Effect of pulverized coal injection with magnesite on blast furnace operation at anyang steel
Guo, Xian-Zhen (1); Wei, Guo (1); Shen, Feng-Man (1); Niu, Wei-Jun (2)
2011, 32 (10):
DOI: -
The slag marking of No.7 BF of Anyang Steel was analyzed, and then injecting raw materials containing MgO into BF through tuyere was proposed to improve slag properties. Industrial tests of pulverized coal injection with light burned magnesite were carried out at No.7 BF of Anyang Steel. The results showed that the adverse effect of high Al2O3 on metallurgical properties of slag is remitted, and the production index of BF is improved. When the addition of light burned magnesite is 3%, and w(MgO)/w(Al2O3) is 0.60~0.65 in slag, the hot metal temperature is improved significantly, and the sulfur distribution coefficient increases. To ensure high efficiency and smooth operation of BF with pulverized coal injection with magnesite, the thermal system, slag forming, coke burden, and "heat balance of hearth gas" should be controlled properly.
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