1); Xie, Li-Yang (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1308-1311.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 263 )   HTML   PDF (692KB) ( 471 )  
    The optimal maintenance period for repairable product with renewing warranty was researched in behalf of the customer. The concept of product investment cycle (PIC) of the customer was proposed and the product investment cycle was derived on the basis of the warranty policy and the stochastic process theory. Considering the customer cost structure, the cost rate function of the PIC is established and the optimal maintenance period function is derived. A numerical example demonstrates the practical significance of the PIC. The duration of fulfilling warranty reduces the customer's risk of product early failure. Extended warranty prolongs the PIC of customer and may shorten the maintenance period. The product failure rate function has a significant impact on the economical items of the PIC.
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    Optimal design and control research of the feeding system for heavy electroslag remelting furnace
    Wang, Chang-Zhou (1); Yao, Shun-Yu (1); Cao, Jun-Kai (1); Song, Jin-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1312-1314+1323.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 357 )   HTML   PDF (1104KB) ( 523 )  
    Electrode feeding system is one of the important systems of heavy electroslag remelting furnace. Eletrode feeding process of electroslag remelting furnace is drop process of cross arm. The cross arm of traditional electroslag furnace driven by ball screw has defects such as weak stiffness, low response etc. A large size hydraulic cylinder is utilized as the driver of the cross arm, and an electro-hydraulic proportional flow control valve is used to control the speed of the hydraulic cylinder. The mathematical model of the hydraulic control system is established and simulated. The simulation results show that the system theoretically works well.
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    An edge detection algorithm based on wavelet transform and mathematical morphology
    Huang, Hai-Long (1); Wang, Hong (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1315-1318.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 644 )   HTML   PDF (1414KB) ( 938 )  
    Combining the advantages of both the wavelet transform and mathematical morphology, an edge detection algorithm was proposed. For edge detection based on mathematical morphology, an anti-noise edge detection operator is constructed by improving the existing operators. Different direction linear structure elements are employed. Edge detection based on wavelet transform can reserve the image edge details effectively and ensure the continuity and integrity of the detected edge. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can suppress the noise interference more effectively and improve the detection accuracy and the robustness of different images in comparison with several classical edge detection algorithms.
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    Stiffness sensitivity analysis and parameter optimization of slender manipulator
    Luo, Zhong (1); Liang, Le (1); Chen, Yan-Yan (1); Li, Shao-Jie (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1319-1323.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 430 )   HTML   PDF (852KB) ( 1188 )  
    A parameter optimization method based on stiffness sensitivity analysis was proposed for the structural optimization of slender manipulator. Taking a 3-DOF inner-wall grinding robot of the solid-propellant rocket engines as an example, both the structural model and the stiffness model are established for the manipulator. Sensitivity analysis of the effect of the wall thickness on the bend stiffness is then performed for seven major parts. According to the results, four thickness variables which are sensitive to the stiffness are found out. With the four variables as the design variables, final optimization scheme is obtained after optimizing the manipulator structural parameters. The results show that manipulator stiffness is improved 7.04% after parameter optimization. This work lays a theoretical foundation for the structural optimization for such manipulators.
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    Study on individualization products customization based on X3D
    Yu, Tian-Biao (1); Chen, Jie (1); Yu, Qian (1); Wang, Wan-Shan (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1324-1327.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 306 )   HTML   PDF (1693KB) ( 675 )  
    The X3D technologies were applied to realize parameterized customization of products. Key techniques of X3D based on individualization product customization such as X3D mapping, X3D dynamic generation and the methods for information exchange between X3D and CAD with XML were studied. Data of product customization was analyzed and a space data model was established. The problems of choosing document data structure in the XML encoding, selection of the elements and properties in data structure design, XML document content and display were all addressed. A system of individualization products customization based on X3D technologies is developed. In order to verify the theory, individualized customization of a prototype system of air cylinder product was designed. The system architecture and customizing process were introduced. The results showed that the application of X3D can realize parameterized customization. It gives the customers more access to the process of individualized customization. The study provides a new operable method for parameterized customization of products.
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    Dynamic optimization of pumping and consolidation deformation prediction of vertical shafts of metro works in the high water-rich sand layer
    Chen, Shi-Kuo (1); Yang, Tian-Hong (1); Wang, Hang (2); Liu, Hong-Lei (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1328-1331.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 352 )   HTML   PDF (989KB) ( 770 )  
    Aiming at the hydrogeology characteristics of high water-rich sand layer in Shenyang, making use of the analysis software of Comsol Multiphysics, and taking into account the linear elastic deformation nature of sandy soil, a three-dimensional seepage-stress coupled model was established on the basis of the Biot's consolidation theory. It describes the dynamic process of the ground deformation due to dewatering by multi-port pumping wells. The numbers, distance and pumping capacity of the wells are optimized by the inverse analysis of parameters through water fitting and displacement back analysis. Furthermore, the deformation of the building and underground pipes caused by the dewatering can be forecasted with the settlement, incline, curvature and horizontal displacement. It is shown that this model is stable and the water level can get dynamic equilibrium by pumping for 77 days. The ground deformation satisfies the requirement of the construction safety. It has good practical, economic and social benefits by the way of optimizing the distance, numbers and the pumping flow of the wells.
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    Analysis on roof stability of concealed gob area under additional loading
    Yang, Yu-Jiang (1); Gao, Han (2); Li, Yuan-Hui (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1332-1335.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 262 )   HTML   PDF (1686KB) ( 686 )  
    In order to study the gob area roof stability of Qidashan iron mine, the numerical software FLAC3D and limit analysis method were used to simulate the deformation and failure situation of the roof with different thickness under additional loading. In the simulation, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion was adopted, which can consider both the tensile and the shear failure of materials. The results show that when the roof thickness is less than 5.5 m, the tensile failure is the main mode. It will lead to the great increase of arch plastic zone areas. The strength reduction safety factor and the ultimate bearing capacity with the increasing roof thickness are not significant and have an approximately linear relationship. When the roof thickness is more than 5.5 m, the safety factor and ultimate bearing capacity are increased remarkably. The roof thickness is thus determined to be more than 5.5 m for the gob spacing of 10 m, which can ensure the roof stability under roof rock weight and additional loading. With the reduction of material parameters of cohesion c, internal friction angle φ and tensile strength at the same time, the distribution of the plastic zone is similar with the ultimate bearing capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the effect of the tensile failure of gob area during the calculation of the safety factor and latent failure zone.
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    Mechanic analysis of retrieval for collapse induced by upper plate jamb
    Xu, Shuai (1); Li, Yuan-Hui (1); Yang, Yu-Jiang (1); Dai, Xing-Hang (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1336-1339.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 286 )   HTML   PDF (811KB) ( 631 )  
    This paper proposes an original technique in the fields of efficient mining methods concerning flat pitch and medium-thick fragmented ore. In view of the fact that the upper lithosome is hydrated and readily broken, and that the damage caused by the vibration of stopping blasting may contribute to the premature depletion, increase of water inflow, agglomeration and ore drawing difficulty, the upper plate should be reserved in order to diminish the damage of the surrounding upper lithosome caused by the blasting vibration. Concurrently, the induced blasting holes should be displayed in the lower area in order to destroy the roots of remaining areas and to induce the reserved jambs to maintain collapsing. Using Flac3d, mechanics of the stress, displacement changes and plastic forming of the reserved jambs were simulated and analyzed during the extending and developing process. And it demonstrated the mechanic process that reserved jambs may reduce the damage of upper plate terrain during the stopping. Then it is concluded that a triangular protecting jamb with 2 m thickness should be reserved in the upper plate, which is helpful for the development of the plastic forming and the maintenance of the upper plate stability. Also the conduct of induced collapse during the slot cutting of the lower plate may lead to the complete retrieval of this jamb.
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    Detection and evaluation of underground iron ore goaf based on TEM
    Jia, San-Shi (1); Shao, An-Lin (2); Wang, Hai-Long (2); Wang, En-De (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1340-1343.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 430 )   HTML   PDF (1188KB) ( 892 )  
    For the detection technology problems of underground iron ore goaf, the tunnels of different mining middle and length are detected and evaluated in the goaf by TerraTEM on the basis of the transient electromagnetic method (TEM). Several contrast tunnels are tested and verified by combining HDRM. Meanwhile geological projects are put into effect for some tunnels. It is found that the distribution of the superficial layer goaf in underground iron ore is to be ascertained through TEM with appropriate collect parameters and detection devices. The TEM can distinguish the electrical property of different media better and display the burial depth and scale of abnormal body more accurately. Moreover, there is no detection dead zone which exists in the traditional geophysical prospecting methods, and the detection distance and length are not restricted. Therefore, it can detect the electrical property difference in a fixed point depth range, provide a thorough investigation of the goaf and suspect collapse areas of a certain depth below the mining tunnels. It is important for the safety assurance of underground iron ore mine production.
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    Motion simulation of debris flow and research on energy process
    Fan, Yun-Yun (1); Wang, En-Zhi (2); Wang, Si-Jing (2)
    2011, 32 (9):  1344-1347.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 252 )   HTML   PDF (1644KB) ( 594 )  
    Aiming at the analysis of energy attenuation process during the motion development of debris flow under different conditions, the numerical simulations of the motion process of debris flow are achieved by the method of finite volume discretization. These numerical simulations have been tested and verified by analytic examples and experiment tests. The results show that numerical simulations with high precision and high resolution are stable and effective. Furthermore, the energy process of debris flow is discussed on the basis of the numerical simulations. The results indicate that the energy change process of debris flow is mainly controlled by the basal resistance, and that the centripetal effect of topography curvature has a great influence on the process of energy attenuation by changing the friction resistance.
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    Simulation and effects on flotation of solubility of magnesium carbonate minerals
    Li, Qiang (1); Yin, Wan-Zhong (1); Ma, Ying-Qiang (1); Liu, Ming-Bao (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1348-1351.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 360 )   HTML   PDF (764KB) ( 994 )  
    The solubility of magnesium carbonate minerals affects the flotation process. The solubility of magnesite and dolomite in water was simulated by PHREEQC software. The results showed that the effect of temperature on the solubility of magnesite and dolomite is different. When the solution pH is 11, the lowest solubility of magnesite and dolomite are 12.48 mg/L and 10.05 mg/L, respectively. Most of the metal cations and inorganic anions except for positional ions increase the solubility. In the same solution, the solubility of magnesite and dolomite are 14.03 mg/L and 3.16 mg/L when the dissolution is in equilibrium. In dodecylamine flotation system, reducing the solubility of mineral is helpful to the flotation process.
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    Environmental pressure of Shenyang's economic development
    Wang, Feng-Bo (1); Gu, Xiao-Wei (1); Wang, Qing (1); Xu, Xiao-Chuan (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1352-1355.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 295 )   HTML   PDF (1318KB) ( 632 )  
    A model based on the ecological footprint has been developed to reflect the aggregate environmental pressure of a regional economy with combining the material flow analysis of societal metabolism and some related indicators. It was used to calculate the environmental pressure of Shenyang in the period of 1991-2005. The results showed that the total ecological footprint of Shenyang had been rapidly increasing after 2000, indicating that the fast economic growth is achieved at the cost of a high increase in environmental pressure (i.e. resource consumption). Of the total ecological footprint, 66%~80% is carbon footprint and 20%~34% is direct footprint. Therefore, the principal aspect of Shenyang's environmental pressure is carbon emission. Raising the carbon efficiency in the economic development and reducing carbon emission should be the main focus in the long run. To improve the energy supply structure and reform the industrial structure are the main measures for reducing carbon emission and raising carbon efficiency.
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    Parameter effect of the instantaneous optimal control based on the energy equation method
    Yang, Yang (1); Kou, Jie (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1356-1359.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 241 )   HTML   PDF (1838KB) ( 678 )  
    Based on theoretical analysis of the instantaneous optimal control (IOC) algorithm and energy method, energy equilibrium equation of IOC algorithm was formulated. Effects on the parameters of the IOC algorithm are calculated, which may strongly affect on structural responses. Simulation analysis of single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) controlled structure is employed for analyzing the effects of time interval. The results show that the time interval in IOC algorithm affects on the structural displacement, velocity and energy contribution. With the time interval increasing, the responses of velocity and displacement of structure decrease. Acceleration results are related to time interval and structural period. Control force and control energy are related to time interval and the relationship of displacement and velocity. Time interval is larger, the effect of structural period on earthquake energy is smaller.
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    Method for designing servicescape based on kansei engineering
    Zhao, Xiao-Yu (1); Cao, Zhong-Peng (1); Zhang, Hao (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1360-1363.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 251 )   HTML   PDF (1240KB) ( 1364 )  
    Servicescape is an important component of service offerings and has a significant impact on the customers' shopping experiences. A method for designing servicescape based on kansei engineering is presented to acquire the relationship between customers' affective needs and design elements of servicescape, then the best combination of different design elements can be obtained. The design of waiting scenarios is used as an example. Some important issues, such as formulating affective words space and design elements space, evaluation of waiting scenario samples based on affective words, exploring the relationship between affective words and design elements, are discussed. The reasonableness and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified through the example.
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    Empirical study on price discovery function of commodity futures market
    Qu, Hong-Tao (1); Zhuang, Xin-Tian (1); Su, Yan-Li (2); Guan, Jie (1)
    2011, 32 (9):  1364-1368.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 325 )   HTML   PDF (759KB) ( 1120 )  
    Through the application of correlation analysis, Granger test, EG two-step test, Johansen co-integration test, impulse response functions and variance decomposition method, the futures price discovery function on gold, silver, oil, aluminum, and copper were investigated. The results showed that the futures leads spots price in the short term, but in long run, there is no co-integration relationship between the futures price and spots price on gold. Generally, in the short term, the futures leads spots price, and in long run, there is co-integration relationship between the futures price and spots price on silver, oil, aluminum, and copper. Finally, based on the different characteristics of each commodity, the strategies of effective use of the futures market in China are suggested and proposed.
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