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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On Modern Technologys Deviation from and Returning to the Life World
    LI Hong-wei, ZHANG Yan
    2015, 17 (3):  221-225.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.001
    Abstract ( 879 )   HTML   PDF (868KB) ( 1130 )  
    Modern technologys deviation from and returning to the life world is a dialectical process of historical development. The term “life world” does not mean denying modern technology; on the contrary, it leads modern technology to the true world of human nature, facing up to the problems and challenges in the process of social development. The returning path of modern technology to the life world in China should be based on the national conditions, starting from opening up the routes of social emancipation, laying solid material foundations and paying attention to public demands. For one thing, modern technology should improve the inherent quality of public life; for another, the general public should retrodict the routes and directions of technological innovation, seek the innovative source and significance of modern technology and follow the development lines of ecotechnology-based ecological civilization by resorting to the practical rationality of “technological use” in the life world.
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    Four-dimensional Analysis of the Uncertainty in Technological Use
    MIAO Cheng-zhang
    2015, 17 (3):  226-231.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.002
    Abstract ( 770 )   HTML   PDF (880KB) ( 970 )  
    Technological use is an important feature of todays society with uncertainty serving as one of its basic characteristics. Accordingly, it is of great significance to take into account the uncertainty in technological use when expanding the areas of technological philosophy. From the dimension of technological object, such uncertainty mainly shows the possibility of technological function disorder; from the dimension of technological subject, it is mainly manifested by the possibility of technological function innovation; from the dimension of technological target, it mainly shows the possibility of technological target deviation; and from the dimension of technology activity, it is mainly represented by the possibility of technological risk forming. It is therefore argued that the varied manifestations of the uncertainty in technological use derive from different factors.
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    Self-awareness in Technological Mediation ExperienceA Phenomenological Critique of Ihdes Philosophy of Technology
    WU Ning-ning
    2015, 17 (3):  232-239.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.003
    Abstract ( 890 )   HTML   PDF (914KB) ( 1634 )  
    The core of technological mediation theory is to characterize the self-awareness in technological mediation experience. The American philosopher Don Ihde elaborates on this issue by the concept “quasi-transparency”, whose basic structure is “magnification/reduction”, via which he emphasizes materiality and sensorial body. However the self-awareness in Ihdes theory is a reflexive awareness as the pattern of object-given, which fails to explain the self-awareness in pre-reflective experience. Based on the concept of practical intentionality in Merleau-Pontys phenomenology of body, technological mediation as such means a particular norm of practical tasks, and self-awareness refers to the consciousness of the relationship between the subject and the norm-based technology.
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    Hermeneutics Structural Analysis of Online Rumor
    LI Li
    2015, 17 (3):  240-245.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.004
    Abstract ( 712 )   HTML   PDF (884KB) ( 1252 )  
    Online rumor is a social phenomenon with the Internet serving as its chief media and platform. Compared to the more traditional rumor which runs from mouth to mouth, online rumor, which exists on the virtual network platform, manifests itself in dual hermeneutics properties which raise a core issue—the interpretation of online rumor. Meanwhile, rumormongers familiarity with and good use of the netizens prejudice and the objective time space between the netizens and online rumor texts serve as the core elements and basic conditions for the netizens to deeply interpret online rumor. Therefore, the realistic difficulties caused by online rumor are regarded as an interpretation dilemma, to which three possible solutions might be found. To construct a harmonious, healthy and democratic network environment, it is suggested that online rumor texts should be tackled directly, the netizens prejudice should be dissolved and the supervision from the others should be reinforced in the process of rumor formation and diffusion.
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    Economics and Management
    An Empirical Study on Chinese Main Board Market Financing and GDP from 1991 to 2013Econometric Analysis Based on the VAR Model
    LIU Hong-jie
    2015, 17 (3):  246-251.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.005
    Abstract ( 783 )   HTML   PDF (998KB) ( 1198 )  
    The changing trends of Chinese main board market financing and GDP from 1991 to 2013 were analyzed and the VAR model was applied to explore the relationship between A share financing in Chinese main board market and GDP. The results showed that A share financing in Chinese main board market exerts a positive impact on GDP, whose maximum (0.3001) appeared in the tenth year. Through the growth rate of Chinese main board market financing in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges exceeds that of GDP, the contribution of A share financing in Chinese main board market to the fluctuations of GDP is comparatively small. It is obvious that China capital market is running actively and effectively, and the moderate changes of A share will not lead to the fluctuations of Chinas national economy.
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    Effects of Demographic and Economic Factors on Chinas Population AgingAn Empirical Analysis Based on the Provincial Panel Data
    KONG Ling-wen, CHEN Zhen-zhen
    2015, 17 (3):  252-259.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.006
    Abstract ( 537 )   HTML   PDF (913KB) ( 913 )  
    Based on Chinas provincial panel data between 1997 and 2011, this paper explored the effects of demographic and economic factors on Chinas population aging. The results showed that from the national perspective, birth rate has a negative effect on population aging while there are quite a few factors that have positive effects on population aging such as mortality rate, investment in education, average income level, the development of non-agricultural industries and the non-agriculturalization level. However, from the regional perspective, the effect of birth rate in the eastern, middle and western regions is negative; the impact of mortality rate, investment in education, the development of non-agricultural industry and the non-agriculturalization level in the three regions are all positive while health investment has a negative effect in the eastern and western regions and the development of non-agricultural industries has a negative effect in the eastern region.
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    Fair Value Hierarchy Disclosure and Information Asymmetry
    MAO Zhi-hong, RAN Dan, LIU Bao-ying
    2015, 17 (3):  260-267.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.007
    Abstract ( 818 )   HTML   PDF (922KB) ( 1061 )  
    Using a sample of the A share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2007 to 2012, this paper tested the impact of fair value hierarchy disclosures on stock investors information asymmetry. It was found that the net assets measured by fair value reduce the information asymmetry among stock investors. Level 1 and Level 2 net assets are more reliable and significantly reduce the information asymmetry among stock investors, whereas Level 3 net assets are less reliable and significantly increase the information asymmetry among stock investors. On the whole, considering the comparatively small amounts of Level 3 net assets and liabilities, the fair value of listed companies is helpful to reduce the information asymmetry among stock investors.
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    An Empirical Study on Government Support and Success Factors in Industry-University-Institute Cooperation
    GUAN Zhi-min, CAO Zhong-peng, TAO Jin
    2015, 17 (3):  268-275.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.008
    Abstract ( 714 )   HTML   PDF (893KB) ( 1016 )  
    From the perspective of enterprises and universities/institutions respectively, this paper empirically studied the status of Chinas industry-university-institute cooperation and the factors impacting the cooperation effect among Chinas technology innovation alliances. Based on a questionnaire of 100 universities/institutions and 100 enterprises, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were given to explore the factors for successful cooperation and the effects of government support on cooperation. The results showed that industry-university-institute cooperation in the form of alliance has significant impact on the cooperation effect but universities/institutions pay less attention to it. As to the factors for successful cooperation, enterprises attach equal importance to capability and mechanism while universities/institutions give priority to capability. Thus, the government should increase policy support for enterprises and guiding support for universities/institutions.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On the Provision Patterns and Governance Mechanisms of Urban Fixed-point Public Service
    WANG Huan-ming, ZHU Da-jian
    2015, 17 (3):  276-282.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.009
    Abstract ( 584 )   HTML   PDF (933KB) ( 1078 )  
    Supplying public service is aimed at improving peoples well-being. The urban fixed-point public service is now faced with three types of predicaments—the unbalanced distribution in different public service categories, the uneven distribution in different geographical spaces and the unequal distribution in different social classes. To handle these problems, a distinction between planners and producers should be made, and the four kinds of provision patterns should be adopted, which are the collaboration between government and market(G-M), the collaboration between government and social organization(G-S), the collaboration between market and social organization(M-S), and collaboration among government, market and social organization(G-M-S). To improve the performances of these provision patterns, the mechanisms of financial input, production and allocation should be designed. In the patterns of G-M and G-S, more attention should be paid to the allocation mechanism; in the patterns of M-S, more priority should be given to the financial input mechanism; and in the patterns of G-M-S, a balance should be struck among the three mechanisms.
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    Study on Traffic Congestion ChargingFeasibility Analysis Based on Policy Foundations
    ZHAO Lei
    2015, 17 (3):  282-287.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.010
    Abstract ( 569 )   HTML   PDF (882KB) ( 1075 )  
    As one of the most effective solutions to relieving traffic congestion, congestion charging has been applied in the developed regions widely. Based on the data from Tokyo, London, Singapore, Hong Kong and some other regions where the policy has made remarkable achievements, the content, strategy and background of traffic congestion charging were analyzed. The results indicated that the implementary preconditions of congestion charging include the levels of economic and social development, the quality of public transport service and the modernization degree of urban management. Furthermore, a tentative assessment framework of three dimensions and nine indexes was proposed to analyze whether congestion charging applies to Shanghai both in policy and in practice.
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    The Influence of New Media on University Freshmens School Adaption and Education Countermeasures
    TENG Guo-peng, JIN Sheng-hua, MA Ying-hua
    2015, 17 (3):  288-294.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.011
    Abstract ( 618 )   HTML   PDF (909KB) ( 1507 )  
    The emergence of new media has profoundly changed the ways of peoples communication and affected various aspects of peoples life. From the perspective of social support, this paper systematically analyzes the nature of university freshmens school adaption. Taking into account the changes of contact among individuals brought by new media, especially the revolutionary changes of individuals social networking and information transferring, the new characteristics in interpersonal relationships, information communication and academic activities are analyzed. Meanwhile, turning to the features and merits of new media, this study points out specific measures to help university freshmen adapt to college life by building technological platforms before entrance, optimizing diversified educational measures and integrating the use of support resources, etc.
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    Legislative Structure of Indirect Infringement System of Chinas Intellectual Property Also on the Difference Between Indirect Infringement of Intellectual Property and Multiple Tortfeasors
    WANG Guo-zhu
    2015, 17 (3):  295-300.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.012
    Abstract ( 641 )   HTML   PDF (866KB) ( 1110 )  
    There is a fundamental difference between the “goal orientation” of indirect infringement of intellectual property and the “meaning orientation” of multiple tortfeasors. Since the indirect infringement of intellectual property could not be replaced by multiple tortfeasors, it is necessary to enact the legalization of indirect infringement of intellectual property. Although there are strengths in Chinas legalization of indirect infringement of intellectual property, weaknesses do exist as a whole. The rules of indirect infringement of intellectual property should be set up respectively in the slip laws of intellectual property, the rules of indirect infringement of intellectual property should be categorized and systematized, and the indirect infringement system of intellectual property and multiple tortfeasors should be coordinated so as to perfect the legalization of indirect infringement of intellectual property in China.
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    On the International Environmental Legislation of GMOs
    HU Jia-xiang, LIU Ting
    2015, 17 (3):  300-305.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.013
    Abstract ( 469 )   HTML   PDF (882KB) ( 869 )  
    The impact of GMOs on the environment and public health has been a heated issue which many scientists and international institutions take seriously. Because the existing technologies cannot lead to a precise understanding of the overall impact of GMOs on the environment, the international legislation of GMOs has been plodding along. Based on the early international legislation of GMOs and an analysis of the new developments of international legislation of GMOs, it is suggested that the legislation of GMOs should be closely related to the theories of decision making selected by the government and the learning-action principle should be followed in consideration of Chinas current situations.
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    Marxism Theory
    Derridas Two Dimensions of the Marxism Contemporariness
    LU De-you
    2015, 17 (3):  306-311.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.014
    Abstract ( 624 )   HTML   PDF (876KB) ( 1286 )  
    Based on the Marxist views, Jacques Derrida pointed out that the critical spirit facing the contemporary world and the human liberation movement toward communism were the two dimensions of Marxisms contemporary spirit. The Marxist ideological heritage was made a metaphor of “specters” by Derrida, based on which the crisis of contemporary capitalism was reviewed and the Marxist critical spirit was deconstructively expressed. As to communism, Derrida, from the perspective of “à venir”, emphasized that the future is a continuous pursuit of reality. It is in the two dimensions of critical spirit and human liberation that Derridas deconstruction theory accords highly with Marxism.
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    On the Policy of Becoming the Shareholder of Land Contracting Management Right in the New Era from the Perspective of Marxist Rent Theory
    YU Yang
    2015, 17 (3):  312-317.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.015
    Abstract ( 474 )   HTML   PDF (899KB) ( 959 )  
    As the most distinct feature of land policies in the new era, becoming the shareholder of land contracting management right is built on the previous land contracting liability system. The Marxist land rent theory provides theoretical support and innovative ideas for the policy of becoming the shareholder of land contracting management right. It is of great significance to put into effect the policy of becoming the shareholder of land contracting management right. On the quantitative side, the total social welfare could be improved and the farmers income could be increased. On the qualitative side, the farmers autonomy could be enhanced and the development of agriculture could be promoted, which to some extent helps to tackle the employment of surplus rural labor force and the contradiction between large land ownership and small land ownership.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Coalition and Politeness in Multiparty Communication
    XIA Deng-shan
    2015, 17 (3):  318-323.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.016
    Abstract ( 547 )   HTML   PDF (896KB) ( 826 )  
    Compared to two-party communication, one important characteristic of multiparty communication is the possibility of coalition formation. The data analyses show that at the micro level of a single turn of verbal communication, three types of coalition are likely to emerge in a multiparty context, namely, coalition of relationship, coalition of utility and coalition of contradiction. The coalition of relationship is featured by face alliance in which members share the gains and losses of face, and face threats or enhancements performed at one single member may be extended to the others. The coalition of utility is constructed to gain power dominance, whose utilities are generally redistributable between its members. In the coalition of contradiction, the members interests are in conflict, i.e. the face enhancement to one member will bring about the face threat to the other member, and vice versa.
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    Representation and Isomorphism: Physical Symptoms, National Decline and Peoples Disease Focusing on Disease Narration in Modern Chinas Little City Novels
    QIU Shi-yue
    2015, 17 (3):  324-330.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.10083758.2015.03.017
    Abstract ( 490 )   HTML   PDF (893KB) ( 1081 )  
    Disease is not only a research object of medical science, but also an important content of literary description. In modern Chinas little city novels, disease has become a carrier by surpassing the concrete physiological symptoms and medical significance. The disease narration in modern Chinas little city novels is characterized by multiple directivity, which has both physical reflection and metaphysical thinking. In these novels, the disease narration is placed in a broad social context and the disease description includes both social and ideological connotations of that specific time. The disease narration is not only the description of individual physical symptoms, but also the revelation of Chinas social characteristics in sickness. The disease of the people and the decline of the nation have become a representation and isomorphism, which express the writers more profound reflection and questioning on the social realities and current situations of the nation.
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