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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On the Essential Characteristics and Industrialization Measures of 3D Printing
    BAO Guo-guang, ZHAO Mo-dian
    2016, 18 (2):  111-117.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.001
    Abstract ( 587 )   HTML   PDF (898KB) ( 1423 )  

    Theoretically, 3D printing totally differs from traditional manufacturing technology in essence and has its own revolutionary features. However, 3D printing will not replace traditional manufacturing technology completely in that they are the unity of complementary opposites. 3D printing industry has developed fast but also encountered such restrictions as technological bottleneck, dependence on imported materials, high application cost and impediment of “market canyon”. To improve the industrialization of 3D printing in China, it is recommended that the role of 3D printing should be located correctly, collaborative innovation centers for “industrial and academic studies” and cooperative up-down mechanisms should be built to create 3D printing materials, application demonstration bases should be established to enhance users’ confidence in 3D printing, commercial operation modes for 3D printing should be innovated, application-oriented talents for 3D printing should be cultivated, and 3D printing industry sponsored by the government should be founded to attract investment from enterprises.

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    On Marcel Mauss Thoughts of Sociology of Technology
    XIA Bao-hua
    2016, 18 (2):  118-123.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.002
    Abstract ( 779 )   HTML   PDF (847KB) ( 1046 )  

    Marcel Mauss, a famous French sociologist and anthropologist, launched the sociological studies of technique in the name of “technology” in the first half of the 20th century. He regarded technology as an important branch of sociology, which transcends the “tool view” of technology in the common sense. He re-explained the technological phenomena from the “activity view” of technology by Plato, proposed such notions as “technique” and “body technique”, and analyzed three social relationships of technique, including “technique and body”, “technique and science” and “technique and magic”. In his opinion, technique is a social representation, and it is technique that will save human beings from spiritual and material crises.

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    Moral Consensus of the Scientific Community in the Post-academic Age
    WAN Shu-quan, WEN Cheng-wei
    2016, 18 (2):  124-128.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.003
    Abstract ( 550 )   HTML   PDF (825KB) ( 970 )  
    In the post-academic age, the scientific community is deeply rooted in the network of social practices, challenging the spirit of science under the Merton paradigm. The main body of the scientific community is prone to instrumental rationality while withdrawing from value rationality. The independent spirit of science tends to weaken and the awareness of social responsibility is lacking, which lead to the crisis of scientific ethics. In the post-academic age, a possible way out of the crisis of scientific ethics lies in integrating the independent spirit and social value of science, actively promoting the interaction between the main body of the scientific field and the social field, and carrying out moral negotiations among the subjects in different contexts based on communicative practice so as to enhance the social responsibility awareness and facilitate the moral consensus in the scientific community.
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    Economics and Management
    Evaluation of the Impact of Regional Knowledge Carrying Capacity on Industrial Integration Innovation
    WU Chun-you, ZHANG Qiu-yan, ZHOU Jian-lin
    2016, 18 (2):  129-137.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.004
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML   PDF (1077KB) ( 657 )  

    The evaluation index system of the impact of regional knowledge carrying capacity on industrial integration innovation was developed, which includes three dimensions such as innovation support, green support and basic support. The impact of regional knowledge carrying capacity on industrial integration innovation was analyzed by using the optimal combination weighting method based on the data of 31 provinces from 2010 to 2012. The results showed that in terms of the whole country, the impact of regional knowledge carrying capacity on industrial integration innovation is not yet remarkable but even downward; from the regional perspective, the differences of the impact of regional knowledge carrying capacity on industrial integration innovation among the provinces are obvious; and from the dimensional perspective, except basic support, the impact of innovation support and green support on industrial integration innovation tends to weaken.

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    Types of Urbanization and Urban Development StrategiesBased on the Urban Sprawl Index
    DONG Wei, CAI Zhi-bing
    2016, 18 (2):  137-142.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.005
    Abstract ( 626 )   HTML   PDF (894KB) ( 747 )  
    China has made great achievements in the process of urbanization but begun to witness the emergence of urban diseases. Faced with the current situation, the Chinese government has taken urban development strategies including limiting the development of big cities and encouraging the development of small ones. From the perspective of urban sprawl, the sprawl indexes of the east, middle and west regions in China and 30 provinces from 1990 to 2010 were calculated. The results showed that the space-driven model is the main type of urban expansion, which proved that there existed urbanization strategy bias in the past. Moreover, the Zipf law was used to examine the overall size distribution system of Chinese cities, which indicated that the current system is comparatively small. Based on the related studies, it was concluded that urban sprawl laws should be adopted, too much government intervention should be avoided and effective inter-city communication channels should be built in taking urban development strategies.
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    Economic Effect of Real Estate Price Fluctuation on Urban Residents Consumption
    LIU Xu-dong, PENG Hui
    2016, 18 (2):  143-151.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.006
    Abstract ( 526 )   HTML   PDF (1000KB) ( 1408 )  
    Real estate price fluctuation affects urban residents consumption through wealth effect, crowding-out effect and mortgage effect. Wealth effect manifests itself mainly by realized wealth effect, unrealized wealth effect and consumer confidence effect. Crowding-out effect derives from substitution effect, budget constraint, debt service pressure and wealth redistribution effect. Mortgage effect is subject to the value and convenience of the mortgage involved. The empirical analysis suggested that housing price is the Granger reason of residents consumption, whose consumer wealth effect is greater than crowding-out effect, but mortgage effect is not significant. An analysis of the financial crisis nodes showed that a more recent period of time leads to a weaker correlation between residents consumption and real estate price as well as a worse interpretation of housing price for consumption. The economic effect of real estate has gradually weakened, and the government can guide its regulation from intensive instruction control to discrete leading control so as to promote the self-improvement and development of the real estate industry.
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    The Effect Mechanism of Customers Irrational Behaviors on Service-oriented Citizenship BehaviorsFrom the Stressor-strain Perspective
    YANG Yong, LIU Zhe, SUN Fu-quan
    2016, 18 (2):  152-158.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.007
    Abstract ( 589 )   HTML   PDF (894KB) ( 1027 )  
    While most managers focus on training their service employees how to satisfy customers, they tend to neglect the effect of customers irrational behaviors on service employees. From the stressor-strain perspective, 270 service employees were surveyed by adopting SPSS and AMOS analytical tools so as to reveal how consumers irrational behaviors affect service-oriented citizenship behaviors. The results showed that customers irrational behaviors have positive effect on job stress, which has positive effect on emotional exhaustion; emotional exhaustion has negative effect on the three dimensions of service-oriented citizenship behaviors, namely, loyalty, participation as well as obedience, and it mediates between job stress and service-oriented citizenship behaviors.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On the Diversion and Trends of “Accountability” in the Western Public Administrative Reform
    HU Chun-yan
    2016, 18 (2):  159-166.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.008
    Abstract ( 564 )   HTML   PDF (878KB) ( 1045 )  

    In pursuit of good governance, the western public administrative reform has gone through great changes from traditional public administration, new public management to post-new public management, and transformed the relationships among government, markets and civil societies, which has brought about a string of changes of accountability—the traditional public administration put emphasis on “rule and procedure” accountability, the new public management focused on “market-centered” accountability, and the post-new public management was concerned with “multi-centric network” accountability. In different models, the standards, actors and ways of accountability take on varied features.

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    Institutional Basis and Behavioral Pattern of Chinas Composite Accountability
    YAN Shuai
    2016, 18 (2):  166-174.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.009
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML   PDF (888KB) ( 867 )  

    Contrary to the popular view that Chinas political accountability is accountability without election, this paper attempts to get rid of the election-oriented western thinking and look for a localized interpretation of Chinas political accountability. On this basis, composite accountability was proposed as a competitive concept. It includes both social accountability which functions to provide information mechanisms and administration accountability which functions to implement punishment mechanisms. In China, composite accountability has its institutional basis and behavior patterns, with the former reflecting the multiple principal-agent relationships based on the systems of administrative decentralization and personnel centralization and with the latter reflecting the accountability practices caused by the social resistance since 2003. It has become an effective approach for the Chinese government to resolve social conflicts, respond to social demands, provide public services and reconstruct political order.

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    From“Traditional Welfare” to “Positive Welfare”: Constructing the Vulnerable Children Family Support Welfare System in China
    MAN Xiao-ou, WANG Zuo-bao
    2016, 18 (2):  173-178.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.010
    Abstract ( 604 )   HTML   PDF (854KB) ( 1650 )  
    The traditional residual child welfare has failed to solve the current problem of vulnerable children due to the social transformation. In comparison, the family support welfare system includes not only the welfare benefits and support services from government programs and welfare agencies, but also the informal support from communities, families and friends. It reflects the innovative concept, focusing on the positive intervention policies and professional social services. Constructing the vulnerable children family support welfare system in China means affirming “family” as the core element of system design, while providing the families with multi-level allowances, professional services and community-based supportive services from the perspective of social investment and capability building.
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    Procedure Dimension Consideration of the Multilateral Method in International Private Laws
    DONG Zuo-chun
    2016, 18 (2):  179-185.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.011
    Abstract ( 598 )   HTML   PDF (848KB) ( 997 )  
    Procedure dimension consideration provides the consideration dimension of procedural rationality of discussion for legislators in various countries to evaluate and test the acceptability and justice of law-selecting approaches. The discussion procedure infuses rational connotations into the selection of legal justification in such conditions as the basic environment, the logic requirements, the communication requirements, the quality requirements, the nature requirements and the coherence. The multilateral method is aimed at applying the law-electing rules between cross-border transactions and legal systems. Based on procedure dimension consideration, the method has failed in such aspects as the basic environment, the communication requirements, the quality requirements and the nature requirements. Therefore, in terms of the dimension, the international private law should amend the method by arranging practice opportunities, providing rational procedures and guaranteeing procedural norms in order to fulfil the difficult task of law selection.
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    Ethical Basis of the International Environmental Legislation on Land Desertification Prevention and Control
    LIU Ji-yong
    2016, 18 (2):  186-190.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.012
    Abstract ( 512 )   HTML   PDF (826KB) ( 795 )  
    Land desertification has been clearly identified as the most serious global environmental problem amongst a series of environmental crises. The essence of the problem is a human issue, and as a means to regulating human behaviors towards land, the international environmental legislation of land desertification has significant public benefits. The purpose is not only to protect the basic living environment of human beings, but also to maintain and improve the global natural environment. Therefore, in order to ultimately realize the mankinds long-term survival benefits, we must review our inherent environmental thinking and ethical views and be fully aware of the natures right to survival. This not only constitutes the ethical basis of environmental legislation, but also explains its value and the source for its perfection.
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    Marxism Theory
    Marxs Revolution of Practical Philosophy and Its Application in Capital
    LIU Xin-gang, LU Xin, WANG Li-sha
    2016, 18 (2):  191-196.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.013
    Abstract ( 604 )   HTML   PDF (840KB) ( 777 )  
    Marx completed the revolution of practical philosophy by criticizing the old materialism and idealism. In his later research, the tension thinking between rational dimension and value dimension in practical philosophy was fully applied in Capital. The rational dimension is mainly embodied in the resource allocation analysis in Capital, and the value dimension in the analysis of the production relationships in Capital. Meanwhile, Capital has an integrative thinking of the two dimensions. The understanding paradigm for Capital, with practical philosophy as its core, has a profound effect on the modern society and provides the theoretical foundation for the mankind to be out of the modern societys dilemma in development.
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    Multi-dimensions of Capitalist Control Logic from the Perspective of Cultural StudyTogether with the Micro-power Criticism Paradigm of Western Marxism
    YAN Fang-jie
    2016, 18 (2):  197-201.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.014
    Abstract ( 483 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 666 )  
    Some western Marxists believe that capitalism is not only an economic system, but also a socio-cultural system integrating various meanings. Only by breaking the traditional “economic-political” research perspective and using the cultural study approach, can we reveal the hidden ideology completely. In their opinion, “production”, “daily life” and “unconsciousness” diachronically constitute the main space of capitalist power control; “materialized consciousness”, “false needs” and “temptation” respectively constitute the specific ways to exhibit the control logic. The micro-power criticism paradigm was set up through cultural studies, and the hidden rule of capitalism was revealed in the new period. However, if the Marxist theory of capital criticism is put aside, the so-called micro-power criticism will inevitably became provincial and cynical.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    On-line Dynamic Construal of Semantic IndeterminacyOn the Case of Polysemy
    XU Kui-hua
    2016, 18 (2):  202-208.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.015
    Abstract ( 572 )   HTML   PDF (928KB) ( 985 )  
    Natural language is characterized by semantic indeterminacy. Meaning is not a permanent characteristic of a word in the lexicon, with semantic indeterminacy being an essential feature of a language. However, people could transcend this indeterminacy to make successful communication in that semantics could be determined by on-line dynamic construal according to the usage-based view of cognitive semantics. The meaning could be construed on line, which involves fusion of purport, contextual modulation, semantic competition and human cognitive inference. Through such cognitive operations, meaning potentials of polysemy will be anchored and monosemy will emerge.
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    Literary Ethical Criticism in the West: Genealogies and Methods
    ZHANG De-xu
    2016, 18 (2):  209-214.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.016
    Abstract ( 911 )   HTML   PDF (847KB) ( 2246 )  
    The literary ethical criticism in the humanist tradition nearly disappeared from the Anglo-American academia of literary study in the 1960s and 1970s, and until toward the end of 1980s did it reemerge to the scene and begin to show momentum of rapid development since then. The so-called “ethical turn” in the field of literary studies was brought about by the profound intellectual development in humanities and social sciences from which the recovered literary ethical criticism gained a series of new perspectives and methods. Tracing its line of development, we may detect two major schools—the Neo-Aristotelian and the Deconstructive. Each of the two camps has its own understanding of such crucial concepts as text, other and reader, and proposes unique approaches to literary works accordingly. The first camp inherits Aristotelian ethics and poetics, valuing moral and ethical education through reading literature, while the second camp does ethical criticism by drawing from poststructuralist theories, emphasizing readers’ reading experience as well as the ambiguity of textual meaning.
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    From “Male Superiority to Female” to “Gender Equality”: The Transformations of Gender Ethics in “Seventeen-Year Literature”
    LYU Hai-chen
    2016, 18 (2):  215-220.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.02.017
    Abstract ( 701 )   HTML   PDF (845KB) ( 1569 )  
    The transformations of gender ethics in Seventeen-Year Literature are as follows. The independent consciousness of women was awoken, from “not leaving their homes” to “going out of the boudoir”, indicating womens transfer from family to society. The establishment of the new regime and the promulgation of the new marriage law provided the external guarantee for women in seeking love freely. As a result, the traditional arranged marriage came to an end. The traditional value of chastity was severely impacted by the regime change and its fall conformed to the principles of class struggle. The traditional family structure that “you follow who you have married” was replaced by the new relationship of mutual help, which gradually disappeared. Consequently, the idea of “gender equality” with “putting politics in command” broke the traditional idea of “male superiority to female”, and the gender characteristics tended to converge.
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