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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Early Philosophy of Technology from the Humanitarian Perspective
    ZHU Chun-yan, PAN Bao-jun
    2020, 22 (3):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.001
    Abstract ( 586 )   HTML   PDF (891KB) ( 1495 )  
    The philosophy of technology was born in the era of humanitarianism. Karl Mitcham divided the early philosophy of technology into the philosophy of technology of engineering and the philosophy of technology of humanity. On the one hand, the technical philosophy of engineering discusses the essence of technology from the perspective of humanitarianism; on the other hand, it believes that technology is conducive to the practices of humanitarianism, but the “technology” is abstract, capital and general, which lacks such analysis of specific, experiential and individual technologies. The philosophy of technology of humanity takes a critical and negative attitude towards technology based on humanitarianism, believing that technology in reality is inhuman and needs to be replaced by a new and humane “technology”, but this “technology” is full of fantasy and thus impractical. It is on the basis of the humanitarian nature and the problems of the early philosophy of technology that the philosophy of technology underwent an empirical and ethical turn in its subsequent development.
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    On Technological Context and Its Influence on Craftsman Creativity
    ZHANG Hui, WANG Yi-liang
    2020, 22 (3):  8-13.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.002
    Abstract ( 472 )   HTML   PDF (895KB) ( 1070 )  
    Craftsman creativity is reflected in craftsmen's creative activities, expressing a kind of craftsman spirit of seeking novelty and difference, and technological context influences craftsman spirit and hence craftsman creativity. The contextual theory was taken as the theoretical basis and the logical starting point, and the 4Ps theory of creativity was applied in order to discuss the influence of technological context on the characteristics of craftsmen's creative subject, creative process and creative product. Namely, technological context shapes the technical characteristics of craftsmen's creative subject, affects the specific ways and paths of craftsmen's creative process, and impacts the quality of craftsmen's creative product. Studies on craftsman creativity from the perspective of technological context are of great theoretical significance to research of technological creativity and craftsman study.
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    Ethical Implications of Artificial Agents' “Intending Not to Do”
    WANG Shu-qing
    2020, 22 (3):  14-20.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.003
    Abstract ( 494 )   HTML   PDF (896KB) ( 929 )  
    With the development of AI, artificial agents have been expected to own the partial ability to distinguish between “morality” and “non-morality”, in particular not to perform immoral actions by themselves. Based on the functionalism of moral agency, it was discussed in what sense artificial moral agents are made possible. Similar to the mankind's negative actions, artificial agents should also be considered for some moral reasons when they intentionally refrain or ignore doing something. Therefore, artificial agents should possess two moral characteristics; namely, strong sensitivity to possible harms and weak autonomy in moral decision-making. Finally, from the perspective of cybernetics, the ways to embed these two characteristics into artificial agents are envisaged, and it is proved that “intentional negligence” is a more difficult problem for the ethical control of autonomous artificial agents.
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    Economics and Management
    The Dynamic Adjustment of Fiscal Policies and Capital Structure ——An Empirical Study Based on Liaoning Province
    LI Xue-xin, ZHANG Nan, XIA Tian
    2020, 22 (3):  21-29.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.004
    Abstract ( 413 )   HTML   PDF (903KB) ( 1050 )  
    This paper constructs a classic model of capital structure, and improves the model of capital structure adjustment based on the panel data of listed companies in Liaoning Province between 2006-2017. The systematic GMM estimation method is used to carry out regression estimation on the model, verify the dynamic optimization mechanism of the capital structure of the financial policy, and simultaneously analyze the adjustment speed and adjustment form of the capital structure. The results show that the central financial policy, local fiscal policy, taxation policy and monetary policy have different dynamic optimization mechanisms for capital structure; fiscal policy and monetary policy have an interactive effect on the dynamic optimization of capital structure; compared with a single fiscal policy, the interaction between fiscal policy and monetary policy has a more significant effect on the dynamic optimization of capital structure.
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    The Mechanism of Psychological Resilience and Job Crafting on Creativity and Idea Implementation——A Study Based on Service Industry Context
    YANG Yong, LIU Zi-qi, CAO Jing-zhu
    2020, 22 (3):  29-37.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.005
    Abstract ( 426 )   HTML   PDF (963KB) ( 1614 )  
    In the service process, the temporary “golden idea” service behavior of employees, including creativity and idea implementation, is essential to meet the personalized needs of customers. From the two perspectives of meaning construction and psychological resources, this paper discusses the mechanism of job crafting and psychological resilience on creativity and idea implementation by using statistic tools of SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 20.0 to analyze the survey data of 300 service employees. The results show that job crafting has significantly positive effect on service orientation; psychological resilience has significant positive effect on service orientation; service orientation has significant positive effect on creativity; service orientation has significant positive effect on idea implementation; service orientation plays an intermediary role between job crafting, creativity and idea implementation; service orientation plays an intermediary role between psychological resilience, creativity and idea implementation.
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    A Research on the Influence of Dual Network Effect on the Competition Strategy of Third-party Science and Technology Evaluation Agency Platform
    ZHOU Yan, ZHAO Xi-nan, SUN Chen-xi
    2020, 22 (3):  38-46.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.006
    Abstract ( 364 )   HTML   PDF (956KB) ( 973 )  
    The third-party technology evaluation is an important measure to implement the “National Innovation Driven Development Strategy Outline” and promote the reform of the science and technology evaluation system. Based on the two cases of full coverage and partial coverage of third-party technology evaluation, the paper studies the indirect network effect and direct network effect between the evaluation client and the evaluated party, as well as the evaluation of the client's brand preference, and the impact mechanism of third-party technology evaluation institutions on price competition and brand competition. It is found in the study that the increase of the indirect network effect coefficient or decrease of the direct network effect coefficient leads to the increase of the brand cost of the third-party technology evaluation institutions; the evaluation of the client's brand preference ratio not only affects the coverage of third-party technology evaluation, but also plays a regulatory role in the dual network effect and the impact mechanism of third-party technology evaluation agencies' evaluation costs and profit levels.
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    Politics and Public Management
    How does Official Media Use Affect Confidence in the System?——The Mediating Role of Patriotism and the Moderating Role of Political Knowledge
    WANG Fa-shuo, DING Hai-en
    2020, 22 (3):  47-55.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.007
    Abstract ( 486 )   HTML   PDF (970KB) ( 1252 )  
    Mass media profoundly influences people's political attitudes and tendencies. The role of official media in forming people's confidence in the system has not received enough attention in previous studies. Based on the 2017 netizen social awareness survey database, this paper builds a theoretical model to analyze the impact of official media use on confidence in the system and its mechanism. The study finds that the official media use has a significant positive effect on confidence in the system, and patriotism plays a partial mediating role in this process. Political knowledge not only regulates the positive impact of official media use on patriotism and confidence in the system, but also mediates the intermediary role of patriotism between official media use and confidence in the system. This study reveals the internal psychological mechanism of the formation of people's confidence in the system, and provides useful policy enlightenment for better playing the role of the official media in political communication.
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    Data Governance and Its Logic in Government Cross-boundary Collaboration from the Perspective of Data Lifecycle
    LI Yue, CAO Hai-jun
    2020, 22 (3):  56-63.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.008
    Abstract ( 501 )   HTML   PDF (1066KB) ( 1220 )  
    Efficient data governance is of great significance in supporting government cross-boundary collaboration and solving wicked problems. The data lifecycle perspective is used to analyze the data governance problem in the cross-boundary collaboration scenario. It is found that a conflict between the process of providing data and the internal data lifecycle of the subject has rendered the pre-governance of the data planning stage ineffective, caused the cost of data collection and processing to increase, and ultimately led to the supply lag in the data application phase. In order to ensure the free flow, global consistency, security and reliability of data in cross-boundary collaboration, it is proposed to break through the data lifecycle model at individual levels, turn to cross-boundary collaboration-oriented data lifecycle governance logic, and complete the realization and growth of data value through the five phases of data planning, data aggregation, data connectivity, data application, and data exploitation.
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    A Research on China's Environmental Policy Changes from the Perspective of Punctuated Equilibrium Theory——An Analysis Based on the Policy Text Since the Reform and Opening Up
    WANG Ying, WANG Meng
    2020, 22 (3):  64-72.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.009
    Abstract ( 479 )   HTML   PDF (1040KB) ( 1643 )  
    Based on the theory of punctuated equilibrium, text analysis method and qualitative analysis software QSR NVivo 12 are used to explore the changes of China's environmental protection policy in the past 40 years to reveal the driving factors affecting such changes. It is found in the study that China's environmental protection policy changes have experienced three policy equilibrium periods and two policy punctuated periods with a future trend of preventive response, which reflects the punctuated equilibrium law of long-term stability and accidental mutation. Top-level subject attention, public feedback and content elements breakthrough innovation as the main driving force for environmental policy changes are reasonable corrections of the institutional factors of western intermittent equilibrium theory combined with Chinese policy practice. The revised model can effectively explain the logic of China's policy changes.
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    Judicial Determination of the Subject of Exercise of Patient Informed Consent——An Analysis Based on 48 Civil Judgments
    DING Lei
    2020, 22 (3):  73-82.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.010
    Abstract ( 568 )   HTML   PDF (933KB) ( 1668 )  
    Determining the subject of exercise of the patient informed consent is the basis for building a medical informed consent system. After an empirical analysis, it was found that the courts did not distinguish the concept of relatives, family members, and close relatives when determining the scope of the subject. It was also found that the courts replaced the review of the mental capacity with the capacity system, and did not distinguish between inappropriateness and incapability when examining the subject's ability to agree. It was also found that the court basically denied that the patients have rights to consent under the intended agent, and did not recognize that the close relatives have the right to exercise decision-making authority when judging the subject order. Aiming at the misunderstanding in judicial practice, we should use the concept of close relatives and expand it to include widowed daughter-in-law, and son-in-law, establish mental capacity as a criterion for judging whether there is medical consent, add provisions that refine investigation factors that cannot be notified and basic situations that should not be notified, make clear that the principle of others making medical decisions is in the best interest of the patient, define the order of close relatives from the perspective of kinship, property dependence and decision-making ability, and abolish the approval procedure for the person in charge.
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    Rethinking the Jurisdiction of Family Commercial Disputes ——An Analytical Framework of Familism
    XUE Qian-qiang
    2020, 22 (3):  83-91.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.011
    Abstract ( 408 )   HTML   PDF (913KB) ( 975 )  
    The judgment of the Supreme Court's Guiding Case No.8 ignores the specific family situation in which the case occurred; it separates the “common adjustment” of the family law; the judgment result “may” conform to the “legal theory” of the company law but has the “reasonableness” of the family law; KAI LAI company is in the status quo of “anti-common sense” that has not been dismissed; it also weakens the guiding role of this case. This shows that family business dispute itself is attached to the mixture of civil and commercial attributes; however, the current trial path does not provide a complete explanation path but simply and mechanically splits the family law and the commercial law, ignoring the correlation between family relations and commercial disputes; it is undoubtedly a legal formalism that should be criticized. Whether it is from the characteristics of family commercial disputes or the company law, the company's family genes, “familism” cannot be ignored and should not be overlooked. To this end, for family commercial disputes, the analysis framework with familism as the core needs to be reconstructed and the application of internal statutes and mediation procedures need to be prioritized in the resolution strategy. At the same time, it pays attention to the protection of the commercial rights of “wife” to avoid the company becoming another battlefield for family members to suppress in disguise.
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    The Analysis and Perfection of the System of Director Removal Without Cause——The Review of the 3rd Article of Provisions (Ⅴ) of Judicial Interpretation Concerning the Application of the Company Law
    YUAN Jian
    2020, 22 (3):  92-99.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.012
    Abstract ( 467 )   HTML   PDF (907KB) ( 1362 )  
    Provisions of the Director Removal System in the current Chinese Company Law are very vague. In particular, there is no clear stipulation on whether directors can be removed by the shareholders without cause before the expiration of their current terms. This is different from the current international legal rules. It also brings a series of challenges to commercial practice and judicial judgment. The 3rd Article of Provisions (Ⅴ) of Judicial Interpretation Concerning the Application of the Company Law has, for the first time, clarified the rules of director removal without any cause. The purpose is to protect the interests of investors and provide judicial guarantee for optimizing business environment. However, the rules are simple and not systematic enough. Especially considering the fact that the minority shareholders of listed companies in China do not vote actively at the shareholders' meeting, further relevant supporting rules, including resolution procedures, judicial decisions, etc., need to be introduced to prevent the system of director removal from becoming a tool for major shareholders or actual controlling shareholders to infringe upon the interests of minority shareholders, and avoid the occurrence of “rule execution different from what is expected” in practice and other situations.
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    Marxism Theory
    Historical Evolution of the Thought of the Communist Party of China on the Construction of Ecological Civilization System Since Reform and Opening Up
    QIN Shu-sheng, WANG Xi-chen
    2020, 22 (3):  100-106.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.013
    Abstract ( 717 )   HTML   PDF (893KB) ( 1186 )  
    Since the reform and opening up, the process of development of the thought of the Communist Party of China on the construction of an ecological civilization system has gone through stages of preliminary formation, deepened development, and enrichment and perfection. In the preliminary formation stage,the CPC Central Committee put forward the ideas of legalizing environmental protection and strengthening the construction of environmental protection systems. In the deepened development stage,the CPC Central Committee has become increasingly aware of the importance of improving laws and policies that are conducive to energy conservation and ecological environment protection. The understanding of environmental protection system construction is becoming more comprehensive. In the enrichment and perfection stage, the CPC Central Committee has put forward the ideas of deepening the reform of the ecological civilization system and accelerating the construction of an ecological civilization system. The top-level design of China's ecological civilization system is driven to maturity.
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    On Honneth's and Feenberg's New Development of Lukács's Theory of Reification
    LIU Guang-bin, LUO Ting
    2020, 22 (3):  107-113.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.014
    Abstract ( 426 )   HTML   PDF (890KB) ( 1053 )  
    Lukács is well known for criticizing capitalist society with the theory of reification. With the social changes, the concept of reification was once ignored. Since Honneth reintroduced Lukács's concept of reification in the contemporary era and further explained it as the forgetting of recognition, reification, as the core topic of this era, has attracted renewed attention. Feenberg assessed Honneth's contribution to the theory of reification and reinterpreted Lukács's concept of reification by combining reification with technical criticism. Honneth and Feenberg re-mentioned Lukacs's reification theme in Frankfurt School's critical theory tradition, which has not only promoted the contemporary study of Lukács's theory of reification, but also highlighted the status of reification theme in Frankfurt School's critical theory, and also helped people to reflect on the phenomenon of reification in contemporary society.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    The Beginning of American Southern Renaissance: Conflicts and Interactions Between Regionalists and Agrarians
    ZHANG Yan-nan, LI Yun-zhu
    2020, 22 (3):  114-120.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.015
    Abstract ( 625 )   HTML   PDF (896KB) ( 1834 )  
    American Southern Renaissance was mainly driven by such intellectuals as the Regionalists and the Agrarians. In order to change the all-round recessions of economy and culture after the Civil War, these southern intellectuals tried to reshape the new image of the South of America through literature and art, and then endeavored to complete the reconstruction of cultural identity. In the course, they put forward different solutions to the remaining problems of the South of America from different cultural perspectives. That is, the Regionalists looked toward the future and the Agrarians focused on the past. In addition, the two perspectives made the American Southern Renaissance take on a complex and intertwined cultural landscape where radical and conservative opinions coexisted, which also made the American Southern Renaissance significantly important in the development of American thought history. In the contemporary context, comparing and analyzing the two perspectives is helpful to clarify the causes of the complex connotation of the bidirectional development about tradition and future as well as the coexistence of conservatism and radicalism of the American Southern Renaissance in the 1930s.
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    Immanence: Postmodern Ethical Narratives in Moby Dick from the Perspective of Deleuze's Philosophy
    CHEN Li-lin
    2020, 22 (3):  121-126.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.03.016
    Abstract ( 453 )   HTML   PDF (874KB) ( 1398 )  
    Deleuze's philosophy provides a metaphysical basis for understanding Moby Dick, and opens up a postmodern ethical interpretation path for the novel. From the perspective of Deleuzian immanent ethics, Moby Dick, as the structure-other, regulates the objective existence of all the characters, and Ahab and Moby Dick show a dual and mutual becoming-animal relationship. There seems to be a break in Moby Dick with regard to its levels of idea and content, which are in their essence in consistent with each other. The concepts of structure-other and becoming-animal free Ahab and Moby Dick from the transcendence down into the experience world, while at the same time restore the existence of differences that belong to the marginalized sailors. The revenge narratives of Moby Dick thus become a case of group psychology. The structure-other, becoming-animal and group psychology constitute the triple dimension of the immanent ethical narratives of Moby Dick.
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