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    Ethical Reflections, Governance and Implications Under the Background of Big Data Price Discrimination
    LI Fei-xiang
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2020, 22 (1): 7-15.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.01.002
    Abstract1152)   HTML    PDF (940KB)(3030)      

    Big data technology improves social operation's efficiency and enriches people’s daily life, but it also brings the problem of price discrimination in the process of development. It not only infringes the legitimate rights and interests of users, but also affects people's trust in this advanced technology, which maybe due to the imperfection of technology development, the excessive pursuit of capitals, the absence of ethical norms and principles, the complexity and inadequacy of supervision and the users' negligence as well as difficulty of protecting their own legitimate rights. Therefore, such perspectives of data itself, Internet platforms and users can be taken to reexamine the hidden ethical reflections of big data technology, mainly involving several key points-the ownership and distribution of data, the ethical rules that algorithms should follow, the reasonable definition of subjects of responsibility, the maintenance of the trust mechanism of relevant platforms, and the awakening of users' awareness of “data rights”. Only by doing so can big data technology be better understood and applied, and the whole society is likely to make continuous progress towards the concept of “Tech for Social Good” in the application and restriction of data.

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    On the Explanatory Pathways and Theoretical Models for Translation Universals
    LIU Yan-chun, HU Xian-yao
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2020, 22 (5): 114-119.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.05.015
    Abstract451)   HTML    PDF (845KB)(933)      
    In the past two decades, empirical studies on Translation Universals (TU) have made considerable progresses, while still faced with problems and critiques in its conceptualization, theoretical models and explanatory pathways. The explanatory paths and theoretical models are essential to the development of TU hypotheses. There exist three explanatory routes for TUs: social cultural ones, like translation norms and risk-averse models, linguistic ones, combining other linguistic concepts like grammatical metaphor, register, or language typology etc, and translators' cognitive process including relevance theory model and gravity hypothesis. Based on a review of these explanations and models, it could be proposed that the cognitive process approach with an interdisciplinary nature will be a most promising theoretical model for TUs.
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2007, 9 (2): 185-188.   DOI: -
    Abstract304)   HTML    PDF (433KB)(2756)      
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    Intersemiotic Translation Studies on Film Adaptation of Joy Luck Club
    WANG Chen-shuang
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2017, 19 (3): 325-330.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.03.016
    Abstract1023)   HTML    PDF (839KB)(2118)      
    The adaptation of novels into films is a semiotic conversion between two types of art forms, and the difference between written symbols and audiovisual symbols leads to a non-equivalent transformation between novels and films. The process of intersemiotic translation can be explored through comparative studies on novel and film texts based on Pierce's theory of semiotics and Jackobson's concept of intersemiotic translation. In the intersemiotic translation of Joy Luck Club, the novel's structure and theme are simplified, and the adapted plots basically restore the novel's content and style. Though Joy Luck Club's intersemiotic translation fails to realize full translation, the appropriate application of audiovisual symbols plays an important role in film characterization so as to make the successful transformation from written symbols to audiovisual symbols.
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2004, 6 (6): 424-426.   DOI: -
    Abstract362)   HTML    PDF (102KB)(2219)      
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2004, 6 (4): 303-305.   DOI: -
    Abstract304)   HTML    PDF (232KB)(2376)      
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    A Study on the Dynamic Mechanism of Endogenous Development in Rural Revitalization——A Case Study Based on Y Village in Shanghai
    ZHANG Yu-qiang, ZHANG Lei
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2019, 21 (5): 497-504.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.05.008
    Abstract653)   HTML    PDF (978KB)(1797)      
    The long-term practice of rural development shows that the simple mode of administrative promotion cannot effectively solve the problem of rural sustainable development. Exploring the possibility of rural revitalization from the perspective of endogenous development theory is helpful to clarify the key variables and endogenous basis for the realization of rural revitalization. Using case studies and interviews through the analysis of the case of Y village in Shanghai which has transformed from “a poor village” to “a rural revitalization model village”, it is found that the micro-dynamic mechanisms of rural endogenous development under the guarantee of “external power” include realizing the endogenous resources with the development of advantageous industries which is the basis for the endogenous development of the rural area, perfecting the rural governance system and realizing the organization mobilization through village self-organization which is the core and the key, and stimulating the countryside memory of local residents and realizing their identities which is an important guarantee. The results show that the endogenous development in rural revitalization is the result of organic combination of rural endogenous forces and external forces such as the government, social organizations, and the market and so on. The practice of Y village provides some experience for realizing the endogenous development in rural revitalization.
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2007, 9 (5): 461-465.   DOI: -
    Abstract477)   HTML    PDF (157KB)(3889)      
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2011, 13 (4): 340-344.   DOI: -
    Abstract322)   HTML    PDF (154KB)(1531)      
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2000, 2 (4): 284-286.   DOI: -
    Abstract294)   HTML    PDF (98KB)(1091)      
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    Research on Evaluation Indicators and Influencing Factors of Job Burnout of Grassroots Civil Servants
    LYU Wei-xia, XU Xiao-ming, WANG Chao-jie
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2018, 20 (5): 475-482.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.006
    Abstract755)   HTML    PDF (893KB)(1570)      
    Based on Maslach's theories of job burnout and job matching, three evaluation indicators, namely, low mood, split personality and lack of achievement are determined after in-depth interviews and literature review. Three influencing factors, namely, difficulty in occupational control, low occupational value and inadequate occupational motivation, are also identified. Nine hypothetical relationships among the three evaluation indicators and three influencing factors are established. The influence mechanism of influencing factors on civil servants' job burnout is verified, and the differences of different statistical attributes on the sense of job burnout among customs civil servants are analyzed. The data shows that occupational control difficulties can easily lead to low mood, lower professional value can lead to low mood, split personality, and lack of sense of accomplishment and professional incentives can lead to personality split.
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    New Understanding of Environmental Design Concept from Ecological Dimension——Based on Gibson's Affordance Theory
    GU Xiao-dan, LUO Ling-ling, CHEN Hong-bing
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2020, 22 (4): 14-20.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.04.003
    Abstract834)   HTML    PDF (925KB)(1231)      
    Affordance theory is a groundbreaking ecological thought put forward by Gibson, who solved the ecological unity of human beings and the environment from the micro-psychological mechanism, and constructed the embodied interaction between human beings and the environment at the perceptual level. Environmental design around human beings and the environment should fundamentally absorb Gibson's ecological thought, and the environmental design based on affordance is an expanding mechanism to predict the human-environment ecological relationship, which presupposes appropriate natural and social affordance in the environment. The understanding of the ecological nature of environmental design should start from human beings' naturalness, taking human's natural behaviors and natural emotions as the fundamental purpose of design. It is clear that the purpose of ecological design is to return to the correct ecological position of people at the body level.
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2003, 5 (6): 426-428.   DOI: -
    Abstract403)   HTML    PDF (103KB)(1376)      
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    Rewriting:“Gaixie” or “Chongxie” With Comments on Some Misunderstandings of Lefeveres Translation Theory
    QIU Jin, HU Wen-hua, DU Feng-gang
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2014, 16 (5): 539-544.   DOI: -
    Abstract1407)   HTML    PDF (248KB)(3332)      
    The term “rewriting” proposed by André Lefevere has been translated into Chinese in two versions “Gaixie (改写)” and “Chongxie (重写)”. An analysis of the theoretical background of the term shows that Lefeveres rewriting theory takes advantage of Russian formalism, reception aesthetics and Marxist literary theories. After tracing the development of Lefeveres theory and conducting a detailed etymological study on the English prefix “re-” as well as the two Chinese characters concerned, it is pointed out that “Chongxie” is a more reasonable translation of “rewriting” in that it can better cover the wide-ranging research objects of Lefeveres theory, reflect the essence of Lefeveres idea about challenging the author-centered and text-centered paradigms, and reveal the philosophical significance of the original term. Meanwhile, some misunderstandings and disputes about “rewriting” partly resulting from the two confusing translations could be clarified.
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    Research on Chinese Brand Translation Strategies and Cultural Value Association: Chinese Brands' Globalization Development in the Pakistani Market
    HUO Chunhui, PANG Ming, YUAN Shaofeng
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2022, 24 (2): 44-51.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.02.006
    Abstract220)   HTML0)    PDF (1099KB)(700)      
    Taking the market of Pakistan, an important node country along “the Belt and Road”, as an example, through empirical research, the cultural value associations of four brand translation strategies (phonetic, semantic, phonosemantic and pinyin) and the impact on brand translation effectiveness are examined. The results show that for Pakistani consumers, compared with phonetic and pinyin, semantic and phonosemantic have higher cultural value association and brand translation effectiveness, and phonosemantic with high (vs. low) product value perception have higher cultural value association than semantic, personal conservatism negatively moderates the brand translation effectiveness of low cultural value association strategies, and personal autonomy and biculturalism (vs. monoculturalism) positively moderate the brand translation effectiveness of low (vs. high) cultural value association strategies.
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    Return to the Body: On Body Politics of The Sadeian Woman
    CHENG Yi
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2016, 18 (5): 537-544.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.05.015
    Abstract1110)   HTML    PDF (994KB)(1784)      
    The Sadeian Woman is a theoretical text of Angela Carter who discuss the condition of female’s body practice systematically. In this book, Carter reveals female’s body dilemma and explores the right body practice scheme by rereading the works of Sade. She points out that the female’s body is just a conceptual body which has always been constructed and restrained by religion, ethics, and gender for a long time. Carter considers that the female should become the Sadeian woman who could disrupt the traditional body system, construct performing body mode, subvert mother authority and achieve body autonomy in order to transform the conceptual body into experiential body, and return the real and natural state, and escape from the barrier of gender repression and mind colonialisation.
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    Immanence: Postmodern Ethical Narratives in Moby Dick from the Perspective of Deleuze's Philosophy
    CHEN Li-lin
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2020, 22 (3): 121-126.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.016
    Abstract452)   HTML    PDF (874KB)(947)      
    Deleuze's philosophy provides a metaphysical basis for understanding Moby Dick, and opens up a postmodern ethical interpretation path for the novel. From the perspective of Deleuzian immanent ethics, Moby Dick, as the structure-other, regulates the objective existence of all the characters, and Ahab and Moby Dick show a dual and mutual becoming-animal relationship. There seems to be a break in Moby Dick with regard to its levels of idea and content, which are in their essence in consistent with each other. The concepts of structure-other and becoming-animal free Ahab and Moby Dick from the transcendence down into the experience world, while at the same time restore the existence of differences that belong to the marginalized sailors. The revenge narratives of Moby Dick thus become a case of group psychology. The structure-other, becoming-animal and group psychology constitute the triple dimension of the immanent ethical narratives of Moby Dick.
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    Norm Activation Model: An Effective Theoretical Model for Predicting Citizens' Pro-environmental Behaviors
    ZHANG Xiao-jie, JIN Hui-rong, LOU Cheng-wu
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2016, 18 (6): 610-615.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.010
    Abstract1988)   HTML    PDF (994KB)(3116)      
    Norm activation model (NAM) is an important theory to study various kinds of altruistic behaviors, which claims that an individuals pro-social behaviors are positively affected by his or her personal norm that is activated by consequence awareness and responsibility ascription. Widely applied to study such pro-social behaviors as pro-environmental behaviors in the western developed countries, NAM has been proved to effectively explain and predict pro-environmental behaviors. It has been continuously developed in its applications, with new variables added to the model and the value-belief-norm theory finally built. Due to its easy operability, openness and inclusiveness, NAM can be used to explain, predict and intervene the Chinese citizens pro-environmental behaviors.
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    An Empirical Research on Incentive Effects of Parallel System of Positions and Ranks for Grass-roots Civil Servants
    LYU Wei-xia, HE Tian
    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2019, 21 (3): 251-260.   DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.005
    Abstract701)   HTML    PDF (974KB)(1488)      
    In order to stimulate the initiative of civil servants at the grass-roots level, the state has introduced the parallel system of positions and ranks. Through in-depth interviews and literature review, three evaluation indicators of the parallel system of positions and ranks are determined, namely the fairness of system implementation, the rationality of the system itself and the effectiveness of parallel system implementation. At the same time, the three dimensions of occupational loyalty, job burnout and professional acquisition that reflect the working status of grass-roots civil servants are identified. 9 hypothetical relationships between 3 evaluation indicators and 3 working status dimensions are established. The mechanism of the influence of the parallel system of positions and ranks on the working status of civil servants is verified, and the difference of the influence of statistical attributes on the incentive effects perceived by grass-roots civil servants is analyzed. The study shows that the fairness of system implementation, the rationality of the system itself, and the effective implementation of the system have a significant impact on the working conditions of civil servants, of which the latter two have stronger influence. Based on the analysis of the empirical results, countermeasures to enhance the incentive effects of the parallel system of positions and ranks are put forward.
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    Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)    2009, 11 (2): 178-183.   DOI: -
    Abstract299)   HTML    PDF (759KB)(1720)      
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