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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2008, 10 (5): 443-448.   DOI: -
    Abstract3839)   HTML    PDF (182KB)(1281)      
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    Norm Activation Model: An Effective Theoretical Model for Predicting Citizens' Pro-environmental Behaviors
    ZHANG Xiao-jie, JIN Hui-rong, LOU Cheng-wu
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2016, 18 (6): 610-615.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.010
    Abstract1988)   HTML    PDF (994KB)(3116)      
    Norm activation model (NAM) is an important theory to study various kinds of altruistic behaviors, which claims that an individuals pro-social behaviors are positively affected by his or her personal norm that is activated by consequence awareness and responsibility ascription. Widely applied to study such pro-social behaviors as pro-environmental behaviors in the western developed countries, NAM has been proved to effectively explain and predict pro-environmental behaviors. It has been continuously developed in its applications, with new variables added to the model and the value-belief-norm theory finally built. Due to its easy operability, openness and inclusiveness, NAM can be used to explain, predict and intervene the Chinese citizens pro-environmental behaviors.
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    On the Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence
    GAO Hua , CHEN Hongbing
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2021, 23 (2): 15-21.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.02.003
    Abstract1866)      PDF (891KB)(828)      
    Artificial intelligence has opened a new way of technological evolution after biological evolution and cultural evolution, and promoted the integration of human beings and technology. Artificial intelligence can play auxiliary and enhanced functions, but it cannot completely replace the embodied and socialized human intelligence. The one-dimensional definition of “cognition” simplifies intelligence into specific rational cognition, and the multi-dimensional definition of “mind” introduces “subjective” experience, consciousness, emotion and other factors to examine intelligence. Based on the philosophy of mind, the essential differences between human intelligence and artificial intelligence are analyzed from the perspective of society: human intelligence has creativity, and artificial intelligence shows some creativity in the results but it does not necessarily do so in the process; human intelligence has emotionality, which is the integration of mind and body, sensibility and rationality, as well as subjectivity and objectivity; human intelligence has intentionality, which can be related to external objects or things beyond its own activities.
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    Awe Is Distance: Revisiting Engels' Theory of Natural Revenge
    WAN Changsong
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2021, 23 (6): 1-7.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.06.001
    Abstract1800)   HTML92)    PDF (920KB)(573)      
    Just entering the 2020s, human beings encountered a sudden COVID-19 pandemic, which has not yet completely ended. “The theory of natural revenge” is the core of Engels' ecological thought, and the COVID-19 pandemic is the nature's revenge on humanity in essence.“Revenge I” is the direct revenge of nature, namely the pandemic itself;“Revenge Ⅱ” is the indirect revenge of nature, namely the social amplification effect of the pandemic. We should not only take advantage of science and technology to actively respond to “Revenge I”, but also make use of the institutional advantage to actively prevent “Revenge Ⅱ”. Revisiting Engels' important thoughts in the dialectics of nature that nature may revenge human beings while human beings can understand and apply the natural laws correctly, which eventually cause the historical outcomes to accord with the intended purposes not only provides the philosophical basis for establishing the long-term effective mechanism of pandemic prevention, but also provides the theoretical guidance for the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature.
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2007, 9 (5): 388-392.   DOI: -
    Abstract1509)   HTML    PDF (353KB)(4616)      
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    Manifestations, Causes, and Countermeasures of the Intra-party Accountability Objects Inaccuracy
    LYU Yongxiang
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2021, 23 (1): 61-69.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.008
    Abstract1477)   HTML13)    PDF (889KB)(915)      
    Based on the holistic principle of system theory, the overall analysis framework for the inaccuracy of the intra-party accountability objects can be constructed from the three levels of individual, organization, and the relations between the individual and organization. From the perspective of the holistic analysis framework, the manifestations of the inaccuracy of the intra-party accountability objects are as follows: at the individual level, accountable non-leading cadres are used to replace accountable leading cadres, and accountable current leaders are used to replace accountable incumbent cadres; at the organizational level, accountable lower-level organizations are used to replace accountable higher-level organizations, and accountable territorial administrations are used to replace accountable vertical management departments; at the individual-organizational level, individual accountability and collective accountability are replaced with each other. Through investigation of its roots, it is found that the causes for the inaccuracy of accountability objects in the party include confusion of discipline objects with accountability objects and incompleteness of lifelong accountability mechanisms on the individual level; the party responsibilities systems of isomorphic responsibility and the spamming of responsibility contracts by vertical management departments on the organizational level; the unclear division of individual and collective responsibilities, and the negative influences of avoidance strategies on the level of the collective-organization relations. Countermeasures are as follows: at the individual level, correctly distinguish disciplined objects and accountability objects, and improve the life-long accountability mechanism; at the organizational level, build an isomerous party responsibility system, and clean up the “responsibility contracts” of vertical management departments; at the level of individual-organization relations, clearly separate individual and collective responsibilities, and combine collective accountability with individual accountability to curb blame-avoidance strategies.
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    Rewriting:“Gaixie” or “Chongxie” With Comments on Some Misunderstandings of Lefeveres Translation Theory
    QIU Jin, HU Wen-hua, DU Feng-gang
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2014, 16 (5): 539-544.   DOI: -
    Abstract1407)   HTML    PDF (248KB)(3332)      
    The term “rewriting” proposed by André Lefevere has been translated into Chinese in two versions “Gaixie (改写)” and “Chongxie (重写)”. An analysis of the theoretical background of the term shows that Lefeveres rewriting theory takes advantage of Russian formalism, reception aesthetics and Marxist literary theories. After tracing the development of Lefeveres theory and conducting a detailed etymological study on the English prefix “re-” as well as the two Chinese characters concerned, it is pointed out that “Chongxie” is a more reasonable translation of “rewriting” in that it can better cover the wide-ranging research objects of Lefeveres theory, reflect the essence of Lefeveres idea about challenging the author-centered and text-centered paradigms, and reveal the philosophical significance of the original term. Meanwhile, some misunderstandings and disputes about “rewriting” partly resulting from the two confusing translations could be clarified.
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    An Analysis of Lewis Mumfords Megamachine
    LIAN Xinyan
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2014, 16 (2): 119-124.   DOI: -
    Abstract1371)   HTML    PDF (708KB)(2519)      
    Megamachine is a core concept of Lewis Mumfords philosophy of technology, through which he summarizes the essence of modern society as well as the living conditions of modern men, and reveals the origins and nature of modern technology. Mumford explores the historical development of megamachine, and points out that megamachine is closely related to megatechnics and war machines. As a modern version of ancient megamachines and a product of the two world wars, megamachines have inflicted tremendous destruction and harm to humanity, which ignore life and turn modern people into organized men, replaceable men and lonely crowds. Moreover, mechanized men have become a reality rather than the humanization of machines.
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    An Interpretation of the Actor-Network Theory from the Perspective of Philosophy of Organism
    WANG Qian, CHEN Jia
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2019, 21 (1): 1-7.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.01.001
    Abstract1282)   HTML    PDF (917KB)(984)      
    “Actor” is the core concept of Bruno Latour's actor-network theory(ANT), which is characterized by regarding both human and non-human things as active actors that can interact by forming a network. From the perspective of philosophy of organism, the agency of non-human actors comes from the transfer of vitality in the interaction of various types of organism, whereas the actor-network embodies the way of existence and the path of interaction of the organism. The philosophical interpretation of the actor-network theory helps to find the purpose and intention of actor-network evolution, and the dynamic mechanism of translation, so that the social construction activities of science and technology can be further explained.
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2012, 14 (2): 185-188.   DOI: -
    Abstract1247)   HTML    PDF (139KB)(1750)      
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    On the Development and Challenges of Marxist Feminism
    ZHONG Lu
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2017, 19 (6): 637-642.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.06.013
    Abstract1184)   HTML    PDF (847KB)(1278)      
    Marxist feminism is not only a critical examination and advancement of Marxist women theory, but also a theoretical response to other feminisms such as liberal feminism and radical feminism. Based on the classic Marxism, Marxist feminism gives a new understanding on private property and gender division, the sources of women oppression and women's liberation strategies. Apart from that, Marxist feminism argues a lot with other feminist schools on issues like how to deal with the relationship between patriarchy and capitalism, and how to explain the dilemma of class, gender and ethnicity. The controversial Marxist feminism is an important part of the left feminism and it will develop dynamically in front of the complex theoretical challenges.
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    Study on Imposed Benefit
    HUANG Chicheng
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2021, 23 (4): 91-98.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.04.012
    Abstract1171)   HTML21)    PDF (943KB)(674)      
    Imposed benefit refers to the benefit against the defendant's autonomy. Based on the respect for the defendant's freedom of choice, such benefit is not enrichment for a particular defendant. Therefore, there is no unjust enrichment. This is an issue in the first stage of whether the obligation based on unjust enrichment can be established, rather than in the second stage of whether restitution should be qualified by subjective devaluation. When the benefit is incontrovertible or is chosen by the defendant, there is no imposed benefit. The defendant has chosen the benefit if there is a request, retention of readily returnable benefit, free acceptance, or subsequently confirmation. Regarding whether the defendant has chosen the benefit or evaluated the benefit, it should be viewed from a reasonable third person in the position of the defendant.
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    On Problems and Countermeasures of Network Public Opinion Work in Higher Education Institutions
    DING Yi-hao, WANG Shuo
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2013, 15 (4): 424-428.   DOI: -
    Abstract1162)   HTML    PDF (688KB)(1291)      
    The supervision of network public opinion has become one of the increasingly significant parts of ideological and political work in Chinas higher education institutions. The efficiency promotion and quality guarantee of network public opinion work have been of great importance to the higher education institutions. Network public opinion work includes four tasks, that is, collecting, analyzing, handling and reporting of network public opinion. Currently, there are lingering problems in the supervision of network public opinion such as indistinct subject of responsibility and outdated management philosophy. In order to solve such problems and improve the efficiency of network public opinion work, the systems of leadership, team development, early warning and intervention as well as guidance should be constructed and improved in Chinas higher education institutions.
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    Ethical Reflections, Governance and Implications Under the Background of Big Data Price Discrimination
    LI Fei-xiang
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2020, 22 (1): 7-15.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.01.002
    Abstract1152)   HTML    PDF (940KB)(3030)      

    Big data technology improves social operation's efficiency and enriches people’s daily life, but it also brings the problem of price discrimination in the process of development. It not only infringes the legitimate rights and interests of users, but also affects people's trust in this advanced technology, which maybe due to the imperfection of technology development, the excessive pursuit of capitals, the absence of ethical norms and principles, the complexity and inadequacy of supervision and the users' negligence as well as difficulty of protecting their own legitimate rights. Therefore, such perspectives of data itself, Internet platforms and users can be taken to reexamine the hidden ethical reflections of big data technology, mainly involving several key points-the ownership and distribution of data, the ethical rules that algorithms should follow, the reasonable definition of subjects of responsibility, the maintenance of the trust mechanism of relevant platforms, and the awakening of users' awareness of “data rights”. Only by doing so can big data technology be better understood and applied, and the whole society is likely to make continuous progress towards the concept of “Tech for Social Good” in the application and restriction of data.

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    From Algorithm Bias to Algorithm Discrimination: Research on the Responsibility of Algorithmic Discrimination
    MENG Lingyu
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2022, 24 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.01.001
    Abstract1141)   HTML26)    PDF (1061KB)(974)      
    Algorithmic justice is now seen as a core ethical issue in the field of artificial intelligence, and is often expressed as algorithmic bias or algorithmic discrimination. But algorithm bias and algorithm discrimination are actually two problems. Distinguishing these two problems can show that algorithm bias does not have an ethical dimension, and algorithm discrimination is the real core ethical problem in the field of artificial intelligence. Algorithm bias is inevitable and it mainly comes from the bias of developers, the bias of data and the bias of algorithm itself. Among them, explicit bias is easy to be found and eliminated, but implicit bias is inevitable in the algorithm. The subject mainly responsible for algorithmic discrimination is human being, whose blind obedience to algorithmic bias leads to algorithmic discrimination. The discrimination caused by autonomous decision-making algorithm can also be traced to people. Therefore, algorithm developers and users should be responsible for algorithm discrimination.
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    Return to the Body: On Body Politics of The Sadeian Woman
    CHENG Yi
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2016, 18 (5): 537-544.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.015
    Abstract1110)   HTML    PDF (994KB)(1784)      
    The Sadeian Woman is a theoretical text of Angela Carter who discuss the condition of female’s body practice systematically. In this book, Carter reveals female’s body dilemma and explores the right body practice scheme by rereading the works of Sade. She points out that the female’s body is just a conceptual body which has always been constructed and restrained by religion, ethics, and gender for a long time. Carter considers that the female should become the Sadeian woman who could disrupt the traditional body system, construct performing body mode, subvert mother authority and achieve body autonomy in order to transform the conceptual body into experiential body, and return the real and natural state, and escape from the barrier of gender repression and mind colonialisation.
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    On the Difficulties of Urban Community Consultation——Based on the In-depth Interview of 35 Community Secretaries
    ZHANG Ping, JIA Chen-yang, ZHAO Jing
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2018, 20 (2): 170-176.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.02.009
    Abstract1086)   HTML    PDF (858KB)(1799)      
    Community consultation is a vivid practice of mass autonomy at the grassroots level, which is of great significance to resolve social conflicts and promote democracy construction at the grassroots level. Based on an encoding analysis of the in-depth interview data of 35 community secretaries, several major difficulties of city community consultation are explored, including singleness and inadequacy of community consultation subjects, one-sidedness and disorder of community consultation contents, incompleteness and randomness of community consultation procedures, and monism and out datedness of community consultation forms. It is thus proposed to establish the legal policy guarantee of community consultation, improve the subject structure of community consultation, enhance the subject quality of consultation, clarify the content list of community consultation, respond to the common appeals of community residents, better the community consultation procedures, reinforce the use of consultation results, increase the investment of community consultation and innovate the community consultation forms.
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    Power of Big Data: One Logic of Modern Power and Practical Reflection
    LIN Qi-fu, HE Jing-chao
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2016, 18 (5): 484-490.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.007
    Abstract1073)   HTML    PDF (984KB)(1104)      

    Undoubtedly,big data has become one of the hottest issues in the present society. Based on the political theories, big data is not only a paradigm of power, but also a narrative of power, which follows the logic of power to continuously produce, reshape and dominatenew political, economic and social relationships. Power of big data consists of two types of logic, i.e., logic of capability and logic of structure. The former manifests itself in such dimensions asrole, object and technology, whereas the latter is characterized by such dimensions as relationship, rule and pattern. The two kinds of logic contain positive endogenous power; however, theymay also stun and shock the normal social power system to induce risks of mismatch and conflicts in both public and private domains. Accordingly, a type of rational and prudent common insight as well as governance concept on power of big data is to be constructed.

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    Intersemiotic Translation Studies on Film Adaptation of Joy Luck Club
    WANG Chen-shuang
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2017, 19 (3): 325-330.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.016
    Abstract1023)   HTML    PDF (839KB)(2118)      
    The adaptation of novels into films is a semiotic conversion between two types of art forms, and the difference between written symbols and audiovisual symbols leads to a non-equivalent transformation between novels and films. The process of intersemiotic translation can be explored through comparative studies on novel and film texts based on Pierce's theory of semiotics and Jackobson's concept of intersemiotic translation. In the intersemiotic translation of Joy Luck Club, the novel's structure and theme are simplified, and the adapted plots basically restore the novel's content and style. Though Joy Luck Club's intersemiotic translation fails to realize full translation, the appropriate application of audiovisual symbols plays an important role in film characterization so as to make the successful transformation from written symbols to audiovisual symbols.
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    An Analysis of the Relationship Between Beijings Industrial Structure and Economic Growth and the Possible Reasons
    LI Dongjun, ZHANG Hui
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2013, 15 (2): 148-153.   DOI: -
    Abstract1018)   HTML    PDF (962KB)(1672)      
    Based on Grangers causality test and shiftshare analysis, this paper studies the relationship between Beijings industrial structure and economic growth from 1979 to 2011 and analyzes the possible reasons for it from the perspective of industrial structure bonus and income elasticity of demand. The results indicate that there is no significant causality between industrial structure and economic growth because Beijing has undergone a resources transfer from the second industry to the third industry since 1978. Owing to the minor difference in Beijings productivity between the second industry and the third industry, Beijings industrial structure bonus is of no significance and the income elasticity of demand between the second industry and the third industry is rather small. Therefore, Beijing has been taking the lead in that its economic development relies more on the productivity improvement from technological advance than on the industrial structure effect in marketization.
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