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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Internet of Mind and Its Philosophical Analysis
    XIAO Feng
    2016, 18 (4):  331-337.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.001
    Abstract ( 428 )   HTML   PDF (842KB) ( 1534 )  

    As an inevitable product of the development of Internet, the internet of mind is the very essence of the internet of brain, by which direct inter-mind communication could be realized. Accordingly, a number of philosophical significances for the internet of mind may emerge. The complexity of the system formed by the interconnection of brains brings about new intelligences, which may help to solve the problem of understanding other minds in the philosophy of mind, realize the expression and transmission of implicit knowledge, and even change social relationship and lead the mankind towards goodness. At the same time, the internet of mind can also lead to some new philosophical issues—Is the “other mind” understood by the technical means the “carrier” or the “self” of the mind? How to protect the privacy of the mind when it is completely penetrated? Whether or not will it bring new inequality to human beings in the process of connecting to the internet of mind? How to solve these philosophical problems will affect the future development of the internet of mind.

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    Turning and Breakthrough of Altshullers Thoughts on Technological Creation
    LI Da-peng, LUO Ling-ling
    2016, 18 (4):  338-343.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.002
    Abstract ( 570 )   HTML   PDF (921KB) ( 1485 )  
    After finishing the construction of classic TRIZ, the Russian creationist Altshuller began to focus on the theory of creative life strategy, which realized an important turning from methods of technological creation to research of creative subjects. The theory is composed of three parts—qualities of a creative individual, life strategies of a creative individual and perfect schemes for creative strategies. Three breakthroughs in terms of research field, object and vision are reached, which open up an operational methodology of creative life strategy studies. However, compared with the research of creative psychology, there exist several limitations in the theory of creative life strategy. For example, it has weak theoretical inheritance and lacks theoretical significance in the system of personality cultivation, and it is still controversial to attempt to apply technological operations to life practices.
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    How Can the Friendship Between Human and Nature Become Possible?
    LU Yan-qin, PENG Fu-yang
    2016, 18 (4):  344-349.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.003
    Abstract ( 489 )   HTML   PDF (819KB) ( 1367 )  
    Between man and nature there exists subjectivity, and the dominant position endowed by man and nature and the subjects extension to nature have laid a theoretical possibility for friendship. As the foundation of friendship, benevolence restores the nature of friendship. By advocating a close relationship for the sake of kindness and fortune of the beloved, it extends the definition of traditional friendship in the depth of connotation and denotation. Under the background of love, between man and nature there exists culture, which carries the connotations of friendship. The nature and tradition of culture have verified the cultural content and friendship between man and nature. The friendship between man and nature has experienced the remodeling of different civilizations, and not achieved the essential sublimation until the emergence of ecological civilization.
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    Economics and Management
    Monetary Policy, Financial Flexibility and Investment-cash Flow Sensitivity
    XIAO Ming, LI Song
    2016, 18 (4):  350-356.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.004
    Abstract ( 615 )   HTML   PDF (820KB) ( 1419 )  

    Financial flexibility is an ability by which an enterprise reserves certain financial resources to deal with shocks from future adverse events and grasp favorable opportunities. By adding financial flexibility into the equations of investment-cash flow sensitivity, the ways how financial flexibility affects investment-cash flow sensitivity were analyzed. Based on the model estimation of the listed companies’ annual data from 2000 to 2013 in China, the results showed that financial flexibility has a significant downward effect on non-state-owned enterprises’ investment-cash flow sensitivity. If monetary policy is taken into account, no matter whether an enterprise is state-owned or non-state-owned, financial flexibility can effectively alleviate investment-cash flow sensitivity in the context of monetary policy tightening.

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    Sustainability of US Government Public DebtAn Empirical Research Based on ADL Model
    QIN Wei-bo, WANG Li-rong, LI Cheng-yu
    2016, 18 (4):  356-361.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.005
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (834KB) ( 1688 )  
    Along with the gradual resuscitation of world economy, the rising government debt has become a major obstacle to such countries as USA, Japan, and many European countries, among which USA stands out. Based on the data of US primary budget surplus/deficit and its public debt scale from 1959 to 2013, the ADL model was built to analyze the sustainability of US government public debt. The results showed that there exists a threshold cointegrating relationship among such variables as government budget surplus/deficit, public debt scale, anticipated inflation, and business cycle indicators. The US government budget takes full consideration of such factors as debt scale inflation and economic cycle so as to make sure that the public debt takes on a balanced and steady returning and avoids possible explosive growth, thus guaranteeing the sustainability of US government public debt.
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    An Empirical Study on the Impact of Agricultural Insurance Decision on Farmers Consumption Behavior
    NIE Rong, SHEN Da-juan
    2016, 18 (4):  362-368.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.006
    Abstract ( 486 )   HTML   PDF (839KB) ( 1357 )  
    Agricultural insurance plays an important role in avoiding the risk of agricultural production, stabilizing the level of farmers income, raising the consumption of farmers, and promoting the development of rural economy. From a microscopic perspective, the two-stage least squares method based on theoretical analysis was applied to verify the impact of farmers agricultural insurance decision on their consumption behavior by using the survey data of rural households in Liaoning Province. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between farmers agricultural insurance decision and their consumption behavior. In the empirical research on the whole sample, medical insurance and endowment insurance plan, risk preference, family assets and credit are positively correlated with rural households consumption behavior. However, income risk and household savings are negatively correlated with consumption.
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    Problems and Countermeasures of Introducing High-level Overseas Talents to Liaoning Province Under the New Normalization
    ZHANG Lan-xia, ZHANG Liang-ting, YANG Shuo
    2016, 18 (4):  369-374.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.007
    Abstract ( 676 )   HTML   PDF (879KB) ( 1671 )  
    The current high-level talent pool of Liaoning Province fails to meet the needs of its own development. Therefore, the introduction of high-level overseas talents has become a focus of Liaoning Province. Although a lot of work has been done by Liaoning Province to introduce high-level overseas talents, there still exist many problems—imperfect related policy system, ineffectiveness of policy implementation, deficiency of R&D funds investment, monotony of introduction channels, unreasonable use and management of high-level overseas talents, and undesirable working and living environments. In order to achieve the effective agglomeration of high-level overseas talents and to promote the healthy and smooth development of social economy, Liaoning Province should take a correct attitude towards high-level talents, pay attention to the relevant policy system, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of policy implementation, increase the investment of special funds, broaden the introduction channels of high-level overseas talents, strengthen the management mechanism of high-level overseas talents, and better the working and living environments of high-level overseas talents as far as possible.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Directions of Government Supply Side ReformTaking the Equipment Manufacturing Industry of S Province for Example
    LOU Cheng-wu, DONG Peng
    2016, 18 (4):  375-380.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.008
    Abstract ( 553 )   HTML   PDF (815KB) ( 1351 )  

    There are four basic aspects in government supply side reform, i.e., system, policy, environment and resources. Equipment manufacturing industry is an important trigger point and active field in government supply side reform. Using an in-depth interview, the development situation of equipment manufacturing industry in two typical cities of S Province was investigated. It was found that government supply side reform faces such problems as market subjects with unequal status, ineffectiveness of policy implementation, excessive government intervention in the market, and government differentiated resources supply. It is, therefore, advisable to construct mature and stable systems, implement accurate and powerful industrial policies, create a relaxing and free environment for development, and provide fair and effective resources support.

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    Factor Model Building of the Chinese Governments Regulation FailureAn Analysis Based on the Grounded Theory
    YANG Da-han, WEI Shu-yan
    2016, 18 (4):  381-387.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.009
    Abstract ( 619 )   HTML   PDF (855KB) ( 1357 )  
    Using the grounded theory, in-depth interviews and investigation of 7 types of 12 supervision department personnel in L Province were conducted. Based on the interview notes and coded forms, six important factors that affect regulatory behaviors are system, interest and power, regulatory department, regulatory process, public supervision and social environment. Accordingly, a factor model for regulatory behaviors was built and interpreted theoretically. It is advisable to perfect the related laws and regulations, control and supervise the power of regulatory administrative heads, strengthen the roles of public supervision, reinforce the protection of public opinion supervision, highlight the internal inheritance of supervision departments, and enhance the administrative responsibility of supervision personnel so as to improve the efficiency of government regulation.
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    Study on Cross-border Governance and Transformation of Haze and Fog GovernanceBased on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
    WANG Ying, YANG Li-hua
    2016, 18 (4):  388-393.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.010
    Abstract ( 570 )   HTML   PDF (861KB) ( 1543 )  
    The current haze pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region is among the most severe ones nationwide and worldwide, hence it is of great significance to resolve the predicaments in haze governance and promote the corresponding governance transformation. By drawing on the theoretical framework of cross-border governance, effective haze governance in the region should be achieved from such three aspects as change of concepts, reform of governance organizations and innovation of operational mechanisms. In other words, it is essential to ideologically replace the conventional “single-center” governance with cross-border governance and cooperation, organizationally set up a specialized agency for the region-wide supervision of air quality, and institutionally establish a multiple investment guarantee mechanism, a regionally unified carbon emission trading system as well as a regional legislative mechanism of collaboration and supervision.
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    An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Urbanization and National GovernanceModel Testing Based on Social Justice and Policy Satisfaction
    ZHENG Jian-jun
    2016, 18 (4):  394-399.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.011
    Abstract ( 473 )   HTML   PDF (857KB) ( 1141 )  
    With a sample of 441 rural households, the present study aimed to examine the effect of social justice and policy satisfaction on national governance in the process of urbanization. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between urbanization, social justice, policy satisfaction and national governance. The relationship structure of core variables was verified by the structural equation modeling, and the hypothesis model was tested by using Bootstrap, whose statistical results indicated that policy satisfaction mediates the relationship between urbanization and national governance, and social justice plays a chain mediation effect between urbanization and national governance via policy factors. Therefore, in promoting the development of new urbanization, the effectiveness of policy formulation and its process should be focused on, and the internal consistency of both efficiency and justice should be taken into account so as to achieve the goal of upgrading the performance of national governance.
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    Mixed-strategy Game Analysis of Academic Fraud in Sci-tech Achievement Evaluation
    SUN Ping, DING Hua
    2016, 18 (4):  400-404.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.012
    Abstract ( 505 )   HTML   PDF (841KB) ( 1277 )  
    From the perspective of game theory, academic fraud in the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements is in fact a game between sci-tech staff and evaluation experts. By establishing the mixed-strategy game model of academic fraud in sci-tech achievement evaluation, the mixed Nash equilibrium solution was calculated, and the equilibrium solution based on such aspects as evaluation experts’ information screening cost, evaluation experts reward for discovering academic fraud, and the penalty probability as well as punishment degree was analyzed thoroughly. The results indicated that improving the severity and certainty of punishment, increasing evaluation experts reward, and reducing evaluation experts information screening cost could effectively inhibit academic fraud in sci-tech academic evaluation.
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    Defining the Interest Character and Establishing the Protection Model of Illegal Works
    LI Yan
    2016, 18 (4):  405-411.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.013
    Abstract ( 518 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 1205 )  
    The existing theoretical controversy is focused on whether illegal works are rights or non-rights, which promises to bring the debate in a dilemma and throw the legal relief of illegal works into necessitous circumstances. Illegal works are profitable, non-statutory and negative in an inferior legal position as well as with weak stability, which could be defined in nature as “works interest” rather than copyright. The third revision of Copyright Law should be fully used to define the character of illegal works to solve the problems in practice. It is necessary to make clear that “works interest: is within the scope of objects protected by Copyright Law so as to make it known to the public and provide the relevant guidelines. Consequently, a fully protected model integrating both Copyright Law and Tort Law should be established.
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    On Judicial Countermeasures Against the Abuse of Statutory Compensation for Trademark Infringement
    MAO Mu-ran, ZHAO Kai
    2016, 18 (4):  412-417.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.014
    Abstract ( 532 )   HTML   PDF (827KB) ( 1204 )  
    The abuse of statutory-compensation for trademark infringement is mainly embodied in two pre-and post-relevant levels—one is applying statutory compensation when it should not be applied, and the other is after application, the gap between the amount of statutory compensation and the amount of actual loss is too big and violates the principle of justice. Based on a trademark infringement case, judicial countermeasures against such abuse were discussed. To solve the issue at the first level, two conditions should be applied for the statutory compensation for trademark infringement and two requirements for plaintiffs burden of proof should be made by the court. To solve the issue at the second level, three principles should be followed when applying Clause 2, Article 16 of Peoples Supreme Courts Interpretation for Several Issues in Applying Law to Trial Trademark Civil Dispute Cases to reasonably determine the specific amount of statutory compensation. Furthermore, specific suggestions are put forward to apply the related elements to determine the amount of statutory compensation, which include the nature, period and consequence of infringement, trademark reputation, hypothetical trademark licensing contract, and reasonable expenses for deterring trademark infringement.
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    Marxism Theory
    Labor View of Marxs “Paris Period” and Its Implications to ModernityGovernance of Dual Logic by the Labor Concept in Paris Manuscripts
    WANG Gui-xian, TIAN Shu-wei
    2016, 18 (4):  418-422.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.015
    Abstract ( 849 )   HTML   PDF (802KB) ( 1709 )  
    The logic of humanism in Paris Manuscripts is the overall and macroscopic framework of Karl Marxs critique of the estranged labor while the logic of materialism is the specific microscopic framework of his critique of the labor to earn a living. Although Marxs concept of labor fulfills the governance of dual logic, the logic of humanism, which takes the core status, makes the critical labor theory hover between the inevitability and the actuality in embarrassment and has to declare the failure in theoretical purpose and evolution path of Paris Manuscripts. However, in any case, the basic characteristics of Marxs labor concept in “Paris Period” still carry important implications to the modernity process of Chinese society.
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    Microscopic Construction of Modern Socialist Property Rights with Chinese Characteristics
    CHEN Jian-bing
    2016, 18 (4):  423-428.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.016
    Abstract ( 508 )   HTML   PDF (814KB) ( 865 )  
    Establishing the basic economic system is an important achievement for property rights system reform, and promoting the microscopic construction of modern socialist property rights with Chinese characteristics is the key to deepening the current property rights system reform, which is also helpful to perfect the basic economic system. The property rights system reform at this stage is closely related to the innovation and development of Marxist property rights theory, which calls for the theoretical foundation of Marxs thoughts of property rights socialization. Thus, it is of great significance to construct the pluralistic and diverse capital competition structure led by public capital as well as the corresponding capital management and supervision system, to set up the concepts of property rights that reflect the needs of property rights socialization and the property principle of “one right to one owner”, and to explore and establish the models of joint-stock enterprises which suit property rights socialization with Chinese characteristics.
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    Scientometric Analysis of Chinas Translation Studies (2005—2014)Based on the Word Frequency Statistics of 12 Core Journals on Foreign Languages
    ZHANG Ji-guang
    2016, 18 (4):  429-435.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.017
    Abstract ( 878 )   HTML   PDF (2746KB) ( 2013 )  
    By employing Citespace, a scientometirc tool, the titles, abstracts and key words of the papers on translation studies published between 2005 and 2014 were analyzed, and the findings in knowledge domains of Chinas translation studies were presented. The data were retrieved from Chinese Translators Journal, Shanghai Journal of Translators and other 10 important journals on foreign language studies. The features, high-frequency key words and burst terms of these 12 journals were studied and compared with their counterparts in the international translation studies. It was found that translation studies in China in the last decade preserve the traditional research topics while keeping pace with the latest developments abroad, and the research highlights are translation techniques, literary translation, translation instruction, translation criticism and Chinese-English translation. Furthermore, the annual frontiers in the past ten years were also unveiled such as MTI in 2011 and Howard Goldblatt in 2013.
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    On the Differences Between Intertextuality and Memetics
    YU Yang-huan
    2016, 18 (4):  436-440.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.04.018
    Abstract ( 603 )   HTML   PDF (809KB) ( 1355 )  
    The theory of intertextuality has changed the long-standing view of texts as self-sufficient entities and created a new paradigm for textual analysis ever since it was proposed. Meanwhile, memetics puts much emphasis on the elaboration of similar phenomena in the process of replication, transmission and evolution of languages and cultures, which would widen the horizon for research on the inheritance and evolution of languages and cultures. Although similarities could be found between intertextuality and memetics, there exist quintessential differences between these two theories. From the aspect of theoretical origin and connotation, intertextuality originated from post-structuralism whereas memetics originated from the theory of biological evolution; from the aspect of major analyzing units, intertextuality focuses on texts whereas memetics emphasizes languages; from the aspect of directionality, intertextuality directs at the future whereas memetics directs at the past; and from the aspect of theoretical system, intertextuality is a developed theory whereas memetics is still a developing one.
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