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    Information & Control
    ObserverBased Stability of Networked Control Systems with TimeDelay
    XING Wei, SUN Yang, DAI Liangcui
    2014, 35 (4):  457-460.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.001
    Abstract ( 657 )   HTML   PDF (306KB) ( 651 )  
    A state observer was designed for a class of networked control systems with a short delay, in which the sensor is timedriven, and the controller and actuator are eventdriven. The networked control systems were discretized, and a discrete model of the system was given. In addition, the determination method of asymptotic stability was given on the basis of the state observer. Sufficient conditions for the system asymptotically stable were obtained by building Lyapunov function and linear matrix inequalities. A simulation example showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
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    Optimal Control for Nonlinear DiscreteTime Time Delay Systems with Saturating Actuators
    WANG Tao, LUO Yanhong
    2014, 35 (4):  461-464.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.002
    Abstract ( 739 )   HTML   PDF (433KB) ( 724 )  
    For the more general form of nonlinear discretetime time delays systems with saturating actuators, an infinitetime optimal control scheme was developed by heuristic dynamic programming(HDP) algorithm. In the proposed scheme, the discount factor was added in the value function. Firstly, value function series and control series were given through iterative HDP algorithm, and the convergence analysis was presented to prove that value function series and control series reach the optimal value simultaneously. Secondly, three neural networks(NN)which are model NN, critic NN, action NN were introduced to carry out the HDP algorithm. Model NN was used to approximate system model, critic NN to approximate value function, action NN to approximate control policy. Lastly, the validity of HDP algorithm was illustrated by one simulation example.
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    3D Numerical Model for Magnetic Induction Tomography Measurement System
    XUAN Yang, WANG Xu, LIU Chengan, YANG Dan
    2014, 35 (4):  466-469.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.003
    Abstract ( 892 )   HTML   PDF (1698KB) ( 824 )  
    The finite element analysis method was used to evaluate the forward problem of threedimensional magnetic induction tomography(MIT). The model of MIT measurement system was established by the ANSYS software. The Griffiths’s system was simulated to validate the reliability of the finite element method. The corresponding tests of simulation analysis were performed based on this model. The results were corresponded with the theoretical value and the Griffiths’s test results. The results showed that the method was suitable for solving the forward problem of threedimensional MIT measurement system, which provided the basis to the further study of MIT inverse problem and more complex measurement system design.
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    Fast Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Spatial Correlation Prediction
    LU Ziwei, WU Chengdong, CHEN Dongyue, YU Xiaosheng
    2014, 35 (4):  470-473.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.004
    Abstract ( 761 )   HTML   PDF (1202KB) ( 961 )  
    In order to improve the speed and accuracy of motion estimation in adaptive rood pattern search(ARPS)algorithm, a fast block matching motion estimation algorithm was proposed on the basis of spatial correlation prediction. According to the block matching metric, in the proposed algorithm, the motion vector(MV)of current block was predicted by computing mean MVs of the two blocks with higher similarity in the neighborhood blocks instead of the fixed single block prediction pattern in ARPS. The prediction performance of initial search center location was improved with the proposed algorithm, and the prediction error resulted from motion transformation was reduced. Experimental results demonstrated that the computational complexity could be effectively decreased, and the registration accuracy was increased as well in comparison to APRS and the other standard block matching algorithms.
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    Iron Ore Pellet Drying and Oxidation Models of GrateKiln Process
    WANG Jianhui, PENG Jun, FANG Xiaoke, TAN Shuai
    2014, 35 (4):  474-478.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.005
    Abstract ( 593 )   HTML   PDF (548KB) ( 686 )  
    The twostage drying and shrinking core model were used to build a kinetic drying model on the basis of research of heat and mass transfer phenomenon. The heat and mass changes together with hot wind direction changing were also considered in this model. Furthermore, the key parameters were recognized with field data, and the simulation curves showed that the models well described the processes of moisture evaporation, dry pellets oxidation and heat exchange of outer air. Based on the kinetic models, hardness models for dry and preheated pellets were also proposed. The comparison results showed that the model was efficient and the realistic drying and oxidation process was well reflected. It also provided a foundation of accurate control and optimization for iron ore pellet drying and oxidation process which has practical significance.
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    Speciesbased Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization Problems
    WANG Hongfeng, ZHANG Qian, LI Xiaojiang
    2014, 35 (4):  479-483.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.006
    Abstract ( 697 )   HTML   PDF (859KB) ( 681 )  
    Considering that evolutionary multiobjective optimization has been becoming one of research topics in evolutionary algorithm community recently, a speciesbased mechanism was introduced into multiobjective GA, which is initially applied into GA for multimodal optimization problem. And then a new speciesbased method was designed and proposed for multiobjective optimization problem, which comprises a species seed indentifying strategy based on Pareto optimality and crowd degree and an adaptive species constructing scheme. Experimental results showed that the proposed speciesbased multiobjective GA outperforms nondominated sorting GA Ⅱ(NSGAⅡ)on a set of benchmark test problems.
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    Binary Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on Parameterless Mutation Strategy
    KONG Xiangyong, GAO Liqun, OUYANG Haibin, GE Yanfeng
    2014, 35 (4):  484-487.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.007
    Abstract ( 918 )   HTML   PDF (416KB) ( 1094 )  
    Owing to the superior performance on dealing with the complicated continuous problems, a binary differential evolution algorithm named BDEPM was proposed to solve 01 programming problem on account of characteristics of the 01 variables. Compared with discrete transform and logical operations, in the proposed method, the scaling factor was not required in the evolutionary process and binary mutation was directly carried out only on the basis of the differences between two individuals. The binary coded BDEPM algorithm was easy to understand, and it was implemented with a simple structure and less control parameters. A repair strategy based on quadratic greedy transform was put forward to handle the constraints when the BDEPM algorithm was applied to the solve 01 knapsack problems. Experimental results of two instances validated the superiority of the BDEPM algorithm.
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    Bundle Adjustment Based on LM Algorithm for Rover Navigation and Localization
    MA Youqing, JIA Yonghong, LIU Shaochuang, JIA Yang
    2014, 35 (4):  489-493.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.008
    Abstract ( 729 )   HTML   PDF (530KB) ( 1044 )  
    An exact rover localization algorithm in bundle adjustment (BA) was proposed, which used LevenbergMarquardt algorithm instead of GaussNewton algorithm to obtain highprecision localization information. It could be used especially in the cases of lacking adequate control information in the lunar surface environment. According to the core ideas of the LevenbergMarquardt algorithm and lunar image structure network, the error estimation based on bundle adjustment was formulated, and then the appropriate damping strategy and posterior weights estimation were given. Simulation results showed that the disadvantages of weak applicability of GaussNewton algorithm could be overcome by using the proposed algorithm, and it has a high localization accuracy and iterative convergence rate.
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    Rotation Modulation for StrapDown Inertial Navigation System Based on MEMS Sensors
    WANG Xueyun, LYU Yanhong, WANG Wei, WANG Lei
    2014, 35 (4):  494-498.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.009
    Abstract ( 1297 )   HTML   PDF (915KB) ( 1763 )  
    MEMS inertial sensors benefit the lowcost and miniaturization of strapdown inertial navigation system, but their errors are large. To improve the navigation performance, a systematic error autocompensation method—rotation modulation(RM)was introduced. The RM effects on restraining constant biases and improving navigation accuracy were elaborated. The rotation modulation schemes including the number of rotating axis, rotation direction, rotation continuity and rotation speed were compared. Based on the error characteristics of MEMS sensor, an appropriate rotation scheme was determined for that and a prototype was selfdeveloped. Static and land vehicle experiments showed that RM can greatly improve the navigation performance by constraining the constant biases of MEMS sensors. The attitude accuracy is 5 times better and velocity/position accuracy is nearly 10 times better in 200s.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    FineGrain Strengthening Mechanism of LowCarbon Martensite Steel and Its Mechanical Properties
    LIU Yandong, LIU Shunzhen, SONG Huading, KONG Xiangwei
    2014, 35 (4):  499-503.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.010
    Abstract ( 936 )   HTML   PDF (1318KB) ( 1267 )  
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of lowcarbon martensite steel obtained by different heat treatment conditions were studied. The results showed that the salt bath quenching heat treatment can achieve rapid and uniform heating. Compared to conventional heat treatment conditions, the austenite grain size has not grown up at the early stages of fully austenitic or nearly fully austenitic due to the fast heating speed and short heat preservation time, so the fine martensite microstructure was obtained by quenching and the martensite steel has excellent mechanical properties simultaneously. Through the heat treatment parameters optimization, the tensile strength and elongation increase more than 10%. Under the 930℃×20s salt bath quenching, the martensite steel’s tensile strength is 1488GPa and the elongation is 76%.
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    Precipitation Behavior of σ Phase in Duplex Stainless Steel 2205
    MA Ming, DING Hua, TANG Zhengyou, LI Guoping
    2014, 35 (4):  504-507.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.011
    Abstract ( 849 )   HTML   PDF (1949KB) ( 1131 )  
    The effects of aging conditions on the morphology features of precipitates of DSS (duplex stainless steel) 2205 after solution treatment were observed by OM, and the precipitation process of σ phase at 800℃ were analyzed. In order to investigate the precipitation characteristics and the mechanisms of σ phase, the microstructure of the sample by aging treatment at 800℃ for 240min was studied by EDS, XRD, TEM and EP. The results showed that σ phase which precipitates by the reaction δ→γ2+σ is an FeCrMo intermetallic compound and the crystal structure is tetragonal, and the diffusion of alloying elements Mo mainly affected its formation. After the same aging time, σ phase precipitates severely at 800℃ and slightly at 950℃.
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    Effects of Cooling Parameters on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled TiMicroalloyed LowCarbon Ultra HighStrength Steels
    XIE Hui, DU Linxiu, HU Jun
    2014, 35 (4):  508-511.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.012
    Abstract ( 636 )   HTML   PDF (917KB) ( 867 )  
    The thermomechanical control process(TMCP) was carried out for the high Ti microalloyed low carbon steel. The effects of supercooling and the atomic diffusion rate on the evolution of the microstructure and the behavior of the (Ti, Mo)C particles precipitation were studied under different controlled cooling rates and coiling temperatures. The results showed that the comprehensive mechanical properties of the experimental steel were outstanding with the cooling rate of 30℃/s and the coiling temperature of 420℃, i.e., the yield strength of the steel was 690MPa, the tensile strength was 820MPa, the elongationafterfracture was 18%, and the experimental steel possessed excellent low temperature impact toughness. The microstructure consisted of polygonal ferrite,acicular ferrite, fine M/A islands and nanoscale (Ti, Mo)C precipitates, and the strength and toughness are wellmatched.
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    Microstructure Evolution During Severe Plastic Deformation of IF Steel
    YAN Bo, JIAO Sihai, ZHANG Dianhua
    2014, 35 (4):  512-515.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.013
    Abstract ( 767 )   HTML   PDF (2048KB) ( 599 )  
    Severe plastic deformation of IF steel was repeatedly carried out at room temperature by using semicontinuous equal channel angular extrusion(SCECAE). The microstructures evolution and the mechanisms of grain refinement during deformation were analyzed by EBSD. The results showed that the deformation primarily takes place in simple shear along the intersectional plane of the two extrusion channels, the plastic deformation is caused by shear strain, and the stress of deformation structures is reasonably uniform over the whole crosssection of the workpiece. The grain refinement is strengthened with the increase of strain. The final HAB fraction of about 90% is obtained and the HAB spacing decreases to less than 1μm,and the overall grain size decreases to about 055μm after 10 passes.
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    Automatic Gauge Control System and Thickness Optimization Strategy of Aluminum Foil
    SUN Jie, HU Yunjian, LI Bingqi, ZHANG Dianhua
    2014, 35 (4):  516-520.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.014
    Abstract ( 638 )   HTML   PDF (537KB) ( 1037 )  
    According to the characteristics of foil rolling process and the instrument configuration, a set of automatic gauge control (AGC) system for aluminum foil rolling mill was designed. The control principle of every control method was given. The Smith predictor and variable gain were used to reduce the effect of pure delay on the control system. And the decoupling compensation for other control link was implemented. The tension adaptive control scheme was given according to the tension oscillating problem, and the variable acceleration control in rolling speed AGC was proposed. In order to avoid the spillover phenomena of single controller, the thickness optimization control was implemented by using main controller and optimize controller. For the maximal production, the rolling speed maximization control and target thickness adaptive control were brought forward. Application results indicated that the system shows good control effect.
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    Multisample Processing Strategy of Data Acquisition in Tandem Hot Rolling
    LI Xu, PENG Wen, DING Jingguo, ZHANG Dianhua
    2014, 35 (4):  521-523.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.015
    Abstract ( 604 )   HTML   PDF (397KB) ( 601 )  
    In hot strip rolling processes, the methods of processing the actual data influence the selflearning precise of the model and further affect the product quality control precise. To solve this problem mentioned above, a multisample strategy of practical data acquisition was established and the high dispersion data were eliminated with the sample variation coefficient method, while the collected valid data synchronization was realized with the samples mapping method through which the selflearning source data with highly reliability were achieved that improved the validity of the selflearning of the model and the predict precise. This multisample strategy was applied to a tandem hot mill in China, the practical application results showed that the rolling force predicted precise was up 233%, which met the requirement of the automation gauge control system, and the product quality was improved.
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    Forecasting and Controlling Software of Thermal Scratch Defect in Cold Rolling Process
    CHEN Jinshan, LI Changsheng
    2014, 35 (4):  524-527.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.016
    Abstract ( 685 )   HTML   PDF (559KB) ( 759 )  
    In order to establish a precise mathematical model of oil film thickness in deformation zone, the lubrication in cold rolling process of SUS430 stainless steel strip was studied in the laboratory. According to the principle of statistics, the mathematical model of critical oil film thickness in deformation zone for thermal scratch was built by using the fitting and regression analytical method, and the criterion for deciding thermal scratch defect was put forward on the basis of the thickness comparison method. Storing and calling data through SQL Server 2005, a forecasting and controlling software of thermal scratch was developed in the Visual C++60 environment by MFC technique for stainless steel in tandem cold rolling, and then it was used in the practical production. Statistical results demonstrated that the hit rate of thermal scratch arrives at 8774%, the occurrence rate of thermal scratch decreases by 8381%, and the rolling speed increases by 93%. The software is of significance to the control of products quality of stainless steel strips, and the analysis and solution to the problem of thermal scratch defects in tandem cold rolling.
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    Effects of MgZr Combined Treatment on Characteristics of Inclusions in FH40 ShipBuilding Steel Ingots
    LI Xiaobing, WANG Deyong, LIU Chengjun, JIANG Maofa
    2014, 35 (4):  529-533.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.017
    Abstract ( 656 )   HTML   PDF (903KB) ( 636 )  
    The characteristics such as particle size distribution, average particle size, total amount and chemical composition of FH40 shipbuilding steels formed by Mg, Zr, MgZr combined treatment were investigated by the quantitative metallographic and SEMEDS methods. The results showed that the average particle size decreased while the total amount of inclusions increased after Mg, Zr, MgZr treatment. With 0024%Mg addition, the average mass fraction of MgO was 1257% in the inclusions, which was not fully modified; With 0072%Mg addition, the average mass fraction of MgO was 3558%, in the inclusions which meant that Al2O3 completely translated into MgO·Al2O3, and the size of inclusions decreased obviously. With 003% Zr addition, the main inclusions of the ingot were mainly Al2O3+MnS, AlZrO+MnS. The Zrcontaining inclusions were all found after MgZr combined treatment with the amount of the Mg and Zr additions changed as follow low Mg+high Zr, high Mg+low Zr and high Mg+high Zr. Especially, ZrO2 inclusions wrapped with MgO·Al2O3were found in the high Mg+high Zr treated steel with the apparent tendency to be aggregated.
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    Static Model for Converter Steelmaking with Limestone
    TANG Biao, WANG Xiaoming, ZOU Zongshu, YU Aibing
    2014, 35 (4):  534-538.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.018
    Abstract ( 856 )   HTML   PDF (436KB) ( 882 )  
    Converter steelmaking with limestone instead of lime was studied. The theoretical feasibility of using limestone instead of lime was analyzed for converter steelmaking. A partition model for carbon dioxide reaction with[C],[Si],[Mn]and[Fe]was established on the basis of thermodynamic analysis. According to the mass and heat balance calculations, the materials consumptions under different limestone substitution proportions were obtained, and the maximum limestone substituting proportion was determined. The changes of converter gas composition and production and the cost of steelmaking were studied. The results showed that limestone can be used in converter steelmaking and the maximum substitution proportion is about 71%under the involved conditions. With the increase of limestone substitution, the scrap consumption, volume fraction of CO2 in furnace gas and the steelmaking cost decrease, while the hot metal consumption, volume fraction of CO in furnace gas and the quality of furnace gas increase.
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    Mathematical Modeling of Electroslag Remelting Process
    LIU Fubin, CHEN Xu, JIANG Zhouhua, LI Xing
    2014, 35 (4):  539-542.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.019
    Abstract ( 1069 )   HTML   PDF (813KB) ( 1476 )  
    The electrodeslag bathingot system was studied, and a 3D quasisteady state mathematical model was developed for simulating electroslag remelting(ESR) process. The commercial software ANSYS was applied to calculate the electromagnetic, flow and temperature fields in ESR system. The calculation results showed that the current is confined to the surface of electrode/ingot and the corner of electrode in slag bath. The flow field and temperature field are attributed to the effects of electromagnetic force and joule heating resulted from current density distribution and cooling condition. The metal pool depth and maximum mushy zone width increase with the melting rate.Under the conditions for this investigation, the minimum local solidification time (LST) corresponds to 700~800kg/h melting rate.
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    Cold Model Experiment for Particles Distribution of CJD Burner
    AI Yuanfang, SUN Yanwen, CHEN Hongrong, LIU Anming
    2014, 35 (4):  543-547.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.020
    Abstract ( 621 )   HTML   PDF (754KB) ( 733 )  
    To solve the problems such as more awkward reaction way and large performance delay in the flash smelting process, a cold model experiment device of a CJD(central jet distributed) burner for flash smelting furnace was set up, and the change of particles dispersion near the burner with the process air and the distribution air was studied. The results showed that the particles dispersion leaving from the burner can be regulated. The particles disperse along the horizontal direction under distribution air, and concentrates in the central area under tower by process air. The momentum ratio can affect particles distribution directly, and the smaller it is, the particles are more concentrated in the central area under tower. Within the scope of experimental data, the mass segregation function, which means particles distribution uniformity index, can be fitted as the nonlinear exponential function with momentum ratio. In the case of moderate particles dispersion, the increasing multiples of distribution air are the same as that of loading rate and that of process air.
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    Settling Performance of New Type MixerSettler
    WANG Shuchan, ZHANG Tingan, ZHAO Qiuyue, LYU Chao
    2014, 35 (4):  548-550.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.021
    Abstract ( 799 )   HTML   PDF (1463KB) ( 938 )  
    Mixersettler separator is the most widely used extraction equipment in rare earth production process. The volume ratio between singlestage settler and mixer in China’s rare earth industry is generally above 25∶1, which leads to a large floor area, high rare earth accumulation and high entrainment losses. To solve the problem, a new type of mixersettler was designed, and a mixing cylinder was installed in the settler. The aqueous phase entrainment at the settler outlet was studied by ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry and was compared with the case of industrial production process. The experimental results showed that appropriate conditions are conducive to the twophase separation after reducing the settler volume. When the diameter of the ring cover is 30mm, impeller clearance over the tank bottom is 13cm and mixing speed is within 300r/min, the measured aqueous phase entrainment is less than the industrial result of 050%. This proves that the new type mixersettler can meet the demand of industrial production.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Modified Modal Strain Energy Method Used for Predicting Damping Characteristics of HardCoating Thin Plate
    SUN Wei, HAO Chunlei, ZHANG Honghao, PAN Dejun
    2014, 35 (4):  551-554.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.022
    Abstract ( 713 )   HTML   PDF (426KB) ( 764 )  
    Considering the small damping characteristics of hardcoating materials and the calculation error caused by classic modal strain energy method, a new method was proposed to predict damping characteristics of hardcoating composite structure. The principle formulas of modified modal strain energy method were deduced. A case of cantilever plate covered with MgAl hard coating was carried out, and the effects of the hard coating materials parameters and coating thickness on the damping characteristics of composite structure were discussed. The analysis results showed that the increase of Young’s modulus, loss factor or thickness of coating can improve the damping properties of the composite structure. The relevant research results provide a reference for the preparation of hard coating materials and design of damping vibration reduction.
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    Online Control and Optimization Strategy of Technological Parameters of Reflow Soldering
    GUO Yu, SUN Zhili, PAN Ershun
    2014, 35 (4):  555-558.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.023
    Abstract ( 733 )   HTML   PDF (1506KB) ( 1062 )  
    To reduce the speed fluctuations in the reflow soldering process, an optimization scheme based on the improved automatic process control (APC) was proposed. The output characteristics were monitored during the production process. When the characteristic value exceeded the predetermined value, APC policy was started to adjust the initial setting parameters and BP neural networkgenetic algorithm technology was used to achieve the optimization process. The Taguchi mass loss function of the product was defined and the Taguchi process capability index was calculated for evaluation. The test results showed that, compared with traditional APC scheme, the improved scheme ensures the process stability, decreases the adjust frequency and improves the optimization speed.
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    Reliability Model for Warm Standby Series System Considering Replacement Time of Fault Unit
    YIN Mingang, SUN Zhili, XU Lu, DU Yongying
    2014, 35 (4):  559-563.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.024
    Abstract ( 643 )   HTML   PDF (4799KB) ( 634 )  
    Taking the series system of two units as example, each unit was matched with a same spare unit, and two repairmen were arranged to perform maintenance of the system. In considering that the repairman can coordinate work and replacement time of fault unit, a system model was established on the basis of normal work of the system. A formula of system availability, system reliability, rate of occurrence of failure and mean time to first failure was derived by operating the state transition probability matrix. The results showed that the system steadystate availability increases with working life of the subsystem. Especially when the working lives of the two subsystems are at the same level, the gain of system steadystate availability is the most obvious. This study provides theoretical basis for the further study of complex mechanical system reliability.
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    3D VR Kinematic Robot Simulation Based on HTML5 and WebGL
    Alexey DEMIN, DAI Yuanxing, LI Xin, WANG Wanshan
    2014, 35 (4):  564-567.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.025
    Abstract ( 1483 )   HTML   PDF (789KB) ( 1996 )  
    A 3D geometric model of each link of the robots was built up using the 3D modeling software Remo3D. The standard COLLADA was used to describe the mutual connections between each links. A 5DOF manipulator’s motion equation was established by the DH method, and the inverse kinematics problem was solved by transforming the homogeneous transformation matrix. Real time graphic simulation of the robot was realized by the 3D robot simulation system reserved in HTML5 language and WebGL library, and obtained in synchronization from different places without installation of programs. The application adopts open standards and can be run in any modern browser on PC or any smart device.
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    MasterSlave Remote Controlled Vascular Interventional Robot
    CAO Tong, WANG Dong, LIU Da, ZENG Yuxiang
    2014, 35 (4):  569-573.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.026
    Abstract ( 1059 )   HTML   PDF (757KB) ( 1132 )  
    Catheter should be controlled by doctor’s hands during the traditional vascular interventional surgery which had some disadvantages, as the doctor absorbed radiation and operation quality was affected by human factors. To solve the problem, masterslave remote controlled vascular interventional robot assisting doctor was designed. According to the requirements of clinical surgery, the subordinate feed mechanism and master operational device were designed respectively on the basis of the modular concept, the hardware and software were developed to achieve the masterslave mode.The necessary performances were tested, the motion control accuracy of less than 1mm and the masterslave realtime motion of 044ms were confirmed. The results showed that the robot system can solve the problems of traditional surgery, and meet the requirements of vascular interventional surgery on function and performance, which has high value for clinical application.
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    3D Reconstruction and Defect Dimension Analysis of Fracture Surface for Fracture Splitting Connecting Rods
    KOU Shuqing, YANG Hongyu, ZHAO Yong, YANG Shenhua
    2014, 35 (4):  574-578.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.027
    Abstract ( 614 )   HTML   PDF (2181KB) ( 757 )  
    Based on the triangle irregular net(TIN) reconstruction theory, a 3D software about the fracture surface reconstruction of connecting rods was developed by combining the image processing with the reverse engineering technique, which realized the morphology reproduction of the fracture surface and the calculation of the real surface area. Then the permit range of the area defect of the fracture surface for the fracture splitting connecting rods was determined, and the surface roughness (RS) and line roughness (RL) of the fracture surface were calculated and analyzed. The results showed that the fracture surface area of C70S6 connecting rods in a car produced by the fracture splitting method was 130% larger than that produced by the machining method. It represented that the tolerance range of fracture surface defect dimension was improved compared to the empirical value without reducing the carrying capacity and usability. Furthermore, the relationship between RS and RL was linear, and the mathematical model of these two was established which simplified the calculation procedure of the true area of the interaction surface of the fracture splitting connecting rods, and was beneficial for quantitatively describing the fracture surface.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Algorithm and System Development for Ground and Underground 3D Information Modeling in Mining Area
    LIU Xinrui, CHEN Yongsheng, ZHANG Rui, MA Hongbin
    2014, 35 (4):  579-582.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.028
    Abstract ( 657 )   HTML   PDF (1458KB) ( 1120 )  
    Filling algorithms based on unorganized discrete points were proposed to build geological entities by analyzing the 3D scene models on the ground and 3D orebody models underground. Combined with the methods of developing geographic information system(GIS), a ground and underground 3D visualization information system was constructed according to an iron mine in Liaoning, which includes the functions of fast modeling, 3D browser and display, spatial attribute query, interoperate measurement and spatial analysis and so on. With the system, 3D models of ground and underground entities enable to be built, queried, measured and edited, and the problems that can be only displayed were solved. Besides, the terrain characteristics and the spatial distribution of mine geographic information were observed at both macro and microlevel, and then the 3D geographic information entities in the mine were expressed more intuitively and comprehensively, which could be the foundation of digital mine and intelligent mining.
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    Characteristics of Fluid Inclusions of Luming Mo Deposit in Heilongjiang Province
    ZHANG Chunpeng, WANG Ende, CHEN Jiang
    2014, 35 (4):  583-586.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.029
    Abstract ( 514 )   HTML   PDF (827KB) ( 673 )  
    The Luming deposit lies in the southcentral block of the Xiaoxingan MountainsZhangguangcai Mountain polymetallic belt. Its major orebodies are hosted in the contact zones of the monzonitic granite and granite porphyry. The Mo ores occur in the quartz vein and distribute in the orebody with veinlet and stockwork shapes. The characteristics of the ore fluid inclusions trapped in quartz were studied deeply. The results showed that fluid inclusions in minerals are mostly vaporliquid (aqueous twophase) inclusions. The peak value of the homogenization temperature are 400, 220℃, respectively. The salinity of the fluid inclusions varies in 19%~144%. The average mineralization pressures are 18MPa, wheres the oreforming depths are in the range of 09~28km. The gas composition of the oreforming fluid are mainly CO2, H2O and CH4. Liquid composition are mainly Na+, Ca2+, SO2-4, Cl-. The fluid is mainly derived from the magma water, and a minor part from meteoric water mixed in the later. It is concluded that the Luming porphyry Mo deposit should be of hightomodtemperature hot liquid origin relevant to the acidintermediate intrusive magmation.
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    Extraction Methods of Microbial Total DNA from Oil Shales
    JIANG Shaoyan, WANG Wenxing, XUE Xiangxin, HOU Xiaojiao
    2014, 35 (4):  588-592.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.030
    Abstract ( 680 )   HTML   PDF (611KB) ( 813 )  
    In order to develop an appropriate method for extracting microbial total DNA from oil shales, 5 methods (SDShighsalt extraction, SDSgrindinginliquidnitrogen extraction, SDS repeated freezethaw extraction, SDS guanidinium isothiocyanate extraction and kit extraction) were tested to extract total DNA of 6 different samples from two mines, respectively. The results showed that the total DNA extraction effects of five methods vary significantly. The improved SDShighsalt extraction method is the best, which can obtain total DNA with about 23kb length and 9144~38685ng·g-1 dry sample. The yield rate is significantly higher than other methods. Then, the total DNAs without purification process were used as amplification templates, and 16S rDNA was carried out PCR amplification and DGGE electrophoresis, the corresponding PCR products and DGGE fingerprint were obtained. This shows that the improved SDShighsalt extraction method is suitable for oil shale samples. SDSgrindinginliquidnitrogen extraction and SDS repeated freezethaw extraction are only able to extract microbial total DNA of part of the samples, and with low yield and purity. SDS guanidinium isothiocyanate extraction and kit extraction methods are not suitable for oil shale samples.
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    Analysis and Optimization of College’s Daily Water System—Case of NEU
    GAO Chengkang, TANG Hanmei, ZOU Yuming, ZHANG Hao
    2014, 35 (4):  593-596.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.031
    Abstract ( 717 )   HTML   PDF (574KB) ( 879 )  
    SFA (substance flow analysis) method was used to analyze the wateruse system in NEU. The results showed that the current water consumption per person is 1067t/a, and almost no recycling water is used. Besides, the main pollutants in water include suspended substance and nitrogen/phosphorus pollutants, which can be removed by simple treatment process and the water recyclable. Based on the water quality inspection for different departments, an optimization plan was put forward to reduce the water consumption per person to 921t/a, and the total water consumption can be cut down by 137%, and the water drainage per capita can be reduced to 867t/a. Predictably, an amount of water saving can be up to 784×106t/a if some simple drainage equipments and plan are applied in all universities in the whole country, which would dramatically reduce the environmental pollution and water treatment costs.
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    Multivariate Dynamic Comprehensive Evaluation Method with Reward and Punishment Function and Its Application
    YI Pingtao, ZHOU Ying, GUO Yajun
    2014, 35 (4):  597-599.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.032
    Abstract ( 699 )   HTML   PDF (294KB) ( 756 )  
    For the multivariate dynamic evaluation problem of reward and punishment, a multivariate dynamic comprehensive correction method was put forward to conduct the horizontal and vertical correction by using modificatory factor and modificatory function. And the evaluation result with disciplinary action was gained. Based on this, corresponding variation coefficient according to the changes of correction value was formulated, so that the evaluated object and its index performance in the entirety were gotten. In addition, the adjustment factors of “proportion of rewards and punishments” and “performance pay” can be set by the variation coefficient size. A final example showed the validity of the proposed method. This method is suitable for practical and complex problems such as talent screening and performance evaluation even more.
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    Management Science
    Effects of Social Cues on Customers’ Place Attachment in Servicecape
    LI Man, MA Qinhai, ZHAO Xiaoyu, LONG Xinyu
    2014, 35 (4):  600-603.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.033
    Abstract ( 751 )   HTML   PDF (342KB) ( 692 )  
    Based on stimulusorganismresponse model and place attachment theory, the relationship between social cues in servicecape and customers’ place attachment was investigated using online questionnaire and AMOS software. The results showed that social cues in servicecape have a positive effect on the sense of identity, sense of belonging, and social support of the customers. These variables will further result in customers’ place attachment. Moreover, the sense of identity, sense of belonging, and social support significantly act as a mediator between the social cues and customers’ place attachment. This conclusion better reveals the mental mechanism of customers facing social cues in servicecape, which provides support for effective management of social cues.
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    Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Model in Quasi One Dimension
    WANG Jianping, ZHANG Dean
    2014, 35 (4):  604-607.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.04.034
    Abstract ( 666 )   HTML   PDF (883KB) ( 720 )  
    Starting from the tJ model in one dimension, the electron spectral function, dispersion relationship of the quasiparticles and the density of states were studied with the chargespin separation Fermionspin theory, and the behavior of the low energy quasiparticle peak in the holedoped cuprates were discussed in detail. The results showed that the low energy peaks in electron spectral function were well defined at all momenta, and the position of the peaks changed with the changes of the momenta and produced the dispersion with the momenta. The bandwidth energy scale of the energy band was controlled by the order of the magnetic interaction J. There also existed insulatormetal transition in quasi one dimension strong correlated models, the chemical potential moved to the top edge of the lower Hubbard band and the charge transport property increased with the increase of the holedoping. The unusual behavior of the electron spectrum and quasiparticle dispersion was related to the strong correlated interaction in the system and was the natural result of chargespin separation.
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