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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Debate on Heideggers Research Method of His Later Philosophy of Technology: Transcendental or Empirical? A Response to Verbeeks Interpretation
    ZHANG Qiu-cheng
    2016, 18 (6):  551-556.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.001
    Abstract ( 676 )   HTML   PDF (916KB) ( 969 )  

    In his book What Things Do, Verbeek criticizes Heideggers research method of his later philosophy of technology, which is thought to be transcendental rather than empirical in that Heidegger fails to face artifacts themselves. It is a misinterpretation because Verbeek mistakes the possible conditions of transcendentalism for the essence, and views technology merely as artifacts. Heideggers phenomenological deconstruction of his later philosophy of technology is an empirical method of phenomenology instead of the one of Verbeeks naturalism. Studies on the philosophy of technology are supposed to transcend the debate of concreteness and abstractness as well as holism. Moreover, the research objects of later Heidegger and Verbeek should be integrated.

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    Possibilities and Changes: In-depth Study on the Information Turn of Philosophy
    WANG Liang
    2016, 18 (6):  557-563.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.002
    Abstract ( 459 )   HTML   PDF (937KB) ( 1116 )  
    As the essence of time spirit, philosophy has realized its information turn in the current information age. The possibilities of information turn of philosophy are studied from the perspective of times. Information age not only prompts the informationization of the society, but also changes the reality contexts and core problems of philosophy. All these are the strong driving force of information turn of philosophy. The information turn of philosophy reforms not only a certain subject or specific theory in philosophy but also the whole basic theory in philosophy from ontology to epistemology. Only by studying in depth the possibilities of information turn of philosophy and changes caused by this turn, can the thoroughness and basis of the theory of philosophy of information be guaranteed and the theory of philosophy of information be given greater room for development.
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    On Information Processing in Change Blindness from the Perspective of Information Competition
    FAN Yi-qiang, LI Xia
    2016, 18 (6):  564-570.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.003
    Abstract ( 538 )   HTML   PDF (933KB) ( 999 )  
    As a core issue in the academic circle, consciousness is still hanging in doubt in the philosophy of mind. Research of change blindness not only reveals how the mind works, but also provides a reference for naturalizing the mental contents, in particular issues of the representation, comparison and discrimination in visual information processing. Based on the literature review of change blindness research, the characteristics of information processing in change blindness were revealed, and the visual information processing was explored from the perspective of information competition. It was found that the hierarchical hypothesis of visual information processing works better than the consciousness-related neuronal in dealing with difficult issues of consciousness.
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    Double-motivator Check and Balance Progressing of Media Technologies and Advertising Forms
    SU Na, LUO Ling-ling
    2016, 18 (6):  570-575.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.004
    Abstract ( 519 )   HTML   PDF (923KB) ( 1000 )  
    The dynamic, reciprocal promotion of media technologies and advertising forms can be characterized as a complicated process which includes several stages and multiple dimensions. They have been intertwined; furthermore, they have advanced and leaped constantly based on mutual permeation and development. The attribution changes of media technologies, in terms of the restriction from the positive motivators, give rise to the complex evolution of advertising forms, which can be reflected in two aspects: the life circle of the former determines the changes of the latter personalities, while the function for recombining the human sense organ of the former accelerates the consciousness evolution of the latter. From the perspective of the balance from the negative factors, advertising forms have played a significant role in selecting and reconstructing the features of media technologies, which are characterized by “presence” as a crisis-cross image and “absence” of elimination and reappearance. Media technologies and advertising forms, in a nutshell, present the double-motivator evolution in which the two parties are to some extent independent of each other though they are always checking and balancing one another.
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    Economics and Management
    How Do CEO Demographic Features Affect Chinese Firms' Ambidextrous FDI?
    LI Zi-jie, GAO Qiu-ling, FAN Zhi-peng
    2016, 18 (6):  576-584.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.005
    Abstract ( 574 )   HTML   PDF (1060KB) ( 1071 )  

    Ambidextrous FDI strategy has attracted great public attention. CEO, the core part of TMT, plays an essential role in promoting ambidextrous strategies. Given that there is less in-depth research on CEO demographic features and working mechanisms, the effect of CEO age, educational background and tenure on overseas ambidextrous strategies were examined based on the upper echelons theory from the perspective of strategy selection.It was found that the older and more educated the CEO is, the more ambidextrous the firm will be. Moreover, CEO tenure will moderate the relationship between CEO education and the firm’s ambidexterity.

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    Carbon Tax and Coordinated Development of Regional EconomyAn Empirical Study Based on the Quantile Regression Approach
    XU Ying-zhi, GUO Jin, ZHOU Xiu-li
    2016, 18 (6):  585-592.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.006
    Abstract ( 522 )   HTML   PDF (1093KB) ( 918 )  
    The effect of introducing carbon tax on the coordinated development of national and regional economy was explored by applying the quantile regression approach for the purpose of maximizing its positive impact. The results indicated that: as to China in the whole, introducing carbon tax has a significantly negative effect on promoting the level of coordinated development of regional economy, but enhancing human capital scale and reinforcing regional trading could alleviate the negative effect; as to the four regions, introducing carbon tax has a significantly negative effect on promoting the level of coordinated development of regional economy in the eastern and northeastern regions, and the negative effect in the northeastern region is much more serious, whereas introducing carbon tax shows a positive effect in the central and western regions. Finally, some relevant policies and suggestions like carrying out periodical and differentiated carbon tax were proposed based on the results.
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    On the Evaluation and Influential Factors of Land Supply Performance in Shenyang
    LI Jing
    2016, 18 (6):  593-598.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.007
    Abstract ( 502 )   HTML   PDF (923KB) ( 1055 )  
    To optimize the allocation of land resources and solve such problems as the oversupply and the imperfect structure of Shenyangs gross area of urban land, the DEA method was applied to evaluate the overall efficiency of land supply in Shenyang by taking land supply area and fixed assets investment as the input unit and land-grant fee and GDP as the output unit. Based on the data from 2006 to 2015, it was shown that the overall technological efficiency of land supply in Shenyang is not high, which is affected by both pure technological efficiency and scale efficiency. The land scale return has decreased for many years, which indicates that Shenyangs land supply well exceeds the optimal scale in its economic development. A further regression analysis found that the main influential factors of land supply efficiency are the level of economic development, the industrial structure upgrading, the level of urbanization, and soon. The findings may provide reference for improving the performance of urban land supply in the future.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On the Adaptive-congruous Change Mechanism of Chinese Government Governance
    SUN Feng, WEI Shu-yan, GAO Hong-cheng
    2016, 18 (6):  599-604.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.008
    Abstract ( 598 )   HTML   PDF (1079KB) ( 861 )  

    Government governance transcends political differences and government forms, becoming an eternal political proposition in changing societies. Structural functionalism and systematic congruous change logic fit the evolution of Chinese government governance mechanism in the process of modernization. Based on the organic theory and register interaction presupposition, the adaptive-congruous change mechanism stresses the system,entirety and congruity of development. Taking elastic stability as its core design, it is a positive change mechanism combined with the power system, construction system and regulation system, which has a strong explanatory power and implication for the transmutation of Chinese governance modes. An exploration of the adaptive-congruous change mechanism of government governance and the multi-dimensional compound model with limited government governance may provide valuable reference for the modernization of Chinese government governance.

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    Constructing the Network Governance Structure of Urban CommunitiesFrom the Perspective of Structural Functionalism
    LI Jing
    2016, 18 (6):  605-609.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.009
    Abstract ( 613 )   HTML   PDF (950KB) ( 1387 )  
    The network governance structure of urban communities is a form of relationship in which relevant bodies in the governance system realize and promote community interests, deal with community affairs, cooperate with each other, and share public rights. Based on the governance roles of government, social organizations, residents and etc., the structure network governance of urban communities can be differentiated into four substructures,i.e., community leadership, community meta-governance, community autonomy, and community collaboration. The functions of the network governance structure of urban communities can be improved by constructing the network governance platform, integrating the relationships among the four substructures and building the mechanism of network governance.
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    Norm Activation Model: An Effective Theoretical Model for Predicting Citizens' Pro-environmental Behaviors
    ZHANG Xiao-jie, JIN Hui-rong, LOU Cheng-wu
    2016, 18 (6):  610-615.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.010
    Abstract ( 1991 )   HTML   PDF (994KB) ( 3935 )  
    Norm activation model (NAM) is an important theory to study various kinds of altruistic behaviors, which claims that an individuals pro-social behaviors are positively affected by his or her personal norm that is activated by consequence awareness and responsibility ascription. Widely applied to study such pro-social behaviors as pro-environmental behaviors in the western developed countries, NAM has been proved to effectively explain and predict pro-environmental behaviors. It has been continuously developed in its applications, with new variables added to the model and the value-belief-norm theory finally built. Due to its easy operability, openness and inclusiveness, NAM can be used to explain, predict and intervene the Chinese citizens pro-environmental behaviors.
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    On the Collaborative Supply of Home-based Care Service for the Elderly in Chinas Rural Communities
    LI Zhao-you, ZHENG Ji-you
    2016, 18 (6):  616-621.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.011
    Abstract ( 633 )   HTML   PDF (996KB) ( 1629 )  
    The collaborative supply of home-based care service for the elderly in rural communities is a new interactive model for old-age security; however, it is also facing such difficulties as the universality shortage and the structural imbalance between supply and demand. Because the single supply subject of households has difficulty in meeting the demands of rural communities home-based care service for the elderly, the collaborative supply ability of rural communities home-based care service for the elderly is limited, and the multivariate supply subjects dominated by the government lack effective coordination, the foundational function of rural communities home-based care service for the elderly has not got into full play. Therefore, the government should foster multiple collaborative supply subjects of the home-based care service for the elderly, stimulate rural communities capital to participate in the collaborative supply of the home-based care service for the elderly, promote the governments guidance of and multiple participation in the supply subjects collaboration, and construct the multiple risk response mechanism among the collaborative supply subjects of the home-based care service for the elderly.
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    On the Legal Regulation of Chinas Farmland Scale Management
    YAN Qi-hua, LI Xin-cang
    2016, 18 (6):  622-627.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.012
    Abstract ( 520 )   HTML   PDF (917KB) ( 951 )  
    Until now, there has not been specific legislation on farmland scale management in China, with a large number of direct regulations about farmland scale management existing in the form of public policy documents. Obviously, the lack of explicit legal provisions could lead to lots of practical problems when China carries on the policy of farmland scale management. Therefore, it is necessary for the relevant government departments to reconstruct the legal regulation system of farmland scale management, i.e., based on the present policy documents and legal regulations, the farmland scale management law should be introduced as soon as possible. In this legislation,such legal systems as appropriate standards for the scale management of agricultural land, compulsory land consolidation, restrictions on the circulation of rural lands contractual management right, legal entry conditions of industrial and commercial enterprises into the circulation of agricultural land, and various agricultural land transfer modes and supporting financial policies should be set up in order to make it more functional.
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    On the Basic Connotations and Institutional Improvement of Ecological Restoration
    WU Peng
    2016, 18 (6):  628-632.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.013
    Abstract ( 706 )   HTML   PDF (901KB) ( 1486 )  
    The research of ecological restoration systemsin China is at its preliminary stage, but there are already many misconceptions. For example, ecological restoration, ecological recovery and land reclamation are confused in most cases. Thus, the concept of ecological restoration should be redefined, based on which the basic connotations of ecological restoration could be explored. On the one hand, ecological civilization provides richer connotations of ecological restoration. On the other hand, theoretical research of natural sciences and wide practices of ecological restoration indicate that natural restoration and social restoration are the two basic connotations of ecological restoration. Therefore, both of the aspects cannot be ignored in improving the ecological restoration system, and a fair and reasonable social repair system should be constructed based on the continuous improvement of the existing natural repair system.
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    Marxism Theory
    Xi Jinpings Thought of Wild China Construction and Its Significance
    QIN Shu-sheng, HU Nan
    2016, 18 (6):  633-638.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.014
    Abstract ( 785 )   HTML   PDF (916KB) ( 1477 )  
    Xi Jinpings thought of Wild China construction has its profound international and domestic backgrounds, which basically includes the following points. The harmony between man and nature is the basic requirement of Wild China construction. Enjoying the natural ecological environment of blue sky, green earth and clear water is the primary goal of Wild China construction. To realize a sustainable development of the Chinese nation is the proper meaning of Wild China construction, and to enable the general public to enjoy more ecological welfare is the basic goal of Wild China construction. Adhering to the basic state policy of resource conservation and environmental protection and setting up a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society are important measures for Wild China construction, building the ecological system of green development is an important way to promote Wild China construction, and deepening the reform of ecological civilization institutions and strengthening the construction of ecological civilization systems are the fundamental guarantee of Wild China construction. To conclude, Xi Jinpings thought of Wild China construction carries both theoretical and practical significance.
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    Several Prerequisite Issues in the Study on Marxs View of Philosophy
    LIU Bing-yi
    2016, 18 (6):  639-644.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.015
    Abstract ( 600 )   HTML   PDF (916KB) ( 865 )  
    The study on Marxs view of philosophy aims to grasp Marxs thoughts about philosophy itself. In order to carry out this study better, several issues need to be clarified. Firstly, although Marxs view of philosophy and view of Marxs philosophy are different, they are directly related in that the study on Marxs view of philosophy can enrich and develop our views of Marxs philosophy. Secondly, Marxs view of philosophy and Marx’s philosophy are intrinsically intertwined, which requires researchers to explore the theoretical content about the views of philosophy. Thirdly, as a viewpoint in the basic theory textbooks, Marxist view of philosophy is still there to exist but needs to be complemented by studies on Marxs view of philosophy.
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    Getting Rid of the Burden of “the Enigma of Life” in Interpreting the NatureAn Analysis of the Connotations of Wordsworths Humanism
    WANG Ping
    2016, 18 (6):  645-650.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.016
    Abstract ( 579 )   HTML   PDF (921KB) ( 1011 )  
    John Keats, Wordsworths contemporary romantic poet, believes that Wordsworth perceives the burden of the enigma of life but he finds no way to get out of it. In fact, although Wordsworth is puzzled about the enigma of life, he does not get stuck in it. Instead, he gets rid of the burden by holding two beliefs. One is concerned with the nature, and the other is with human beings. The two beliefs embody Wordsworths humanism: Love for nature gives the poet wisdom as well as the power to love, and love for the mankind awakens the pure nature of human beings. They constitute the connotations of Wordsworths humanism, whose main feature is harmony: harmony with the nature and harmony with the mankind.
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    An Exploration of Southern Ontario Gothic in Alice Munros Novels Illustrated by Open Secrets
    ZHAO Yue, YANG Bai-yan
    2016, 18 (6):  651-656.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.06.017
    Abstract ( 931 )   HTML   PDF (1142KB) ( 2109 )  
    As a major subgenre of the gothic, Southern Ontario gothic is one prominent feature of Alice Munros short stories. It presents the terror catalyzed in the tedious and grotesque life by digging into the unknown and strangeness of the small towns in Southern Ontario. In Open Secrets, one of her best stories, Munro explores the alienation and violence underlying the grotesque atmosphere in Carstairs. Furthermore, female perspectives and psychological depiction, and characteristics of Southern Ontario gothic, are analyzed in detail to help give a better view of how Munro tries to uncover the terrifying secrets and evil masked by the seeming quietness in life.
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