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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    A Philosophical Analysis of the Reliability of Technical Artifacts
    WU Guo-lin, FU Ming, QI Kang
    2019, 21 (2):  111-117.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.001
    Abstract ( 573 )   HTML   PDF (783KB) ( 952 )  
    With the development of modern science and technology, the reliability of technical artifacts has increasingly become the focus of research. At present, the academic circle is mainly focused on the reliability analysis of technical artifacts in engineering, and seldom uses philosophical methods to analyze the reliability of artifacts. Accordingly, the reliability of technological artifacts is explored from the four aspects of philosophical significance-the basis of the reliability of technical artifacts, that is, the reality of technical artifacts; the three components of technical artifacts(i.e., structure, function and elements); the intentionality and timeliness of technical artifacts. Furthermore, the important factors that may affect the reliability of technical artifacts are analyzed, and the philosophical meaning of the reliability of technical artifacts is studied as well.
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    Ethical Issues of Algorithms and Their Solutions
    LIU Pei, CHI Zhong-jun
    2019, 21 (2):  118-125.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.002
    Abstract ( 827 )   HTML   PDF (806KB) ( 3292 )  
    As a powerful actor, algorithms intervene and even dominate in a wide variety of domains. However, increasingly complex and autonomous algorithms pose such ethical issues as transparency, fairness, algorithm discrimination, autonomy, privacy security and accountability. From the internalist approach, there are at least two solutions: algorithm ethical design and application limits. From the externalist approach, designers' ethical responsibilities and multi-disciplinary cooperation should be emphasized, and the public should be encouraged to participate in algorithm design and algorithm supervision. Only by taking effective measures to solve the ethical issues of algorithms can fair, transparent and accountable algorithms be obtained.
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    Study on the Evolution of Technology Innovation Culture in the New Era
    WANG Na, WANG Jian, ZHAO Xu
    2019, 21 (2):  126-131.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.003
    Abstract ( 522 )   HTML   PDF (756KB) ( 980 )  
    Innovation gene is the key to restricting the evolution of technological innovation culture. To cultivate excellent innovative genes, the gene essence needs to be inherited from the Chinese traditional culture and new genes should be infused into the new era. The evolution of technology innovation culture in the new era should follow the inner logic between conceptual culture, utensil culture and institutional culture, and the role and influence of hereditary factors, talent factors and environmental factors should be explored. The theory of cultural evolution is combined to analyze the evolutionary mechanism of technology innovation culture for the purpose of constantly revising the growth trajectory of innovative genes. In the new era, the culture of technological innovation will further develop through the interaction of new and old innovative culture genes, the interaction of cultural communicators and recipients, and the interaction of virtual and real cultures.
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    Economics and Management
    A System-dynamics-based Research on the Development of Industrial Robotic Industry
    LI Jing-wen, HAN Xing
    2019, 21 (2):  132-138.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.004
    Abstract ( 449 )   HTML   PDF (927KB) ( 1025 )  
    As the innovation resource is limited, how to reasonably allocate innovation resources in the fields of system integration, robot main body, and key components is a key issue to be solved urgently. Based on the system dynamics model, the industrial robotic industry development model is established, and the development of different fields of the robotic industry is simulated by real data. The research has found that in the early stage of the robotic industry, industrial policies should focus mainly on supporting the development of system integration and secondarily on the development of the robot body and the key components. In the later stage when the development of robot main body gradually exceeds that of system integration, the focus should be placed mainly on robot main body and key components and secondarily on system integration. This path has referential and practical significance for improving China's industrial robotic industry policy.
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    Financial Development, Technological Innovation and Environmental Pollution
    HE Jun, CHENG Rui, LIU Ting
    2019, 21 (2):  139-148.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.005
    Abstract ( 421 )   HTML   PDF (844KB) ( 1119 )  
    By constructing a dynamic endogenous growth model involving financial development, technological innovation and environmental pollution, it is deduced that financial development and technological innovation will inhibit environmental pollution under the assumption that technological innovation is a mediator of financial development to curb environmental pollution. This paper uses the provincial panel data from 1998 to 2016 to study the impact of financial development on environmental pollution. The results show that the credit scale of financial institutions and financial market financing scale are negatively correlated with environmental pollution, which is consistent with the conclusion of the theoretical model. This paper uses technological innovation as a mediator to study the mechanism of the impact of financial development on environmental pollution, and concludes that financial development improves environmental pollution by enhancing the level of technological innovation. It is found that there are geographical differences in the impact of financial development on environmental pollution.
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    The Effects of Customer Resources on Customer Value Co-creation Behavior——The Moderating Role of Perceived Control and Subjective Norm
    XIAO Meng, MA Qin-hai
    2019, 21 (2):  149-156.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.006
    Abstract ( 484 )   HTML   PDF (809KB) ( 1416 )  
    Based on the theory of resource, the impact of two kinds of customer resources on different customer's value co-creation behaviors through co-creation attitude explored, and the moderating effects of perceived control and subjective norm in this impact investigated. By a survey of 580 decoration customers, the SEM method used to test the corresponding hypotheses. The results show that human resources and relational resources and then influence the two forms of customer's value co-creation behaviors-customer's participation behavior and citizenship behavior; customer's co-creation attitude a partial mediating role between customer resources and customer's co-creation behaviors; the relationship between customer human resources and customer's co-creation attitude the relationship between customer human resources and customer's co-creation behaviors; the relationship between customer relation resources and customer's co-creation attitude the relationship between customer relation resources and customer's co-creation behaviors.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Does Citizen Collective Preference Affect Local Government's Public Expenditure Structure?——An Empirical Research Based on Public Value Theory
    BAO Guo-xian, GUAN Bin
    2019, 21 (2):  156-164.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.007
    Abstract ( 434 )   HTML   PDF (898KB) ( 899 )  
    Public value theory focuses on the collective preference and emphasizes the role of politics. Taking collective preference of citizens as the starting point and local government as the research object, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of the interaction between citizens and government on public expenditure structure of local government. The results show that collective preferences will significantly influence the public expenditure structure of local government, but the relationship between the two will be moderated by the government's value orientation. The two kinds of local government's value orientation, i.e. “public-centered” and “government-centered” play different moderating roles. The fundamental reason for this relationship is that the realization of public value is the result of interactive consultation between the government and the people. Citizens are the ultimate determinants of public value, but they are also subject to the balance of political power. The research conclusion has certain significance for understanding the government's behavior patterns and decision-making practices in the new era,and promoting the development of public value theory.
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    Research on Deliberation and Public Rationality in Online Public Opinion Events——Taking the “Shandong Illegal Vaccine Case” as an Example
    ZHAO Hai-yan, SUN Ping
    2019, 21 (2):  165-172.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.008
    Abstract ( 493 )   HTML   PDF (835KB) ( 1777 )  
    In recent years, online public opinion has gradually changed the traditional political process. Cyberspace becomes an important platform for deliberation. The irrationality of online public opinion has always been the focus of the debate on whether the network can realize the deliberative democracy. Taking the “Shandong Illegal Vaccine Case” as an example, this paper uses content analysis and text analysis methods to grasp the actual situation of deliberation and public rationality in online public opinion events from the two dimensions of political process and network platform. With the deepening of the political process and the enhancement of network platform's institutionalization, the public rationality of netizens has increased. In the deliberation of online public opinion events, positive government responses and good network platforms are conducive to the realization of public rationality of netizens.
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    Influencing Factors of Provincial Government's “Internet Plus Government Services” Ability——A Qualitative Comparative Analysis Based on 30 Provincial Government Samples
    WANG Fa-shuo
    2019, 21 (2):  173-179.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.009
    Abstract ( 502 )   HTML   PDF (786KB) ( 1643 )  
    Diverse forms of “Internet Plus Government Services” practices have been carried out in various parts of China, but the effects are quite different. From the three levels of government resources and support, social demand and regional economic development, six explanatory variables are selected to analyze the factors influencing the “Internet Plus Government Services” ability of China's provincial government through qualitative comparative analysis. The results show that the provincial government's “Internet Plus Government Services” ability is influenced by multiple complex factors. The most important factors are the foundation of E-government and the attention from the senior leaders. There are three combinations of conditions to achieve high level “Internet Plus Government Services” ability. For areas with different economic and social development levels and different financial resources, the government should adopt the paths and measures appropriate to the characteristics of the region to enhance the “Internet Plus Government Services” ability.
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    “Guangdong Human Flesh Search Case No.1” Reinterpretation ——From the Perspective of the Crime of Violating Citizens' Personal Information
    JIANG Hai-yang
    2019, 21 (2):  180-186.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.010
    Abstract ( 817 )   HTML   PDF (768KB) ( 1760 )  
    With the emergence of the crime of violating citizens' personal information and the promulgation of relevant judicial interpretation, the original “Guangdong Human Flesh Search Case No.1” should be reinterpreted. According to the definition of the connotation of “personal information”, “video screenshot” is, without controversy, deemed as personal information. Uploading “video screenshot” to Weibo can be considered as “providing” personal information to an unspecified person. Since the victim has committed suicide, the act of uploading “video screenshot” by the actor can be classified as a “specially serious” case of the crime of violating citizens' personal information, which has theoretical consistency. The act of uploading “video screenshot” by the actor shall be punished in accordance with the principle of imaginary competition and cooperation, and this case shall be defined as the crime of violating citizens' personal information.
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    On the Nature and Application of Overriding Mandatory Provisions in the Private International Law——From the Perspective of Article 9 of Rome Ⅰ Regulation
    HUANG Zhi-wei
    2019, 21 (2):  187-194.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.011
    Abstract ( 678 )   HTML   PDF (790KB) ( 1842 )  
    According to stipulations what is stipulated in Article 9 of Rome Ⅰ Regulation, it has already been an objective fact that sovereign states recognize the priority validity of overriding mandatory provisions under certain circumstances. The academic circles have, however, been arguing about relevant problems concerning overriding mandatory provisions all the time. The main reason for of the long-term existence of such dispute is that the scholars are too committed to the applicable methods of such kind of rules rather than instead of focusing on the nature of overriding mandatory provisions being private law rules. In theory effect, overriding mandatory provisions are obviously private law's in nature, which has not only determined that the discussion of relevant problems should be held within the scope of Private International Law,but also determined that they have natural legal effect at home. At present, there is still no legislation on how to apply foreign overriding mandatory provisions in China., When filling relevant legislation, and legislators should pay special much attention to legal issues about discretion, the consequences of applying the mandatory rules of a third state and the principle of the autonomy of will.
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    Research on the Assessment Index System for Middle-level Leading Cadres in Colleges and Universities——Based on the Application of Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process
    WANG Hui, ZHAO Xia-xia, SI Xiao-yue
    2019, 21 (2):  195-201.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.012
    Abstract ( 572 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 1668 )  
    The construction of scientific and reasonable assessment indicators is the key link for the assessment of cadres. The research object is the assessment of middle-level leading cadres in colleges and universities. 19 specific assessment indicators are tentatively prepared through literature reading from the five dimensions of “morality”, “capability”, “diligence”, “performance” and “integrity”. Delphi method is used to screen the proposed assessment indicators.13 formal assessment indicators such as political quality, work ideas and work input,etc. are obtained. Hierarchical analysis method is used to construct the hierarchical structure model of the indicators,and MATLAB is adopted to calculate the weight of each indicator to provide a reference for the construction of the assessment index system for middle-level leading cadres in colleges and universities through the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches.
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    A New Perspective of Exploring Subjective Moral Education in Colleges and Universities——Based on the Enlightenment of Moral Education Development in Japanese Universities
    WU Ning-ning
    2019, 21 (2):  202-207.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.013
    Abstract ( 412 )   HTML   PDF (759KB) ( 1005 )  
    With the development of moral education in colleges and universities, subjective moral education has become an important perspective. At present, rich ideological basis for subjective moral education in the strategic thought and theoretical research of the Party and the country has been accumulated. However, from the perspective of reality, problems concerning subjective absence in the development of moral education, such as the insufficient attention to students' status, the neglect of the development of students' personality, and the lack of students' initiative, etc., still exist. Japanese colleges and universities have formed the characteristics of paying attention to students' subjectivity, highlighting individual education and paying attention to the cultivation of moral practice in the process of their moral education development. On the basis of maintaining the original advantages of moral education in colleges and universities in our country, we should set up the moral education training path with the subjective moral education as the core, highlight the value of students' subjectivity and advocate individual education to promote the new development of moral education in colleges and universities of our country by enhancing the initiative of students and paying attention to the strengthening and guidance of moral practice.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Revisiting Implicit Appraisal Mechanisms from the Perspective of Semantic Relations
    LI Shu-jing, LIU Cheng-yu
    2019, 21 (2):  208-214.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.014
    Abstract ( 454 )   HTML   PDF (798KB) ( 1068 )  
    The recognition of tokens is an indispensable procedure in appraisal analysis. The linguistic mechanisms of implicit appraisal proposed by researchers at home and abroad have helped to address the issue to a certain extent. However, there is still a lack of connection between the varying mechanisms, which results in the limited explanatory power to some evaluative phenomena. The Semantic Field Theory and Systemic Functional Grammar are drawn on to reveal the underlying commonality of the evaluative mechanisms put forward by James Martin and other scholars, and then it is proposed that semantic relations are the basis of linguistic mechanisms for implicit appraisal. Based on this observation, some other linguistic mechanisms, such as mismatching of semantic relations, presumption of responsibility and logical derivation, are discussed. Furthermore, semantic relations are explored in respect of their selection framed by the context.
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    The Consciousness Between Reality and Imagination in Doris Lessing's Fantasy Fiction
    HE Xin-ye, WANG Chun-fei
    2019, 21 (2):  215-220.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.02.015
    Abstract ( 482 )   HTML   PDF (753KB) ( 937 )  
    In the fantasies written by the British writer Doris Lessing, her consciousness between reality and imagination always exists, which constructs the essential attitude of Lessing on the issue of reality and imagination in the real world and literary world. Reality and imagination in Lessing's consciousness are a pair of opposite beings with integrity in them, which cannot be divided but could be deconstructed and illustrated dialectically. Performed by experienced imagination and transcendental imagination, the relation between reality and imagination has been established, which is expressed as a spiral structure in the narration. This consciousness helps Lessing to make her views on the limit between the real world and literary world, and new hintson genre classification as well.
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