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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Involvement of Technology and Its Ethical Protocol——Based on Biometric Identification Technology
    YAN Kun-ru, LIU Dan
    2017, 19 (1):  1-6.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.001
    Abstract ( 507 )   HTML   PDF (879KB) ( 1278 )  

    Technological neutralism holds that technology is a medium and tool by which human beings change the world; however, technology is not value-neutral but value-laden. Substantive theory of technology argues that technology is independent of human beings, which disagrees with the instrumentalism of technology. Such emergent technologies as biometric identification technology tend to get involved with and even become integrated into human beings. Nevertheless, involvement of technology makes it impossible for humans to experience the presence of technology in that technology tends to be absent, and humans are absent as well because of the integration of humans and technology. Therefore, involvement of technology not only requires reconsideration of technological ontology and epistemology, but also initiates reflection on technological ethics.

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    An Outline of a General History of Technology
    HU Yi-lin
    2017, 19 (1):  7-14.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.002
    Abstract ( 474 )   HTML   PDF (901KB) ( 1298 )  
    In the second half of the twentieth century, the history of western technology was turning to contextualism, evading the grand narrative tradition and highlighting delicate life scenes. However, it is now problematic to write a general history of technology in that a fragmented historical picture could meet the readers curiosity but fail to meet the demands of self-reflection. A comprehensive perspective should be provided to the general history so as to understand our own times. Since the whole is other than the sum of parts, the historical understanding of technological details implies some pre-understanding of the general context. The compilation of a general history of technology calls for reconsideration of the traditional historiography of technology. The general history of technology should concern “technology as the whole”, i.e., the implicit wholeness or the technological environment. Besides, it stresses the emergence and evolution of technology. Shifting between new and old technologies, technology is most likely to stand out in the sense of technology. In sum, what the general history of technology cares about is not technological progress but human life, i.e., the general history of technology is the living history of human beings.
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    Social History of Techniques: Another Perspective of Traditional Craftsmanship Study
    ZHANG Xue-yu
    2017, 19 (1):  15-19.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.003
    Abstract ( 501 )   HTML   PDF (1069KB) ( 1188 )  
    In the movement of handicraft revival, studies on the history of technology lead to the need for exploring the theories of traditional craftsmanship. The historical view of traditional interpretative techniques faces theoretical “resignation” and practical “weakness” in solving the problems caused by experiential techniques. Accordingly, the research perspective of the social history of techniques serves as a response to this request and dilemma, which abandons the singular guidance of the view of interpretative technology and acknowledges the diversity of technology. A comprehensive historical view of technology should be applied to explore experiential technology, and attention should be paid to the effects technology has on regional, national, cultural and social issues. Thus, the dual functions of “technology” and “technique” should be stressed so as to renew the historical and modern meanings of traditional techniques.
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    Economics and Management
    Mechanism Between Family-Work Interface and Proactive Customer Service Behavior——From the Service Climate Perspective
    LIU Zhe, YANG Yong, TANG Jia-fu
    2017, 19 (1):  20-26.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.004
    Abstract ( 633 )   HTML   PDF (970KB) ( 1262 )  

    A multi-phase survey of 310 service employees was made, and SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 17.0 analytic tools were applied to reveal the effect of family-work interface on proactive customer service behavior as well as the regulating effect of service climate. The results showed that family-work enrichment has positive effect on proactive customer service behavior, and family-work balance has positive effect on proactive customer service behavior. Moreover, service climate has negative moderating effect between family-work conflict and proactive customer service behavior, and the positive effect of family-work balance on proactive customer service behavior will be enhanced with the improvement of service climate.

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    Effect of Team Conflict on Withdrawal Behavior Under Different Types of Leadership
    ZHOU Mi, ZHAO Xin
    2017, 19 (1):  27-33.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.005
    Abstract ( 507 )   HTML   PDF (895KB) ( 2147 )  
    The effect of team conflict on withdrawal behavior under different kinds of leadership was explored for the purpose of helping the leaders and enterprises in reducingemployeeswithdrawal behaviors. Based on the questionnaire administered to the employees and leaders in a state-owned enterprise, it was found that: process conflict has a significant positive effect on withdrawal behavior; status conflict has a significant negative effect on withdrawal behavior; the interaction of authentic leadership and status conflict has a significant negative moderating effect on withdrawal behavior; and the interaction of abusive supervision and status conflict has a significant positive moderating effect on withdrawal behavior.
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    On the Development Path of Industrial Clusters in Shenyang Maker Space——Based on the Measurement of Operation Efficiency
    ZHANG Dan-ning, FU Xiao-yun, YI Ping-tao
    2017, 19 (1):  34-40.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.006
    Abstract ( 470 )   HTML   PDF (1053KB) ( 1105 )  

    Based on an analysis of the current situation of Shenyang maker space, the index of operation efficiency was built and applied empirically. Then, based on the measurement of Theil Index and centralization index, three industrial clusters of maker space should be developed in Shenyang, including Shenbei New District, Hunnan New District, and Shenhe+Heping Central District. Following the principle of main service mode and operation efficiency structure, the respective and distinctive development paths of these three maker space clusters were explored.

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    Politics and Public Management
    Realization Path of Good Governance Structure from the Perspective of Governance Interdependence
    ZHOU Xiao-li
    2017, 19 (1):  41-46.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.007
    Abstract ( 589 )   HTML   PDF (914KB) ( 1214 )  

    The governance interdependence model emphasizes the interactive mosaic of state and society, the promotion of state-society interdependence to policy implementation and the enhancement of social capital accumulation to the capability of national authorities. The model makes thinking changes, avoids suboptimal traps, emphasizes partnership, makes up the flaws in the state-society governance and expands policy implementation. Fostering good governance structure, on the one hand, calls for the reinforcement of trust-based accumulation of social capital, and on the other hand, requires enhancing the basic capabilities of social penetration, extraction and negotiation in the state organs.

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    An Empirical Study on the Distribution Disequilibrium of Welfare Increment of Rural-urban Land Conversion——Based on the Data of Three-level Land Market in 21 Cities of Guangdong Province
    WEI Ling, ZHANG An-lu
    2017, 19 (1):  47-54.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.008
    Abstract ( 412 )   HTML   PDF (1018KB) ( 1122 )  

    The process of rural-urban land conversion is closely related to the expropriation market of agricultural land, the primary land market, and the secondary land market. Welfare increment shared by the three kinds of stakeholders including farmers and villages, local governments and central government, and developers, exists in the three-level land market. Accordingly, the economic welfare increment in land conversion was analyzed, and the welfare distribution calculation model was established. Based on the data of 21 cities in Guangdong Province, it was concluded that the proportion of the three stakeholders welfare distribution lies in the position during the process, negotiating ability, and information advantages and disadvantages; developers obtain the most share of welfare, local governments second, and farmers and villages share the least; welfare distribution gaps in the three levels are larger in the developed areas; and the welfare distribution proportion in the 21 cities is dynamic in time.

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    Effect of the Degree of Property Rights Protection on Social Stability
    XU Guang-lu, SHEN Hui-zhang
    2017, 19 (1):  54-60.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.009
    Abstract ( 455 )   HTML   PDF (891KB) ( 899 )  
    Given that participation in mass events can be used to measure social stability, the World Bank data and CGSS (2010) data were taken to investigate the effect of the degree of property rights protection on social stability. The results showed that the higher the degree of regional property rights protection is, the less likely people in the region participate in mass events. By the grouped regression, it was found that an increase in the degree of property rights can reduce the possibility that individuals who perceive rights violation participate in mass events, but it has no significant effect on the individuals failing to perceive rights violation to participate in mass events; an increase in the degree of property rights protection has no significant effect on the high income group to participate in mass events, but can reduce the likelihood that the low income group participates in mass events; and the degree of regional property rights protection has no significant effect on the urban residents to participate in mass events, but can reduce the possibility that the rural residents participate in mass events.
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    System Construction of Precise Social Assistance from the Perspective of Poverty Measurement
    LI Yun-hua, WEI Yi-na
    2017, 19 (1):  61-66.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.010
    Abstract ( 498 )   HTML   PDF (951KB) ( 1649 )  
    The singleness of poverty measurement in the income-based poverty social assistance system causes social assistance unable to reach the status that those who should be protected by this constitution are really enrolled. Accordingly,based on the problems existing in Chinas income-based social assistance system, the precise assistance system is proposed for the purpose of precise poverty alleviation and overcoming; an income-expenditure-based social assistance system is proposed from the perspective of poverty measurement, which means that both ideas of survival assistance and development assistance should be taken into account; the basic living assistance should be improved by income, the classification assistance should be strengthened by expenditure, and aid should be provided based on the cause and type of poverty.Meanwhile, the integrity of assistance should be improved in a demand-oriented way so as to improve the flexibility of assistance,and the management system should be innovated to realize the integration of social assistance management system and the regulation as well as rationality of management informatization and procedure.
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    Legal System Construction of Renminbi Offshore Market ——From the Perspective of Renminbi Internationalization
    ZUO Hai-cong, YANG Meng-sha
    2017, 19 (1):  67-72.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.011
    Abstract ( 521 )   HTML   PDF (875KB) ( 1197 )  

    Renminbi offshore market is significant for in-depth development of Renminbi internationalization and domestic financial reforms. However, the current construction of Renminbi offshore market is still at its primary stage and faced with many legal issues. The European Renminbi offshore market is suffering from strict legal control of two-way capital flow; hence the market size is limited. IBF Renminbi offshore market is still at the fragmented stage of local pilot exploration, which calls for a systematic, well-planned legal system. In order to improve the legal system of Renminbi offshore market, a regulatory legal system should be built on the principle of outside-inside separation, guaranteeing the stable development of Renminbi offshore market. Meanwhile,a preference system should be established so as to promote market attractiveness and policy driving force.

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    Positioning and Construction of the New Relationship of Investigation and Defense for Duty Crime
    ZHANG Zi-chao
    2017, 19 (1):  73-78.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.012
    Abstract ( 456 )   HTML   PDF (871KB) ( 1104 )  
    Legislation modification and litigation system reform have gradually strengthened the protection of lawyers right in practice. In order to realize the dynamic balance between the right of investigation and the defense of duty crime, it is necessary to reexamine and rationalize the relationship of such right and defense for duty crime to transform the traditional “partial confrontation, one-way control” into the favorable interaction of “balance+collaboration”. Balance, as the foundation, includes confrontation and restriction, and cooperation, as the complement, includes supervision and promotion. It is of great necessity to establish a new “balance+collaboration” relationship in the following aspects: a mutual communication and supervision mechanism should be established for the investigator and the defense attorney; the lawyers right of meeting timely should be ensured; the lawyers right to relief should be protected in effect; the limited discovery of investigation procedure should be made; and the investigation bargaining system should be attempted.
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    Probing into the Personalized Education Reform in Russia
    SONG Guan-dong, CHEN Zhen, GENG Hai-tian
    2017, 19 (1):  79-84.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.013
    Abstract ( 517 )   HTML   PDF (869KB) ( 1743 )  
    In the 21st century, Russias personalized education reform started in the background of the political system reform, whose primary intention was to ensure personalized education reform through self-selection and create conditions for self-realization. The Putin era has gradually directed this reform to serve the knowledge economy and innovative development of Russia. After years of research and practice, Russia has made great breakthrough in determining the education quality of each student, teacher training on personalized education, technology application and educational supervision. The exploration of Russias individualized education reform can provide useful references for the educational reform in China.
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    Rethinking of University Statute and Governance by Law——From the Perspective of Soft Law
    WANG Wei-dan, SHI Wan-bing
    2017, 19 (1):  85-90.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.014
    Abstract ( 483 )   HTML   PDF (869KB) ( 1043 )  

    With the improvement of China’s new normalized governance, the original hard law framework was broken down, and the soft law has exerted more effect than ever before. In the field of higher education, university statute serves as a kind of important soft law. By analyzing it, it can be found that university statute is of soft law in effect, processing, arbitrariness and self-control norm. University governance is an important part of China’s higher education structure and governance by law is a basic form of it. University statute is the basic rule for university governance by law; likewise, universities carry out their governance by law in reforms and practices. It is pointed out that university thinking of governance by law should be cultivated and publicized, the specification of right operation rules should be adjusted, and the guarantee system should be built in the construction of university statute.

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    Linguistics and Literature
    Hermeneutic Implications of Husserlean Theory of Internal Time Consciousness for Linguistic Linearity
    LIU Zhong-ming, XIE Gang
    2017, 19 (1):  91-96.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.015
    Abstract ( 641 )   HTML   PDF (868KB) ( 1307 )  
    The theory of internal time consciousness ventures a transzendental and intrinsic explanation about any constructions by consciousness, which, to some extent, overcomes empiricism and psychologism. Linguistic linearity best embodies the philosophy of time in Saussurean linguistic endeavor. As a result, to understand the correlation between time and language from the perspective of linguistic linearity is of epistemological significance. Unfortunately, Saussures explanation of linguistic linearity is encumbered with psychologism and old metaphysics and should be addressed. It is Husserlean phenomenology of internal time consciousness that comes to Saussures rescue in this aspect.
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    Realization of Legal Discourse as Social Process by Interpersonal Semantic Distribution
    GUO Fei, WANG Zhen-hua
    2017, 19 (1):  97-103.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.016
    Abstract ( 540 )   HTML   PDF (977KB) ( 961 )  
    As a social process, legal discourse helps to embody a variety of social processes by reasonably distributing interpersonal semantic resources. It is analyzed that the Subjects of clauses in legal discourse are mainly distributed in self, private and public registers which enjoy full cooperation. The usage of modal resources is characterized by assimilation, and legal agents’ use of conversational condensation and expansion tends to acculturate. The negotiation resources in legal discourse enable social members to maximize self-interest and reduce the other partys benefit whereby to highlight competition and conflict. By reasonably tapping into varied interpersonal semantic resources, different types of legal discourse are embodied with such social processes as assimilation, cooperation, competition and conflict, thus realizing fair social competition, coordinating social conflicts and promoting social development.
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    The Imperial Discourse in The Iron Heel
    MA Xin, WANG Zhe
    2017, 19 (1):  104-110.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.01.017
    Abstract ( 571 )   HTML   PDF (898KB) ( 1798 )  
    The Iron Heel by Jack London is a proletarian revolutionary work, reflecting the ideal that the proletariat overthrows the bourgeoisie to achieve the Brotherhood of Man (B.O.M.). Londons shaping of the white masculinity of the character Everhard, the idea of the American Oligarchs integrating the world, and the implication of the American socialists being the dominant force in the realization of B.O.M. are inevitably affected by America’s nationalist ideology during its overseas expansion in the early twentieth century, implying the writers exploration of race, nation and class, etc. From the historical and geopolitical perspectives, the role of imperial discourse in The Iron Heel was explored in the shape of writer identity and national narratives, and the limitations of Londons socialist thoughts were traced.
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