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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Research on Network Ethics Regulation in the Era of Big Data
    TIAN Peng-ying, DAI Liang
    2019, 21 (3):  221-227.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.001
    Abstract ( 550 )   HTML   PDF (906KB) ( 1118 )  
    Living in the era of big data information civilization, people have experienced the transition from “acquaintance society” to “stranger society”, mastered the ethical thinking method that combines experience and demonstration, and formed a new relationship of morality and interest. While people enjoy the happiness brought by information civilization, there still exist such ethical issues as network theft, network fraud and network hackers. It has become a hot topic nowadays to regulate the order of network use and restrain the network ethical relationship. Under the guidance of Marxist ethics, Spinello's network ethics and technology theory is optimized. By strengthening the self-discipline and regulating the communication behaviors of network subjects, the unification of network people and moral people can be realized. It is of great significance to create a clear cyberspace and realize the strategic deployment of General Secretary Xi Jinping's comprehensive cyberspace governance.
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    Analysis of the Predicament of Technologized Body and Its Aesthetic Purport
    LIAN Jia, WEN Cheng-wei
    2019, 21 (3):  228-234.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.002
    Abstract ( 593 )   HTML   PDF (906KB) ( 1011 )  
    In the modern society, technology is increasingly embedded in human body and they are inseparable. Technologized body, a brand-new form of subject, derives from the interaction between technology and body. Its aesthetic significance lies in the blooming of human nature as well as the freedom pursuit of human beings. At the same time, the aesthetic appreciation of technologized body has been alienated during its developing process, and it has been put into the predicament of the pursuit of instrumental tendency, the aim of symbolic tendency and the guidance of capitalization tendency. Discussing the nature of technological beauty and critically analyzing the aesthetic predicament through technologized body is of benefit to provide in-depth philosophical thinking for the healthy development of its aesthetic appreciation.
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    Motor Skill Cognition Turning Under the View of the Affordance Theory
    JIAO Zong-yuan, LUO Ling-ling
    2019, 21 (3):  235-241.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.003
    Abstract ( 483 )   HTML   PDF (917KB) ( 1291 )  
    As a kind of embodied cognition, motor skill cognition is undergoing a body transformation, which is a criticism of and supplement to traditional cognition. The affordance theory is the basic of embodied cognition, which may help to overcome the limits of the analyst philosophy in its perception-action fragmentation. Furthermore, the theory draws on the fact that the action language precedes the verbal language to interpret the fundamental reasons why a language originated, which may help to provide new concepts about motor skill cognition. The affordance theory can help to unlock the body's “black box” of motor skill to give theoretical support for cognitive embodiment turning, and it emphasizes situational mastery and bodily sensations, which may provide guidance for motor skill cognition.
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    Economics and Management
    Study on the Institutional Integration of Sharing Finance
    ZHANG Yu-ming, XING Chao
    2019, 21 (3):  242-250.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.004
    Abstract ( 420 )   HTML   PDF (1059KB) ( 818 )  
    Institution is the guarantee of the rapid development of sharing finance. Based on the concepts of formal and informal institution of institutional economics to the institution evolution model, the process of institutional construction and integration of sharing finance is divided into three stages: the first stage is incentive formal institution and mixed informal institution, with relatively gentle institutional conflicts; the second stage is constrained formal institution and constantly improving informal institution; the third stage is characterized by the unification and integration of formal and informal institutions. In order to achieve the goal of the integration of sharing finance institution, regulators should take formal institution as the core, optimize policy supply and power distribution; sharing finance enterprises should focus on informal institution, strengthen self-discipline consciousness and cooperation ability; at the same time, they should combine with other market roles to form a linkage system of institutional integration.
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    An Empirical Research on Incentive Effects of Parallel System of Positions and Ranks for Grass-roots Civil Servants
    LYU Wei-xia, HE Tian
    2019, 21 (3):  251-260.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.005
    Abstract ( 703 )   HTML   PDF (974KB) ( 1976 )  
    In order to stimulate the initiative of civil servants at the grass-roots level, the state has introduced the parallel system of positions and ranks. Through in-depth interviews and literature review, three evaluation indicators of the parallel system of positions and ranks are determined, namely the fairness of system implementation, the rationality of the system itself and the effectiveness of parallel system implementation. At the same time, the three dimensions of occupational loyalty, job burnout and professional acquisition that reflect the working status of grass-roots civil servants are identified. 9 hypothetical relationships between 3 evaluation indicators and 3 working status dimensions are established. The mechanism of the influence of the parallel system of positions and ranks on the working status of civil servants is verified, and the difference of the influence of statistical attributes on the incentive effects perceived by grass-roots civil servants is analyzed. The study shows that the fairness of system implementation, the rationality of the system itself, and the effective implementation of the system have a significant impact on the working conditions of civil servants, of which the latter two have stronger influence. Based on the analysis of the empirical results, countermeasures to enhance the incentive effects of the parallel system of positions and ranks are put forward.
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    The Mechanism of the Effect of Government Regulation on Occupational Safety of Migrant Workers
    RAN Bin, CHEN Ming
    2019, 21 (3):  261-267.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.006
    Abstract ( 384 )   HTML   PDF (925KB) ( 658 )  
    This paper examines the impact of government regulation on the enforcement of corporate safety regulations through the empirical research method of questionnaire by collecting data on construction industry migrant workers, and focuses on the mediating effect of the degree of accident accountability and the degree of accountability implementation. The results show that the government regulatory capacity has a significant positive impact on the implementation of corporate safety regulations. The degree of accident accountability and the degree of accountability implementation have significant positive effects on the degree of corporate safety regulations implementation. The degree of accident accountability and the degree of accountability implementation play a complete mediating role in the positive influence of government regulation ability on the degree of corporate safety regulation implementation. The relevant results have, to some extent, made up for the deficiency of the empirical research in the existing literature and inspired new research directions.
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    Politics and Public Management
    E-government, Corruption Perception and the Level of Democratic Development——An Empirical Analysis Based on Cross-country Panel Data
    WANG Li-hua, GAO Fang-rui
    2019, 21 (3):  268-274.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.007
    Abstract ( 476 )   HTML   PDF (927KB) ( 996 )  
    There is no consistent conclusion about the relationship between e-government and corruption. Based on the theoretical analysis of the relationship between e-government and corruption, this paper, through an empirical analysis of the panel data of 143 countries during 2008—2016, finds that e-government has a curbing effect on corruption, but this effect is influenced by the level of democratic development in the country. The level of democratic development has an inverted U-shaped moderating effect on the relationship between e-government and corruption perception. In addition, because of the inertia of corruption and the endogeneity of the fixed effect model, a dynamic panel data model analysis is carried out in this research which concludes that the study has better robustness.
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    Study on the Differences of Public Officials Accountability in Environmental Pollution Event
    HU Chun-yan, LIU Li-rong
    2019, 21 (3):  275-282.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.008
    Abstract ( 481 )   HTML   PDF (919KB) ( 711 )  
    Based on the accountability results of 203 public officials who were held accountable in 22 environmental pollution events during 2007-2017, this paper analyzes the main factors that affect the severity of officials accountability from the three dimensions of accountability subject, accountability object and accountability reasons by using Ordinal logistic regression method. The research shows that official liability type is the key factor in determining the official accountability; the rank of position, the involvement of the government rank, and the severity of environmental pollution event have a significant impact on the accountability of officials; the pressure of public opinion is related to the results of accountability but its impact is not significant. The analysis shows that the implementation of accountability of officials of environmental pollution events in China is in general relatively more standardized, but there are still some problems, such as the unclear definition of different types of liability in environmental accountability laws and regulations, weak accountability to the high-level officials, and the lack of local government environmental accountability, etc. Therefore, it is important to further strengthen the officials accountability system, enhance the guidance and supervision of the central government on the accountability of local governments, and institutionalize social accountability to promote the transformation of China's environmental accountability into a rule of law and normalization.
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    Research on the Failure of Policy Transfer in Chinese Government Governance——An Analysis of Policy Transfer Based on “Circuit Breaker”
    ZHENG Mei-ling, WEI Shu-yan
    2019, 21 (3):  283-290.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.009
    Abstract ( 447 )   HTML   PDF (970KB) ( 1217 )  
    The existing studies on the transfer of public policy have paid too much attention to the concept and causes of policy transfer but ignored the analysis of its process and effectiveness. The paper refers to some viewpoints and research ideas of the Dolowitz-Marsh model to create a new localization analysis framework, which includes the beginning of transfer, the object of transfer, the sources of transfer and the effectiveness of transfer. Taking the failure of the “circuit breaker” as a typical case, the paper, based on the analysis of collected data using the method of combining inductive data coding and typical content analysis coding, finds out that the reasons for the failure of the “circuit breaker” include insufficient scientific design of the system, weak regulatory supervision, and the separation of policy introduction from China's national conditions, and provides more clear guiding significance for the current national policy transfer practice by drawing the enlightenment of policy transfer in government governance.
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    The Selection of Article of the Third-party Restoration in Unjust Enrichment of Civil Contract Code Draft——From the Perspective of Criminal Booty-recovery
    DU Zhi-yong
    2019, 21 (3):  291-297.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.010
    Abstract ( 610 )   HTML   PDF (904KB) ( 1064 )  
    Article 771 of China's Civil Contract Code Draft stipulates the clause of the return of third-party benefits. When the third party is paid, the interests can be obtained without distinguishing subjective goodwill or malice, which is a major defect. On the one hand, when the criminal booty-recovery pursuit involves third-party interests and requires civil means to supplement relief, the clause causes conflicts between the civil and criminal departments. On the other hand, the transplantation of this clause conflicts with the theoretical position of China's non-accepting-real-right behavior. There are three different types of legislative cases in the comparative law as represented by the civil code of some countries in Latin America. When the third party is paid but subjectively malicious, it still needs to bear the responsibility for return. In this way, it is connected with the system of good faith acquisition. Drawing on the above provisions, our national Civil Code is conducive to achieving self-consistency between norms and theories, and internal and external systems.
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    Study on the Rights of Philosophy and Social Sciences Workers in Colleges and Universities
    ZHANG Zhen-zhi
    2019, 21 (3):  298-304.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.011
    Abstract ( 388 )   HTML   PDF (900KB) ( 704 )  
    Philosophy and social sciences workers in colleges and universities are indispensable subjects in the current social science research and promotion of Chinese philosophy. Taking Xi Jinping's “Speech at NPC and CPPCC” as a historical opportunity, this paper, based on the practice of reform and opening up and Marx's view of rights, divides the rights of philosophy and social sciences workers in colleges and universities into due rights, legal rights and real rights by using the “genealogy” philosophy analysis method and the law of operation of rights from ideal to reality. New solutions are given and specific measures to formulate Regulations on the Protection of the Rights of Philosophy and Social Sciences Workers, construct various dialogue mechanisms, and improve academic evaluation systems for philosophy and social sciences workers in colleges and universities are put forward.
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    Marxism Theory
    The Logical Dimension of Marx's Thoughts on People Being the Subject in the Period of “Rheinische Zeitung”
    CHENG Bing, CHENG Long
    2019, 21 (3):  305-311.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.012
    Abstract ( 616 )   HTML   PDF (909KB) ( 1111 )  
    There are abundant thoughts on people being the subject in many of Marx's political articles published in the period of “Rheinische Zeitung”, but the study is a weak link in the academic circle at home and abroad. Marx's main ideas are: “the free press is the heroic mouthpiece of the historical people's spirit and its public form”; law “was born with the will of the people and was created by the will of the people”; the right of representation “shall be understood as the right of representation of the people themselves”; customary law should benefit the poor, demanding for the poor “customary law of the poor of all nations”; the moral nature of events is always an expression of the thoughts, worries and hopes of the people. Needless to say, Marx's thoughts had obvious imprints of enlightenment during this period, but its value implication not only provided the power for the development of Marx's early thoughts, but also created an opportunity for the reform of Marx's world outlook. At the same time, it indicated the possibility of Marx revealing the mystery of historical materialism.
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    The Thinking Characteristics of Logical Evolution of Marx's Concept of “Social Formation”——Also on the Controversies of Western Scholars on Marx's Theory of Social Formation
    WANG Li-li
    2019, 21 (3):  312-318.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.013
    Abstract ( 455 )   HTML   PDF (905KB) ( 1004 )  
    The generation and deepening of the concept of “social formation” in Marx's text has experienced three important stages: the formation of meaning, the formulation of terms and the deepening of concepts. The logical evolution of the concept of “social formation” reflects that in examining the development of human society, Marx always adheres to the scientific thinking methods of reality, historicity and integrity, specifically seizes the reality dimension of social existence, the historical dimension of social development, grasps the internal connection of social organism, and opposes to discussing social formation issues in an abstract, static, and isolated manner in a general sense. This is an important thinking characteristic of Marx to continuously deepen the understanding of the development process of human society and its internal laws, and complete the theoretical category development and innovation. Accurately grasping the historical generation of Marx's concept of “social formation” and its implicit thinking methods is conducive to clarifying the controversies among Western scholars on Marx's theory of social formation, reflecting on the drawbacks of the rigidities and one-sided understanding of Marx's concept of “social formation” and its theory. At the same time, we can also better deepen the understanding of Marx's theory of social formation from the perspective of historical science.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Linguistic Understanding: From an Epistemological Being to an Ontological Being
    REN Rui
    2019, 21 (3):  319-324.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.014
    Abstract ( 808 )   HTML   PDF (892KB) ( 915 )  
    Humans as social beings cannot live without linguistic understanding, which is the guarantee of the being of human beings in the world. Both late Wittgenstein and Gadamer expound as to why it is possible for humans to achieve linguistic understanding, namely, the former is from the epistemological dimension while the latter from the ontological dimension. Comparatively, Wittgenstein presents us linguistic understanding in the sense of the epistemology of language in terms of context and language in use, while Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics presents us an ontological understanding of linguistic understanding taking the time axis as the focus to demonstrate linguistic understanding as an ontological being due to the disclosure of humans' being in the world. The good acts as the ethical leverage to ensure linguistic understanding, which is true both in Wittgenstein's and Gadamer's linguistic understanding.
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    The Priority of Vision and Picturesque Description in Cooper's Novels
    MAO Ling-ying
    2019, 21 (3):  325-330.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.03.015
    Abstract ( 483 )   HTML   PDF (904KB) ( 1093 )  
    For a long time, the emphasis on the cultural and social significance of the novels by James Fenimore Cooper, who has been regarded as a builder of American Myth and advocator of American national consciousness, has overshadowed his artistic achievement as a writer. This paper intends to examine Cooper's primacy of vision and picturesque description of the American wilderness and the characters in the light of picturesque theory and ocularcentrism, and holds that it is the picturesque description of the American landscape that makes Cooper's writing unique for being used as sources to build national consciousness.
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