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    Information & Control
    Lyapunov Method for Solving Nonlinear Programming Problems Based on Control Ideas
    ZHANG Rui-you, WANG Chao-hui, CHEN Yong-qiang
    2021, 42 (9):  1217-1226.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.001
    Abstract ( 898 )   HTML ( 32)   PDF (638KB) ( 774 )  
    In order to solve nonlinear programming problems efficiently, a novel optimization method named Lyapunov theory-based method (for short, Lyapunov method) based on control ideas is studied. This method transforms a constrained nonlinear programming problem into a dynamic system and presents optimal solution of the original optimization problem according to the dynamic characteristics of the system. Regarding to the single-objective and multi-objective nonlinear programming problems, the convergence of the algorithm is analyzed, and potential values of the key parameters such as the slack variables and gain factors in applications of the algorithm are suggested. A large number of numerical instances verify the aforementioned convergence and the correctness of the proposed parameter values, indicating the great potential and novelty of the method in solving nonlinear programming problems.
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    Asynchronous Dissipative Control for Nonlinear Generalized Markov Jump Systems
    YANG Dong-mei, LI Da
    2021, 42 (9):  1226-1230.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.002
    Abstract ( 525 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (350KB) ( 324 )  
    The problem of strictly asynchronous dissipative control for a class of continuous time nonlinear generalized Markov jump systems under Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy rules is studied. Firstly, by constructing a less conservative mode independent Lyapunov function, the sufficient conditions for stochastic stability and strict dissipation of generalized system are discussed. Then, the hidden Markov model that is widely used in practice is introduced. By combining the state transition probability with the conditional probability of the hidden Markov process, and through Schur transformation, a fuzzy state feedback controller is designed, which can operate asynchronously with the original system, so as to ensure the stochastic stability and strict dissipation of the closed-loop system. Finally, numerical simulation using Matlab linear matrix inequality(LMI) toolbox is applied to verify the effectiveness of the conclusion.
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    Soft Sensor of Underflow Concentration for Thickener Based on Broad Learning System
    JIA Run-da, HU Hui-ming, ZHANG Shu-lei
    2021, 42 (9):  1231-1237.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.003
    Abstract ( 732 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (774KB) ( 613 )  
    Since it is difficult to online measure the underflow concentration of the thickener in the thickening-dehydration process, a broad learning system(BLS) based soft sensor modeling method is proposed in this paper. The method has high precision and strong generalization capability. First, several pressure sensors are installed inside the thickener, and the historical dataset under normal operating conditions is established. Then, the soft sensor model is trained by employing the BLS method to online predict the underflow concentration of the thickener. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed method is verified by simulation experiments. Compared with other traditional machine learning methods, the BLS method has higher prediction accuracy.
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    Lightweight Adaptive Feature Selection Network for Object Detection
    YANG Ai-ping, SONG Shang-yang, CHENG Si-meng
    2021, 42 (9):  1238-1245.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.004
    Abstract ( 767 )   HTML ( 14)   PDF (631KB) ( 613 )  
    There are some limitations of key technologies in small object detection, multi-category object detection, and especially lightweight models. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a lightweight adaptive feature selection network for object detection. The network is constructed to extract multi-scale features based on the feature pyramid. To alleviate the noise interference and preserve the detail information, a feature selection module composed of spatial adaptation and channel adaptation is designed. Specifically, the feature maps are filtered from spatial dimension, encoded and decoded in channel dimension for selecting the meaningful features adaptively. Besides, the classification network is constructed through depth-wise separable convolution to reduce the computational cost, improve detection efficiency and realize the lightweight version of the network. The detection accuracy on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset is 77.7% in mean average precision(mAP), and the detection speed is 14.3 in frames per second(FPS). The results on the MS COCO dataset show that the proposed network outperforms FPN and Mask R-CNN at the cost of 5% accuracy loss and achieves a better balance between accuracy and efficiency.
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    Multi-source Data Fusion Method Based on Difference Information
    WANG Shu, REN Yu, GUAN Zhan-xu, WANG Jing
    2021, 42 (9):  1246-1253.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.005
    Abstract ( 644 )   HTML ( 20)   PDF (642KB) ( 499 )  
    D-S evidence theory can be applied to the field of multi-source data fusion. However, counter-intuitive results may come out when handing highly conflicting evidences. In order to solve this problem, a modified fusion method with the concept of difference information(DI)was proposed. First, information entropy indicated the relative importance of evidence, and divergence was used to obtain the credibility of evidence. Then, the evidence difference was optimized by the credibility of the evidence to obtain difference information(DI). The final weight of the calculated data was used as the basic probability distribution in D-S evidence theory for decision-making. Compared with other methods in dealing with conflicting evidence, consistent evidence, and different amounts of evidence, the proposed method converges faster and has higher accuracy. The application examples of fault diagnosis show that the proposed method has less uncertainty and is better than other existing methods.
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    Coupled Algorithm of Lagrangian Particle Method and Volume of Fluid Method for Free Interface Problem
    GAO Pu-yang
    2021, 42 (9):  1254-1260.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.006
    Abstract ( 556 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (760KB) ( 528 )  
    For free interface problem, a coupled algorithm of Lagrangian particle method and volume of fluid(VOF) was proposed. Although the Lagrangian particle method is able to accurately capture the interface front, there is no mechanism to guarantee the mass conservation. The volume of fluid method is known for its good mass conservation property. However, it is not easy to calculate the geometrical information of the interface. In the coupled method, the advantages of these two methods were combined. The technique of quad-tree adaptive grid was also added, which is able to track interface with high resolution and also save the computational cost. The traditional examples, i.e., Zalesak’s slotted disk and reversed single vortex flow, are employed to illustrate the stability accuracy and efficiency of our coupled algorithm for solving dynamic interface problems. The numerical results agree with the existing results in the literature.
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    Pedestrian Detection Based on Semantic Segmentation Attention and Visible Region Prediction
    WANG Lu, WANG Shuai, ZHANG Guo-feng, XU Li-sheng
    2021, 42 (9):  1261-1267.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.007
    Abstract ( 623 )   HTML ( 16)   PDF (1976KB) ( 355 )  
    To improve the detection performance on occluded and small pedestrians in images, a pedestrian detection method based on semantic segmentation attention and visible region prediction was proposed. Specifically, based on the single shot multi-box detector(SSD)object detection network, the hyperparameter setting of the SSD was firstly optimized to make it more suitable for pedestrian detection. Then the semantic segmentation attention branch was introduced into the network to enhance the pedestrian detection features learned by the network. Finally, a detection prediction module which can simultaneously detect the full bodies and visible regions of pedestrians was developed. This module has the advantage of leveraging the features learned from visible regions to guide the learning of the full-body detection features, hence improving the overall detection accuracy. The experiment carried out on the Caltech pedestrian detection benchmark shows that the log-average miss rate of the proposed method is 5.5%, which is competitive compared with existing pedestrian detection approaches.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Prediction of Rough Rolling Width Based on Principal Component Analysis Collaborated with Random Forest Algorithm
    DING Jing-guo, GUO Jin-hua
    2021, 42 (9):  1268-1275.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.008
    Abstract ( 615 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (752KB) ( 512 )  
    To improve the accuracy of the predicted width of the first piece of steel after changing the steel type, the steel specification and the roll in the process of hot continuous rough rolling strip production, a new width prediction model based on the principal component analysis collaborated with random forest (PCA-RF) algorithm is proposed in this work. The PCA method is used to analyze the reasonability of data samples and the feature selection is carried out by calculating the eigenvalue, and principal component and cumulative contribution degrees. The best RF model is trained on variant dataset selected from the PCA. At the same time, support vector machine regression(SVR)and K-nearest neighbor(KNN)models are used for comparison and verification. The practical applications show that the R-squared value from the each pass width predicted by the PCA-RF model is controlled within the range of 0.999~1, and the prediction error of more than 96% samples is -5~5mm, which proves that the model can predict the steel width with a high precision.
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    Dynamic Deformation Behavior and Its Constitutive Model of Fe-11Mn- 4Al- 0.2C Medium-Mn Steel
    CAI Zhi-hui, ZHANG De-liang, WEN Guang-qi, ZHOU Yan-jun
    2021, 42 (9):  1275-1281.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.009
    Abstract ( 669 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (1070KB) ( 424 )  
    Based on quasi-static and dynamic tensile tests, deformation behaviors of Fe-11Mn-4Al-0.2C medium manganese steel at strain rates of 2×10-3~200s-1 were studied, and the corresponding Johnson-Cook(J-C)constitutive model was established. The results show that the strain rate has no effect on the stage of elastic deformation. In the early stage of plastic deformation, the strength of the tested steel increases with increase of the strain rate, while it decreases in the latter stage of plastic deformation. The strain rate sensitivity(SRS)index m of the tested steel changes from 0.013 to-0.018 with increases of the applied strain. The original J-C constitutive model did not fit well with the experimental data and was a relative error of 5.1%. After modifying the enhancement coefficient of strain rate, the revised J-C model is proposed with a better fitting and smaller relative error about 1.6%.
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    Simulation of Drying and Oxidation Process of Pellets Layers in Steel Belt Sintering
    WANG Chang-jun, YU Yang, LI Bao-kuan, LIU Xue-lin
    2021, 42 (9):  1282-1289.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.010
    Abstract ( 611 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (1188KB) ( 354 )  
    A multi-scale Eulerian-Eulerian mathematical model was developed to study the drying and coke-magnetite oxidation process of ferrochrome pellets in a steel belt sintering machine. Physicochemical reactions of an individual pellet were calculated by the shrinking core model. The predictions were in reasonable agreement with the industrial data. The results showed that the drying of green pellets can be divided into two stages: the uneven increasing-rate and the falling-rate drying stages. However, in the latter stage, it was also observed that the drying rate increased gradually at the bottom of green pellets when the surface temperature of the wet bulb was higher than 383K. It decreased again after the radius of the wet bulb was smaller than 4.75mm. The maximum weight percent of the moisture in green pellets was 10.2%, which was 7.4% higher than the initial one. When the temperature of ferrochrome pellets reached the coke ignition, the coke oxidation had precedence over the magnetite oxidation. The average sintering temperature of green pellets was 1698K at the outlet of the sintering zone, meeting the process requirements.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Blade Power Consumption Optimization of Straw Crushing Machines Using the Improved Genetic Algorithm
    YE Cui-li, WANG Na, PANG Shuo, YAN Hang
    2021, 42 (9):  1290-1298.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.011
    Abstract ( 613 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (1301KB) ( 331 )  
    To reduce the power consumption of straw crushing machines, the blade of straw crushing machines was taken as the research object to optimize its structure and motion parameters. A mathematical model of blade power consumption was established by analyzing the blade force, and the correctness of the model was verified by field experiments. An advanced genetic algorithm was proposed, and its feasibility and superiority were verified by using standard test functions. The mathematical model was optimized by using the advanced genetic algorithm, and the structural static analysis of the blades before and after optimization was carried out by using the ANSYS Workbench platform. The optimization results showed that the power consumption is reduced by 6.4% compared with that before optimization, from 19.3kW to 18.06kW. The results of structural static analysis showed that the optimized structure is reasonable and feasible.
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    Research on 2-D Surface Topography Detection Method of Turning Workpieces
    ZHAO Chun-yu, CHENG Da-zhong, GENG Hao-bo
    2021, 42 (9):  1299-1306.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.012
    Abstract ( 578 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (916KB) ( 430 )  
    Spindle rotation error affects the machining accuracy of turning workpieces. Through analyses and studies of the spindle rotation error, a 2-D surface topography detection method was proposed for turning workpieces based on the rotation error, and the turning process model was established. The MATLAB simulation results showed that the spindle radial rotation error affects the turning radius and surface topography of the workpiece, resulting in the coaxiality error, roundness error and surface roughness. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the 2-D surface topography detection platform for data collection was built, and the rotation error value of the spindle in the depth direction and average radius error of turning workpieces were obtained. The experimental results showed that the experiment and simulation results are consistent in characteristics, which verify the feasibility of the method and have reference value for the performance debugging of the machine tool and improving the processing quality of the workpieces.
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    Strengthening Mechanism Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Micro-forging of TC4 Titanium Alloy Processing
    REN Zhao-hui, ZHANG Zi-ting, ZHANG Xing-wen, WANG Chen
    2021, 42 (9):  1306-1312.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.013
    Abstract ( 735 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (1187KB) ( 546 )  
    In order to further study the machining mechanism of ultrasonic micro-forging and the surface of the processed material, the ultrasonic micro-forging and strengthening machining of TC4 titanium alloy was taken as the research object, the semi-analytical method(SAM)based on Boussinesq solution and DC-FFT algorithm was used to establish the mathematical model of loading in the machining process and solve it, and the machining mechanism was analyzed and discussed. At the same time, the finite element model was established to analyze the complete machining process, verify the semi-analytical results, and compare it with the traditional rolling finishing machining. The results showed that the surface of ultrasonic micro-forging can form a certain depth of residual compressive stress layer and plastic deformation strengthening layer, and has better surface strengthening effect than the traditional rolling finishing strengthening.
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    Effect of Cabin Tray Table Height on Passengers’ Head and Neck Posture and Perceived Level of Discomfort
    WANG Long, YU Sui-huai, CHEN Deng-kai, CHU Jian-jie
    2021, 42 (9):  1313-1322.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.014
    Abstract ( 590 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (2570KB) ( 324 )  
    To improve the comfort of the cabin space in aircraft, focusing on the difficulty to directly collect anthropometric data of head/neck posture angle, a method is proposed in this paper to obtain the head/neck posture angle indirectly by 3D scanning. A 3D scanning and a perceived level of discomfort(PLD)test are combined with a questionnaire, the results of which show that most passengers think that the current tray table is too low and uncomfortable. When tested with original height(68cm)tray table, the subjects’ head/neck posture angles are all outside the neutral region, indicating that the head/neck posture is excessive flexion. After tray table is raised gradually(73-78-83cm)and the same tests are repeated, the subjects’ HFA and NFA decreased significantly. The HFA and NFA are closer to or reach the neutral range. In PLD tests, with the rise of the tray table, the data first decreases and then rises. It shows that adjusting the tray table in 73~83cm can significantly improve the passengers’ head/neck posture and reduce the discomfort of passengers’ neck.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Step Line Extraction from Point Cloud Data of Open-Pit Mine
    WANG Zhi, AN Shi-yuan, ZOU Jun, ZHANG Zi-rui
    2021, 42 (9):  1323-1328.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.015
    Abstract ( 678 )   HTML ( 17)   PDF (3248KB) ( 732 )  
    The information of step line is of great importance to open-pit mining. The existing method of obtaining step line has large workload, low efficiency and poor accuracy, which reduces the production efficiency and acceptance accuracy of the mine.Thus, a method of automatically extracting open-pit mine step lines from the dense point cloud data of open-pit mines generated by sequence UAV images is proposed in this paper. This method uses progressive morphological filtering algorithm to preprocess the point cloud, and a three-dimensional edge detection and curvature index weighting method that takes into account the geometric properties of the neighborhood is proposed to extract the feature points of the step line, then, it uses the moving least squares method to accurately fit the step line. The experimental results show that the algorithm can automatically, efficiently and accurately extract the step line of the open-pit mine, and generate open-pit mining status map. It has important application value for open-pit mine production and safety.
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    Calculation Method for Land Subsidence Induced by Dewatering of Foundation Pit with Suspended Waterproof Curtains
    ZHANG Zhi-hong, GUO Yan-chen, FAN Qi-hui,ZHANG Qin-xi
    2021, 42 (9):  1329-1334.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.016
    Abstract ( 797 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (1000KB) ( 497 )  
    The blocking effect of the suspended waterproof curtain can reduce the impact of foundation pit dewatering on the surrounding environment. However, the quantitative relationship between the insertion depth of the curtain and the land subsidence outside the pit is still unclear. Based on the principle of effective stress, and the partial coupling effect of the seepage field and the stress field where changes in soil void ratio and compression index caused by the drop of groundwater level was considered, a calculation method for land subsidence outside the pit caused by the dewatering of the foundation pit with suspended waterproof curtain in unconfined aquifers considering the relationship between the insertion depth of the waterproof curtain and the drop of groundwater level was proposed. A seepage experiment using a self-designed test model box was adopted to verify and analyze the proposed method. The results show that the calculated values are nearly close to the experimental values. The calculation method provides a significant reference for land subsidence prediction and the design of the insertion depth of rational waterproof curtain.
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    Enhancement of Filtration Performance of Fibrous Filter for Unipolarly Charged Coal-Fired Fly Ash
    LYU Chao, LIU Jing-xian, SUN Xi, YU Zhen-hui
    2021, 42 (9):  1335-1340.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.017
    Abstract ( 428 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (872KB) ( 346 )  
    The filtration performance of bag filter for fly ash from power plants can be improved by unipolar charger. In this paper, hybrid electrostatic filter comprised of pre-charger and fibrous filter were designed and manufactured. Under different charge types, applied voltages and flow velocities, collection efficiency and pressure drop of PPS fibrous filter for unipolarly charged fly ash particles were investigated. The results indicated that with the increase of the applied voltage and the decrease of filtration velocity, the collection efficiency of bag filter is improved, and the growth rate of pressure increment is significantly reduced. The smaller the particle size, the more obvious the increase in the filtration effect, and the improvement effect of negatively charged particles is better than that of positively charged particles.
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    Management Science
    Research on the Dual Mechanism of Employees’ Perception of Being Envied on Their Innovation Performance
    ZHANG Lan-xia, LIU Xiao-na, QIAN Jin-hua, GUO Sheng-wu
    2021, 42 (9):  1341-1348.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.018
    Abstract ( 568 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (527KB) ( 381 )  
    According to the job demands-resources model and the resources conservation theory, the double-chain mediation model of the effect of employees’ perceptions of being envied on innovation performance was explored. Based on 302 questionnaire survey data collected at the dual time points, the model was tested by using the Bootstrap method. The results showed that employees’ perceptions of being envied have a significant positive impact on positive emotion and negative emotion. Employees’ perceptions of being envied have a significant positive impact on voice behavior and silence behavior through positive emotion and negative emotion respectively. Voice behavior has a significant positive impact on innovation performance, while silence behavior has a significant negative effect on innovation performance. Employees’ perceptions of being envied have a significant positive impact on innovation performance through positive emotion and voice behavior, and employees’ perceptions of being envied have a significant negative impact on innovation performance through negative emotion and silence behavior.
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    Single or Hybrid: Selling Mode Choices of Self-Run Platform Under Dual Competition Environment
    ZHOU Chi, YU Jing, LI He
    2021, 42 (9):  1349-1359.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.019
    Abstract ( 744 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (640KB) ( 634 )  
    With the intensification of platform supply chain channel competition, a self-run e-commerce platform adopts the agency selling to seek cooperation with online manufacturer on the basis of the traditional wholesale selling. Under the dual competition environment of platform competition and manufacturer competition, a platform supply chain system of self-run platform, third-party platform, traditional manufacturer and online manufacturer was constructed. Based on the two selling modes of self-run platform, i.e., a single mode of wholesale selling only and a hybrid mode of both wholesale and agency selling, Stackelberg game models were presented to study the selling mode choice of self-run platform, and to examine the effects of platform commission, wholesale price and consumers’ self-run channel preference on supply chain members’ optimal strategies.The results showed that different consumers’ self-run channel preferences and platform commission have different effects on the selling mode choices of self-run platform. In addition, self-sun platform commission and third-party platform commission have important effects on profit.
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    Human Factor Reliability Evaluation and Application of Medical Devices Based on Improved FMEA
    JIN Hai-zhe, ZHU Lin, LI Yi, FU Quan-wei
    2021, 42 (9):  1360-1368.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2021.09.020
    Abstract ( 967 )   HTML ( 14)   PDF (488KB) ( 550 )  
    In view of two significant deficiencies of failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) in the human factors reliability evaluation for medical devices—evaluation of risk factors and weight assignment, a structured human factor reliability evaluation method for medical devices is proposed. Based on the improved fuzzy set theory and ordered weighted geometric average (OWGA) operator, context parameters are introduced to optimize the ranking of risk and error modes. By applying the proposed method to actual medical scenarios, the effectiveness and feasibility of method are verified, and the superiority of the proposed method is proved by comparison with the traditional FMEA. The proposed method solves the problem of traditional RPN value duplication and weight assignment, reduces the evaluation error, helps to find the key failure mode, and reduces the occurrence of medical adverse events.
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