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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Trump's Election to the Presidency: Globalization Turning to the Second Landed Boot
    LYU Nai-ji
    2017, 19 (2):  111-119.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.001
    Abstract ( 708 )   HTML   PDF (899KB) ( 2337 )  

    Trump's election to the presidency indicates that America will move its focus from capital to society, and the “rebalance” of the relationships among the government, capital and society will spread to the world. Although TPP may be set aside temporarily, some of the “high standards” hold pace with the development of human society, of which China should keep a clear mind. The future globalization will largely run at the economic level, characterized by deideologization. This does not mean that the universal value has lost its own values, but the fact of value diversity has been recognized. To what extent Trump might compromise with the American traditions, elites and “politically correctness”, take into account the earth and the world, keep employment and scientific and technological development in pace, and “go his own way” will affect the world in his term and even for a longer time. Accordingly, China will face more profound challenges, and it is necessary to make self-improvement and vigorously promote domestic demands so as to reverse the deepening of reform and opening-up policies.

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    Social Sciences in the Context of Globalization and Their Impact on Public Policies
    YIN Jie, HU Min
    2017, 19 (2):  120-125.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.002
    Abstract ( 702 )   HTML   PDF (855KB) ( 1205 )  
    Globalization is the most important faced of modern society and it has been changing the public environment and public affairs profoundly. Social sciences take human society as the research subject and make many changes prominent, where as public policies aim at making solutions to social public issues, which exert coupling effect with social sciences. In the process of globalization, new developments in the research patterns of social sciences initiate the change of the ways to participate in public policy making. Globalization leads to the internationalization of public issues such as background internationalization, essence internationalization and solution internationalization, which causes new changes in research subjects, discipline setting, scientific research institutions and methodologies. In the meantime, such internationalizations and new changes are bound to affect the ways social sciences participate in public policy making.
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    Technological Maximality and Human Rights
    MA Ming, CHEN Fan
    2017, 19 (2):  126-132.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.003
    Abstract ( 744 )   HTML   PDF (873KB) ( 1033 )  
    As a major feature of many modern technologies with significant influence, maximality is the turning point where the related technologies undergo transformations from the perspective of ethical judgment, which has obtained a rising tendency with the propulsion of multiple factors in the present times. Technology contains human elements as part of its nature, thus providing room for human participation in technologies. The much justified pursuit of hallowed and inviolable human rights serves as the powerful driving force for many technologies to gain the maximal status. Nowadays, it is of great urgency to contemplate the mechanism of maximality and its corresponding harm, and human redemption is made possible by the very human nature of technology.
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    Economics and Management
    Acting Pathway of Equity Incentive on Company Performance ——An Empirical Study Based on Structural Equation Modeling
    SONG Yu-chen, LI Lian-wei
    2017, 19 (2):  133-139.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.004
    Abstract ( 641 )   HTML   PDF (940KB) ( 2276 )  

    251 A-share listed companies which implemented the equity incentive plan during 2007 and 2013 were selected, and a comprehensive framework was set up by means of structural equation modeling(SEM) to analyze the direct and indirect effects of equity incentive on company performance, and to examine the pathway of equity incentive on the performance of listed companies. It was found that equity incentive can significantly improve company performance. 87.56% of the effect of equity incentive on company performance is realized through the direct acting pathway, and the rest 12.44% is realized through the indirect acting pathway. The pathway of agency cost accounts for 8.00% and the pathway of earnings management accounts for 4.44%, but the pathway of investment efficiency does not have a significant effect.

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    Nonlinear Correlation Mechanism Between Financial Stability and Economic Growth in China
    YIN Zhong, LIU Jin-quan, ZHANG Du
    2017, 19 (2):  140-146.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.005
    Abstract ( 621 )   HTML   PDF (1129KB) ( 1146 )  
    By means of the financial stability index and the fixed model as well as time varying model, the nonlinear correlation between financial stability and economic growth in China was tested. It was found that short-term economic growth has a strong “suppressive effect” on financial stability, but this effect tends to weaken as economic growth slows down; when economic growth is back to the appropriate speed range, the impact on financial stability manifests itself with a “pulling effect.”In the future, a moderate speed for economic growth is conducive to enhancing macro-financial stability as long as economic growth does not fluctuate strongly in the short term. In order to secure the operation of the financial system in China, the government should attach great importance to ensuring the smooth running of macroeconomic premises and monitoring the mechanism associated with economic growth and financial stability.
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    Green EVA: Economic Value Added Based on Expected Eco-efficiency
    YANG Ting-rong, DING Hui-ping
    2017, 19 (2):  147-153.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.006
    Abstract ( 505 )   HTML   PDF (850KB) ( 1958 )  
    Expected ecological efficiency has been described as the minimum efficiency requirement by ecological resources owners for such resourcesuse in companies. Based on that, green EVA was analyzed to fit the necessity of ecological resources owners for expected ecological efficiency. Then, green EVA indicators were established in accordance with expected ecological efficiency to elaborate the opportunity cost of green EVA for ecological resources owners and modify the impact of varied enterprises' environment protection investments on EVA. In addition, the features of how companies make breakthrough in the value creativity for scarce ecological resources were weighed and a green EVA calculation method was given. By calculating the green EVA of Baosteel in 2014 and comparing it with the traditional EVA, the operability and applicability of green EVA indicators were verified. Moreover, it was suggested that green EVA assessment should be put into trial use in SOEs with high energy consumption and pollution.
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    Transfer Payment, Industrial Structure and Carbon Emission ——Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Endogenous Growth
    HE Jun, LIU Qi-ming, TANG Shu-yi
    2017, 19 (2):  153-159.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.007
    Abstract ( 571 )   HTML   PDF (877KB) ( 1055 )  
    Environmental quality was introduced into production function as a factor of production to set up an engogenous growth model including transfer payment and environmental quality, and then the impact of transfer payment on environmental quality was analyzed theoretically. Based on China's provincial panel data of 30 provinces and autonomous regions from 2003 to 2013, the effect of China's transfer payment level on carbon emission was explored. The results showed that that there is significantly positive relationship between transfer payment level and carbon emission, the impact of China's transfer payment on carbon emission is exerted by the change of industrial structure, whose mediating effect accounts for 17.70%, and Western China has the strongest positive correlation coefficient of transfer payment and carbon emission, followed by Central China and Eastern China.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On the Inner Logic of the Generation-Termination of “Short-lived” Policies
    WANG Zhen-bo
    2017, 19 (2):  160-166.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.008
    Abstract ( 508 )   HTML   PDF (912KB) ( 1203 )  

    As a rheological type of public policy, “short-lived” policies may be caused by the following mechanisms: the combination between the closed mechanism of policymaking and the pursuit of efficiency, the binding between the release of short-term policies and the pursuit of interests, and the adherence between the promotion & tenure system and the pursuit of political achievements. The reasons behind the above-mentioned generation mechanisms highlight the deficiency of public reasoning, lack of democratic mechanism, ignorance of scientific procedure of policymaking and more room for system and regulation improvement. Although there are some explicit-level counter-mechanisms to terminate the generation mechanisms of “short-lived” policies, including the top-down government power system, the bottom-up social pressure and other counter factors, a fundamental solution to “short-lived” policies should take into account the following issues-unconformity to laws, illegality in content and procedures, lack of public support in reasoning, and inadequate maintenance of policy operating mechanisms.

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    On the Cross-department Administrative Coordination from the Perspective of Data Integration
    GU Min-chong, MENG Qing-guo
    2017, 19 (2):  167-172.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.009
    Abstract ( 672 )   HTML   PDF (851KB) ( 1989 )  
    Cross-department administrative coordination not only places hopes on straightening out functions and procedures, but also needs the governments to use new technologies to break administrative barriers among departments. Based on the governments' various attempts to promote cross-department administrative coordination, it was suggested that information construction should be a workable solution; however, the goal of administrative coordination is not easy to achieve in that it is restricted by data fragmentation, information island and the traditional administrative system. To promote cross-department administrative coordination, the governments should release data potentials, break departmental barriers and promote process reengineering in terms of data quality, mechanism construction and model development.
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    Chinese Local Governments' Occupational Safety and Health Regulation of Regulatory Space——Based on 31 Accidents of Hazardous Chemicals
    WEI Shu-yan, YANG Da-han
    2017, 19 (2):  173-179.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.010
    Abstract ( 538 )   HTML   PDF (870KB) ( 1740 )  
    Accidents caused by hazardous chemicals have happened quite frequently in China in the past years. Based on the concept of regulatory space, an analytical framework was given to explore the 31 hazardous chemical accident cases from 2013 to 2015 released by China State Administration of Work Safety. The problems of Chinese local governments' occupational safety and health(OSH) regulation of hazardous chemicals were revealed in terms of legal system, historical tradition, network relationship, regulatory effect and accident cause. Multiple perspectives including regulatory system, evaluation mechanism, supervision procedure and supervisors were taken to explore the in-depth causes. As to Chinese local governments' OSH regulation of regulatory space, it was suggested that daily regulation should be concentrated on one single department, the indicators of accident casualty should be weakened, compensation should take the place of regulation in reducing regulatory space, and the structure of grass-roots regulators should be improved.
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    Research on Negligence Accomplice in the Narrow Sense
    LIU Pu-jun
    2017, 19 (2):  180-186.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.011
    Abstract ( 618 )   HTML   PDF (858KB) ( 1237 )  
    Negligence accomplice in the narrow sense is a concept under the theory of negligence crime, which solely refers to negligent abettor and negligent accessory. Whether negligence accomplice in the narrow sense can be established has been under controversy for a long time. Although its positive theory refuted the negative theory to some extent, lacking a systematic explaination about the relevant theories of negligence accomplice in the narrow sense makes the positive theory under doubt, unaccepted by the majority of scholars in the academics. To explore negligence accomplice in the narrow sense, its basic category should serve as the starting point from which to seek the theoretical basis of establishing the narrow negligence accomplice within the common crime theory, reflect on the conditions for establishing the narrow negligence accomplice by combining the negligent offender theory, and give more thought to the directions for improving China's criminal laws by taking into account the current criminal legislation and judicial status.
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    Restrictions from Privacy Rights in Database Development and Application
    LI Yan-shun
    2017, 19 (2):  187-194.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.012
    Abstract ( 469 )   HTML   PDF (884KB) ( 1050 )  
    There are two types of rights for those databases that take personal data as their direct object, i.e., database rights and data subjects' rights. To the former, its core is property interests, and to the latter, its core is human dignity and personality interests. These two kinds of rights are always conflicting in database development and application, represented by such cases that personal sensitive data are illegally collected and utilized, and citizens are surrounded and monitored by ubiquitous data. However, modern civilization is moving towards respecting and protecting privacy rights; accordingly, data integration and data mining cannot be achieved by sacrificing personal privacy rights. Database development and application should respect the fundamental privacy rights of data subjects, and relevant protection laws should be set from such aspects as data classification, data processing behavior and data controllers' responsibility.
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    On the Informal Relationship in University Technology Transfer
    ZHANG Feng, JIA Ming-shun, LYU Jun-yue
    2017, 19 (2):  195-200.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.013
    Abstract ( 464 )   HTML   PDF (852KB) ( 1021 )  
    University technology transfer is a process in which universities transfer their valuable scientific research achievements and technologies to industries. It is quite common that informal relationship exists between these two above-mentioned main bodies in the whole process. The reasons for this universality are reducing transaction expenses, making up for the deficiency of formal relationship network, promoting the effective transfer of tacit knowledge and taking into consideration the particular cultural background of China, etc. On the one hand, informal relationship may promote university technology transfer in that it enhances both the quantity and quality of technology transfer, and simplifies the transaction process, which is conducive to triggering multiple technology transfers. On the other hand, it is disadvantageous to set up formal rules and formal relationships, which probably result in ethical risks, integrity risks and even legal risks. It is of great significance to correctly understand and rationally use the informal relationship for promoting university technology transfers and improving their conversion efficiency.
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    Case-based Study on the Role of Serious Games in Cultivating Undergraduates' Cooperative Consciousness
    ZHOU Wen-jie, MU Rui
    2017, 19 (2):  201-207.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.014
    Abstract ( 468 )   HTML   PDF (878KB) ( 1372 )  
    As an important means of educational science, serious games aim to cultivate students' appropriate behaviors and value system by creating problem situations in the virtual reality. First, the key concepts of serious games were defined and the role of serious games in cultivating students' cooperative consciousness was expounded. Then, based on the cases of sustainability problems of marine fishery resources, the process of game play by undergraduates and their experience of game outcomes were highlighted and analyzed to illustrate the role of serous games in promoting undergraduates' cooperative behaviors. The play of serious games is involved in social problems with interest conflicts, and through game design and role play, students' social cognition could be promoted and their conflicts in thoughts and values could be settled. Moreover, students may improve their holistic perspectives and cooperative consciousness.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Age of Onset and China's English Learners' Foreign Language Proficiency——An Interpretation Based on Language Input
    WANG Bo-ran, WANG Peng-ran, HAN Mei-ling
    2017, 19 (2):  208-215.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.015
    Abstract ( 649 )   HTML   PDF (882KB) ( 1842 )  
    From the national and regional perspective, the correlation between China's English learners' age of onset and their foreign language proficiency was interpreted based on the quantity and intensity of language input, and the effect of first English teachers' overall ability and phonological skill upon Chinese learners' English pronunciation was explored based on the quality of language input. It was found that the quality, quantity and intensity of language input plays a more essential role in foreign language proficiency than age of onset; however, as a primary input source, the overall ability and phonological skill of China's English teachers have much room for improvement. It was suggested that the correlation between age of onset and foreign language proficiency should be downplayed while priority should be given to the approaches of improving the quality and quantity of foreign language input for Chinese learners.
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    On Lawrence's Natural View of Blood-consciousness
    JIANG Bo
    2017, 19 (2):  215-220.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.02.016
    Abstract ( 590 )   HTML   PDF (854KB) ( 1180 )  
    As one of the greatest writers in the British literature, Lawrence loves nature and considers natural species equal to human beings. He advocates the natural view of blood-consciousness and believes that the nature can stimulate the blood-consciousness of human beings so that they can get rid of the constraints of materials and traditional morals and return to the nature to create a harmonious environment between human beings and the nature. Through the description of sex and love as well as natural species and wild land, Lawrence expresses his special natural view in his writings. The view is harmonious in itself, but the conflict and contradiction between human beings and the nature are inevitable. Despite the limitations of this view, Lawrence leads the role in ecological warning.
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