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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    WANG Wei-dong, HE Zhuo-lei, HAN Zheng, QIAN Yu
    2020, 41 (5):  609-615.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.001
    Abstract ( 799 )   HTML   PDF (1345KB) ( 964 )  
    Complex non-linear relationships exist among causing factors in landslides susceptibility assessment. Traditional assessment models is difficult to reveal such complex relationships, and limit the accuracy of assessment results. Based on literature review and field survey, the altitude, landform, lithology, slope, distance to tectonic line, distance to drainage network and annual average rainfall were chosen as the main causing factors. A regional landslides susceptibility mapping model based on deep belief network (DBN) model in geographic information system (GIS) was established, and Sichuan Province was taken as an example. Finally, through the characteristics of ROC curves, the assessment results were compared with logistic regression (LR) and BP neural network (BPNN), and the response of each model to different causing factors was discussed. The results show that the DBN model has high accuracy, low false positive rate and false negative rate, and is suitable for landslides susceptibility assessment in large area with complex causing factors.
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    Centrifugal Model Tests on Buoyancy-Induced Weight Loss Landslides Influenced by Rising Reservoir Water Level
    LI Song-lin, TANG Ming-gao, XU Qiang, FU Xiao-lin
    2020, 41 (5):  616-623.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.002
    Abstract ( 665 )   HTML   PDF (2886KB) ( 931 )  
    In order to study the deformation characteristic of buoyancy-induced weight loss landslides subjected to the reservoir impoundment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, the large-scale centrifugal model test was designed based on Muyubao landslide. Through laying high-speed cameras and pore water pressure (PWP) and earth pressure (EP) transducers, the high-definition images of the model slope and the data of PWP and EP vs. time were obtained. The results show that during the first deformation process, the model has been deformed twice successively in the period of water level rising. Tension cracks appear in the mid-rear part firstly, and then compressive stresses consentrate and the uplifts appear in the front part,which is a push-type landslide. The model undergoes a process from initial deformation to accelerated deformation, decelerated deformation and then stopped ultimately. The cumulative displacements display an apparent step-like shape. According to the variation of PWP and EP, the reactivation of landslide is mainly caused by buoyancy force generated by reservoir water that infiltrating into the slope. Consolidation compaction and decreasing creep of sliding materials and potential energy loss after sliding are the main reasons for the gradual stop of landslide deformation.
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    Experimental Study on the Conversion Process of Promoting Gas Drainage Mechanism by CO2 Injection
    YANG Tian-hong, CHEN Li-wei, YANG Hong-min, PEI Bei
    2020, 41 (5):  623-628.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.003
    Abstract ( 628 )   HTML   PDF (969KB) ( 892 )  
    In order to clarify the mechanism of driving out gas in the coal seam, the soft coal sample of the No.2 coal seam structure was collected in the Xinggong coalfield of western Henan, and the large-scale tests on CO2 injection was performed to drive out coal seam gas injection in laboratory. Results show that the CO2 injection of driving out the gas in the coal seam is a dynamic process, combined with the knowledge of domestic and foreign experts on the gas injection mechanism of coal seam gas displacement, the definition of replacement effect and displacement effect is given. Based on the change of CH4 concentration in the gas outlet, the gas injection process was divided into three stages to study the conversion process of CO2 promoting CH4 mechanism in coal seam. Before CO2 breaks through the cavity, it mainly shows the replacement effect. The replacement effect of CO2 injection is dominant. After CO2 breaks through the cavity, part of the injected CO2 is replaced with CH4, and part of it and CH4 flow out of the cavity, with a concurrent state of replacement and displacement effect. For the whole experimental process, the CO2 replacement effect is more obvious and plays a leading role.
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    Bending Mechanical Model of Transverse Joints in Precast Prestressed Municipal Tunnel and Its Value Method
    WANG Peng-yu, ZHU Cheng-jin, WANG Shu-hong, YAO Qian
    2020, 41 (5):  629-634.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.004
    Abstract ( 677 )   HTML   PDF (530KB) ( 825 )  
    Joints lead to uneven distribution of structural rigidity of the precast prestressed municipal tunnel(PPMT), internal forces and deformation correspondingly change,and bending stiffness is an important indicator to evaluate the performance of PPMT joints and an important factor to evaluate the overall mechanical properties of PPMT structures. After considering the actual structural form of the transverse joint section and the characteristics of force deformation, the mechanical model that can characterize the joint section from force to failure and the corresponding analytical expressions were established through the internal force balance and deformation coordination conditions. The sensitivity analysis of the factors affecting the bending stiffness of joints was carried out through numerical simulations. Based on this, the theoretical calculation results were compared with the numerical simulations. Finally, according to the obtained law of bending stiffness change, two-stage bending stiffness method for transverse joints of PPMT was proposed. The results of the study can provide reference for the design and theoretical analysis of PPMT.
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    Numerical Analysis on Hydro Thermal Coupling of Surrounding Rocks in Cold Region Tunnels
    ZHANG Ze, WANG Shu-hong, YANG Tian-jiao, ZHANG Yu-nong
    2020, 41 (5):  635-641.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.005
    Abstract ( 745 )   HTML   PDF (1195KB) ( 966 )  
    The mechanism of freezing damage of tunnels in the cold regions is complicated. These freezing damages are mostly related to water migration and phase transition in the soil. Based on the theory of mixture, a joint differential equation for the hydrothermal coupling problem of cold region tunnels considering water migration and water ice phase transition was established. The numerical simulation of temperature field and water field coupling was carried out by further development of COMSOL Multi-physics software, and the numerical simulation results were compared with the results of soil column freezing experiment to verify the effectiveness of the hydrothermal coupled numerical simulation model. Finally, taking the Milin Tunnel in Tibet Autonomous Region as an example, the temperature field and water field were simulated and analyzed, and the temperature field considering water migration was compared. The results show that with the increase of time, the temperature at the top boundary of the tunnel reduces from -0.82℃ to -9℃, the internal boundary temperature of the tunnel decreases from -0.74℃ to -11.11℃, and the tunnel temperature rises in March; the peak of ice content appears in January, and the ice content begins to decline in March. At the same time, the heat conduction velocity in the temperature field without considering moisture migration is faster, which proves that the influence of latent heat of phase transition on the distribution of temperature field in the tunnel is greater than that of liquid convection caused by gravity migration. The research results can reflect the occurrence process of freezing damage in the rich water tunnel in cold area, which has certain reference value.
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    Experiment on Correlation Between Rheological Properties of Filling Slurry with Different Mass Concentration and Mixed Aggregate Gradation
    WEN Zhen-jiang, GAO Qian, WANG Yong-ding, HE Jian-yuan
    2020, 41 (5):  642-648.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.006
    Abstract ( 709 )   HTML   PDF (1045KB) ( 1040 )  
    In order to explore the effects of mixed aggregate ratio and particle size gradation on the rheological properties of the slurry,firstly, the particle size of the waste rock, rod mill sand and the mixture of them commonly used in filling was analyzed, and the corresponding characteristic particle size was obtained.Secondly, the slurry with different aggregate ratios and different mass concentrations was prepared by rheometer. The rheological parameters were fitted by H-B rheological model. Then,the rheological parameters and rheological properties were analyzed, and the correlation between aggregate size distribution and rheological properties of slurry was studied based on least square method.Finally, the stability of slurry is discussed, and the critical particle size range of non-settling segregation of aggregate is 13.8~21.6mm by establishing mechanical model. The test results show that the yield stress and apparent viscosity of the slurry increase with the increase of slurry mass concentration. The rheological properties of slurry show different model characteristics with the increase of shear rate. The correlation between rheological properties parameters of slurry and aggregate particle size distribution increases with the increase of characteristic particle size. With the increase of mass concentration, the correlation between slurry yield stress and aggregate size gradation gradually decreases, while apparent viscosity gradually increases. The mass concentration and aggregate size gradation have a great influence on slurry stability.
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    Variation of Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Paleo-Clay Under Dry-Wet Cycle and Continuous Soaking
    HUANG Shao-ping, YAN E-chuan, CHEN Qian, YIN Xiao-meng
    2020, 41 (5):  649-654.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.007
    Abstract ( 592 )   HTML   PDF (1452KB) ( 956 )  
    In order to explore the effect of dry-wet cycle and continuous soaking on the strength and deformation of the remolded Paleo-clay, a large number of triaxial compression tests were carried out systematically. Meanwhile, with the adoption of the mathematical statistics method, a strength and deformation degradation model of remodeled Paleo-clay subjected to dry-wet cycle and soaking was established. The results indicate that the cohesion decreases exponentially with the increasing dry-wet cycles, the early degradation range is large, the degradation trend slows down and gradually stabilizes. The crack develops from the periphery to the middle during the dry-wet cycle, the crack length, width and amount all increased, fracture development is one of the root causes of strength degradation, the shear strength decreases significantly with increasing dry-wet cycles, and the sample exhibits a strain hardening phenomenon. In addition, the cohesion degrades exponentially with increasing soaking time, as well, and the early degradation is obvious. The most significant degradation of peak strength occurs after soaking for 1 or 2 days. The proximal deformation is less pronounced due to the end effect, the lateral deformation is concentrated at a distance of 40~50mm from the top, and the lateral deformation increases with dry-wet cycles and soaking time. The degradation effect of dry-wet cycle on soil strength and deformation is obviously stronger than that of soaking effect.
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    Influence of Moving Vehicles on Temperature Distribution of Tunnel Fire Ceiling Jet
    LIU Bin, MAO Jun, LI Gui-qiang, XI Yan-hong
    2020, 41 (5):  655-661.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.008
    Abstract ( 526 )   HTML   PDF (1100KB) ( 768 )  
    Taking the scene of car fire and bus driving through fire source in highway tunnel as an example, a fire calculation model was established based on a tunnel project, and the dynamic influence law of vehicle motion speed on temperature distribution of tunnel fire was studied by using overset mesh technology and fire numerical simulation method. The results show that when the vehicle passes through the fire source at the speed of 11.11m/s, the smoke temperature at the top of the cross and longitudinal sections of the fire source is the lowest. When the influence of vehicle-induced airflow on the temperature distribution reaches the maximum, the cross sectional smoke temperature from the ignition lane to the vehicle passing through the lane shows a pattern of first decrease and then increase.In the range of 15m upstream of the highest temperature point, the longitudinal smoke temperature decays steadily, and the decay rate reaches maximum when the vehicle speed is 11.11m/s.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Vibration Isolation Characteristics Analysis of X-shaped Quasi-Zero Stiffness Vibration Isolator
    YAO Guo, YU Yong-heng, ZHANG Yi-min, WU Zhi-hua
    2020, 41 (5):  662-666.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.009
    Abstract ( 1514 )   HTML   PDF (599KB) ( 2007 )  

    An X-shaped structure is applied to quasi-zero stiffness isolator to improve its low frequency isolation performance. The dynamic equation of the system is established by using the Newton’s motion law. The amplitude-frequency response curves of the system are obtained by using the incremental harmonic balance method. The effect of equivalent reduced stiffness γ on system transmissibility is discussed. Research results show that the reasonable numerical interval of dimensionless pre-compression length of horizontal spring is (0, 2). In the resonant region, the increase of γ can significantly reduce the force transmissibility. At higher excitation frequencies, the effect of the change of γ on the vibration isolation performance of the system is weak. With the decrease of γ, the displacement transmissibility in the resonance region decreases sharply. In addition, the decrease of γ will also reduce the resonance frequency and make the jump phenomenon disappear. Therefore, the equivalent reduced stiffness γ of the X-shaped quasi-zero stiffness isolator is an ideal parameter which can effectively reflect the effect of low-frequency vibration isolation of the system. The effect of equivalent reduced stiffness γ is discussed in detail.

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    A Structural Reliability Analysis Method Based on Adaptive PC-Kriging Model
    YU Zhen-liang, SUN Zhi-li, ZHANG Yi-bo, WANG Jian
    2020, 41 (5):  667-672.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.010
    Abstract ( 757 )   HTML   PDF (450KB) ( 1066 )  
    To improve the accuracy and efficiency of reliability assessment for complex structures with small failure probability and time-consuming model, a structural reliability analytical method based on PC-Kriging (polynomial-chaos-based Kriging) model and adaptive k-means clustering analysis was proposed. PC-Kriging’s regression basis function approximated the global behavior of the numerical model by using the sparse polynomial optimal truncation set, and Kriging was used to deal with the local variation of the output of the model. PC-Kriging used least angle regression (LAR) to calculate the number of possible polynomial basis function sets of performance function, and adopted Akaike information criterion (AIC) to determine the optimal polynomial form. The adaptive k-means clustering analysis ensured that some of the significant contribution sample points toward the failure probability can be added as the new training samples in each iteration. The results of two numerical examples indicated that the proposed method can not only guarantee the validity and accuracy of the estimation of failure probability but also reduce structural performance function evaluation times.
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    Dynamic Characteristics and Responses of Fused Filament Fabrication Thin Plates
    JIANG Shi-jie, SUN Ming-yu, DONG Tian-kuo, CHEN Pi-feng
    2020, 41 (5):  673-678.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.011
    Abstract ( 616 )   HTML   PDF (639KB) ( 728 )  
    The inherent characteristics and vibration responses of thin plates by FFF(fused filament fabrication) under cantilever boundary conditions were studied by combining FFF theory with experiments. Firstly, considering the property of lamination and orthogonal anisotropy, the fused filament fabricated thin plate(fused plate) was theoretically modeled based on the orthogonal polynomial method. Then, the dynamic characteristics of the fused plate were worked out by Ritz method, and the vibration response of any point in the fused plate was analyzed by using the frequency domain vibration equation. Finally, Poly lactic acid (PLA) thin plate was studied experimentally to determine its measured dynamic characteristics and vibration responses .It was found through the comparison that the developed theoretical model of the fused plate based on orthogonal polynomial method was capable to give accurate predictions on the dynamic characteristics and vibration response, thus validating the feasibility of the model.
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    Torsional Vibration Modeling and Analysis for Hybrid VehicleTransmission System
    SONG Da-feng, GAO Fu-wang, ZENG Xiao-hua, YU Fu-kang
    2020, 41 (5):  679-685.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.012
    Abstract ( 778 )   HTML   PDF (1400KB) ( 1039 )  
    For the complex characteristics of the torsional vibration analysis of hybrid vehicle, a P2 hybrid SUV(sport utility vehicle) was taken as a research object, and the transmission system concentrated mass model was established to analyze the inherent characteristics and excitation response characteristics. Then, based on AMESim simulation software, the influence factors of torsional vibration of transmission system were analyzed, and the sensitivity of main parameters such as clutch stiffness and damping was studied. The influence characteristics of torsional vibration are discussed in detail. The simulation results indicated that changing the damping stiffness of the clutch will affect the inherent characteristics of the transmission system and change the resonance peak value and frequency; increasing the damping of the clutch will reduce the peak value of the attenuation resonance of the transmission system, but was not good for vibration elimination at high speed.
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    Natural Characteristics Analysis of Suspended Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells with Bolted Connections
    MA Hui, FU Qiang, LI Kun, FAN Fu-you
    2020, 41 (5):  686-692.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.013
    Abstract ( 510 )   HTML   PDF (2133KB) ( 815 )  
    Toward the suspended thin-walled cylindrical shell with bolted connections, both beam-shell hybrid and full-solid finite element models were established by using ANSYS software. With the established models, the influence from boundary conditions and bolt preloads at the flange-/hoisting- structure to the system dynamic characteristics was analyzed, and corresponding numerical results were compared with experimental results. The results indicated that the finite element model established can accurately simulate the contact pressure and its distribution at the bolted interface. On the premise of guaranteeing computational accuracy, the beam-shell hybrid model was more efficient than the full-solid model. The bolt preloads at the flange had a significant effect on the fifth to eighth natural frequencies of the system, while that at the hoisting structure had a great effect on the first three natural frequencies of the system.
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    Fatigue Strength Prediction Based on Micro Scratches
    DING Ming-chao, ZHANG Yuan-liang, XIAN Hong-wei, WANG Jin-long
    2020, 41 (5):  693-699.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.014
    Abstract ( 669 )   HTML   PDF (1341KB) ( 914 )  
    Based on the observation of micro scratches, the cross section of the scratches has the geometric characteristics of triangle. Two principles which are direction-independent and length-independent were proposed for determining the projection area of micro scratches. Accordingly, a new parameter areaΔ was defined as the maximum square root of triangle area of micro scratch section, to describe fatigue damage quantitatively caused by the micro scratches. A modified fatigue strength model with the consideration of micro scratches was established by using the Murakami model and the term of areaΔ.The model was validated by the fatigue strength experiment of high strength steel FV520B-I and the existing data of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy from literature. The results showed that the model had a certain advantage of prediction accuracy in fatigue strength prediction.
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    Thermal Analysis Toward Pair-Installed Angular Contact Ball Bearings in Feed Systems
    ZHAO Chun-yu, HOU Sen-lin, LI Zhen-jun
    2020, 41 (5):  700-705.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.015
    Abstract ( 699 )   HTML   PDF (931KB) ( 858 )  
    Considering the centrifugal force of the bearing and the gyro moment, the dynamic load balance model of the ball was established and solved by the Newton-Raphson method. Then a transient thermal network model of the paired angular contact ball bearings of machine tool feed system was created with temperature nodes selected from bearings, the screw shafts and the bearing housings, considering the contact thermal resistance between the thermal nodes of the bearings. In this model, the internal temperature change of the bearing and the viscosity-temperature effect of the lubricant were used to modify the heat generation and thermal boundary conditions of the bearing heat source in real time. The transient temperature rise curves of important nodes such as bearing housing surface at different feed rates were predicted with differential matrix using Matlab software. The temperature field of the bearing system at different speeds was analyzed. The experimental verification under the actual working conditions of the bearing system at different feed rates was carried out to prove the validity of the prediction model.
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    Numerical Simulation of Influence of Nozzle Spindle Position on the Performance of Steam Ejector
    WANG Xiao-dong, SUN Hao-lin, SUN Hao
    2020, 41 (5):  706-710.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.016
    Abstract ( 605 )   HTML   PDF (817KB) ( 844 )  
    The throat area of the nozzle is important for the performance of the steam ejector, a variable area nozzle structure which is capable to adjust the nozzle throat area by adjusting the position of spindle is proposed and the numerical analysis toward the influence of the spindle positions on the performance of the steam ejector is also discussed. The velocity flow field, axial pressure distribution and near-wall flow field of the steam ejector under different spindle positions were compared. The results showed that under the same working condition, the spindle position can significantly affect the performance of the steam ejector. With the decreasing of nozzle throat area, the shock wave position in the jet pump was shifted to the inlet direction, and the intensity was continuously weakened. The phenomenon of boundary layer separation is weakened first and then enhanced. When the nozzle spindle position is around 15 mm, the performance of jet pump reached the best value.
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    Positioning Accuracy Research on Bilateral Remote Control of Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators
    CAI Yan, ZHOU Jie, CHEN Jie, SONG Jin-chun
    2020, 41 (5):  710-715.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.017
    Abstract ( 674 )   HTML   PDF (1404KB) ( 851 )  
    For an electro-hydrostatic actuator (EHA), the positioning accuracy is generally affected by uncertainties existing in the system. A robust position controller based on quantitative feedback theory (QFT) is proposed, which can describe the parametric uncertainties of human operators, master manipulator and environment in the templates for quantitative computation of the bounds and visualized adjustment between system stability and transparency, thus to improve the positioning accuracy of the bilateral-controlled EHA.Using this controller, four commonly used bilateral control schemes were tested based on an EHA test rig and a haptic device with force feedback. The verification experiments were performed in contact with soft and hard environments, which finally proved that the FR scheme was the most suitable for EHA remote control among the four due to its simple structure and excellent transparency.
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    VOF Method Based CFD Numerical Simulation for Wet Clutch Lubricating Oil Passage
    ZHANG Zhi-jun, JIN Zhu-nan, XIN Xiang-jin, SUN Ji-yu
    2020, 41 (5):  716-722.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.018
    Abstract ( 670 )   HTML   PDF (1394KB) ( 926 )  
    Three new oil passage structures were designed to improve the lubricating and cooling efficiency based on the original one. Gas-liquid phase dynamic characteristics of oil passage were solved by VOF(volume of fluid) method in order to study the effects of lubricant flow rate distribution, oil filling efficiency and oil discharge rate of different oil passage structures. The results showed that the eddy can be avoided by arranging the oil passage holes, and these holes can promote the uniform distribution of the oil flow rate. Among them, the V-shaped oil passage structure was superior to other structures in the aspects such as the distribution of oil flow rate, the overall oil filling efficiency of the friction gaps and the circulation rate of the lubricating oil, which is helpful to improve the lubricating and cooling efficiency, reduce the heat generation,and extend the service life of wet clutch.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Study on Microstructure,Texture and Mechanical Properties of Strip Casting Invar Alloy
    SONG Hong-yu, LIU Hai-tao, WANG Guo-dong
    2020, 41 (5):  723-728.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.019
    Abstract ( 887 )   HTML   PDF (3199KB) ( 1401 )  
    The twin-roll strip casting technology was introduced into the process of manufacturing invar alloy. Using optical microscope, XRD, EBSD, micro hardness(HV) and tensile testing instruments, the evolution of microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of the strip-casted invar alloy were investigated. The results show that the solidification microstructure of the strip-casted invar alloy is dominated by the coarse columnar grains of austenite and the associated texture is mainly the strong λ-fiber texture(<100>//ND). Thereafter, a large amount of deformation substructures are formed during a cold-rolling process, which increase the hardness(HV) from 165 to 230~240, and the cold-rolled texture is mainly composed by the typical copper texture (112<111>) and S texture (123<634>). A recrystallization microstructure containing numerous annealing twins together with a weak texture is observed in the 0.7mm-thick sheet after annealing at 700℃ for 10min. The yielding strength, tensile strength and final elongation are 293MPa, 433MPa and 33.4%, respectively, which are similar to those of the 0.7mm-thick annealed sheet produced by the conventional process.
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    Numerical Simulation of the Intersection Angle Influence on Atomization Process of Powders Produced by VIGA
    GUO Kuai-kuai, CHEN Jin, LIU Chang-sheng, CHEN Sui-yuan
    2020, 41 (5):  729-735.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.020
    Abstract ( 1033 )   HTML   PDF (1970KB) ( 1430 )  

    The effect of intersection angle on the primary and secondary atomization of vacuum induction melting gas atomization (VIGA) was studied by the combination of experiments and computational fluid dynamics CFD simulations. The VOF (volume of fluid) multiphase flow model based on the Euler-Lagrange method was used to simulate the primary atomization process and the discrete phase model (DPM) was used to simulate the breakup process and predict the particle size distribution (PSD) of Taylor analogy breakup (TAB) in secondary atomization. The results show that the simulated area of recirculation zone decreases with the increase of intersection angle. The fragmentation morphology of metal melt is presented as "fountain→umbrella" and the primary droplets size is 0.3~0.9mm. The Weber number (We) of liquid droplets is 10~90. With increasing intersection angle, the average particle size of the powders decreases gradually. Moreover, these simulation results prove reasonable, which the simulated particle size of the powders is in agreement with the experimental one when the intersection angle is 36°.

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    Information & Control
    Design of Disturbance Suppression Controller for Multi-machine Power Systems Based on Minimax Theory
    CHANG Ling, JING Yuan-wei
    2020, 41 (5):  736-740.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.021
    Abstract ( 509 )   HTML   PDF (499KB) ( 781 )  
    A disturbance suppression algorithm based on Minimax theory is proposed for solving the disturbance suppression of multi-machine power systems with coupling performance. A pseudo-generalized Hamilton form is established based on modifying generalized Hamilton system for multi-machine excitation system. By introducing the Minimax theory into the Hamiltonian power system with disturbances, the disturbance suppression controller is determined based on the worst disturbance situation. The degree of disturbance presumption can be avoided and the conservatism of the traditional method can be reduced. Simulation results show that the method and the control strategy can make the system state converge to the initial equilibrium point rapidly during large disturbances, which effectively improves the transient stability performance of power systems.
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    Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Observer Based Sensorless Control of PMSM
    LIU Zhen, MIAO Shu, LI Wen-hui, LIU Jing-jing
    2020, 41 (5):  741-746.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.022
    Abstract ( 870 )   HTML   PDF (1115KB) ( 1253 )  
    In order to realize the high performance requirements of permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) vector control system, a reverse electromotive force (EMF) observer of PMSM based on super-twisting second order sliding mode theory is proposed. The rotor position and speed of the PMSM can be obtained by computing the observed value of the reverse electromotive force. The vector control is used to control the motor speed so as to realize the sensorless control of PMSM. According to the Lyapunov stability theory, the convergence property of the observer is proved.In addition, compared with the traditional first-order sliding mode algorithm, the super-twisting algorithm greatly weakens the chattering of the system, and reduces the overshoot adjustment time of the system. The simulation and experiment results show that the scheme can estimate the rotor position and speed effectively, and the system has good robustness and dynamic response ability.
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    Management Science
    Impact of Knowledge Workers’ Work Family Conflicts on Creativity:A Modified Mediating Effect Model
    ZHANG Lan-xia, WEI Cai-yun, YANG Qin-shuai, FU Jing-yao
    2020, 41 (5):  747-753.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.023
    Abstract ( 725 )   HTML   PDF (414KB) ( 1112 )  
    According to the resources conservation theory and emotional event theory, and based on the data collected from 294 knowledge workers, the hierarchical regression analysis method was used to explore the impact of knowledge workers’ work-family conflicts on creativity, and verify the mediating effect of job burnout and the moderating role of emotional intelligence. The results showed that work-family conflicts can significantly negatively predict employees’ creativity; job burnout plays an intermediary role between work-family conflicts and employees’ creativity; emotional intelligence can not only significantly modify the relationship between job burnout and employees’ creativity, but also modify the mediating effect of job burnout between work-family conflicts and employees’ creativity, that is, the higher the level of employees’ emotional intelligence, the weaker the indirect effect of work-family conflicts on employee creativity through job burnout.
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    Heterogeneity of CEO Managerial Cognition and Location Preference for OFDI Political Risk in Multinational Enterprises:Based on the Micro Data of Chinese Multinational Enterprises
    SHU Bo, DU Xiao-jun
    2020, 41 (5):  753-760.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.05.024
    Abstract ( 674 )   HTML   PDF (455KB) ( 752 )  
    From the perspective of the heterogeneity of CEO managerial cognition, and based on the upper echelons theory, the mechanism and boundary conditions of CEO managerial cognitive heterogeneity on OFDI’s location preference for political risk were investigated by means of the data of multinational enterprises listed in Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange of China from 2009 to 2017.The results showed that a significant U-shaped relationship exists between CEO managerial cognitive heterogeneity (two dimensions of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge) and OFDI’s location preference for political risk, but the positive moderating effect of CEO risk bearing on the U-shaped relationship between CEO managerial cognition heterogeneity and OFDI’s location preference for political risk is not significant.
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