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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    An Analysis of the Role of Ethnographic Methods in the Construction of Scientific Knowledge
    ZHU Chun-yan, GAO Qin
    2015, 17 (6):  551-555.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.001
    Abstract ( 620 )   HTML   PDF (817KB) ( 1074 )  

    The Paris school of scientific knowledge sociology, which is represented by laboratory study and actor-network theory, applies ethnographic methods to research and trace the micro process of scientific knowledge production and socialization for the first time. Ethnography advocates empirical data, analyzes material elements in the laboratory, investigates implied ideas in daily scientific activities and reconstructs scientific statements, which forms the constructivism principles of scientific knowledge, conforms to the trend of empirical turning and discipline integration in scientific and technological philosophy, and carries a certain implication for opening the black box of contemporary technology. However, it is worth noting that the dilemma of ethnography in the construction of scientific knowledge lies in its legitimacy, constructivism and motivation.

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    Industrial Heritage Protection from the Perspective of Engineering Ethics
    WANG Jian, FAN Jia-xin
    2015, 17 (6):  556-560.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.002
    Abstract ( 710 )   HTML   PDF (817KB) ( 957 )  
    Industrial heritage protection reflects the ethical responsibility for the artificial environment in engineering activities. Different from natural environment protection which focuses on the interest relationship between contemporary people and the future generations, industrial heritage protection pays more attention to the ethical responsibility for the artificial environment, which places more emphasis on the interest relationship between contemporary and previous generations. This attention originates from the custom of inheritance and inheritance ethics is a type of moral expression for such a custom. As a pattern to manifest inheritance ethics in engineering activities, industrial heritage protection serves as a basic principle for respecting the labor and work of previous generations, which attains its objectives via institutional ethics. As a new dimension of engineering ethics, industrial heritage protection becomes an important embodiment of inheritance ethics in engineering activities.
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    Study on the Ethical Risks of the Aged Care Robots
    LI Xiao-yan
    2015, 17 (6):  561-566.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.003
    Abstract ( 812 )   HTML   PDF (842KB) ( 2027 )  
    Given the ever increasing rate of global population aging and the relative shortage of medical care resources, the development and use of the aged care robots will bring about great hope and prospect in improving the physical and mental health of the elderly. The aged care robots can assist the elderly in daily tasks, help monitor their behavior and health, and provide them with companionship. In the meantime, however, the aged care robots can also endanger the social contact, privacy, freedom and safety of the elderly. Roboticists, ethicists, doctors, caregivers and the elderly themselves should make joint efforts to diminish or prevent these risks. Such efforts can be mainly divided into three aspects—designing the aged care robots through value-sensitive design approaches, stipulating reasonably the ways the aged care robots are used, and understanding correctly the essence of the aged care robots and their relationship with human beings.
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    Effect of Scientific and Technological Value and “Internet +” Action on Innovation Entrepreneurship
    ZHENG Wen-fan, LIU Ming-wei
    2015, 17 (6):  567-572.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.004
    Abstract ( 723 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 1089 )  
    With Chinas new normalization of innovation driving and economic development, a new innovation-driven model is provided by using “Internet +”, whereby a series of deep-seated conflicts of innovation driving might be settled. By using the Internet platform and information communication technologies, “Internet +” has linked the Internet and all the walks of life including the traditional industries, which has helped to create a new ecology in new fields. It could promote scientific and technological innovation, engineering innovation, industrial innovation and institutional innovation. The “Internet +” model and its innovation driving are discussed based on the theory of scientific and technological value so as to theoretically understand the nature of the model and its effect on entrepreneurial driving.
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    Economics and Management
    Study on the Spatial Spillover and Influencing Factors of Chinas Provincial Carbon EmissionBased on the Spatial Panel Data Model
    CAO Hong-gang, CHEN Kai, TONG Xin
    2015, 17 (6):  573-579.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.005
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML   PDF (843KB) ( 963 )  

    From the spatial geographical perspective the spatial dependence of Chinas provincial carbon emission was examined, and based on the spatial panel data model, the contribution of different influencing factors to carbon emission growth was estimated. It was found that there exists spatial dependence in Chinas provincial energy carbon emission from 2000 to 2012, and the spatial spillover effects of neighboring provincial carbon emission and influencing factors are remarkable—the coefficients of economic growth, financial development, urbanization rate, industrial structure and export dependence are positive, the effect of population and technological progress on reducing carbon emission growth is remarkable, but the effect of energy price on carbon emission growth fails to pass the test of significance. In policy making and development planning, the government should take into account the effect of neighboring regions carbon emission, and integrate carbon emission and the spatial spillover effect of related influencing factors so as to reduce Chinas carbon emission in both temporal and spatial dimensions as a whole.

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    Teacher Competence and Creativity Performance at Research-oriented UniversitiesModerating Effect of Perceived Innovation Strategy
    JIA Jian-feng, WANG Wen-juan, DUAN Jin-yun
    2015, 17 (6):  579-586.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.006
    Abstract ( 544 )   HTML   PDF (903KB) ( 789 )  
    Taking teachers at research-oriented universities as the research object, this study reveals the mechanism of perceived innovation strategy to affect teacher competence and creativity performance in the Chinese context. The findings are as follows. Firstly, teacher competence at research-oriented universities has a positive effect on creativity performance and the effect mainly comes from such dimensions as interpersonal feature and scientific research driving force; meanwhile, compared to their female counterparts, male teachers have higher creativity performance, and compared to lecturers, professors have higher creativity intention. Secondly, perceived innovation strategy plays a moderating role in the relationship between teacher competence and creativity performance at research-oriented universities; meanwhile, compared to lecturers, professors competence has a stronger impact on creativity performance with higher perceived innovation strategy. Based on the above analysis, specific management implications are put forward from the perspectives of creativity performance promotion and innovation strategy planning and implementation.
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    Concept Definition and Scale Development of Regional Environmental AdvantageFrom the Perspective of Regional Brand Forming
    XU Ming, SHENG Ya-jun, WEI Sheng
    2015, 17 (6):  587-594.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.007
    Abstract ( 521 )   HTML   PDF (853KB) ( 867 )  

    The creation and cultivation of regional brands has become a powerful booster to develop regional economy and regional image, and regional environmental advantage serves as an important factor that affects regional brand forming, but its concept definition and measurement require improving. The concept of regional environmental advantage was first defined, and the measurement scale was then developed by following such steps as item pool establishment, item purification, and reliability and validity testing. It was concluded that regional environmental advantage is composed of five dimensions: resources environment, cultural environment, investing and financing environment, institutional environment and social environment. The findings may provide the decision-making basis and theoretical guidance for developing regional brands in many other regions.

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    Default Risk Management Strategies of Student Loans Based on Evolutionary GameFrom the Behavior Perspective of Higher Education Institutions and Banks
    YU Ji-bo, LIU Chuan-zhe
    2015, 17 (6):  595-600.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.008
    Abstract ( 465 )   HTML   PDF (905KB) ( 889 )  
    Based on the evolutionary game theory, a model was built to explore the strategy selection of higher education institutions and banks in the risk management of national student loans. It was found that the higher the cost of student loans is, the more likely higher education institutions will take cooperative measures. The actual effect of default loan collection implemented by higher education institutions will be relatively poor in the condition that the starting threshold value of risk compensation mechanisms is bigger and the management responsibility of higher education institutions is comparatively small. Therefore, to reduce the default risk of national student loans, banks should be given permission to raise the interest of student loans, and each administering bank should offer sizable student loans. Meanwhile, the cost of student loan management should be increased among the institutions whose graduates have higher default rates, and the issuing banks of national student loans should be urged to take legal actions at those who have multi-period defaults in order to improve the default risk management of national student loans.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Temporal and Spatial Evolution Mechanisms in Local Government Information Transparency System and Their ImplicationsBased on the Theory of Policy Diffusion
    WANG Hong-tao, WEI Shu-yan
    2015, 17 (6):  600-606.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.009
    Abstract ( 594 )   HTML   PDF (871KB) ( 959 )  

    Based on the theory of policy diffusion, the diffusion process of government information transparency system of 31 provincial governments and 49 larger city governments was explored. It was found that the local government information transparency system has a significant diffusion effect, with its diffusion curve showing S-shape over time. Its regional diffusion and proximity effects are significant, its vertical influence and hierarchical effects are remarkable, but its proliferation of content is mainly mimic and lacking in learning innovation. In order to promote the innovation and diffusion capacity of local governments, the central government should empower appropriately and broaden the innovation space of local governments, and the local governments should enhance their innovation consciousness and ability, exert the positive effect of vertical influence, and speed up the policy diffusion process.

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    Policy Implementation Collusion of Rural Subsistence Allowances Illustrated by C Township in Mid-Shandong
    WANG Hui, CUI Xin-xin
    2015, 17 (6):  606-612.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.010
    Abstract ( 563 )   HTML   PDF (852KB) ( 753 )  
    GuanxiBao and RenqingBao in implementing rural subsistence allowances are viewed as rural governance tolls by most scholars after the tax reform. However, another sort of policy implementation variation is revealed through the case study of rural subsistence allowances in C Town, Shandong Province, where many village cadres tend to prompt the low-income families that if they want to receive subsistence allowances from the government they should return some subsidies to the cadres as an exchange reward. The inherent defect of subsistence allowances offers the possibility of such collusion. By establishing the patron system, village cadres can easily manipulate the low-income recipients. In turn, villagers can also game and choose a preferred delivery strategy for more profit. As a result the two sides may reach collusion. Finally, the current patron system and that in the collectivization period is compared, which indicates that the subsistence allowance publicity system helps to resolve the emergence of collusion.
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    Effects of Smart Phone Using Behaviors on College Students Subjective Well-being
    SI Xiao-yue, ZHANG Ying, LIU Wu
    2015, 17 (6):  613-618.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.011
    Abstract ( 594 )   HTML   PDF (988KB) ( 1167 )  
    Based on the theories of technology acceptance and subjective well-being, a model was built to explore the factors that affect students smart phone using behaviors. It was found that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude and meta-motivation have significant effects on college students smart phone using behaviors, and demographic factors have certain impacts as well. Smart phone using behaviors exert significant effects on college students satisfied utility and subjective well-being. The average daily time of smart phone use is significantly positively related to satisfied utility and subjective well-being, and the years of smart phone use are also significantly positively related to subjective well-being. Given the above results, it was suggested that APPs that have positive effects on subjective well-being should be developed, the share of educational resources should be maximized and the educational management should be implemented effectively.
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    New Approach to Amending Anti-tax Avoidance Legislation: Adding Accessory Taxpayers Clauses
    WANG Miao
    2015, 17 (6):  619-624.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.012
    Abstract ( 447 )   HTML   PDF (834KB) ( 897 )  
    The narrow concept of taxpayers in Chinas current anti-tax avoidance legislation may lead to tax avoidance via the related parties and CFCs. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the concept of “accessory taxpayer” in the total-fraction mode, which is transferred and established from the foreign concept of second taxpayers. Accessory tax obligation is a public guarantee of debts, deriving from the theory of tax credits and debts. Based on the equity theory of international governance, it is proposed that China should formulate the relevant types of accessory tax obligation and ascertain the varied accessory tax obligations based on the occurrence of tax-avoidance acts. Only when tax-avoidance acts occur should the parties concerned undertake the supplementary accessory obligations while the CFCs are bound to undertake the collateral obligations.
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    Basis and Standard of Privately Contracted Armed Security Guards Use of Force Against Pirates
    REN Xian-long, HAN Li-xin
    2015, 17 (6):  625-630.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.013
    Abstract ( 472 )   HTML   PDF (843KB) ( 842 )  
    With the rampant piracy, employing privately armed security guards on board against pirates attack has become more and more popular with shipping companies. Consequently, the basis of armed security guards use of force to combat pirates has been at issue. When an individual is confronted with an illegal attack, he or she is entitled to use force for self-defense, which is recognized by the customary international law and national laws. However, regarding the use of force for self-defense, there are no specific provisions in the maritime international law and there exist various versions of guidelines in the national laws, which make it difficult to provide privately armed security guards on board with clear and predictable laws and regulations in the use of force for self-defense. Therefore, in order to make better use of these effective measures to protect the shipping industry, the rules of force use for self-defense should achieve unity in the international level.
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    Marxism Theory
    An Analysis of the Connotations of Marx and Engels Family Thought
    CHAN He-jing
    2015, 17 (6):  631-636.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.014
    Abstract ( 604 )   HTML   PDF (834KB) ( 1134 )  
    Family thought plays a very important part in Marx and Engels theoretical system. To them, a family is the sum total of multiple social relations. From the narrow sense, the family is the relationship between husband and wife and between parents and children; from the broad sense, the family is a part of nature and a microcosm of society. It has experienced the periods of group marriage family and even marriage family. Productivity is the decisive force in developing family forms and real monogamy can be realized only by reaching highly developed productivity and eliminating private ownership. Harmony is one of the essential attributes of the family, love is the foundation of the harmony between husband and wife, and the education children receive from their parents is the key to harmonious intergenerational relations. In other words, family and society together with family and nature are the unity of harmony.
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    An Analysis of Marcuses Ideology Theory of Science and Technology
    KUAI Zheng-ming
    2015, 17 (6):  637-642.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.015
    Abstract ( 640 )   HTML   PDF (830KB) ( 845 )  
    The ideology of capitalist technological rationality is the kernel of Marcuses ideology theory. In his view, technological rationality penetrated into every aspect of social life in the developed capitalist society; moreover, it took on a greater control because of its super-class and non-political veil. Based on an explanation of the ideologicalization of scientific and technological rationality and an analysis of “false needs” and “additional depression”, he revealed the reason why people in the capitalist society were “unidimensional”. In view of the “unidimensional person” of technological rationality, Marcuse proposed the idea of transcending the science and technology ideology of the developed capitalist society, namely, realizing “the new socialism” via “the overall revolution”.
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    Empirical Study on College Students English Reading DifficultyFrom the Psycholinguistic Perspective
    SHANG Guo-yin, ZHANG Dan
    2015, 17 (6):  643-649.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.016
    Abstract ( 610 )   HTML   PDF (838KB) ( 1355 )  
    Schema theory and metacognition theory of psycholinguistics have close relationship with reading comprehension. The success of reading comprehension depends not only on whether readers have language schemata, content schemata, formal schemata and cultural schemata related to reading materials, but also on whether readers could apply various reading strategies to manage and adjust these schemata to enhance their reading comprehension. Through four empirical experiments, it has been verified that lack of appropriate schemata and metacognitive reading strategies is the main cause of college students reading difficulty, and the positive effect of schemata and metacognitive reading strategies on college students reading comprehension has been proven as well. Therefore, in language teaching, instructors should actively help students construct various schemata and enhance their awareness of metacognition reading strategies.
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    On the Data-driven Learning of German Vocabulary from the Perspective of Sociocultural Theory
    JIANG Feng
    2015, 17 (6):  650-656.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.06.017
    Abstract ( 506 )   HTML   PDF (1055KB) ( 1003 )  

    Sociocultural theory (SCT) emphasizes the important role of language in the development of human cognition and mental function and it believes that the mental function of people develops from a lower level to a higher level, namely, regulation develops from object-regulation to other-regulation and then gradually to self-regulation. With the development of the Internet and information technology, corpus has been gradually applied to second language acquisition. The effect of DDL (data-driven learning) on German vocabulary acquisition from SCT perspective was explored and the results indicated that that as learning time increases, learners ability to acquire vocabulary is improving. Different regulations may exert different effects. The beginners are mainly affected by object-regulation and the intermediate learners have begun to fulfil their learning tasks by other-regulation. Yet, the advanced learners are mainly influenced by self-regulation.

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