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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Cultivating the Technomoral Self
    Shannon Vallor (USA)Translated by CHEN Jia
    2016, 18 (5):  441-449.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.001
    Abstract ( 668 )   HTML   PDF (1018KB) ( 1350 )  

    Human societies and institutions are increasingly subject to rapid technosocial changes caused by mobile computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, genetic engineering and other new technologies. This paper confronts the question, “How can humans hope to live well in a world made increasingly more complex and unpredictable by emerging technologies?” In an abbreviated form, my answer is this: “by collectively and deliberately cultivating in ourselves a specialkind of moral character, one that expresses what I will call the technomoral virtues.” This paper is devoted to explaining three things: why the question I have posed challenges humanity at this historical moment; how the future of human flourishing depends upon our ability to answer this question well; and why doing so will require an explicit account of technomoral character and virtue. My account responds to a growing phenomenon I call acute technosocial opacity, a phenomenon which, by weakening our ability to reliably anticipate the future, also complicates our efforts to plan for and bring about a good way of life for ourselves and others. I argue that virtue ethics, a moral theory with roots in disparate cultures from classical China, India and Greece, is an old approach that is ideally suited to modern conditions of technosocial opacity. I then outline an account of seven technomoral habits and twelve technomoral virtues that 21st century human beings must collectively seek to cultivate if we are to have any hope of living wisely and well with emerging technologies.

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    Rethinking Industry in Open Innovation Laboratories
    Albrecht Fritzsche(Germany)Translated by JIANG Xiao-hui
    2016, 18 (5):  450-457.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.002
    Abstract ( 501 )   HTML   PDF (992KB) ( 1266 )  

    With the increasing the spread of technology outside of industry, consumers have become more interesting as participants in innovation processes. In addition to various forms of collaboration on the internet, different kinds of spaces have lately been established where people can meet in person to engage in innovation activities. These spaces can be addressed as open innovation laboratories. Based on general considerations from the philosophy of technology, this paper studies how innovation is practiced in such spaces and discusses the implications of these practices for the general notion of innovation and its role for economic change.

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    The True Grand Challenge for Engineering: Self-Knowledge
    Carl Mitcham(USA)Translated by YIN Wen-juan, HUANG Xiao-wei
    2016, 18 (5):  457-463.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.003
    Abstract ( 556 )   HTML   PDF (993KB) ( 1346 )  

    In 2003 the U.S. National Academy of Engineering proposed a series of “grand challenges” for engineering in the 21st century. During the early decades of the 21st century the engineering-society relationship has increasingly been discussed in terms of grand challenges, that is, technical challenges that engineering is called on to address for the good of society. Placing this rhetoric in a more expansive historical and philosophical perspective nevertheless reveals a neglected challenge: cultivating self-knowledge among engineers and all of us to live in an increasingly engineer-dependent world. The role of humanities in engineering education is argued as a natural place to promote such self-knowledge about engineering.

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    Economics and Management
    Positive Feedback Trading, Risk Spillover and Cascade Effect An Empirical Analysis of the Interactive Effects Between CSI 300 Stock Index and Futures Index
    TIAN Shu-xi, QI Xiao-yuan, WU Di
    2016, 18 (5):  464-469.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.004
    Abstract ( 563 )   HTML   PDF (1003KB) ( 1465 )  

    The VAR model and a series of ARCH models were used to test the interactive effects between CSI 300 stock index and futures index in 2015. The results showed that under the positive feedback trading quotation, the risk spillover and fluctuating accumulation are formed between Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index spot market and index futures market, which recycle and intensify under the constraint of liquidity, ultimately leading to the violent falling of stock indexes (i.e., cascade effect). The further analysis revealed that the important reasons for forming the cascade effect are structural imbalance of market traders, imperfect trading system, “herd behavior” of noise traders and delayed reaction of regulatory measures.

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    Influencing Factors of the Private Benefits of Large Shareholders with Different Controlling Rights
    WANG Shu-lin, BO Lan, YE Qiao-yi
    2016, 18 (5):  470-475.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.005
    Abstract ( 577 )   HTML   PDF (972KB) ( 1163 )  
    Based on a sample of 215 Chinese state-owned listed companies that had controlling rights transferred either to private parties or other state-owned organizations from 1998 to 2014, the price premium of both types of buyers in controlling rights transfer was measured and compared, and the influencing factors of private benefits of controlling were analyzed and tested. It was found that the average private benefits of controlling in privatized companies are higher than those in state-owned restructured companies, and there exist differences between privatized companies and state-owned ones in the influencing factors and degrees for private benefits. The private benefits of controlling in state-owned restructured companies are positively related with ROE and liability/asset ratio, and negatively related with firm size. Furthermore, the private benefits of controlling of state-owned restructured companies in a more competitive industry are lower than those of other industries. On the other hand, the private benefits of controlling of privatized companies are negatively related with ROE and firm size.
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    Research on the Potential of High Potential EmployeesConstruct Definition and Scale Development
    WANG Wen-zhuo, SUN Yu-chun, SUN Xiu-ming
    2016, 18 (5):  476-483.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.006
    Abstract ( 637 )   HTML   PDF (1051KB) ( 1463 )  
    Employee potential has increasingly become one of the most important factors in talent selection and development, but its construct definition and measurement require improving. By combining qualitative and quantitative research methods,the potential construct of high potential employees was defined, the dimension connotations were interpreted and the measurement scale was developed accordingly. It was concluded that the potential of high potential employees is an aggregate multi-dimensional construct (AMC), which includes such dimensions as motivation, ability and trait.The empirical study showed that its three subscales have good validity and reliability, verified the inner structure of each dimension, and established a linear function between the potential and its three dimensions to measure employeesoverall potential.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Power of Big Data: One Logic of Modern Power and Practical Reflection
    LIN Qi-fu, HE Jing-chao
    2016, 18 (5):  484-490.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.007
    Abstract ( 1076 )   HTML   PDF (984KB) ( 1427 )  

    Undoubtedly,big data has become one of the hottest issues in the present society. Based on the political theories, big data is not only a paradigm of power, but also a narrative of power, which follows the logic of power to continuously produce, reshape and dominatenew political, economic and social relationships. Power of big data consists of two types of logic, i.e., logic of capability and logic of structure. The former manifests itself in such dimensions asrole, object and technology, whereas the latter is characterized by such dimensions as relationship, rule and pattern. The two kinds of logic contain positive endogenous power; however, theymay also stun and shock the normal social power system to induce risks of mismatch and conflicts in both public and private domains. Accordingly, a type of rational and prudent common insight as well as governance concept on power of big data is to be constructed.

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    Difficulty in Policy Implementation of Chinas Grass-roots Governments and Its Solution from the Perspective of Social Construction Theory
    LI Jin-long, WU Jun-wei
    2016, 18 (5):  491-497.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.008
    Abstract ( 606 )   HTML   PDF (1054KB) ( 1350 )  
    The difficulty in policy implementation of Chinas grass-roots governments has increasingly become a systemic problem in the administration. The top-down policy cannot overcome the obstacle of “the last kilometer” and the policy effectiveness hardly reaches its object, resulting in the central governments loss of authority and trust crisis. By analyzing the difficulty in policy implementation from the perspective of social construction theory, it was found that the main causes are the invalidation of key elements, the traditional bureaucratic constraints and policy box sealing. It was suggested that to help the grass-roots governments out of this difficulty and achieve good governance, the value of social knowledge should be explored, the order of policy implementation should be maintained by social interaction, the socialized learning in the administration should be emphasized, the process of policy implementation should be reinforced and the policy output should be strengthened.
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    Influencing Factors of Emergent Internet Public Opinion Evolution Based on the Grounded Theory
    YU Zhao-ji, ZHANG Jia-tong
    2016, 18 (5):  498-503.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.009
    Abstract ( 616 )   HTML   PDF (970KB) ( 1630 )  
    With the advent of “we-media” era, emergent Internet public opinions play a more and more important role in peoples life. Taking the micro-blog discussions on the massive explosion in Tanggu port, Tianjin as one example, the participants of emergent Internet public opinions are divided into the government, the network media, the people involved and the general public. By using the grounded theory, it was found that the three influencing factors of emergent internet public opinion evolution are the release of official information, the participants motivation and their behavior decision. Then, in combination with the evolution process of emergent internet public opinions, the promoting or inhibiting effect the participants may exert in the dissemination process of emergent internet public opinions was analyzed to put forward a series of measures (including improving the governments guidance mechanism) in order to reasonably guide and control the development of emergent internet public opinions.
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    Early Warning and Graded Intervention Mechanisms of the Rural Left-behind Based on Multidimensional Risk Index
    CAO Yan-chun, DAI Jian-bing
    2016, 18 (5):  503-509.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.010
    Abstract ( 646 )   HTML   PDF (1132KB) ( 1370 )  
    In the process of new urbanization, Chinas left-behind children are in a state of lacking regulation or supervision, thus facing great social risks. A multidimensional risk index was constructed based on 8 dimensions and 27 indicators such as accident risk, two-way crime risk, psychological sub-health risk, physical health risk, behavior anomie risk, communication failure risk, education failure risk and adverse environment risk. The weights of such indexes were calculated by using the expert scoring method, and each left-behind childs comprehensive multidimensional risk index was obtained by using the AHP method. The integrated risk value was divided into five levels and five warning and intervention mechanisms were established accordingly so as to alleviate or reduce social risks the left-behind children face and strengthen their protection and guidance.
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    Chinese Enterprises Foreign Income Tax Credit RulesFrom the Perspective of Promoting the “Going-out” Policy Implementation
    GU Hai-bo, WANG Miao
    2016, 18 (5):  510-517.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.011
    Abstract ( 525 )   HTML   PDF (996KB) ( 1570 )  
    The tax credit rules on Chinese enterprises foreign income aim to eliminate double taxations, protect the governments tax interests and encourage its enterprises to invest overseas. However, the current tax credit rules are problematic such as increasing the taxation burden of taxpayers and reducing the enthusiasm of overseas investment. Therefore, based on the national circumstances and needs, and in light of the experiences of developed countries, China should implement comprehensive quota credit instead of branch country quota credit, improve the counting standard and credit quota of foreign income and optimize the carry-over mechanism of excess credit. Moreover, China should relax the indirect tax credit restrictions on enterprise level and ownership while prescribing a limit to investors holding time, and implement the conditional unilateral sparing credit measures. Consequently, China could enhance its enterprises international competitiveness, promote a smooth implementation of the “going-out” policy, and drive the Chinese economy to develop more sustainably.
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    On the Provisions of Attention in Criminal Laws
    ZHOU Ming-chuan
    2016, 18 (5):  518-524.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.012
    Abstract ( 817 )   HTML   PDF (976KB) ( 1406 )  
    “Reminding” is not an essential feature of provisions of attention in that what stipulates constructive conditions and sentencing circumstances is not included in the provisions of attention. Given such defects as the violation of prescribed principles of legality and the shortage of constructive condition theories, it is necessary to confine the scope of legal fictions by interpreting dubious clauses as attention provisions. Except for what is stipulated explicitly in criminal laws, it is not recommended to acknowledge legal fictions and take unintentional crimes as intentional ones. However, it is better to interpret dubious provisions with such theories as constructive conditions, crime quantity and complicity rather than attention provisions and legal fictions because the distinction between attention provisions and legal fictions should be based on the proper applications of traditional criminal laws.
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    Marxism Theory
    Back to Marx: Exploring the Mankinds Living Predicament in Modernity
    LIU Yang, LI Yang
    2016, 18 (5):  525-530.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.013
    Abstract ( 640 )   HTML   PDF (974KB) ( 1325 )  
    With the expansion of rationality and sensibility principles of modernity, there have emerged some new issues on the mankinds survival such as the compression of living space, the materialization of living modality, the technicalization of living style and the nihilism of living meaning. Faced with it, post-modernism denies modernity completely with an attitude of “external transcendence” while modernism advocates reflecting on and restoring modernity by taking such a position of “non-transcendence”. However, trapped in either relativism or universalism, both of them have just grabbed one side of the truth. On the basis of practical thinking modes, Marx made up their disadvantages by means of historical identification and internal transcendence of the predicaments of human existence in modernity. According to Marxs thoughts, “practical rationality” should be advocated, the capital should be developed and regulated, and the function of associations should be made good use of.
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    Theoretical Consistency Between Social Engineering and the Strategic Thought of “Four Comprehensives”
    REN Peng
    2016, 18 (5):  531-536.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.014
    Abstract ( 516 )   HTML   PDF (973KB) ( 856 )  
    Social engineering and the strategic thought of “Four Comprehensives” agree with each other theoretically in terms of practice orientation, future trend and way of thinking. In the form of social engineering, “Four Comprehensives” is a new model of social development which has a good combination of regularity, reality and purposiveness. It is based on the theory of scientific socialism (social sciences), and takes comprehensively deepening reform, comprehensively ruling the country by law and comprehensively strengthening the partys disciplines as strategic initiatives (social technology). Then it would build up a well-off society in an all-round way (social engineering), which is a construction project from theory to concept, from ways of action to ways and means, from social problems to social vision and then to social reality. From the perspective of social engineering, the strategic thought of “Four Comprehensives” has theoretically realized a breakthrough by linking up theory (social sciences), agency (social technology) and practice (social engineering), integrating scientific spirit and humanistic spirit, and effectively responding to the complex social world.
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    Return to the Body: On Body Politics of The Sadeian Woman
    CHENG Yi
    2016, 18 (5):  537-544.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.015
    Abstract ( 1120 )   HTML   PDF (994KB) ( 2268 )  
    The Sadeian Woman is a theoretical text of Angela Carter who discuss the condition of female’s body practice systematically. In this book, Carter reveals female’s body dilemma and explores the right body practice scheme by rereading the works of Sade. She points out that the female’s body is just a conceptual body which has always been constructed and restrained by religion, ethics, and gender for a long time. Carter considers that the female should become the Sadeian woman who could disrupt the traditional body system, construct performing body mode, subvert mother authority and achieve body autonomy in order to transform the conceptual body into experiential body, and return the real and natural state, and escape from the barrier of gender repression and mind colonialisation.
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    The Discussion of the City Image of the Russian Poetry of Symbolism
    YAO Xiao-ping, LIANG Hong-qi
    2016, 18 (5):  544-550.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.016
    Abstract ( 783 )   HTML   PDF (984KB) ( 1226 )  
    The Russian city poetry is the product under the dual influences of the capitalist industrial civilization and the socialist revolution. It has the unique historical characteristics of the Russian city poetry. The generation of the Russian symbolist poets, who are gradually influenced by the pessimism, mystery, and the emotion and spirits of idealization convey their complex ideas about the world, human beings, history and the modern life. Whats more, they also convey the great power of the city discipline. They express the city images, which are both light and darkness, both hope and vanity. Sometimes their attitudes are unconcerned. But sometimes their attitudes toward the city images are praiseful. Sometimes they integrate passively, but sometimes they tend to introspect and criticize. The Russian poets of symbolism have completed the deep poetic construction between the Russian poetry of symbolism and the city prospect. Meanwhile, they also have brought the profound enlightenment for the development of the Russian city poetry.
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