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    Information & Control
    Moving k Nearest Neighbor Query with Spatial Diversity Constraints
    XU Hong-fei, GU Yu, YU Ge
    2020, 41 (7):  913-919.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.001
    Abstract ( 783 )   HTML   PDF (569KB) ( 907 )  
    A new type of queries, named moving k nearest neighbor query with spatial diversity constraints(SDC-MkNN), was proposed.When the query object is moving, this type of queries can continuously return the k nearest neighbors, and any two of the returned objects are satisfied with the spatial diversity constraints, which means the spatial distance between any two of the returned objects must be larger than the distance threshold.Based on the safe region technique, two algorithms were proposed to increase the query efficiency by reducing the frequency of the recomputation of query results.One is an exact algorithm(EA), which can continuously return exact query results, and the other is an approximate algorithm(ρAA), which can continuously return approximate query results with exact bounds.The proposed algorithms were verified by extensive experiments on a real dataset.The results confirm the superiority of the proposed algorithms over the baseline algorithm.
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    Virtual Network Embedding and Protection Algorithm of Multicast Requests
    WU Jing-jing, ZHAO Shan, WANG Yu-xin
    2020, 41 (7):  920-926.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.002
    Abstract ( 573 )   HTML   PDF (677KB) ( 795 )  
    To improve the survivability of virtual requests in elastic optical networks(EONs), a dual-tree embedding protection based on node correlation degree(DEP-NCD) algorithm was proposed, which uses a pre-planning method to assign link-separated protection trees to the work tree. When a failure occurs, DEP-NCD algorithm can make use of the idle resources in the network as soon as possible to reselect the path for the interrupted requests. The newly selected path ensures that the requests can be transmitted uninterruptedly, reducing the losses caused by the failure and avoiding serious impacts on users. The simulation results indicated that the proposed algorithm can minimize the use of resources and avoid the transmission of redundant multicast requests in the substrate optical network.
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    PTS Algorithm Based on Sampling Point Position Grouping Optimization in O-OFDM Systems
    JI Ce, MA Fu-yong, ZHANG Chao
    2020, 41 (7):  927-932.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.003
    Abstract ( 642 )   HTML   PDF (629KB) ( 715 )  
    Aiming at the problem of high peak-to-average power ratio(PAPR) in optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) systems, a partial transmission sequence(PTS) based on the optimization of sampling point position grouping(SG-PTS) algorithm was proposed. The sampling position was divided by interleaved segmentation, and the data on different positions were optimized separately, which weakened the limitation of using the same phase factor sequence for alternative sampling point data in different positions. The PAPR performance of optical OFDM system was improved effectively. The simulation results showed that compared with the traditional PTS algorithm, the PAPR performance of the proposed algorithm is significantly improved with the increase of the number of sampling points grouped with the same computational complexity and bit error rate performance. When the number of sub-carrier is N=256, the number of phase factor is W=2, the numbers of sub-blocks are M=4 and M=8, and the sampling points positions are divided into two groups, the PAPR performance is improved by 0.1dB and 0.2dB, respectively. When the sampling points positions are divided into four groups, the PAPR performance can be improved by 0.4dB and 0.7dB,respectively.
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    RGB-D SLAM System Based on BA Optimization and KL Divergence
    XU Yan, AN Wei-feng
    2020, 41 (7):  933-937.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.004
    Abstract ( 659 )   HTML   PDF (442KB) ( 1193 )  
    To reduce the impact of noise in depth image acquisition on the accuracy of pose estimation and to solve the serious problem of cumulative error over time, an improved RGB-D SLAM system was designed. Firstly, the re-projection error model was established to nonlinearly optimize the poses and features by minimizing the re-projection error. In addition, a closed-loop detection algorithm was proposed. The dictionary model was established and the frequency-inverse document frequency(TF-IDF) was used to calculate the weight. Kullback-Leibler divergence was used to calculate the similarity, and a relative similarity mechanism was used for the closed-loop detection. The cumulative error was decreased. The algorithm was evaluated using 15 public image sequences. Compared with three popular RGB-D SLAM systems, the maximum increase of accuracy is averagely 119.07% and the minimum increase is 4.24%. Experimental results show that the proposed method has better accuracy than the current popular RGB-D SLAM systems.
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    An Improved Medical Text Classification Model: LS-GRU
    LI Qiang, LI Yao-kun, XIA Shu-yue, KANG Yan
    2020, 41 (7):  938-943.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.005
    Abstract ( 1095 )   HTML   PDF (723KB) ( 1354 )  
    In order to help radiologists report the CT image results more accurately and effectively to the clinicians, an improved GRU deep learning framework LS-GRU was proposed to solve the classification of image report text, which can be automatically fed back to clinicians according to radiologists’ descriptions. The data was collected from more than 1168 cases of respiratory imaging reports. Two diseases(emphysema and pneumonia) with similar descriptions of radiologists were classified. About 652 cases of emphysema and 516 cases of pneumonia were reported. The GRU, BiGRU and LSTM models were validated, respectively. The results show that the LS-GRU model is more accurate and robust.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    An Improved Method of Global Reliability Analysis
    LIU Bo-lin, XIE Li-yang
    2020, 41 (7):  943-948.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.006
    Abstract ( 665 )   HTML   PDF (759KB) ( 983 )  
    In the efficient global reliability analysis(EGRA) method based on the Kriging model, only one sample point can be added in each iteration. In order to improve the efficiency of EGRA, an improved method of global reliability analysis based on the multi-agent model was proposed. By importing the prediction errors of the Kriging model, the expected feasibility function(EFF) of the multi-agent model was calculated to obtain multiple sample points in each iteration, then these points were added to the design of experiment(DoE) at the same time and all the agents were updated until the given precision was satisfied. After a high-quality model of the implicit limit state function was established, the Monte Carlo method was employed to perform the reliability analysis. The results of two relevant numerical examples verify the high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method.
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    Morphology Simulation and Experimental Study on Micro-grinding of Nickel-Based Single Crystal Superalloy
    GONG Ya-dong, SU Zhi-peng, SUN Yao, JIN Li-ya
    2020, 41 (7):  949-954.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.007
    Abstract ( 764 )   HTML   PDF (1573KB) ( 1022 )  
    Based on the regularity of geometric kinematics for a single abrasive micro-grinding and the minimum function, the global abrasive micro-grinding trajectory expression was deduced. The envelope function set of a micro-grinding workpiece surface was established, the simulation prediction model of grinding processing microstructures was obtained, and the correctness of the model was verified by conducting the micro-grinding processing experiment of DD5 nickel-based single crystal superalloy. The experimental results showed that the simulated predicted micro-morphology has similar characteristics to those of the actual micro-morphology. The error between the simulated predicted line contour height and the actual machined micro-grinding line contour height is 0.2~0.3μm. The comparison results of surface roughness under different grinding parameters also showed that the prediction model is consistent with the experimental results.
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    Tool Wear Mechanism and Theoretical Model of Zirconia Ceramic Turning
    MA Lian-jie, ZUO Yu-chen, WANG Xin, YANG Deng-feng
    2020, 41 (7):  955-961.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.008
    Abstract ( 1240 )   HTML   PDF (1378KB) ( 1035 )  
    Through the experiment of YG6 tool turning zirconia with different tool geometric parameters, the theoretical model of tool volume wear was studied in engineering ceramic turning. Starting from strength theory and the essence of tool wear material migration, tool wear scale was extended from two-dimensional wear to three-dimensional wear. Based on the adhesion effect mechanism, the tool wear mechanism of zirconia ceramic turning was studied. Based on mechanical analysis, and adopting the method of layer by layer integration, the relationship between the tool geometric parameters and the flank wear area was synthesized, and the theoretical model of tool volume wear was established. Verification experiment results showed that tool volume wear decreases firstly and increases afterward with the increase of the rake angle and back angle, and decreases with the increase of the corner radius. The theoretical value of tool volume wear is consistent with the experimental results, and the average relative error is 4%~15%, which indicates that the model has high reliability.
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    Simulation Investigation on Discharge and Ion Transport of Pumping Units for Sputter Ion Pumps
    NING Jiu-xin, HUANG Hai-long, WANG Xiao-dong, SUN Hao
    2020, 41 (7):  962-967.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.009
    Abstract ( 790 )   HTML   PDF (1211KB) ( 816 )  
    Based on the finite element method(FEM), the discharge and ion transport processes of the sputter ion pumping units were studied. The plasma module, the magnetic field module, and the charged particle tracking module were coupled by COMSOL Multiphysics. The distribution law of electron density in the anode cylinder was obtained. The effects of parameters such as pressure, anode voltage and magnetic field strength on electron density were investigated. The trajectories of the ions at different pressures were tracked, and the impact energy and angle of the ions to the cathode plates were obtained. The obtained parameters were then applied to the theoretical pumping speed calculation and the results were compared with the experimental pumping speed. They have good consistency and verify the accuracy of the simulation model, which provides a suitable method for structural design and performance optimization of sputter ion pumps.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Damage Characteristics of Sandstone Under Triaxial Compression Based on Polycrystalline Discrete Element Method
    FU Teng-fei, XU Tao, ZHU Wan-cheng, WANG Xing-wei
    2020, 41 (7):  968-974.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.010
    Abstract ( 806 )   HTML   PDF (1688KB) ( 1239 )  
    A three-dimensional Voronoi polycrystalline discrete element model comprising an assemblage of Voronoi polycrystal generated by open source software package Neper was built using a distinct element code(3DEC), which considered mineral grain composition. The mechanical input parameters of sandstone at a mesoscale were calibrated based on the conventional triaxial compressive testing data in laboratory, and the mesoscopic damage evolution of sandstone under triaxial compression was investigated. The results showed that the microcracks under low confining pressure are mainly tensile cracks, accompanied by a small number of shear cracks, while the number of shear cracks under high confining pressure increases significantly, and even is larger than that of tensile cracks before peak strength. The evolution of the microcrack in the sample reflects the transition of the sandstone from brittle to ductile under confining pressure. The sandstone appears obvious dilatancy phenomenon. The larger the confining pressure, the more obvious the dilatancy lags. With the increase of confining pressure, the ratio of the stress corresponding to the dilatancy point to the peak strength increases.
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    Energy Conversion and Allocation Principle During the Damage Process of Locked Segment
    YANG Bai-cun, QIN Si-qing, XUE Lei, CHEN Hong-ran
    2020, 41 (7):  975-981.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.011
    Abstract ( 1186 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 1257 )  

    Locked segment is the geological structure that governs the generation of tectonic earthquakes. As such, studying the energy conversion and allocation principle during the damage process of locked segment can make enhanced insights into its damage behavior and energy evolution mechanism. Based on the energy conservation principle, the relationship between conversion and allocation of elastic strain energy stored in a locked segment during crack propagation was elucidated, and a formula for calculating the radiated seismic energy generated from a cracking event in the locked segment was proposed. Hereby, using the brittle failure theory of multiple locked segments of seismogenic faults, the magnitude criterion for identifying a mainshock was derived, the equivalence between the cumulative Benioff strain ratio and the shear strain ratio was demonstrated, and the methods for calculating the source parameters of cracking event in a locked segment were presented. Case studies show that the methods are reliable. The present results have broad application prospects in identification of mainshock, estimation and verification of source parameters.

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    Gyrostat Reappearance Law of Non-synchronous Ore Drawing Under Flexible Isolation Layer
    CHEN Qing-fa, WANG Shao-ping, MENG Lin-lin, CHEN Qing-lin
    2020, 41 (7):  982-990.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.012
    Abstract ( 577 )   HTML   PDF (21846KB) ( 694 )  
    In order to strengthen the understanding of the phenomenon of “gyrostat” appearing in the draw body under a flexible isolation layer, based on the concept of traditional ore drawing with the facade and a large number of numerical test models of synchronous ore drawing filling and retention method, a numerical experiment was carried out to study the reproduction law of nonsynchronous ore drawing gyrostat under the flexible isolation layer by using the data processing and picture output function in PFC. The results showed that under different combination schemes, the overall shape of isolation layer is W-shaped. In the priority order of ore drawing, the impact of the ore drawing priority on the isolation layer is different. Under different working conditions, the cavity appearing in the isolation layer shows macroscopic characteristics in the late stage of ore drawing. The transverse frictional effect of isolation layer during ore drawing promotes the transformation of draw body from ellipsoid to gyrostat. The conversion degree of gyrostat depends on whether the ore drawing control is uniform or not.
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    Characteristics of Reactive Solute Transport in the Dissolution Process of Rough Fractures
    WANG Zhe-chao, BI Jing-chao, WEI Ru-lei, WU Zhen-hua
    2020, 41 (7):  991-998.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.013
    Abstract ( 606 )   HTML   PDF (2304KB) ( 840 )  
    Solute transport in rock fractures is controlled by three mechanisms of convection, diffusion, and water-rock chemical reactions. The characteristics of reactive solute transport during the dissolution of rough fractures under the dominance of different mechanisms were analyzed, and the effect of roughness on solute transport was analyzed. The research results showed that there are four types of rough fractures dissolution processes, viz. uniform, non-uniform, extremely non-uniform, and uniform-non-uniform dissolution. In convection-dominated conditions, the fractures are dissolved uniformly, in chemical reactions dominated conditions, the dissolution rate at upstream of the fluid is higher than that at downstream. The initial roughness also has an important effect on the rough fractures dissolution process. Increasing the initial roughness will increase the water-rock chemical reaction rate, and at the same time, as the water-rock chemical reaction progresses, the fractures roughness will increase after the fractures are dissolved.
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    Constraints of fO▲2 and fS▲2 on the Paragenesis and Separation of Mineral Assemblages in Hongqi Pb-Zn Deposit, Xiuyan
    WEN Shou-qin, TANG Tie-qiao, XIE Wei, FU Jian-fei
    2020, 41 (7):  999-1007.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.014
    Abstract ( 614 )   HTML   PDF (4570KB) ( 807 )  
    Based on field investigation and microscopic mineral identification results, the thermodynamic lgfo2-lgfs2 parameter state diagrams of Fe-Pb-Zn-Cu-O-S system were plotted by calculating the oxygen-sulfur fugacity of main minerals in Hongqi Pb-Zn deposit, Xiuyan, at different temperatures. The controlling factors and physicochemical conditions of minerals paragenesis were studied to provide a reference for solving the ore-forming fluid evolution of the same type of deposits in the Liaoji metallogenic belt. The results indicated that T, fo2, fs2 are key factors for the precipitation of ore-forming elements and the paragenesis of mineral assemblage. The large stable range of sphalerite is controlled by fo2, fs2, making Zn+ still transportable after galena and pyrite precipitation. Cooling is conducive to mineralization because the minimum lgfo2, lgfs2 formed by minerals decrease when the temperature is lowered. The tectonic fracture zone provides a migration channel for fluid, and it is also a good geochemical barrier. In prospecting process, it is important to pay special attention to the places with fault structure, gossan and medium-low temperature alterations.
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    Effect of Sodium Ethylenediamine Phosphate on Sulfurized Flotation of Cuprite and Its Mechanism
    MA Ying-qiang, ZHENG Shuang-lin, SHENG Qiu-yue, YAO Jin
    2020, 41 (7):  1008-1014.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.015
    Abstract ( 681 )   HTML   PDF (641KB) ( 848 )  
    The effect of sodium ethylenediamine phosphate on sulfide flotation of cuprite was investigated by single mineral flotation tests. The influence mechanism of sodium ethylenediamine phosphate for sulfide flotation of cuprite was studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Zeta potential, adsorption energy of reagents on mineral surface and adsorption capacity of collector. The results showed that the sodium ethylenediamine phosphate can increase the content of copper and sulfur elements on the surface of the sulphide cuprite mineral, increase the negative value of the adsorption energy of HS- on the surface of the mineral, and make the sulphide reaction easier occur, thus improving the sulphide effect on the surface of the mineral, increasing the adsorption capacity of the mineral surface collector, and improving the recovery rate of sulphide flotation.
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    Parameter Analysis of Flexural Stiffness of Underground Secant Pipe Roof Structure
    ZHAO Wen, LI Wei-wei, JIN Wen-qiang, LIU Yu-ping
    2020, 41 (7):  1014-1019.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.016
    Abstract ( 617 )   HTML   PDF (888KB) ( 655 )  
    Based on the flexural behavior tests of secant pipe roof structure (SPRS), finite element models (FEMs) of the SPRS were established using ABAQUS and calibrated based on the laboratory tests. The influences of different parameters on flexural stiffness of SPRS were investigated, and the optimal parameters were given. The results showed that the overlapping distance between the adjacent tubes and the tube diameter interacts with each other in terms of the flexural stiffness. When the ratio of the overlapping distance to the tube diameter is between 0.16 and 0.28, the specimens have better bending resistance. The tube diameter , the tube thickness and the bar diameter have a linear correlation with the flexural stiffness. The tube diameter has a significant impact on the flexural stiffness of SPRS, followed by the diameter of the reinforcement and the tube thickness.
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    Theoretical Model of Rust Expansion Cracking of Concrete Structure Based on the Initial Defect Shape
    LUN Pei-yuan, ZHANG Xiao-gang, ZHANG Qiang, ZHAO Ran
    2020, 41 (7):  1020-1026.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.017
    Abstract ( 567 )   HTML   PDF (694KB) ( 762 )  
    In order to consider the influence of the initial defect shape of materials, it was assumed to be a three-dimensional semi-ellipse. Based on the theory of fracture mechanics, the expansion process of the rust expansion cracking can be divided as two critical stages: the initial cracking stage and the complete cracking stage, which were both analyzed. A prediction model of rust expansion force and cracking time was established when concrete cover cracks. The proposed model was verified using the pre-existing indoor corrosion test and field test data, and the results showed that the prediction model is reasonable. On this basis, parameter sensitivity analyses, such as the length of the initial defect, the concrete cover thickness, the reinforcing bar radius, the relative cover thickness were analyzed, the results showed that the service performance of RC structures can be improved by increasing the concrete cover thickness and the relative cover thickness.
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    Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Hydraulic Permeability of GCL
    LIU Zhi-bin, LIU Feng, ZHANG Shu-jian, BAI Mei
    2020, 41 (7):  1027-1032.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.018
    Abstract ( 694 )   HTML   PDF (691KB) ( 883 )  
    To analyze the anti-seepage performance of geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) after long-term freeze-thaw cycles, the 6-hour freezing and 6-hour thawing cycle tests on GCL material were carried out. The permeability coefficient and free swelling ratio of GCL after different freeze-thaw cycles were studied. The results show that the frost heave of GCL can reach a stable state within 4h, and when frozen again, differential frost heave can occur in the GCL sample after freeze-thaw cycles. When the number of freeze-thaw cycles is low (≤30times), the permeability coefficient of GCL decreases with increase of the number of freeze-thaw cycles, and the permeability coefficient is between 10-11m/s and 10-10m/s. As the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases, the free swelling ratio of bentonite in GCL increases first, then decreases and finally reaches a steady value.
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    Multi-objective Decision-Making Method for Bridge Deck Maintenance Scheme for Highway
    QI Xi-jing, TANG Liang, KANG Wei-xin, QIN Jiao-jiao
    2020, 41 (7):  1033-1040.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.019
    Abstract ( 738 )   HTML   PDF (744KB) ( 911 )  
    In view of the low efficiency of bridge maintenance decision-making, insufficient maintenance funds and unreasonable fund allocation, a multi-objective decision-making method for bridge deck maintenance scheme of highway was proposed. Firstly, a database was established to collect quantitative data of maintenance methods. Secondly, entropy-weight TOPSIS and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were used to determine the maintenance priority coefficients of bridge decks in highway networks and the weights of maintenance objectives respectively. Thirdly, a multi-objective decision-making model based on 0-1 knapsack problems was established. Finally, five bridges on Raocheng Highway (G1501) located in Shenyang city in Liaoning Province, China were taken as a case study to demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results showed that the proposed method considers the maintenance priorities of bridge decks during the maintenance decision-making process and can give reasonable and feasible maintenance solutions, thus it can be an effective support for the maintenance decision-making management of highway bridges.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Effect of Strain Rate on Deformation Behavior of Fe-11Mn-2Al-0.2C Medium-Mn Steel
    CAI Zhi-hui, ZHANG De-liang, ZHOU Yan-jun, WEN Guang-qi
    2020, 41 (7):  1041-1047.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.020
    Abstract ( 711 )   HTML   PDF (6550KB) ( 740 )  
    Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of Fe-11Mn-2Al-0.2C medium-Mn steel tensioned at different strain rates(2×10-4~200s-1) were studied. The results show that tensile strength decreases monotonically from 1456MPa to 1086MPa with the increase of strain rate. The total elongation decreases from 48.2% to 38.2% during the strain rate ranging from 2×10-4s-1 to 20s-1, followed by an increase to 44% when the strain rate reaches 2×102s-1. According to the fractography, it is found that with the increase of strain rate, the microstructure of the tested samples are elongated, twisted and cut. The morphology of dimples are transformed from deep-equiaxed shape to shallow oval one, which indicates that the stress state of the tensioned samples is shifted from normal stress to shear stress. Furthermore, deformation mechanism is also greatly affected by the strain rate. Transformation-induced plasticity(TRIP) effect is dominant at low strain rates(2×10-4~2×10-3s-1), while it is suppressed at medium strain rates(2×10-2~2s-1) and twining-induced plasticity(TWIP) effect occurs. At high strain rates(2~200s-1), both TRIP and TWIP effect are promoted.
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    Biologic Engineering
    Eddy Currents Artifacts Correction in Diffusion-Weighted Echo-Planar Imaging for Permanent MRI Scanner
    WANG Yan-fei, YANG Jin-zhu, KANG Yan
    2020, 41 (7):  1048-1053.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.021
    Abstract ( 715 )   HTML   PDF (1466KB) ( 1081 )  
    The effect of eddy currents on diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging(EPI) was investigated for permanent magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) scanner. An automatic eddy currents calibration algorithm was presented, and a compensation method for phase errors caused by residual eddy currents in diffusion-weighted EPI was proposed. The method was tested and validated on a 0.35T permanent magnet MRI scanner.For three different gradient directions after pre-emphasis compensation, the eddy currents reduced to at least 1/15 of that before compensation. The diffusion-weighted EPI images with and without eddy currents compensation were compared. After two times of compensations, the geometric distortion was reduced by 5% and artifacts was reduced by 1/3. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm can effectively suppressed the diffusion-weighted EPI artifacts and distortions caused by eddy currents.
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    Generative Adversarial Networks Based Pathological Images Classification of Poorly Differentiated Cervical Cancer
    LI Chen, ZHANG Jia-wei, ZHANG Hao, WANG Qian
    2020, 41 (7):  1054-1061.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.022
    Abstract ( 908 )   HTML   PDF (3205KB) ( 1115 )  
    The accuracy of computer-assisted diagnosis can be improved by using generative adversarial networks(GAN) to extend the data set of cervical cancer patholigical images. First, the cytoplasmic part of the histopathological images was generated by GAN; then, k-means clustering was used twice to select images generated by GAN; finally, Inception-V3 model was used to train a classifier. The results showed that the accuracy is improved by an average of 2.5% under the same test data set. Especially, it has significant effect for poorly differentiated cervical cancer pathological images. The non-directionality, complexity of content and poor regularity of foreground target for histopathological images are solved by GAN, which proves the effectiveness and the potential of this method.
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    Representation Forms of Pseudo Null Curves in the 3-D Minkowski Space
    QIAN Jin-hua, TIAN Xue-qian
    2020, 41 (7):  1061-1064.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2020.07.023
    Abstract ( 668 )   HTML   PDF (462KB) ( 829 )  
    In the 3-D Minkowski space, the spacelike curves can be divided into the spacelike curves of the first kind, the second kind and the pseudo null curves according to the nature of their principal normal vectors. The representation forms of pseudo null curves were surveyed. First, two structure functions were defined by the concept of pseudo null curves. Then the Frenet frames and the curvature functions were expressed by the defined structure functions. At the same time, the relationship between the two structure functions were found. Finally, the representation forms of pseudo null curves with constant curvatures and their structure functions were given, furthermore, the corresponding examples and their graphs were given.
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