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    Information & Control
    Adaptive Finite-Time Funnel Congestion Control of TCP/AWM Network Systems
    JING Yuan-wei, XIE Hai-xiu, BAI Yun
    2022, 43 (10):  1369-1375.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.001
    Abstract ( 688 )   HTML ( 67)   PDF (661KB) ( 441 )  
    The congestion control problem for TCP/AWM network systems with external disturbances was studied. Firstly, in order to ensure the queue tracking error with preassigned transient and steady-state performance, a funnel error transformation was introduced to limit queue tracking error. Secondly, RBF neural network was used to deal with the nonlinear terms in the network system. An active window management algorithm was proposed by combining funnel control, finite-time control, adaptive backstepping technique and RBF neural network. The proposed control algorithm ensures that all signals of the closed-loop system are semi-globally practically finite-time bounded, and the queue tracking error converges to the prescribed funnel boundary. Finally, the proposed method is compared with the existing two similar algorithms, and the simulation results show that the designed controller makes the system have a faster convergence speed and a smaller overshoot, which further verifies the feasibility and superiority of the proposed method.
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    Research on Batch Classification of γ-Polyglutamic-Acid Fermentation Based on ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
    SHAN Peng, WU Zhui, HE Nian, LIU Long-xing
    2022, 43 (10):  1376-1382.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.002
    Abstract ( 556 )   HTML ( 17)   PDF (905KB) ( 298 )  
    Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(ATR-FTIR)technology is utilized to quickly identify and detect different fermentation batches for γ-polyglutamic-acid(γ-PGA). Based on partial least squares discriminant analysis(PLSDA), five classification models were established to distinguish each batch from other batches, which performed well on several individual evaluation indicators(e.g., accuracy). In order to improve the model performance on all the indicators(e.g., accuracy, precision, sensitivity, etc.)and the model interpretability, three wavenumber selection methods including subwindow permutation analysis(SPA), competitive adaptive reweighted sampling(CARS)and random frog(RF)were combined with PLSDA to extract key wavenumbers and then established the corresponding classification models. Experimental results show that all the performance indicators of PLSDA combined with wavenumber selection(except CARS-PLSDA)are improved. Additionally, both the model complexity and interpretability are improved. Therefore, ATR-FTIR technology combined with SPA-PLSDA or RF-PLSDA method can realize rapid identification of different γ-PGA fermentation batches.
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    Research on Elastic Charging Strategy of Electric Vehicles
    SUN Lei, CHEN Yan-feng, CHANG Shuang-shuang, DENG Qing-xu
    2022, 43 (10):  1383-1390.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.003
    Abstract ( 645 )   HTML ( 18)   PDF (546KB) ( 472 )  
    In order to alleviate the range anxiety of electric vehicles(EVs)and reduce the impact of long charging time on daily use, the charging strategy of private EVs is studied. Aiming at the discreteness of private EV usage scenarios, an elastic charging method is proposed. It plans charging scheme to reduce delays to trips by taking advantage of usage gaps. An optimal algorithm for selecting the charging station and capacity is proposed, which makes optimal charging decisions according to the characteristics of the EV battery and the resource competition of surrounding charging stations. The effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by simulating real EV data and usage scenarios. It indicates that the elastic charging strategy can significantly save travel time and eliminate range anxiety for EV users.
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    Energy-Efficient Torque Optimization of Emergency Braking in Four-Wheel Hub Electric Vehicles
    LI Shou-tao, SUN Peng-peng, WEI Yu-bo, YU Ding-li
    2022, 43 (10):  1391-1396.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.004
    Abstract ( 480 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (1106KB) ( 244 )  
    A new torque optimization control method based on predictive control for emergency braking of a four-wheel hub electric vehicle compound braking(hydraulic braking and regenerative braking)system is proposed. The torque optimization controller can quickly track and respond to the optimal slip ratio stable area of the vehicle under different pavement friction conditions. At the same time, an energy recovery trend optimization item is added into the control objective function so as to adjust the vehicle’s energy recovery target quickly and dynamically. By adjusting and optimizing the weight of the objective function, braking safety is achieved and the energy recovery capability of the vehicle is improved as well. A vehicle model was established in Carsim, and a joint simulation platform was built with Simulink. The results show the superiority of the proposed torque optimization method.
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    Using Dialogue Model to Guide Recommendation of Dialogue Generation
    QI Xiao-long, HAN Dong-hong, GAO Di, QIAO Bai-you
    2022, 43 (10):  1397-1404.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.005
    Abstract ( 631 )   HTML ( 14)   PDF (1377KB) ( 400 )  
    Conversational recommendation technology aims to achieve high-quality information recommendation through dialogue interaction with users. Aiming at the problem that the accuracy of dialogue goal prediction is not high, a dialogue guided recommendation of dialogue generation(DGRDG)model is proposed. Firstly, a dialogue model is used to generate the dialogue goal, and the classic Seq2Seq model is used to fuse the input dialogue history, user profile and knowledge information to generate the dialogue goal. Secondly, a goal replan policy(GRP)is proposed to modify the generated dialogue goal to improve the accuracy of dialogue goal prediction. The experimental results on DuRecDial dataset show that the accuracy of dialogue goal prediction is improved by 3.93% after the GRP is introduced into the dialogue goal generation module. And the overall model has acquired good results in BLEU, DISTINCT, F1 and human evaluation.
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    A Local Outlier Detection Method Based on Objective Function
    ZHOU Yu, ZHU Wen-hao, SUN Hong-yu
    2022, 43 (10):  1405-1412.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.006
    Abstract ( 477 )   HTML ( 17)   PDF (650KB) ( 340 )  
    The traditional density based local outlier detection algorithm does not preprocess the original data set, which leads to the unsatisfactory detection effect when facing the unknown data set. Moreover, due to the need to calculate the outlier factor of each data point, the amount of calculation increases greatly when the amount of data is too large. Through the analysis of the local outlier detection algorithm, a local outlier detection method based on objective function FOLOF(FCM objective function-based LOF)is proposed. Firstly, the elbow rule is used to determine the optimal number of clusters in the data set.Then, the data set is pruned by the objective function of FCM to obtain the outlier candidate set.Finally, the weighted local outlier factor detection algorithm is used to calculate the outlier degree of each point in the candidate set. The relevant experiments are carried out on the artificial data set and UCI data sets. At the same time, the proposed method is compared with other methods.The results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the outlier detection accuracy, reduce the computational cost, and effectively achieve a better performance.
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    Optimization of Joint Policy of Condition-Based Maintenance and Spare Part Ordering Considering Imperfect Maintenance
    ZHAO Fei, LI Xin, GUO Ming
    2022, 43 (10):  1413-1421.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.007
    Abstract ( 587 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (927KB) ( 302 )  
    Considering most studies focused on the maintenance policy optimization but neglected the ordering decision of spare parts, a joint policy of condition-based maintenance and spare part ordering under imperfect maintenance for single-component systems based on the remaining useful life(RUL)was proposed. The control limit policy was used to determine whether to perform minimal maintenance, preventive maintenance or corrective replacement. When the system degradation reaches the preventive maintenance threshold, the imperfect maintenance was carried out. Simultaneously, the RUL was predicted and the preventive replacement threshold and ordering threshold were introduced to decide whether to carry out preventive replacement or order spare parts. Considering the degradation state of systems and the state of spare parts, all the possible update events were analyzed to calculate the occurrence probability of each event, and the cost-time rate model of such a joint policy was constructed by using the renewal award theorem. Finally, the discrete event simulation algorithm was designed to optimize the detection interval and the imperfect maintenance threshold in a numerical example, and the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm was verified as well.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Effect of Charging Mode on Sinter Segregation and Gas Flow Distribution in Vertical Cooling Furnace
    QI Teng-fei, HUANG Jun, SUN Jun-jie, ZHANG Yong-jie
    2022, 43 (10):  1422-1429.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.008
    Abstract ( 549 )   HTML ( 14)   PDF (2335KB) ( 399 )  
    The discrete element method and porous medium model are used to study the effects of intermediate distribution and edge-center distribution on sinter segregation, voidage distribution, gas flow distribution and gas pressure in Meigang vertical cooling furnace, so as to optimize its distribution mode. The results show that compared with the intermediate distribution, using edge-center distribution, the large particle segregation area changes from the central area and the upper sidewall area to the middle area, and the sinter segregation is improved. Although the bed voidage decreases, it is more evenly distributed along the width direction. Under the condition of intermediate distribution, the gas velocity increases gradually from the sidewall area to the central area, and the gas pressure is small. In the edge-center distribution, the gas velocity shows a “Λ” type distribution where it is larger in the middle area, smaller in the center area and the sidewall area, whereas the velocity difference between the above areas decreases. The gas pressure increases greatly, while it can decrease synchronously along the height direction. Based on the above factors, the edge-center distribution is recommended.
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    Study on Process Mineralogy of Typical Sphalerite Ore Pressure Leaching High Sulfur Residues
    GONG Ao, XU Zhi-feng, WANG Rui-xiang, TIAN Lei
    2022, 43 (10):  1430-1437.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.009
    Abstract ( 557 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (2540KB) ( 173 )  
    Zinc smelting high sulfur residues is a dangerous waste residue produced by the zinc oxygen pressure leaching process. Due to the complex mineral phase and the lack of in-depth research on process mineralogy, it is difficult to safely utilize and dispose of high sulfur residues. The domestic typical high sulfur residue was studied in detail by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, process mineralogy and other research methods. The results show that the main minerals in high sulfur residues are elemental sulfur, sphalerite, pyrite, as well as trace amounts of quartz, muscovite, zinc vitriol and iron vitriol, etc. The minerals such as sulfur, sphalerite and pyrite in high sulfur residues are intertwined and symbiotic with each other in various forms, and most of the minerals use elemental sulfur as the inlaid base. The particle size of elemental sulfur, sphalerite and pyrite in high sulfur residues is fine, mostly concentrated below 74μm. Therefore, increasing the particle size of elemental sulfur and the dissociation degree between sulfur and other minerals are the keys to improving the comprehensive recovery of valuable elements in high sulfur residues.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Influence of Rabbets and Bolts on Static Characteristics of Flange Structures
    MA Hui, GAO Ang, YANG Tian-rui, GUAN Hong
    2022, 43 (10):  1438-1445.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.010
    Abstract ( 768 )   HTML ( 15)   PDF (2561KB) ( 506 )  
    The bolted flange structure with rabbet fit is taken as the research object, and the numerical simulation analysis is carried out by using ANSYS finite element software. Based on the contact algorithm and solid element modeling method, the static characteristics of the structure under lateral load are analyzed, and the differences of contact state and bending stiffness between the structure with rabbets and the structure without rabbets are compared. On this basis, the influence of different parameters on the contact characteristics and bending stiffness is discussed, which provides a reference for the subsequent design of flange structures with the rabbet-bolt connection. The results show that the increase of rabbet length is helpful to reduce the area of compression area and the maximum value of contact pressure, and the number of bolts is the most important factor affecting the bending stiffness, followed by the rabbet length and friction coefficient, and then the bolt preload, while the interference of rabbets has the least effect on the bending stiffness. At the same time, good contact state is conductive to improving the bending stiffness of the structure.
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    Self-synchronization Theory of Pile Sinking System Driven by Dual Hydraulic Motors
    ZHAO Chun-yu, DUAN Wei-hai, JIANG Meng-chao, WANG Yuan-hao
    2022, 43 (10):  1446-1453.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.011
    Abstract ( 451 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (874KB) ( 263 )  
    A dual hydraulic motor-driven vibrating pile sinking mechanism was proposed, which have two self-synchronization states of idle and pile sinking. The structure and working principle were introduced, and the dynamic model of the vibration system was established. The dimensionless coupling equation of the two vibration exciters and the criterion of synchronization and synchronization stability were deduced, and the system dynamic parameter range of the two states was determined. When the pile driver was in the idle state, the exciter worked on the far-super resonance state, the generalized dynamic symmetry angle equaled π, and the excitation forces of the two eccentric rotors were offset; when the pile driver was in the piling state, the exciter worked on the sub-resonance state, the generalized dynamic symmetry angle equaled 0, and the excitation forces of the two eccentric rotors were superimposed. Finally, it was verified by numerical simulation.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Simulation of Fault Stick-Slip Instability Processes Under Different Temperature Fields
    ZHAO Yong, ZHAO Qian-bai, WANG Shu-hong, LI You-ming
    2022, 43 (10):  1453-1460.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.012
    Abstract ( 557 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (3081KB) ( 299 )  
    With the development of deep engineering in China, the evolution law and formation mechanism of fault stick-slip instability process in the deep area and high rock temperature need to be studied. Therefore, a numerical thermo-mechanical coupling model is constructed with discrete element code, the mechanical behavior of fault stick-slip under six different temperature fields was studied in detail, and the influence mechanism of different temperature fields on the process of fault stick-slip instability was explored. The results show that the failure patterns and failure modes of fault stick-slip change with the increase of temperature. The number of stick slip, initiation slip stress and initiation slip stress drop show an overall decreasing trend with increasing temperature. The energy dissipation of fault stick-slip is dominated by frictional sliding. When the fault starts sliding, the total strain energy is positively correlated with temperature, and the dissipated energy is negatively correlated with temperature.
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    Study on Mesostructure Boundary Modeling and Hydraulic Fracture Propagation for Rock Material Based on the PHF-LSM-MT Method
    LI Ming, ZHAO Qi, CHEN Zhao, LIANG Li
    2022, 43 (10):  1461-1468.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.013
    Abstract ( 410 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (2014KB) ( 201 )  
    Natural heterogeneous rock material has complex mesostructure and distribution characteristics. An approach to model inclusions with irregular boundary by using the Perlin noise, and considering features, e.g., specific radius, semi-axial ratio, orientation angle and plane filling rate, is introduced. In order to include the mesostructure characteristics of rock material at integration point, the permeability-based hydraulic fracture level set method (PHF-LSM) is improved by introducing the Mori-Tanaka (MT) homogenization method based on a coupled fluid-solid elastoplastic theory. The proposed PHF-LSM-MT method is verified by error analysis. Finally, the propagation features of equivalent fracture zone in heterogeneous rock material were simulated by using the proposed method. The results indicate that the water pressure at injection point first increases and rapidly decreases, and the breakdown pressure decreases while the inclusion fraction increases.
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    Expansion Type of In-situ Expansion of the Intersection Between Main Tunnel and Shaft in the Existing Tunnel
    WANG Xin, ZHAO Wen, BAI Qian
    2022, 43 (10):  1469-1476.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.014
    Abstract ( 535 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (1659KB) ( 192 )  
    In order to explore the optimal in-situ expansion type of the intersection of the main tunnel and the shaft in the existing tunnel, a three-dimensional finite element model of the expansion process at the intersection of the main tunnel and the shaft was established based on the in-situ expansion project of the Nanling tunnel, and the changes of surrounding rock deformation and stress with the excavation process under the single-side expansion and double-side expansion were studied. Considering the spatial position relationship between the shaft and the tunnel, formulas for calculating the pressure of the surrounding rock of the tunnel with different expansion types were proposed based on Terzaghi′s theory. The results show that the deformation rate of surrounding rock within 1 time of the tunnel diameter between the tunnel face and the cross section of the shaft and the tunnel is larger. The single-side expansion makes the surrounding rock stress release unevenly and form a bias effect, causing a larger surrounding rock stress than that of the double-side expansion. The choice of expansion type has a great influence on the distribution of surrounding rock pressure, when the surrounding rock is in grade Ⅲ~Ⅴ, the calculated value of the surrounding rock pressure formula are the largest of the double-side expansion, followed by the Terzaghi′s theory, and the smallest for the single-sided expansion.
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    Experimental Study on Improvement Sound Insulation Performance of Existing GRC Perforated Slats Light Partition Wall
    ZHANG Jiu-hong, ZHOU Wen-tao, LI Feng, MA Ming-xiao
    2022, 43 (10):  1477-1483.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.015
    Abstract ( 583 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1000KB) ( 199 )  
    The sound insulation defects of single-layer GRC (glass-fiber reinforced cement) perforated slats light partition wall commonly used in existing buildings are discussed. By comparing and analyzing the sound insulation characteristics of GRC perforated batten double wall and GRC perforated batten partition wall with composite sound insulation components, the advantages of composite sound insulation structure in the reconstruction of existing buildings are found. Firstly, the physical properties of acoustic materials and the characteristics of the composite structure with air interlayer in the composite sound insulation structure are studied, and the composite sound insulation structure is theoretically analyzed and experimentally tested. By optimizing the composite sound insulation structure, the design scheme of improving the sound insulation performance of GRC perforated slatted light partition wall with two layers and three layers of calcium silicate board composite structure is put forward. The results show that the modified GRC perforated partition wall can effectively improve the problem of sound insulation reduction caused by wall vibration, and improve the sound insulation performance of the wall in all frequency bands.
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    Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Joint in Panelised Modular Steel Structure
    WANG Hao, ZHAO Xin, MA Guo-wei
    2022, 43 (10):  1484-1491.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.016
    Abstract ( 544 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1997KB) ( 247 )  
    Pseudo static tests of four full-scale edge joint specimens are implemented to study the seismic performance of joint in panelised modular steel structure. The hysteretic behavior, bearing capacity, deformation and energy dissipation capacity of joints are evaluated based on the measured load-displacement data. Furthermore, the failure modes and the effect of different variables on seismic performance of joint are analyzed. The test results show that failure modes of the joint include column wall bulge, connector deformation and beam flange local buckling. The hysteresis curves of CT2, CT3 and CT4 exhibit plump shuttle shape, the maximum equivalent viscous damping coefficients are 0.21~0.25, the ultimate storey drift angle reaches 0.07~0.09rad, indicating the joint has excellent seismic performance and rotation capacity. Thickness of column wall in panel zone and angle steels would affect the seismic performance of joint significantly, vertical-splicing bolt type has a remarkable effect on the hysteretic performance and initial flexural stiffness of joint. The results provide technical support for the engineering application of the joint in panelised modular steel structure.
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    Critical Temperature and Induction Time of Spontaneous Combustion of Polished Al Powder Induced by Water
    WANG Xin-yang, LI Gang
    2022, 43 (10):  1492-1498.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.017
    Abstract ( 714 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (850KB) ( 192 )  
    Isothermal and non-isothermal C80 micro-calorimetry experiments and Semenov and Frank-Kamenetskii spontaneous combustion theory have been applied to study the critical temperature for spontaneous combustion of the polished aluminum powder induced by water and the induction time of each reaction stage. The results show that both Al2O3-H2O and Al-H2O reactions follow the Arrhenius kinetic mechanism, with the activation energy being equal to 61.7 and 138.6kJ·mol-1, respectively. The induction time of aluminum powder consists of two stages. The first stage is the time for alumina film hydrolysis, and the second stage is the time for the aluminum-water exothermic reaction system to reach the non-return temperature TNR from the ambient temperature, depending on the accumulation state and the deposit mass of the aluminum powder. When the ambient temperature is 25℃, the induction time of the first stage is 155.6h. When aluminum powder of 25kg is deposited in a cylindrical dust collecting drum, the induction time of the second stage is 0.7h with the same ambient temperature, and the critical temperature for spontaneous combustion is 24.9℃. The aluminum powder has the risk of spontaneous combustion, and the induction time increases as the deposit mass increases.
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    Iron Enhanced Elimination of Manganese Dithionate by MnO2 and Its Operating Conditions
    ZHANG Shao-yu, PU Peng-yan, JIANG Wen-ju, YANG Lin
    2022, 43 (10):  1499-1505.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.018
    Abstract ( 673 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (641KB) ( 198 )  
    Manganese ore slurry flue gas desulfurization will produce the by-product manganese dithionate(MnS2O6), and the presence of dithionate greatly affects the resource utilization of manganese in the desulfurization solution. A new process for iron-enhanced MnS2O6 elimination by MnO2 is proposed based on the composition of most manganese ore. The results show that the addition of Fe(III)has a good promotion effect on the elimination of dithionite by MnO2. The degradation efficiency gradually increases with the increase of Fe(III), and the best degradation efficiency can reach 55.1% at 5g·L-1 of H2SO4. The optimum operation conditions obtained are 90℃ reaction temperature, 5g·L-1 of H2SO4, 15g·L-1 of Fe(III)addition, n(S2O2-6)∶ n(MnO2)=1∶20 and 3h duration time.
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    Management Science
    Identification of Product Innovation Features Based on At-LSTM
    YAN Kang, HUANG Xun-jiang, ZHANG Qiang, WANG Deng
    2022, 43 (10):  1506-1512.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.019
    Abstract ( 552 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (795KB) ( 225 )  
    In view of the lack of contextual information, insufficient capture of important contents, big noise, and text-level coarse-grained sentiment analysis in the previous research of the online review information mining, a framework model of LSTML (long short term memory) product innovation feature identification based on attention mechanism was presented. Through the screening of reviews available, the construction of product feature lexicon and emotion lexicon, the construction of At-LSTM (attention based LSTM) sentiment analysis model, and the combination of fine-grained emotions and the Kano model, the clear directions for product improvement were provided. The experiments on smart phone reviews on JD.com and Taobao showed that the accuracy, precision, and recall rates of the At-LSTM model are 91.52%, 91.73% and 91.53%, respectively, which are significantly improved compared with the other models such as KNN, NB and SVM. The classification of different demand levels of product features also facilitates the innovation and improvement of mobile phone products.
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    Optimization of Ticketing Time Window for High-Speed Railway Trains of Flexible Formation
    YAN Zhen-ying, HAN Bao-ming, LI Xiao-juan, CAO Jin-xin
    2022, 43 (10):  1513-1520.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2022.10.020
    Abstract ( 458 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (517KB) ( 119 )  
    The flexible train formation brings limited flexible capacity for high-speed railway trains. The optimization of ticketing control of flexible capacity matches supply and demand more efficiently than that of fixed capacity. Based on the service network formed by multiple trains and multiple stops on the high-speed rail lines, tickets were set to multiple class fares according to revenue management. The preference order simulated the passengers’ choice behavior, and the ticketing time window controlled the pre-sale process. The joint optimization model of the formation scheme and the ticket closing time was established to maximize the total profit. Ticket sorting was designed according to ticketing needs, the model was transformed into a linear programming model, and it was solved quickly by CPLEX to obtain the optimal train formation and ticketing control strategy. The experimental results show that under the unsaturated demand market, the control strategy of the ticketing time window under flexible formation is more profitable than that under the fixed formation. The higher passengers’ arrival rate and transfer purchasing probability, the more units the train contains in the best formation.
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