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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On the Features and Values of Chen Changshus Thought of Philosophy of Technology
    WANG Qian
    2016, 18 (3):  221-225.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.001
    Abstract ( 619 )   HTML   PDF (847KB) ( 1360 )  
    From the perspective of international study of philosophy of technology, Chen Changshus thought of philosophy of technology as a system of ideas with unique features, influenced by Marxist practical materialism, having taken in some relative ideological elements from modern Western philosophy of technology and meanwhile based on philosophical reflection upon the experience of the technological development in China. Different from the paradigm of analyzing technological activities in terms of concepts and structures, his ideas attached great importance to analyzing the function and value of technological activities, to being problem-oriented, to the organic relationship and systematic study of the relationships between relative elements of technological activities. In his ideas it could be found modes and ways of functional and value analysis aimed at the practical situation of technological development in China, and a summary of the laws of technological development from the comparative perspective between Chinese and Western. His ideas will not only be helpful in ensuring Chinese engineers and technicians’ philosophical attainments but also in making the features of Chinese philosophy of technology known by the corresponding international realm so as to promote deep spiritual communication.
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    International Research of Kants Philosophy of Science: Status, Horizons and Contemporary Significance
    DAI Li-gang, AN Wei-fu
    2016, 18 (3):  226-233.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.002
    Abstract ( 570 )   HTML   PDF (914KB) ( 1176 )  
    Research of Kants philosophy of science is a heated issue in the international academic circles. In terms of the legality and status, the latest research of the history of philosophy of science has resurrected Kants natural philosophy and given it a legal status as philosophy of science, making it an important research field of philosophy of science. In terms of the academic horizons, research of Kants philosophy of science focuses on the eternal research themes of philosophy of science such as the relationship between science and metaphysics and the more profound problems in methodology. In terms of the contemporary value, Kants philosophy of science may provide a new theoretical perspective for scientific realism that the contemporary scholars have been discussing. Furthermore, it provides a feasible approach to getting out of the dilemma of relativism in research of philosophy of science initiated by Kuhn and Quine. More importantly, Kants philosophy of science can provide new understanding and research space to philosophy of science itself.
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    Ethics Crisis and Resolution in the Technical Updating Times
    LI Song
    2016, 18 (3):  234-239.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.003
    Abstract ( 431 )   HTML   PDF (861KB) ( 1022 )  
    The technical updating times is an age of constantly upgrading technologies. Doubly driven by the economic interests and development laws of technology itself, both human environment and natural environment are experiencing an unprecedented problem—the previous ethical risks have evolved into the current ethics crises. Ethics crisis is human crisis in essence, and the ethics crisis in the technical updating times manifests itself as the ethics empty field, the prevalence of individualism, the invasion of freedom and dignity, and the threats of health as well as safety. However, crisis resolution requires ethics presence, ethical regulations of technical links and visions of responsible global ethics.
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    Economics and Management
    Regional Difference and Threshold Effect of IFDI on OFDI in China
    LI Hong-ying, LI Jing-wen, LIU Wen-li
    2016, 18 (3):  240-247.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.004
    Abstract ( 451 )   HTML   PDF (889KB) ( 1607 )  
    The regional difference of IFDI on OFDI was analyzed by using the provincial panel data from 2003 to 2013 in China. The double threshold effect of IFDI on OFDI was found based on the threshold model. Moreover, IFDI scale, per capita GDP and per capita export all have a double threshold effect. The results showed that the effect of IFDI on OFDI was not remarkable based on the total samples, but there were significantly different promoting effects of IFDI on OFDI based on the samples of eastern, middle and western regions. The middle region exerts the biggest effect followed by the eastern and the western regions. According to the double threshold model, the promoting effect of IFDI on OFDI was the strongest in condition of medium-sized IFDI scale, medium-sized per capita export and higher per capita GDP. Accordingly, some suggestions were put forward which may promote “bringing in” and “going out” countermeasures.
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    Internal Control, External Supervision and Accounting Information Disclosure Quality of Listed CompaniesBased on the Game Theory
    YAO Hai-xin, LENG Jun
    2016, 18 (3):  247-254.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.005
    Abstract ( 543 )   HTML   PDF (907KB) ( 1822 )  
    The accounting information disclosure quality was explored from the perspective of internal control and external supervision. An external, static game model between the securities regulatory authorities and the management of listed companies was constructed, and then an internal, dynamic game model between the management of listed companies and accounting staffs as well as audit committees was established. Based on the solutions of equilibrium, the accounting information disclosure and the game participants strategies were studied. It was suggested that the cost of securities regulatory authorities should be lowered, the compensation and accountability for duty dereliction of securities regulatory authorities should be increased; the penalties for illegal information disclosure of listed companies should be reinforced, the quality of internal control and the internal accounting control function of accounting staffs should be improved, and the independence, professionalism and internal management control of audit committees should be perfected.
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    Impact of the Ownership Structure of Companies Listed on the GEM upon M & A Performance
    ZHAO Xi, CHEN Jia-qi
    2016, 18 (3):  255-261.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.006
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (874KB) ( 1081 )  
    Taking into account the characteristics of GEM ownership structure and selecting 50 representative M & A events of the companies listed on the GEM as the research sample, the factor analysis method was used to measure the overall M & A performance of the sample and the multiple linear regression method was adopted to examine the impact of the ownership structure of the companies listed on the GEM upon the M & A performance. The results indicated that on the whole the M & A performance of the companies listed on the GEM didnt improve much and there existed a negative correlation between ownership concentration and M & A performance. Thus, Chinas listed companies should reasonably change their ownership structure, set up the ownership checks and balances mechanism, reduce the financial risks, and strengthen the effective integration after the merger.
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    Impact of Online Product Recommendations on Consumers Purchasing Decisions
    HUO Chun-hui, YUAN Shao-feng, WU Ya-xuan
    2016, 18 (3):  262-269.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.007
    Abstract ( 678 )   HTML   PDF (918KB) ( 2333 )  
    Based on the two-stage model of consumersonline shopping, the impacts of online recommended products ranking, online word-of-mouth quantity and online word-of-mouth transmission direction on consumers purchasing decisions were explored. It was found that online recommended products ranking, online word-of-mouth quantity and online word-of-mouth transmission direction are positively correlated with consumers purchasing intention and behavior. Furthermore, while online recommended products ranking and online word-of-mouth transmission direction affect consumers purchasing intention, product involvement has significant positive moderating effect. In other words, online recommended products ranking and online word-of-mouth quantity have stronger positive effect on consumers purchasing intention in high product involvement than in low product involvement.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On Habermas Criticism and Reconstruction of the Relationship Between Laws and Political Power
    LIU Guang-bin
    2016, 18 (3):  270-275.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.008
    Abstract ( 502 )   HTML   PDF (862KB) ( 726 )  
    In terms of the relationship between laws and political power, Habermas criticized the politicalization of laws of Webers legal sociology and the constitutionalization of political power of Parsons structural functionalism in that they didnt handle properly the relationship between laws and political power. Habermas constructed the reciprocal relationship between laws and political power based on the discourse theory. This relationship calls for the reconstruction of power theories and emphasizes the converting role laws should play in changing communicative power into political power. Habermas scheme of discourse theory highlights the basic status of rights and the converting role of laws and provides an explicit path of verifying the reciprocal construction of laws and political power. However, it turns out to be utopian in practice.
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    Ethics Construction of Public Health Crisis Governance
    GAO Jin, LOU Cheng-wu
    2016, 18 (3):  276-280.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.009
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML   PDF (851KB) ( 1187 )  
    Ethics construction of public health crisis governance is the intrinsic requirement of fundamental attributes, the significant guarantee of harmed subjects, and the due implication of crisis governance policies. Public health crisis governance should uphold such ethical norms as human-oriented value, justice and responsibility. On the value orientation, the human rights to live, to know and to choose should be protected. To pursue the justice of rights, opportunities and procedures, the fairness and justice of resources distribution, risk undertaking and measure implementation should be guaranteed. The duty-bound responsibility and result responsibility of public health crisis governance should also be clarified. Consequently, the multiple subjects of public health crisis governance are supposed to insist on human orientation and humanist care, carry the fairness and justice through, share reasonably the resources risk, enhance the sense of responsibility, and implement effectively the preventive governance.
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    Impact of Big Datas Prediction Ability on Public Decision Making
    HU Ya-qian
    2016, 18 (3):  281-287.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.010
    Abstract ( 763 )   HTML   PDF (876KB) ( 1290 )  
    In the era of big data, big data exerts a profound impact on public decision making, mainly gradual decisions, due to its characteristics of volume, variety, velocity and veracity. Big data makes it possible to access sufficient information, the relevance analysis of big data improves the pertinence of decision making, the dynamic analysis of big data contributes to the gradual improvement of decision making, and the analysis velocity of big data brings about timely decision making. Most importantly, the prediction ability of big data will improve the scientificity of decision making. However, big data prediction may make errors and leak privacies, so decision makers should treat objectively the prediction ability of big data and the government should strengthen data sharing and control and attach greater importance to the training of big data analysts.
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    Effect Analysis of Chinese-style Active Employment Policies: An Evaluation Framework
    YING Ming, WEI Shu-yan
    2016, 18 (3):  288-295.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.011
    Abstract ( 523 )   HTML   PDF (887KB) ( 1290 )  
    The Chinese-style active employment policies play an important role in increasing employment, controlling unemployment rates, helping out the disadvantaged groups in employment and maintaining social stability, which serve as strong measures for the government to govern unemployment. However, these policies lack an overall and systemic effect evaluation. Accordingly, an evaluation framework of the effect analysis of Chinese-style active employment policies should be constructed by taking right to life, right to social security and right to employment as its evaluation concept, by taking fairness, efficiency and degree of satisfaction as its evaluation standard, by analyzing the assessment content and evaluating the indicators of strategic employment policies, marketable employment policies and protective employment policies from multiple dimensions, by choosing the third evaluation party as the assessment subject, and by adopting combined subjective and objective evaluation approaches.
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    The Analysis of Adopting the Discretion to Dismiss System in the Shareholder Meeting with the Procedural Defect
    HUA Yi-xin
    2016, 18 (3):  296-301.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.012
    Abstract ( 647 )   HTML   PDF (862KB) ( 691 )  
    The discretion to dismiss system derives from the concept of power disposition. Through balancing of interest, although it is used in juridical practice to improve the efficiency of group behavior and judgment, it is harmful to restrained judicial involvement and reality of the group intention. Through the normative analysis, according to the applicable scope and the legal effect of the Article 22 of Chinese Company Law, the discretion to dismiss can not be applicable. Also, through the system analysis, the discretion to dismiss is not necessary and feasible. The view of adopting the discretion to dismiss system is a misunderstanding to the allocation of rights.It is improper for scholars and practitioners to ignore the laws and apply the system directly.
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    On the Scope Modification of Vehicle Warranty Regulations
    ZHANG Ying-hui
    2016, 18 (3):  302-307.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.013
    Abstract ( 624 )   HTML   PDF (861KB) ( 948 )  
    Household vehicles are the subjects Provisions on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automotive Products aims to protect. As a new concept in the law, household vehicles are positively defined as the cars purchased and used for the purpose of living consumption. However, the concept usage and definition doesnt meet the automobile industry common standards, and it is difficult to define “household needs”. To avoid such contradictions and conflicts, it is better to choose the negative definition model and abandon the customary appellations in the provisions by which to accord with the automobile industry common standards and avoid the controversy and obstacles in law implementation.
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    Marxism Theory
    An Analysis of Marxs Thoughts of Ecological Well-being
    WANG Kuan, QIN Shu-sheng
    2016, 18 (3):  308-313.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.014
    Abstract ( 436 )   HTML   PDF (858KB) ( 1693 )  
    Karl Marx interpreted happiness and ecology from such four aspects as the nature of man, alienated labor, societal system and communism. In view of the above, he regarded ecological well-being as a living form that embodied the nature of man and ecological significance, which helps to outline what ecological well-being should be like for the present Chinese. Marx revealed the capitalist origin of ecological well-being crisis, which may provide scientific approaches to diagnose the plights of ecological well-being for the present Chinese. He also revealed the realization logic of ecological well-being, which can offer feasible paths to obtain ecological well-being for the present Chinese.
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    On the Methodological Roots of Hegels Truth Transmutation
    ZHANG Lei
    2016, 18 (3):  314-318.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.015
    Abstract ( 449 )   HTML   PDF (849KB) ( 1122 )  
    In Hegels view, truth does not have an absolute beginning or conclusion. It is a whole from generation to generation at different stages and with different branches, which is a process and system of concept development. By abandoning the traditional ontology and the “first principles” of Kants critical philosophy, Hegel reshapes the fundamental role which human thinking plays in knowing the truth. In Hegels interpretation of speculative rationality, the modern intellectual thinking realizes the transcendence of sense, intuition and intellectuality, reaches the dialectical unity on the basis of rationality, subverts such traditional thinking forms of truth as the correspondence theory and the coherence theory, and arrives at the unity between human activity and human object, self and nature, the specific and the whole, and the limited and the limitless. Philosophy becomes knowledge, moves towards science and turns into the truth, all being based on speculative rationality. In fact, the principle evolution and the orderly expansion and development of philosophy history is understanding and getting closer to the truth by turning to human speculative rationality.
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    Construction of the Fourth World and Writing of Political Ethics The Write-back Tactics in Almanac of the Dead
    ZHAO Li
    2016, 18 (3):  319-324.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.016
    Abstract ( 579 )   HTML   PDF (872KB) ( 968 )  
    The concern and criticism about political ethics in American society have been the themes in Leslie Marmon Silkos writings. In Almanac of the Dead, the intention and characteristics of American political discourse writing are summarized as the hegemonic discourse by Silko. Both the collective aphasia of the minorities and vulnerable groups at home and the geopolitical diplomatic strategies abroad reflect the issues existing in American political ethics writings. How to solve these issues becomes the foundation of constructing the Fourth World in Silkos novels. In her opinion, the Fourth World is an ideal state to eliminate the problems of imparity and injustice among different classes, and an effective strategy to write back the imperial narrative. Based on the Fourth World concept, Silkos ultimate goal is to construct a political space in her books where different nations enjoy an equal and syncretic relationship.
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    The Nation-building Narrative in Alice Munros Wilderness Station
    YUAN Xia
    2016, 18 (3):  325-330.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.03.017
    Abstract ( 699 )   HTML   PDF (879KB) ( 1425 )  
    Alice Munros Wilderness Station explores the relationship of Canadas nation-building myth and national identity. The novel employs Gothic wilderness narrative to reveal earlier Canadian immigrants identity perplexity and status anxiety because of the spatial displacement in the nation-building process. The Canadian nation-building myth depicted in the novel is actually the collision of the new and old sign systems, which has brought forth great shock upon the earlier immigrants and complicated their identity-seeking process. Besides, the epistolary style in the narration breaks the unified narrative of Canadian nation-building myths, thus encouraging people to reflect upon Canadas national identity.
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