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    Information & Control
    FiniteTime Congestion Control Based on Terminal Sliding Mode Control
    YE Chengyin, JING Yuanwei, ZHENG Yan, CHU Junxia
    2014, 35 (6):  761-765.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.001
    Abstract ( 775 )   HTML   PDF (610KB) ( 595 )  
    To solve the problem of finitetime congestion control for TCP networks with input constraint, network parameter uncertainties and nonresponsive flow disturbances, an active queue management algorithm was presented based on an adaptive terminal sliding mode control. One adaptive law was designed to estimate the certainty bound of the network system so that the certainty bound was not required to be known in advance. Another adaptive law was proposed to compensate for the effects of the system stability under control input saturation. A finitetime congestion controller based on terminal sliding mode control was designed in order to improve the convergent performance of the network system. Simulation results showed that the proposed algorithm not only has the property of finitetime convergence but also has good stability and robustness.
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    Trajectory Tracking Control of Robotic Manipulator System Based on Iterative Learning Algorithm
    ZHENG Yan, JIANG Yue
    2014, 35 (6):  765-768.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.002
    Abstract ( 996 )   HTML   PDF (414KB) ( 1126 )  
    An improved Dtype learning law with timevarying exponential gain and initial state learning was proposed and the certification of convergence for this learning law was given for the planar 2DOF manipulator which is an nonlinear system. Simulation results showed that the iterative learning control was very effective for the planar 2DOF manipulator system which owned property of repetitiveness. Dtype learning law with timevarying exponential gain and initial state learning was obtained which could eliminate the impact of the initial state migration on tracking performance and improve the convergence rates of the algorithm. What’s more, the robustness of iterative learning control was also improved.
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    Research on Monte Carlo Simulation of Grinding Breakage Process
    LU Shaowen
    2014, 35 (6):  770-774.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.003
    Abstract ( 634 )   HTML   PDF (493KB) ( 625 )  
    Monte Carlo simulation for breakage process during grinding was studied. The error of Monte Carlo simulation was in reverse proportional to the number of particles in the computation box, which caused the conflicting between the computation accuracy and cost. The main target of this work was to accelerate simulation while keeping its accuracy. First, main steps of the eventdriven Monte Carlo simulation were listed. Then, an improved sampling method was proposed to tackle the problem of the poor performance of traditional rejection sampling. Simulation experiments of batch grinding were designed. The results showed that the proposed algorithm could obviously reduce invalid sampling, and increase the simulation speed up to 5 times while keeping good simulation accuracy.
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    Robust H∞ Control of Networked Control Systems with Short Delays and Packet Dropouts
    LI Wei, WANG Qing, DONG Chaoyang
    2014, 35 (6):  774-779.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.004
    Abstract ( 655 )   HTML   PDF (394KB) ( 753 )  
    The H∞ control problem was addressed for a class of networked control systems(NCSs)with networkinduced delays and packet dropouts. For the case that short delays and packet dropouts existed in both the backward and the forward channels, the NCS was modeled as a switched system with four subsystems via system states augmentation. A new type of static output feedback control law was proposed based on the augmented system model. By using the notion of timewindow packet dropout rate and the average dwell time method, sufficient conditions was obtained for the robust stability and the weighted H∞ performance of the closedloop NCS. To achieve synthesis of the output feedback robust H∞ controller, for which the gain varied according to the mode of packet dropouts of dual channels, design procedures were given by applying the linear matrix inequality technique and the cone complementarity linearization algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was validated by a design example.
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    Eye Gaze Estimation Based on Accurate Location of Eye Corner
    SUN Yanrui, TIAN Shuzhen
    2014, 35 (6):  780-784.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.005
    Abstract ( 728 )   HTML   PDF (669KB) ( 1450 )  
    A gaze estimation system based on a single camera and IR light was proposed. The eye corners’ location was used in this paper, and a twostep eye corner locating method combining USM coarse positioning with fine positioning by Gabor eye corner filter was presented. To solve the problem that the accuracy of traditional use of pupilPurkinje image vector for polynomial fitting decreases when head moves, the vector was corrected by using the distance of inner eye corners, and the error was compensated by using the support vector regression to build the relationship between eye characteristic parameters and the polynomial error. Combined with the accurate location of eye corners, the relationship between 2D features around the eye and the screen coordinates was built based on the designed system. Experimental results showed that the accurate eye gaze estimation within a certain range of head movement could be realized with the proposed system.
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    Electron Microscope Cartilage Slicing Image Stitching Algorithm Based on SIFT
    LIU Jihong, ZHANG Qian, GUO Qing
    2014, 35 (6):  785-789.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.006
    Abstract ( 651 )   HTML   PDF (1146KB) ( 713 )  
    During the establishment of simulation platform, the electron microscope cartilage tomographic image stitching is one of the key technologies. The twodimensional electron microscope method was studied. Firstly, the SIFT algorithm was used to detect key points in the image, and the kdtree was used to create data index to match the key points fast, then the image shift could be determined. Finally, the seamless stitching of partial slicing image was realized and the problem of small angle for electron microscope image was solved effectively. C language was used in VS2010 environment for simulation. The experimental results showed that the method presented is robust and realtime. It was proved that this method could provide objective scientific support in the cultivation process of artificial cartilage tissue.
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    DDGVF Medical Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform
    WU Chunli, ZHANG Xianlin, NIE Rong, DING Shan
    2014, 35 (6):  790-794.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.007
    Abstract ( 791 )   HTML   PDF (1631KB) ( 679 )  
    To overcome the limitations of traditional snake image segmentation model, an improved dynamic directional gradient vector flow (DDGVF) based on wavelet transform was proposed. First, the image to be segmented was decomposed into 3 layers by using the multiscale analysis of wavelet transform, then the DDGVF segmentation was performed under each layer of the decomposition of the image, and finally, a more accuracy target contour could be acquired. Compared with the other image segmentation methods, the proposed algorithm can better segment the depression area of the target image, get a wider capture range and spend less time. The effectiveness of the improved algorithm has been proved through the simulation experiment of the synthetic image and the real medical image.
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    Accurate Segmentation of Right Ventricles Based on Multiatlas with Affinity Propagation Clustering Selection
    ZHANG Yaonan, CHEN Chuanshen, KANG Yan
    2014, 35 (6):  795-799.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.008
    Abstract ( 739 )   HTML   PDF (586KB) ( 1046 )  
    Multialtas segmentation methods are currently popular methods to tackle the unique characteristics of right ventricles, e.g. volatile, thin and unobvious boundary. Most existing methods select the best atlas after the whole registration, which makes the process time consuming and poor performing. A new method was proposed based on affinity propagation clustering algorithm. First, all atlas images were treated as a series of data points and were clustered through message propagation. Further, all the exemplars were registered to the target image, and the label image was deformed by the parameters obtained from the registration process. What’s more, the label image was fused by STAPLE label fusion method. At last, the exemplars were sorted according to dice coefficient similarity and were used with largest similarity in the registration and segmentation. The process was repeated until reaching an accurate segmentation. Experimental results showed that the proposed method could segment right ventricle effectively. Comparing to the traditional selection methods, the segmentation accuracy has been considerably improved.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Effect of Electromagnetic Field on Microstructure and Properties of 5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheets by RollCasting
    SU Xin, XU Guangming
    2014, 35 (6):  800-803.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.009
    Abstract ( 739 )   HTML   PDF (888KB) ( 933 )  
    5052 aluminum alloy sheets were produced by the conventional twinroll casting(TRC)process with static magnetic field and alternating oscillating field, and the microstructure were investigated by optical microscopy. The results showed that when the pouring temperature is 690℃, the dendrites formed under the 025T static magnetic field are refined, and the microstructure is equiaxed. However, the grains grow in nonhomogeneous form, compared to the nonfield sheets. Under 025T static magnetic field and 450A alternating current conditions, the central structure of the sheet consists of uniform equiaxed grains, resulting from the vibration of electromagnetic force. The highest yield strength and tensile strength are up to 122 and 235MPa, respectively, due to the equiaxed grains formed on the entire sheet by the alternating oscillating field. In this forming condition, the most superior properties can be obtained.
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    Numerical Simulation of Melting Process of Iron Oxide Pellet in Molten Slag
    HE Yibo, WEI Guo, GAO Qiangjian, ZOU Zongshu
    2014, 35 (6):  804-807.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.010
    Abstract ( 683 )   HTML   PDF (673KB) ( 710 )  
    On the basis of onedimension nonsteady heat transfer theory, a numerical model of the dynamic behavior of oxide pellet in molten slag was established and solved with finite difference method. The melting time under different conditions was calculated with the model, and the results showed good agreement with the experimental data. The melting time of pellet at 1450, 1500, 1550℃ in molten slag bath is 56, 36, 25s, and the maximum thickness of slag shell is 0211, 0149, 0109cm, respectively. The melting rate increases with the increase of slag bath temperature and pellet preheating temperature. The melting time is almost the same when the slag basicity is in the range of 08~12, but the melting time increases obviously when the basicity is below 08. The maximum thickness of slag shell increases with the increase of pellet metallization ratio and diameter, but the former has less effect on melting time than the latter.
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    Numerical Simulation on Mixing Time of High Efficient Clarification and Extraction Tank with Double Stirring
    LYU Chao, ZHANG Zimu, ZHAO Qiuyue, LIU Yan
    2014, 35 (6):  809-812.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.011
    Abstract ( 643 )   HTML   PDF (965KB) ( 801 )  
    Mixing time and stirring power in the mixing room of a new type extraction tank were simulated by CFD software FLUENT 120, in which the realizable k-ε turbulence model and the Eulerian multiphase flow model were selected, the interphase drag coefficient was determined by using MorsiAlexander model, the sliding mesh method was used to process the rotation area of the blade. The results showed that with the increasing of agitation speed, the power consumption increases and the mixing time of liquidliquid system is reduced. When stirring speed was over 400r/min, the power increases continually and the mixing time does not change obviously.
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    Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Field and Temperature Field of ESR
    WANG Xiaohua, LI Ying
    2014, 35 (6):  813-818.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.012
    Abstract ( 731 )   HTML   PDF (1724KB) ( 1067 )  
    3D finite element models for both the magnetic field and temperature field of electroslag remelting (ESR) system were developed and validated by the experimental measurements of magnetic flux density and melt pool profile. The effects of current frequency and slag cap thickness on the current density, magnetic flux density, electromagnetic force, joule heat, temperature field and melt pool depth were investigated, respectively. The results showed that with the increase of current frequency, the skin effect of current on the external surfaces of electrode and ingot is more significant, but the current frequency has no effect on the current density distribution in slag cap. The maximum joule heat zone is located on the corner of contact position between flat head electrode and slag. However, the high temperature zone is located in the slag cap below the electrode head and near the slag/melt interface. With the increase of slag cap thickness from 015m to 021m, the highest temperature in the axis of slag cap decreases from 1826℃ to 1721℃, and the melt pool depth decreases linearly from 022m to 016m.
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    Effects of Preparation Parameters on Reduction and Oxidation Reactivity of Cubased Oxygen Carriers
    WANG Kun, YU Qingbo, DUAN Wenjun, DONG Liang
    2014, 35 (6):  819-823.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.013
    Abstract ( 692 )   HTML   PDF (1120KB) ( 967 )  
    Cubased oxygen carriers with different binders(ZrO2,TiO2,SiO2)were prepared by mechanical mixing method and solgel method. The effects of preparation parameters(different binders, mass ratio of binder, sintering temperature and time)on the reduction and oxidation reactivity of oxygen carriers were investigated by thermogravimetric analyzer. The results showed that the reactivity of the three types oxygen carriers increases in the order of Cu/Zr>Cu/Ti>Cu/Si. The oxygen carriers have the better reduction and oxidation reactivity with the higher content ratio of binders. The reduction reactivity decreases with the increasing of sintering temperature, while the effect of sintering temperature on the oxidation reactivity is little. The effects of sintering time both on reduction and oxidation reactivity are little, too. For Cu/Zr and Cu/Ti oxygen carriers, the solgel method is better than mechanical mixing. However, for Cu/Si oxygen carrier, the mechanical mixing method is better than solgel.
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    Research of Selfgenerating Electricity and Outsourcing Electricity by Standard Coal Coefficient in an Iron & Steel Factory
    LIU Jingyu, YIN Ruiyu, CAI Jiuju
    2014, 35 (6):  824-827.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.014
    Abstract ( 632 )   HTML   PDF (309KB) ( 758 )  
    Electricity in an iron & steel factory mainly comes from two parts: one is selfgenerating electricity, and the other is outsourcing electricity.How to allocate reasonably the ratio between them is particularly important. Carrying out scientific and rational power production and analysis for production scheduling, reducing economic costs are very important work. In this paper, the standard coal equivalent coefficient was used to analyze power and the calculating formula was deduced. The data from the factory was used and showed that the outsourcing electricity of 295% is the most economic. The accuracy of the formula is verified.
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    Basic Identification for the Total Heat Exchange Factor
    YI Zhi, ZHANG Weijun, CHEN Haigeng
    2014, 35 (6):  827-830.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.015
    Abstract ( 1007 )   HTML   PDF (648KB) ( 772 )  
    The total heat exchange factor method is used as core model for L2 control system of reheating furnace. Total heat exchange factor is not only a function of structure parameters, but also a function of operating parameters, thus the identification for it is hard. Based on the drag thermocouple experiment of No3 reheating furnace in 2050 hot rolling mill in BaoSteel, basic identification was researched. The experiment data were arranged. Meanwhile, CF was identified by surface temperature gradient method. Finally, complete expression of the identification system was derived, and the result of basic recognition was analyzed. In the process of identification with a large number of sampling points, the surface heat flux curves appeared oscillating. It was caused by the mismatching between sampling period and system resolution. The CF curves show that the values of CF at the same site are different when the slab is still. So the compensation for CF is necessary.
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    Influencing Factors of Vanadium Slag Roasting with Calcium and Oxidation Kinetics for Roasting Process
    ZHANG Juhua, ZHANG Wei, YANG Yongxia, ZHANG Li
    2014, 35 (6):  831-835.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.016
    Abstract ( 812 )   HTML   PDF (883KB) ( 1146 )  
    Vanadium slag was treated by calcium roasting to improve the vanadium leaching rate. The effects of the operational parameters including particle size, heating rate, holding temperature, holding time and amount of additive of CaO on the roasting efficiency were investigated. The oxidation kinetics of vanadium slag was analyzed on the basis of TG-DSC curves. The results indicated that lowering heating rate is beneficial to improve the vanadium oxidation efficiency, and the vanadium leaching rate increases markedly when the holding temperature is higher than 600℃. The vanadium leaching rate reaches to 9331% under the optimum conditions of the particle size of 48~75μm, m(CaO)/m(V2O5)=042, the heating rate of 2℃·min-1, the holding time of 150 min at 850℃. The oxidation process of vanadium spinel is described by a thirdorder reaction and the apparent activation energies at the heating rates of 5 and 10℃·min-1 are 26765 and 25603kJ·mol-1, respectively.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Selfsynchronous Motion of a SingleMass Nonlinear Vibrating System
    LI Ye, LI He, WEI Xiaopeng, WEN Bangchun
    2014, 35 (6):  836-840.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.017
    Abstract ( 623 )   HTML   PDF (1386KB) ( 553 )  
    Applying the Lagrange equations, the mechanicelectric coupling dynamic model of a singlemass nonlinear vibration machine driven by two counterrotating motors was developed. Based on the dynamic model and the electromagnetic torque model of motor, the selfsynchronization simulation was performed. The synchronous motion of two motors and the vibrating system was quantitatively investigated under the following conditions: when two motors were working under the ideal state; when the overlap angles of two eccentric blocks were different; when the supply frequency of motor 2 was changed. The simulation results show that the vibration system can achieve steadily synchronous motion if the parameters of the vibration system are in specific range. Finally, the selfsynchronization experiment was carried out under the three working states. A comparison of experimental results with simulation results shows that the numerical simulation is accurate.
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    Dynamics of Integrated BladeDiscRotor System of the Gas Turbine
    YANG Wenjun, YUAN Huiqun, KOU Haijiang, LI Yaozheng
    2014, 35 (6):  841-845.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.018
    Abstract ( 673 )   HTML   PDF (784KB) ( 1506 )  
    An integrated bladediscrotor model was established based on a gas turbine rotor system. With the overall and substructure methods, the static frequency was solved. The comparison of two methods shows that the accuracy and efficiency of the substructure method is high. Considering the role of centrifugal stress, dynamic frequency of the integrated bladediscrotor system at working speed was solved with the substructure method. Meanwhile, the influence of the blade on the overall modality was analyzed. Finite element models of the bladedisc system were established under different aspect ratios, and the influence of aspect ratio on bladedisc system model was explored in fixed blade width and fixed blade length, respectively. Results indicate that the study is closer to practical engineering when considering the blade centrifugal stiffening effect on the bladediscrotor system. The aspect ratio has a great influence on the system vibration characteristics. This research provides theoretical basis for the dynamics design of gas turbine rotor.
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    An Evaluation Model for the Interactive Interface of ElectroMechanical Products Based on Feature Analysis
    NIU Dongfang, XIE Liyang, YANG Song, LYU Chunmei
    2014, 35 (6):  846-849.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.019
    Abstract ( 630 )   HTML   PDF (451KB) ( 707 )  
    Based on the features of electromechanical products, an evaluation model was proposed for their interactive interface. The features were first decomposed and the typical ones were extracted using similarity experiments. A quantitative semantic model was then built with the hierarchical analysis method and perceptual semantic descriptions can be expressed with quantitative mathematical forms. After that, the mapping between appearance features and operation, and the mapping between property characteristics and functional components were established, respectively. The two mappings determined the expression of the interface features, and the computation over these mappings yields property features, appearance features, utility values of operation, and overall utility values. The evaluation model was proved by the planer machine. The evaluation parameters can help to evaluate the expressiveness degree of the property features by means of the function elements and operation steps.
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    Detection of Driver Fatigue Based on Multiphysiological Signals in Wireless Body Area Network
    FU Rongrong, WANG Hong, WANG Lin, ZHANG Chi
    2014, 35 (6):  850-853.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.020
    Abstract ( 683 )   HTML   PDF (515KB) ( 964 )  
    Driver fatigue was detected using electroencephalograph, electromyography and respiration signals, which were collected wirelessly. The approximate entropies of the three signals were selected as features, and the reduction of feature dimensions was achieved by principle component analysis. Statistical analyses were then given to both original features and principle components and an evaluation model for driver fatigue was established using regression equation. The experimental results were evaluated by cross validation and the accuracy was more than 90% based on data fusion method. The results verify that the model is effective in detecting driver fatigue.
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    LatticeBoltzmann Simulation of Gas Flow in Microchannels
    YUE Xiangji, LU Yanjun, ZHU Qinghe, BA Dechun
    2014, 35 (6):  854-857.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.021
    Abstract ( 560 )   HTML   PDF (495KB) ( 1163 )  
    Microscale gas flow was simulated using latticeBoltzmann method(LBM)with bouncebackandspecular reflection(BSR)combination scheme. Good agreement was achieved between the simulation results and the published research data. The relationship between the selection of proportion coefficient of BSR and Knudsen number was analyzed. The results showed that when Kn∈(002,016), the proportion coefficient initially reduces, then increases, and a minimum is achieved in 0055~0072. Based on the results, the proportion coefficient is modified, and simulation results are significantly improved, which provides a reference for LBM simulation of microscale gas flow.
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    Friction and Wear Behaviors of WC Coatings at High Temperature
    YAN Yutao, LIAN Julong, XU Yuanjun, SUN Zhili
    2014, 35 (6):  858-861.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.022
    Abstract ( 1064 )   HTML   PDF (2167KB) ( 1234 )  
    The WC coatings were prepared by the detonation gun spray technique. Their tribological properties at high temperature were investigated on a HT-1000 high temperature friction/wear tester. The worn surface and element distribution were analyzed by scanning electronic microscope(SEM). The phase structure was analyzed by Xray diffraction. The results show that the WC coatings, heaped by the snowflakelike particles, are of the mountain ground shape. The bonding interface is very tight. Under definite temperature, the friction coefficient gradually minishes with the temperature increase, and the minimum is achieved at 550℃. The wear mass loss increases as the temperature increases, with minus addition appearing at 550℃ because of the material transfer. The worn surface shows laceration, slight adhesive wear and abrasive wear below 350℃. However, the wear mechanism is the combination of desquamation, severe adhesive wear and oxidization wear at 550℃. With the continuous temperature increase, the friction coefficient is balanced and lessens below 300℃,which is larger and shows bigger fluctuation within the temperature range from 350℃ to 550℃. The worn surface shows desquamation, adhesive wear and oxidation wear.
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    TimeVarying Mesh Stiffness Calculation of Spur Gears Based on Improved Energy Method
    MA Hui, PANG Xu, SONG Rongze, YANG Jian
    2014, 35 (6):  863-867.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.023
    Abstract ( 955 )   HTML   PDF (824KB) ( 1721 )  
    Based on the existing references, considering the accurate modeling of the tooth, this paper presented a correction method by simplifying the gear tooth as a cantilever beam on the root circle. Comparing with the results from references and finite element method, the error reasons of different methods were presented and the validity of this method was proved. This method can avoid judging the number of tooth and improve the generality of the potential energy method when calculating the timevarying mesh stiffness. The results provide theoretical basis for the meshing dynamic analysis of spur gears.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Analysis on Damage and Energy in Deformation and Fracture of Saturated Rock Subjected to Cyclic Loading and Unloading
    XIA Dong, YANG Tianhong, WANG Peitao, ZHANG Penghai
    2014, 35 (6):  867-870.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.024
    Abstract ( 849 )   HTML   PDF (554KB) ( 856 )  
    The deformation, damage and energy consumption were investigated based on the experiment of watersaturated diorite samples from Zhongguan iron mine, under the uniaxial cyclic loading and unloading. The results show that the stressstrain curves display internally sunken at each loading and unloading cycle. With the increasing of the cycle times and the stress level, the plastic hysteresis curve moves towards the larger and the nonrecoverable deformation declines. The absolute and total damage parameters of the axial, lateral and volumetric strains increase with the stress. Moreover, a same trend is found for the three parameters. The value of energy dissipation shows approximately liner relationship with the cycle times, and the later energy dissipation is not equal to the sum of previous energy dissipations.
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    Analysis of the Impact on Adjacent Pile Caused by Excavation with Metro Shield Based on TwoStage Method
    WANG Shuhong, ZHAO Hexing, JIANG Lei, LI Zhentao
    2014, 35 (6):  871-874.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.025
    Abstract ( 521 )   HTML   PDF (455KB) ( 636 )  
    Based on twostage method, a new theoretical method which was used to analyze the impact of adjacent piles when the tunnels were excavated with metro shield was proposed. In this method Winkler model was used to divide the pile into same pieces of micro units, and the effect of end bearing pile was taken into consideration according to the transfer of vertical load. The calculation results showed that the vertical settlement of the pile changed slowly with the depth of the pile, and the additional axial force increased first and then decreased with depth of the pile. The maximum additional axial force occurred in the depth close to the tunnel axis. In order to verify the accuracy of this method, the calculation results were compared with those analyzed by Klar using deformation differential equations. In addition, the additional axial force and pile settlement decreased rapidly with increasing horizontal distance. When the horizontal distance exceeded 4R, the impact of tunnel excavation on the pile can be ignored.
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    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Distributions of Flow Field in Stope of Deep Sunken OpenPit Mines
    DU Cuifeng, ZHAO Yun, LI Yongxin
    2014, 35 (6):  875-879.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.026
    Abstract ( 649 )   HTML   PDF (764KB) ( 580 )  
    The site test and the method of numerical simulation were combined together to study the distribution of flow field in deep sunken openpit mines. Based on actual situation of the mine, five site test points are required for the experiments in Shougang Shuichang Iron Mine to observe wind direction and wind speed of different vertical height. According to the site observation results, it shows that when the wind speed ranges from 1m/s to 2m/s, the comingwind goes into the stope from both southwest and northeast and form recombination circulation structure; when the wind speed reaches to 47m/s or even bigger, the wind direction of the five site test points is same with the direction of the comingwind, no recombination circulation has been observed in the stope. Furthermore, the geometrical model of orebody was established on the basis of Gambit technology, and the distributions of flow field of deep sunken openpit mines in different wind speed conditions were separately simulated by applying Fluent software. The simulation results show that, as the wind speed increases, the location of the local recombination circulation center increases gradually, meanwhile, so are the width of the range and the thickness of the center. The simulation results of dust mass concentration are in agreement with the site test results.
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    Reinforcement Method of Both Ends Scroll Geosynthetics in Tailings Dam
    WEI Zuoan, XU Jiajun, CHEN Yulong, ZHANG Dandan
    2014, 35 (6):  880-883.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.027
    Abstract ( 687 )   HTML   PDF (505KB) ( 769 )  
    In order to avoid the shortcomings of current reinforcement method for geosynthetic materials, a type of reinforcement method, named an end scroll geosynthetics that both the start port and the end port of geosynthetics were rolled in reinforcement, was introduced. Its function principle and advantages were also analyzed. And with the new tailings dam reinforcement project, the feasibility of using the reinforcement method of end scroll geosynthetics in the tailings dam was analyzed by horizontal slice method and numerical simulation method. The results show that after using the reinforcement method of end scroll geosynthetics, not only the stability can be increased by 14%~17%, the stress distributions are also changed toward the favorable direction to dam stability.
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    Probability Statistics Analysis on Rock Fractures Width at Liaoyang Dinas Rock Slope
    BAO Shuochao, WANG Qing, BAO Xinhua, WANG Zijian
    2014, 35 (6):  885-889.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.028
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (623KB) ( 567 )  
    Three dimensional network modeling technique for random discontinuities of rock mass is a significant method to evaluate the structure of rock mass, nevertheless, the effect of fracture width on rock mass stability is not considered in the model. Based on the in situ investigation of discontinuity traces in sampling window, the fracture widths of sampling window is analyzed by the method of combining chisquare test and K-S test, and finally, the optimum probability distribution types were chosen. The statistic analysis results showed that the main distribution type of fracture widths of Liaoyang Shimen dinas rock slope is gamma distribution, most fracture widths are under 10mm, and type of tectonic stress affected the distribution parameters of fracture widths greatly. This result can provide theoretical basis for 3D network modeling of the fracture width.
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    ElastoPlastic Constitutive Model of SoilStructure Interface with Slurry
    ZENG Xinfa, PENG Zhenbin, HE Jie, PENG Kai
    2014, 35 (6):  890-893.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.029
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML   PDF (510KB) ( 656 )  
    The mechanical behaviors of the interface between coarsegrained soil and concrete were investigated by simple shear tests under the conditions of bentonite slurry. The results indicate that the peak strength and the position of the shear dilatancy are related to normal stress. The shear strain corresponding to the shear dilatation appears to be ahead of that corresponding to the peak value of the shear stress. An elastoplastic constitutive model of soilstructure interface in considering of shear dilatancy and stressstrain softening was formulated in the framework of generalized potential theory. The entire model parameters can be identified by experimental tests. Corresponding finite element program was complied by extending the model to the case of 3D space. Combined with measured values of indoor cutoff wall tests in model slot, the validity of the model was verified and its superiority was demonstrated based on comparison with Goodman model.
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    Numerical Study on Internal Flow Field of Hydrocyclone
    CUI Baoyu, WEI Dezhou, ZHAI Qingxiang, ZHANG Siyao
    2014, 35 (6):  894-897.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.030
    Abstract ( 681 )   HTML   PDF (588KB) ( 1164 )  
    By using RSM(Reynolds stress model)turbulence model and VOF(volume of fluid)twophase flow model, systematic numerical study on internal flow field of 50 mm hydrocyclone was carried out, which had been validated by PIV(particle image velocimetry)measurement results. It shows that internal static pressure of hydroclone gradually declines from wall to center, the static pressure is zero at the boundary of air core, the interior of air core is negative pressure, and additional energy is consumed by air core when the hydrocyclone works. Tangential velocity distribution could be regarded as a combined vortex, inside is forced vortex and outside is quasifree vortex. The envelope of zero vertical velocity is a turning surface of axial velocity change, its upside is cylinder and its lower part is cone. The diameter of the cylindrical section is 23 times as large as overflow outlet diameter. Radial velocity direction is from the wall of the hydrocyclone toward the center in the outer vortex area, radial velocities of opposite direction and relative position exist in the inner vortex area, and radial velocity inside air core is almost zero.
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    Study on the Geochronology of Mengentaolegai Pluton in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner,Inner Mongolia
    SONG Weimin, GONG Enpu, LIU Shiwei, FU Junyu
    2014, 35 (6):  898-902.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.031
    Abstract ( 675 )   HTML   PDF (853KB) ( 600 )  
    LAICPMS zircon UPb isotope geochronology was studied for Mengentaolegai pluton in Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner, Inner Mongolia. The results show that the Mengentaolegai pluton formed (224±1)Ma ago and is Triassic in age. The available previous data of regional geology and some research works infer that the Triassic granite may be the product of lithosphere compressive mechanism during the Paleoasian Ocean collided and closed. The results provide a new geochronological evidence for confirming the collisional time between the North China Plate and the Siberian Plate.
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    The Flotation Behavior and Mechanism of Rhodochrosite and Quartz
    FENG Yali, YANG Zhichao, LI Haoran, ZHANG Xu
    2014, 35 (6):  903-907.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.032
    Abstract ( 633 )   HTML   PDF (668KB) ( 807 )  
    The flotation separation behavior of rhodochrosite and quartz was studied, and the effect of sodium silicate and sodium hexametaphosphate on flotation separation of rhodochrosite and quartz was investigated in dodecylamine flotation system. The results show that dodecylamine has good collecting ability for rhodochrosite and quartz in pH range of 7~12. Meanwhile, sodium silicate and sodium hexametaphosphate can remarkably activate the flotation performance of rhodochrosite. Conversely, quartz is inhibited by sodium silicate and sodium hexametaphosphate. The flotation tests of mixed minerals show that it is difficult to achieve the flotation separation of rhodochrosite and quartz when sodium hexametaphosphate is used as modifier at pH 7. UV spectrophotometry tests show that electrostatic adsorption exists between Mn2+ and quartz at pH 7. The FTIR measurements indicate that sodium silicate can adsorb on the rhodochrosite and quartz surfaces, sodium hexametaphosphate can adsorb on the rhodochrosite surface.
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    Management Science
    Supply Chain Coordination Based on Revenue Sharing Contract in B2B eMarkets with Trade Credit Financing
    YU Liping, LI Xiangyuan, HUANG Xiaoyuan
    2014, 35 (6):  908-912.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.06.033
    Abstract ( 605 )   HTML   PDF (467KB) ( 506 )  
    Considering the effects of trade credit financing on supplier and retailer target profits respectively and total profits of supply chain, and starting from the traditional market, the effect of revenue sharing mechanism based on trade credit for supply chain coordination and distributing the profit was analyzed. The model of emarket revenue sharing contract coordination based on trade credit was developed and the optimal contract parameters for rational allocation of income were derived. Considering the impact that credit period imposed on optimal parameters, by comparing the coordination mechanism in traditional market and emarket, sufficient conditions were got for supply chain members to enter emarkets and to realize the rational allocation of income. Finally, the conclusions were illustrated by a numerical example.
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