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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Can Technical Artifacts Be Moral Agents?——Verbeek's Theory of Technological Moralization and Its Internal Predicament
    LIU Zheng
    2017, 19 (3):  221-226.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.001
    Abstract ( 936 )   HTML   PDF (843KB) ( 2110 )  

    Verbeek's theory of technological moralization claims that technical artifacts can mediate human's moral behaviors and moral decisions, i.e., technical artifacts not only have intentionality, but also can serve as moral agents. Verbeek's critics think that Verbeek justified his arguments by concept redefinition and misuse; as a result, Verbeek fell into the internal predicament. On one hand, the controversy between Verbeek and his critics is more like a terminological dispute about whether or not the moral roles of technical artifacts can be described as moral agents. On the other hand, Verbeek dramatically inherited the conceptual framework of humanistic ethics which he criticized, and his theory of technological moralization is still the duplication of modernistic dualism.

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    Basic Factors and Inherent Logic of Technological Knowledge Flow
    LIN Run-yan
    2017, 19 (3):  227-231.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.002
    Abstract ( 581 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 1158 )  
    Technological knowledge flow is mainly through two paths—formation of spiritual concepts and transformation of technological practices into technological artifacts, which is transmitted dynamically with technological practices serving as the mediating means. As the technological subject, human beings apply various types of technological knowledge, improve or create technological artifacts, and eventually realize an efficient flow of technological knowledge. The dynamics, finality and classifiability of technological knowledge exert logical effect on technological practices, promoting the formation of technological knowledge and then transforming it into a technological artifact. Technological knowledge flow (TKF) is subject to practice (P) and a certain technological approach (A). Under the influence of the dynamics (D), finality (F) and classifiability (C) of technological knowledge, an effective flow of technical knowledge can be achieved.
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    Order Concept of Bohm and Its Philosophical Significance
    CHEN Xiang-qun
    2017, 19 (3):  232-238.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.003
    Abstract ( 624 )   HTML   PDF (893KB) ( 1936 )  
    Order has been considered the most philosophical concept in Bohm's thoughts. Bohm believed that the general meaning of order is “similarity in difference and difference in similarity”, which is a summary and conclusion of the development law of physics history. Furthermore, based on the research of quantum mechanics, Bohm put forward the orders that hold the most quantal meaning, including implicate order, explicate order and generative order, and analyzed them from the perspectives of wholeness, universality and creativity in detail. An analysis of Bohm's order concept not only is of positive philosophical significance to help us understand the relationship between consciousness and matter, universe and time-space, science and society and so on, but also is inclined to surpass the contemporary and modern philosophy characterized by mechanical theory, reduction theory and subject-object dualism. Thus, Bohm's order concept has the spirit of post-modern philosophy, and deserves in deep study and exploration.
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    Economics and Management
    On Customer Engagement with Its Process and Driving Mechanism Under the Mobile Internet
    NING Lian-ju, LIU Qian
    2017, 19 (3):  239-246.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.004
    Abstract ( 614 )   HTML   PDF (1097KB) ( 1717 )  

    The development of mobile internet application has transferred the enterprise marketing paradigm from product orientation to interactive orientation, and customer engagement has become a new important theme of marketing paradigm research. By combing the dimensions and the forming process of customer engagement, the model of customer engagement was proposed based on the “attitude-behavior” model in the mobile internet, and then the driving mechanism of customer engagement was constructed by an analysis of the influencing factors and the value earnings of customer engagement from the perspectives of customers and enterprises. The driving mechanism research of customer engagement revealed that enterprises' interactive orientation, incentive mechanism and management strategy, and customers' reciprocity, altruistic preference, satisfaction and loyalty directly drive customer engagement, whereas the value earnings of enterprises and customers drive customer engagement in an indirect way.

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    On the Structure of Customer Psychological Contract and Differences in the Relationship Lifecycle Under the B2C Context
    WANG Xiao-juan, WAN Ying-hong, CHENG Jia
    2017, 19 (3):  247-252.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.005
    Abstract ( 507 )   HTML   PDF (852KB) ( 1124 )  
    The scale of customer psychological contract under the B2C context was developed through an in-depth interview, and the rationality of the three-dimensional structure model proposed in the study was verified by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Moreover, the structural differences of customer psychological contract in the relationship lifecycle were explored by using single factor variance analysis. The results showed that customer psychological contract is comprised of three dimensions, i.e., relationship development, transaction regulation and service fairness under the B2C context; customers’ focus on the relevant responsibilities at the varied stages of customer psychological contract is different—transaction regulation is paid great attention to at the exploration stage and service fairness is highlighted at the forming stage; and the explanatory power of the three dimensions is different, among which the explanatory power of relationship development is the strongest.
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    Longitudinal Research of Service Innovation in Design Enterprises: Development Stages and Model Evolution
    PENG Kai, SUN Hai-fa, LI Zhi
    2017, 19 (3):  253-261.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.006
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML   PDF (927KB) ( 1309 )  
    Through a longitudinal case study (2000-2013) of a Chinese large design enterprise, it was found that there are four stages in the process of design enterprises' service innovation, which correspond to the four design service contents—“single design service” “vertical integration service” “cross-boundary service” and “design management service”, and to the four design service concepts—“object level” “process level” “context level” and“integration level”. The design service contents are dependent on and inseparable from the design service concepts. Moreover, the service innovation models at the four stages are varied, which manifest themselves with the model of leading experts, the model of supporting technology, the model of business team and the model of alliance network. Each model of service innovation impacts design enterprises' design service contents and service concepts, which then enhances design enterprises' performance. The evolution process of service innovation models is an internal mechanism for promoting design enterprises' service.
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    Game Analysis of the Related Parties' Interests in Migrant Workers' Basic Medical Insurance Transfer and Continuation ——From the Perspectives of the Government, Enterprises and Migrant Workers
    XU Yan, LIU Wen-li, JU Yan-hui
    2017, 19 (3):  262-269.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.007
    Abstract ( 626 )   HTML   PDF (914KB) ( 1067 )  
    Based on the game theory, the relationship between the government, enterprises and migrant workers was analyzed from the main body of basic medical insurance premium paid by the three parties to maximize the interests. The research showed that the design and management issues of basic medical insurance system become a major factor that affects the interests of the three parties in migrant workers' basic medical insurance transfer and continuation. Furthermore, the interest game among the local governments is one of the most important reasons for the difficulty of migrant workers' basic medical insurance transfer. The findings suggested that the basic medical insurance level should be improved, the interest relationship among the local governments should be streamlined, the supervision of enterprises should be strengthened, the insurance awareness of migrant workers should be raised, the insurers should be persuaded into basic medical insurance so as to gradually achieve the smooth relationship transfer of migrant workers' basic medical insurance.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Process Perspective of Policy Instrument Research: Advantage, Logic and Framework
    GUO Sui-lei, WEI Shu-yan
    2017, 19 (3):  270-275.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.008
    Abstract ( 866 )   HTML   PDF (838KB) ( 2348 )  

    In the three schools of technical theory, design theory and process theory formed during the research of policy instruments, the technical school is too microscopic, diverging, and overlapping with other areas of research, and the design school tends to be abstract and complex, departing from the empirical analysis. Among the three schools, the process theory is the most balanced perspective, which combines facts and norms and has a high degree of fit with the policy process theory. The understanding of policy instrument formation, application and change constitutes the logical foundation for understanding the whole life cycle of policy instruments. Based on the recent developments of the policy instrument theory and the analysis of the theoretical advantages together with the logic basis of the policy instrument process, three main analytical frameworks of the process theory should be summed up in terms of policy instrument agenda, instrument-institution change and policy instrument innovation so as to provide references for the promotion of policy instrument research.

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    Tool Preference and Path Optimization of Environmental Governance Policies——Based on the Content Analysis of 43 Policy Texts
    YANG Zhi-jun, GENG Xu, WANG Ruo-xue
    2017, 19 (3):  276-283.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.009
    Abstract ( 720 )   HTML   PDF (989KB) ( 2435 )  
    Effective environmental governance is inseparable from the scientific choice and application of environmental policy tools. Based on the logic of sample selection, framework construction, text unit coding and data analysis, content analysis was applied to study the 43 environmental policy texts issued by the Chinese central government since the reform and opening up with the purpose of revealing the Chinese governments' choice of environmental governance tools. The research results showed that there existed such problems as the overuse of coercive policy tools, uneven use of government administrative bodies, and inefficient use of economic policies and voluntary policy tools in China's environmental governance. Some optimization paths were then advocated including the less use of mandatory policy tools, the emphasis of economic and voluntary policy tools, the enhanced participation of citizens and third-party organizations, and the improvement of use mechanisms for policy tools.
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    An Empirical Study on the Evaluation of Provincial Social Governance Level Based on the TOPSIS Model
    NAN Rui, WANG Da-hai
    2017, 19 (3):  284-291.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.010
    Abstract ( 538 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 1090 )  
    The refinement of social governance should be based on the existing level of social governance scientific measurement and analysis. Firstly, an evaluation index system of social governance was constructed, which includes social security governance, social safety governance, public service governance and social participation governance. Secondly, based on the cross-sectional data from 29 different provinces, the level of social governance in China was measured by using the TOPSIS model to divide the regional levels and analyze the coordination degree of social governance level subsystems. The results indicated that the overall level of social governance is relatively low and differs greatly among different regions and provinces characterized by the letter “U” with a wide opening in the east region, western region and middle region, and the unbalanced gourd-shaped development is characteristic of the provincial level of social governance.
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    Criminal Regulation of Deep Link Behavior of Search Engines ——Dual Reflection from the Actual and Ideal Perspective
    YANG Cai-xia
    2017, 19 (3):  292-299.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.011
    Abstract ( 706 )   HTML   PDF (849KB) ( 1303 )  
    The “server standard” rather than “user perception standard” was adopted to identify the nature of deep link behavior in terms of copyright laws. As a result, deep link is not regarded as an act of Internet-based information transmission. Starting from this view, deep link behavior of search engines cannot be directly punished for infringing upon copyrights. In fact, the accomplice theory was taken into account to criminalize it before the Amendment Ⅸ to the Criminal Law was enforced, but there are many obstacles when it is identified as a unilateral accessory crime. These responsibility barriers seem to break because of the addition of the new crime, but from the ideal perspective, the regulation of deep link behavior of search engines should be cautiously introduced into the current criminal law in that it is too rash to construct the legislative mode of accomplice perpetrators, which will completely abandon the principle of technological neutrality, break the interest balance between copyright owners and the public, and violate the modesty principle of the criminal law.
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    Sentencing Negotiation in the Special Trial Procedure——The Russian Practice and Its Enlightenment to the Establishment of China's Confession System
    WANG Ji-yu
    2017, 19 (3):  299-304.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.012
    Abstract ( 553 )   HTML   PDF (829KB) ( 1153 )  
    The special trial procedure provided in the Russian criminal law is a timely and effective procedure in dealing with criminal cases, and learning from the sentencing negotiation system in the Russian special trial procedure to establish China's corresponding system in the criminal procedure is conducive to promoting the distributary of simple and complex cases, improving the efficiency of criminal proceedings and saving judicial costs. The Russian special trial procedure and the judicial practices of plea bargaining contained in it provide a reference blueprint for the establishment of China's confession system. China's confession system in the future can benefit from the Russian mode to allow both parties to negotiate sentencing at the prosecution and trial stages, to build a pretrial diversion mechanism and to perfect the confession system based on the speedy trial procedure and the criminal summary procedure.
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    On the Strategic Planning and Formulation of Secondary Faculties' Development at Universities and Colleges
    YU Yang
    2017, 19 (3):  305-311.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.013
    Abstract ( 623 )   HTML   PDF (853KB) ( 1190 )  
    The strategic planning of secondary faculties’ development is not only the carrier and direction of college and department construction, but also the starting point where colleges and universities at varied levels implement the double first-class construction. Working out the strategic planning of secondary faculties' development is of necessity for the gradual reform of academic organizations, the work performance of collages and departments, the disciplinary construction, the teachers' professional development, and the prestige establishment of faculty leaders. In the planning process, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of full participation, continuous target chain and reliance on disposable resources, based on the planning objectives, planning content and planning implementation. Meanwhile, the relationship between strategic planning of secondary faculties' development and strategic planning of university development should be identified, the differences among departments in the strategic planning of secondary faculties' development should be explored, the relationship between faculty leadership and strategic planning of faculties' development should be established, and the internal and external circumstances of strategic planning of faculty development should be understood.
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    On the Subject Power Allocation and Its Operating Mechanism of Scientific Research Evaluation of University Teachers in Social Sciences
    SHI Wan-bing, CAO Fang-fang
    2017, 19 (3):  312-318.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.014
    Abstract ( 529 )   HTML   PDF (869KB) ( 1123 )  
    Exploring the subject power allocation and its operating mechanism of scientific research evaluation of social science teachers in China's universities is of great value to standardize the management of social science teachers in universities and promote the overall construction of university disciplines. After defining the core concepts, literature analysis and case study were applied to clarify the concrete subject power as well as internal logic, and summarize the existing problems, including the lack of academic power, domination of evaluation agencies, decline of academic communities' “self-discipline”, multiple identities of evaluation subjects, and lack of supervision and accountability mechanism. In order to improve the management efficiency of scientific research of social science teachers in China's universities and promote the benign development of universities, the following relevant suggestions were put forward: confirming the core position of academic communities, reasonably exerting the subject power of evaluation agencies, arousing the consciousness of evaluation subjects, and improving the “avoidance” system and supervision and accountability mechanism.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Form and Meaning Fusion of Wittgenstein's and Halliday's Views on Language: Inheritance and Transcendence
    SONG Jian-nan
    2017, 19 (3):  319-324.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.015
    Abstract ( 713 )   HTML   PDF (853KB) ( 1366 )  
    Wittgenstein claims that the essence of philosophy can only be found in the language, and whether they should be terms or sentences, their function is not only to refer to the external objects and facts, but also to attempt to weave life scenes. Wittgenstein's thoughts of holistic experience, functional semantics and context have laid a solid foundation of dialectical philosophy for the functional semantics established by Halliday and other scholars. The philosophical trace of functional semantics is explored, and the inheritance and transcendence of Wittgenstein's philosophy is expounded. A new understanding and examination of form and meaning fusion and an exploration of the nature of semantics from the perspective of humanism are of great philosophical significance to functional linguistics research.
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    Intersemiotic Translation Studies on Film Adaptation of Joy Luck Club
    WANG Chen-shuang
    2017, 19 (3):  325-330.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.016
    Abstract ( 1026 )   HTML   PDF (839KB) ( 2299 )  
    The adaptation of novels into films is a semiotic conversion between two types of art forms, and the difference between written symbols and audiovisual symbols leads to a non-equivalent transformation between novels and films. The process of intersemiotic translation can be explored through comparative studies on novel and film texts based on Pierce's theory of semiotics and Jackobson's concept of intersemiotic translation. In the intersemiotic translation of Joy Luck Club, the novel's structure and theme are simplified, and the adapted plots basically restore the novel's content and style. Though Joy Luck Club's intersemiotic translation fails to realize full translation, the appropriate application of audiovisual symbols plays an important role in film characterization so as to make the successful transformation from written symbols to audiovisual symbols.
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