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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Why Is Sandel “Against Perfection”?——Rejection of Human Enhancement Technology Based on Communitarianism
    CHEN Xiao-dong, WANG Guo-yu
    2019, 21 (6):  551-558.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.001
    Abstract ( 653 )   HTML   PDF (964KB) ( 1230 )  
    The debate over whether genetic engineering technology should be used for human enhancement has existed for years. The rapid development of genome-editing technologies dedicated to precision prevention, precision diagnosis and precision treatment has once again aroused people's attention to “enhancement” and “perfection” technologies. The American philosopher Sandel is clearly “against perfection”, who holds that human enhancement based on genome-editing technologies undermines the moral status of nature, weakens the respect for human beings, breaks the balance between goodness and power, and thus brings social injustice. From the perspective of communitarianism and Aristotle's virtue ethics, Sandel advocates the harmonious, moderate and natural use of technologies. Sandel's “against perfection” has important enlightenment for today's analysis and research on the ethical issues of genome-editing technologies.
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    Research on Improving the R&D Capital Chain Around the Innovation Chain
    ZHENG Wen-fan, LIU Ming-wei
    2019, 21 (6):  559-566.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.002
    Abstract ( 437 )   HTML   PDF (956KB) ( 673 )  
    The capital chain of scientific and technological innovation activities mainly refers to a country's capital investment in R&D activities, that is, the capital chain of R&D activities. R&D/GDP is one important indicator to measure the amount of R&D investment; however,in order to fully explore the rationality of R&D investment, apart from quantitative investigating the rationality of R&D/GDP, qualitative factors should also be examined, including the rationality of R&D spending sources, the rationality of configuration by activity type and the rationality of user departments. Based on an analysis of the R&D fund allocation index, the goals and specific countermeasures are put forward to improve the fund chain around the innovation chain by 2025, and five control lines are set up to provide the operational standards for China's R&D fund performance assessment and fund chain allocation according to the innovation chain.
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    Economics and Management
    A Research on Consumers' Willingness to Use Shared Bicycles Continuously——Based on the Extended Model of TAM Theory
    SHENG Guang-hua, YUE Bei-bei, GONG Si-yu
    2019, 21 (6):  567-574.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.003
    Abstract ( 809 )   HTML   PDF (989KB) ( 1230 )  
    Many issues arise in the rapid development of shared bicycles caused by the sharing economy, which poses a severe challenge to the sustainable development of bicycle sharing. Based on the dual perspectives of user experience and technological innovation, this study incorporates consumer innovation, perceived enjoyment and peer influence into technology acceptance model (TAM), and constructs a model for the research on consumers' willingness to use shared bicycles continuously. The empirical results show that consumer innovation has positive impacts on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and attitude towards using shared bicycles. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness play multiple mediation roles in the impact of consumer innovation on attitude towards using shared bicycles. Peer influence has a positive impact on consumers' attitude towards using shared bicycles. Perceived enjoyment has a positive impact on consumers' willingness to use shared bicycles.
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    Research on Measurement of the Risk of Sharing Economy System in China——Taking the Bicycle Sharing Enterprise YOUON as an Example
    SUN Liang, LYU Dan-ni
    2019, 21 (6):  575-582.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.004
    Abstract ( 512 )   HTML   PDF (1048KB) ( 715 )  
    With the maturity of mobile Internet technology, sharing economy has shown a savage development in China. At the same time, the huge risks behind this new economy have aroused more and more concerns of all circles. Aiming at the deficiency to measure new economic risk model in the existing research literature, this paper brings the investment risk measurement model in financial engineering to sharing economy system risk analysis. Under the condition that all ARCH LM tests are passed, the VaR risk sequence value of YOUON, a bicycle sharing enterprise, is calculated through three extended VaR models. A posteriori test of the risk measurement results is carried out. The results show that the extended VaR models can accurately simulate the risks involved in sharing economy with higher risk measurement reliability.
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    A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Quantitative and Price-based Monetary Policy Tools Under “Multi-targets”——From the Perspective of Quantitative Analysis Based on “Multi-indicators”
    LIU Jin-quan, ZHANG Long
    2019, 21 (6):  583-591.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.005
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML   PDF (1324KB) ( 896 )  
    Under the new situation, the use of “multi-tools” to regulate “multi-targets” has become a realistic choice for monetary authorities. This paper examines the choice of monetary policy regulation tools under the multi-targets of economic growth and price stability through the SV-TVP-FAVAR model. The results show that the effects of quantitative rules are better than those of the price-based rules. At different stages, the quantitative and price-based rules have different regulation advantages, and both quantitative and price-based rules face the dilemma of “attending to one thing and losing another” under “multi-indicators”. M2 is the optimal policy tool under the goal of price stability and leverage rate regulation, and R is the optimal policy tool under the goal of economic growth and financial stability. Further research shows that with the gradual advancement of the interest rate marketization reform there is a tradeoff effect between the quantitative and the price-based regulations.
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    Politics and Public Management
    A Research on Innovation of Local Governance from the Perspective of Field Change——A Case Analysis Based on H District Budget Hearing Innovation
    LI Yao-yao, PENG Zong-chao
    2019, 21 (6):  591-598.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.006
    Abstract ( 451 )   HTML   PDF (993KB) ( 939 )  
    Field theory is an effective perspective to explain the process of local governance innovation. The extended field framework considers the change of specific space-time conditions, the change of understanding rules in the field and the interaction during the field change as three successive and indispensable stages of governance field innovation. When it comes to the example of budget hearing in H district, the change of specific space-time conditions provides an opportunity window for the innovation of governance field; the opportunity window triggers the re-interpretation of the current formal rules of the field, which is manifested by the change of three elements: regulation, normativity and cultural-cognition. Following the first two stages, multi-level interaction among individuals, organizations and fields come to a new coupling mode in the competition and cooperation. Once the new coupling mode is established, the innovation is finished. To understand the field theory deeply, it is necessary to clarify the three basic elements of the field, the mechanism of field change and its advantages and disadvantages.
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    Collaboration Platform, Sharing of Control Rights and Provision of Public Digital Cultural Services——Taking Jiaxing City's “Culture With You” as an Example
    CHEN Tong, XIA Hong-mei, HOU Guang-hui
    2019, 21 (6):  599-606.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.007
    Abstract ( 420 )   HTML   PDF (1089KB) ( 829 )  
    The digital platform based on internet technology has promoted the level of multi-agent participation in public service. Using the theory of control rights, this paper takes the public digital culture service of “Culture With You” in Jiaxing city as a case study, and puts forward the collaborative governance mechanism of sharing control between the government and the public, and explains its mechanism and effect from three dimensions of collaboration platform, control sharing and service provision. The research finds that the network collaboration platform promotes the joint presence of the government, the public and service providers, and provides technical support for the sharing of control rights. The government shares the control rights of target setting right, inspection acceptance right and incentive distribution right with the public, and improves the precision management level of public cultural service. With the formation of the window of political opportunity, the innovation of Internet governance tools and the development of civil society, the degree of control sharing shows a dynamic upward trend, and the distribution of power tends to be balanced.
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    A Research on the Demand Level and Supply Priority of Community Home Care Services Based on Age Classification——A Case of Street J in Shanghai
    WANG Jian-yun, ZHONG Ren-yao
    2019, 21 (6):  607-615.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.008
    Abstract ( 440 )   HTML   PDF (1112KB) ( 835 )  
    The mismatch between the supply and demand for community home care services is caused by failure to consider the impact of age on the physical function of the elderly, their mental health and demand for community home care services. Based on age classification and the theory of attractive quality, the Kano methodology and Topsis methodology, this paper measures the level of demand for community home care services of all age groups in J Street, Shanghai. It is found that the demand of the elderly in all age groups for the basic public services from the community are greater than the community services for the elderly; older seniors have higher demands for food service, emergency services and emergency assistance than younger seniors. Seniors of all age groups have lower demands for mental comfort services and door-to-door medical services. Therefore, it is proposed to construct a bottom-up decision-making model for the provision of community home care services, providing a “menu-style” community home care service system by measuring the demand level of the elderly according to their ages to relieve the conflict between the supply and demand of community home care services and increase the sense of satisfaction and gain of the elderly.
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    From the “Policy Highland” to the “Law Plain”: Legalization of Northeast Science and Technology Innovation Policies
    YANG Li-juan, YU Yi-fan
    2019, 21 (6):  616-622.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.009
    Abstract ( 410 )   HTML   PDF (966KB) ( 653 )  
    The adjustment of the “policy highland” under the current situation of science and technology innovation governance in Northeastern China shows that the scientific and technological innovation in the Northeast has not brought lasting remarkable effects to the revitalization of Northeastern China. Under the background of the comprehensive implementation of the strategy of governing the country according to law, the policy legalization as a means to move from the “policy highland” to the “law plain” is a rational choice for the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of scientific and technological innovation in Northeastern China. The lack of investment in science and technology innovation triggered by “policy highland”, the lack of awareness of legal protection of scientific and technological innovation, and the lack of legal responsibility for scientific and technological decision-making are needed to be resolved. Establishing the minimum investment threshold for regional science and technology innovation funds through legislation and corresponding legal responsibilities, and building a rule of law culture suitable for Northeast science and technology innovation, are ways to construct the “law plain” to promote technological innovation to achieve revitalization in Northeastern China.
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    The Sustainable Company Law Approach of Corporate Social Responsibility
    HUA Yi-xin
    2019, 21 (6):  623-630.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.010
    Abstract ( 461 )   HTML   PDF (968KB) ( 767 )  
    The development of the Internet and the advent of economic globalization have accelerated the development of China's corporate social responsibility theory and practice. The diversified and complicated society has led to the failure of the reflexive approach of corporate social responsibility, and this has spawned the development of a sustainable company law approach centered on the internalizing external liabilities. The sustainable company law approach promotes the combination of mandatory regulation and arbitrary regulation, the transformation of the company's short-term interests and long-term interests, and the integration of corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. It can be described as the “big master” of corporate social responsibility. However, the sustainable corporate law approach still gives enterprises greater autonomy, so there is also a criticism of “sustainable target whitening agent”. Therefore, it is suggested to promote the realization of the sustainable company law approach of corporate social responsibility through the introduction of a broad-standard corporate law, reinterpretation of company's interests and objectives, shareholders' responsibilities and reshaping of board's obligations.
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    Marxism Theory
    The Logical Interpretation of Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on Ecological Ethics in the New Era
    WANG Kuan, QIN Shu-sheng
    2019, 21 (6):  631-636.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.011
    Abstract ( 499 )   HTML   PDF (928KB) ( 707 )  
    The theoretical requirement of developing Marxist ecological ethics, the development requirement of carrying forward Chinese traditional ecological culture and the practical requirement of constructing ecological civilization in the new era constitute the theoretical logic, the historical logic and the realistic logic of Xi Jinping's important exposition on ecological ethics. Xi Jinping's important exposition on ecological ethics is based on the relationship of ecological ethics among the elements of the “life community” as its logical structure. It takes “respect for nature” as its ideological core, “cherishing life” and “caring for the environment” as its ideological subject, and “responsibility and power sharing” as its ideological essence. The logical intention of Xi Jinping's important exposition on ecological ethics lies in putting forward moral philosophy and normative ethics that adapt to the construction of ecological civilization in the new era.
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    A New Interpretation of Commodity Fetishism in German “Neue Marx-Lektüre”——Comment on the Two Interpretation Paths of Western Marxism
    LIANG Yan-xiao
    2019, 21 (6):  637-643.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.012
    Abstract ( 498 )   HTML   PDF (950KB) ( 869 )  
    Among many schools of Western Marxism, there are two paths to interpret the commodity fetishism: the non-value-form path and the value-form path. Lukács's materialization theory is representative of the former path. It is characterized by being away from the specific textual context of Capital, interpreting it from external theoretical resources, and hoping that subjectivism breaks through the materialized structure, which greatly influences the research trend of Western Marxism; the latter path is represented by the dialectic of value form proposed by Backhaus of German “Neue Marx-Lektüre”, which attaches importance to the “double narrative” of value forms in different versions of Capital, and explains the formation mechanism of commodity fetishism from the characteristics of the equivalent form expressing value through use value, and resorts to the transformation of production method to break through this materialized structure. The latter path is also useful for how to eliminate the current trend of divergence between “MEGA Research” and “Frankfurt School Research”.
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    Literature and Art
    Theoretical Explorationon the Asymmetric Negation Between Iconicity and Arbitrariness
    DING Xin-feng, LYU Ming-chen
    2019, 21 (6):  644-650.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.013
    Abstract ( 461 )   HTML   PDF (952KB) ( 759 )  
    Up to now, most linguistic scholars tend to take iconicity and arbitrariness as a pair of concepts which are contradictory to each other. However, an agreement on the understanding of iconicity has not been reached. It is theoretically constructive to explore the nature of asymmetric negation by making a binary segmentation to the traditional iconicity which may be cut into mapping iconicity and motivational iconicity. Correspondingly, arbitrariness means a non-necessary mapping relationship. That mapping iconicity constitutes the contradictory concept to arbitrariness, once approved, will directly negate the arbitrariness, but the language facts don't sustain this decisive relationship between the signifier and the signified. Meanwhile, motivation is not a subordinate category of iconicity, but a subordinate category of arbitrariness. Despite the language evidence proving that motivation could be found between the signifier and the signified, the motivational iconicity's existence is premised on the existence of arbitrariness. And it is a choice under the principle of arbitrariness. Therefore, instead of disproving arbitrariness, motivational evidence proves the rationality of arbitrariness.
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    Study on Artistic Characteristics and Aesthetic Style of Anti-Japanese War Publicity Paintings in the Puppet Manchu Period
    HUO Kai, FENG Jing, ZHOU Hong-rui
    2019, 21 (6):  651-656.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2019.06.014
    Abstract ( 516 )   HTML   PDF (1141KB) ( 1120 )  
    Cultural publicity is the second battlefield in a war and the anti-Japanese war publicity paintings are a silent anti-Japanese approach. The publicity paintings of the Northeast anti-Japanese war are an integral part of the publicity history of China's anti-Japanese war. It has unique artistic characteristics and aesthetic style. The theme and content of the Northeast anti-Japanese war publicity paintings are full of anti-colonialism, which reveals the aggressive behavior of Japan under the disguise of Puppet Manchukuo; the Northeast anti-Japanese war publicity paintings have both shape and spirit, which shape the artistic image of arduous struggle and revolutionary struggle, and convey the characteristics of critical realism and fanatical expressionism in concept; the aesthetic style of the Northeast anti-Japanese war publicity paintings is concentrated in two aspects: one is the tragic and oppressive style under the Japanese colonial oppression; the other is the enthusiasm and heroism style of heroic struggle. Studying the artistic characteristics and aesthetic style of the anti-Japanese war publicity paintings during the Puppet Manchukuo Period will help to remember the history and look into the future, which is of great significance to academic research and patriotic education.
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