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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Perception of Engineering Risk and Its Implications to Ethics
    YAN Kun-ru
    2016, 18 (1):  1-5.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.001
    Abstract ( 513 )   HTML   PDF (788KB) ( 1157 )  
    Engineering risks are of objective reality and subjective construction. Different engineering subjects may have varied risk perceptions of the same engineering risk. Furthermore, their risk perceptions are susceptible to change due to such objective factors as risk nature, risk familiarity and disaster degree, risk unpredictability and uncontrollability, and such subjective factors as engineering subjects risk knowledge, attitudes and cognitive strategies. Therefore, in order to eliminate or reduce risk perception differences, such perspectives should be taken as engineers subject responsibility ethics, risk communication ethics among different engineering subjects and decision-making ethics of social stability assessment so as to evaluate risks reasonably and avoid or control risks effectively.
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    On the Threefold Performance of Technology from the Perspective of Heideggers Ontology
    YANG Shan-mu
    2016, 18 (1):  6-11.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.002
    Abstract ( 666 )   HTML   PDF (805KB) ( 1088 )  
    In Heideggers philosophy, the performance of technology consists of three layers—the instrumental stipulation of technology, the stipulation of technology as machination and the essence of technology, i.e., Gestell. The connotations of technology in Heideggers philosophy should be understood taking his ontology as the perspective. In his view, being is specifically manifested by three segments, namely, being in metaphysics, being in the first beginning and being in another beginning. Only by taking Heideggers ontology as the background and the connotations of technology as a type of being in metaphysics, the internal relationships among these three layers could be revealed, the connotations of technology could be understood as a whole, and the significance of technology as the kehre of being could be clarified.
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    A New Understanding of Thing-in-Itself of ArtifactsReflection on Dessauers Views on Thing-in-Itself
    ZENG Dan-feng, WU Guo-lin
    2016, 18 (1):  12-17.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.003
    Abstract ( 498 )   HTML   PDF (807KB) ( 925 )  
    Dessauer holds different views of thing-in-itself from Kant and Engels, but there is a paradox in his ideas. Kant unknowable thing-in-itself contains the perceptual one and the ideal one, which have different relationships with empirical objects. Dessauer regards the thing-in-itself of nature objects (TII1) as Kants perceptual one and the thing-in-itself of artifacts (TII2) as Kants ideal one, thus separating TII1 and TII2 completely. TII2 hides itself in the technological ideas created by God, which can be materialized with human beingstechnological invention activities. Compared to scientific understanding activities, human beings broaden and experience the possible territories created by God with their technological invention activities. TII2 is known while TII1 is unknown. Based on the empirical facts, human beings construct TII2 based on TII1, and TII2 contains human beingspurposes or intentions, which is of identity with TII1 to some extent.
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    An Analysis of Deweys Thoughts on the Inquiry of Science and Technology
    LIU Hao, PANG Dan
    2016, 18 (1):  18-22.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.004
    Abstract ( 598 )   HTML   PDF (792KB) ( 1263 )  
    As a frequently used term in Deweys philosophy, inquiry was taken by Dewey to explore science and technology. By using it as his starting point, Dewey provided a new perspective for scientific and technological cognition. The whole theory of Deweys thoughts on science and technology developed around the clues of his theory of inquiry, including the generation of inquiry, the process of inquiry and the product of inquiry, which respectively correspond to the emergence of scientific and technological activities, the process of scientific and technological activities, and the formation of artifacts in a modern sense. Human beings understanding and changing the nature as well as the societys scientific and technological activities are the process of the mankind’s continuous inquiry, and Dewey’s famous “five-step thinking” serves well to expound the operation mechanisms of inquiry acts, which is of great significance in both methodology and epistemology. If applied to modern educational practices, this approach may dramatically strengthen the effectiveness of teaching.
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    Economics and Management
    Environmental Pollution, Fiscal Decentralization and Chinas Economic Growth
    HE Jun, LIU Liang-liang, TANG Shu-yi
    2016, 18 (1):  23-28.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.005
    Abstract ( 478 )   HTML   PDF (832KB) ( 964 )  
    By taking environmental pollution intensity and environmental quality as endogenous factors, the production function and utility function were introduced respectively to build an endogenous growth model with environmental pollution constraints, and the dynamic relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth was explored. Then, based on Chinas provincial panel data of 31 provinces from 2004 to 2012, the effect of economic growth on environment pollution was investigated, which suggested that the relationship between sulfur dioxide emissions and the actual GDP per capita is at a rising stage of Chinese environmental Kuznets curve, and there is still a distance from the turning point. On the basis of it, fiscal decentralization was introduced as a moderating variable, whose results indicated that fiscal decentralization weakens the positive effect of income level per capita on environmental pollution.
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    External Security, Bank-enterprise Relationship and Enterprise GrowthBased on the Empirical Data from Chinas Small and Medium-sized Listed Companies
    LIU Rui-zhi, ZHANG Zheng, ZHANG Lu-xiu
    2016, 18 (1):  29-35.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.006
    Abstract ( 618 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 742 )  
    More and more Chinas small and medium-sized listed companies provide external security for their subsidiaries, and set out to establish their relationship with banks. In order to explore the relationship between external security, bank-enterprise link and enterprise growth, the empirical data from Chinas listed companies were tested. The results showed that SMEs acts of providing external security for others as well as the amount that SMEs provide had a negative effect on the growth of SMEs, whereas the listed companies tended to build up a bank-enterprise relationship by employing professionals with banking experience as their senior executives, which could not only exert a positive effect on enterprise growth but also have a positive moderating effect on the relationship between external security and enterprise growth. Thus, it can be concluded that building up bank-enterprise relationship may improve the effectiveness of enterprises external security.
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    Factors Affecting the Loyalty of Spontaneous Group-buying Users in Virtual CommunitiesFrom the Perspective of Customer Experience
    NING Lian-ju, WANG Wei
    2016, 18 (1):  36-41.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.007
    Abstract ( 490 )   HTML   PDF (916KB) ( 1198 )  
    The loyalty of spontaneous group-buying users in virtual communities was analyzed from the perspectives of attitude and behavior. Based on the theory of user experience, the factors affecting the loyalty of spontaneous group-buying users in virtual communities were explored from three dimensions, namely, utilitarian experience, cool experience and social experience. Via the data from both online and offline channels, the model concerned was tested. The empirical research showed that utilitarian experience, cool experience and social experience have significant positive effect on the user loyalty of spontaneous group-buying in virtual communities.
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    Measurement and Correlation Analysis of Urbanization Quality and Employment Quality in China
    YANG Yan-lin, ZHAI Chao-ying
    2016, 18 (1):  42-48.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.008
    Abstract ( 561 )   HTML   PDF (891KB) ( 977 )  
    In order to explore the correlation between urbanization quality and employment quality in China, the data on urbanization quality and employment quality from 1990 to 2012 were selected, and such methods as AHP, ADF test, VAR model and impulse response were adopted. The results indicated that Chinas urbanization quality has been on the rise, but economic urbanization goes faster than land urbanization, population urbanization, social urbanization and ecological urbanization. Moreover, Chinas employment quality has improved, and the demand of safety and the demand of social respect are the key factors for high quality of employment. In addition, there exists unidirectional causality between urbanization quality and employment quality; in other words, the enhancement of urbanization quality may increase employment quality. It is thus suggested that China should coordinate the relationship between urbanization quality and employment quality so as to achieve higher quality of employment in the process of urbanization.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Dynamics of Policy Termination System and Its Model Construction Based on an Interpretation of Dissipative Structure Theory
    QU Zong-xiang
    2016, 18 (1):  49-55.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.009
    Abstract ( 387 )   HTML   PDF (1240KB) ( 1071 )  
    The dynamic formation of policy termination system matches well the dissipative structure theory in that as a system open to and far from the equilibrium state, its internal factors could lead to self-organization through the mutation process via the nonlinear interactions, and an orderly dissipative structure could be formed accompanied by the stochastic fluctuation of these factors. Based on the dissipative structure theory, the dynamic mechanism of policy termination system was explored and the model for its dynamic realization was constructed. Furthermore, several approaches were found that to provide consistent guarantee for the dynamic output of policy termination system including transferring from recessive conflict to dominant conflict, narrowing the scope and weakening the intensity of interest conflicts between policy termination coalition and anti-policy termination coalition, strengthening the termination-oriented learning of coalition members, and making use of the public opinions and policy evaluation rationales.
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    The Evolution of Air Pollution Governance Patterns in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: Constructing a Sustainable Collaborative Mechanism
    HE Xuan, WANG Bing
    2016, 18 (1):  56-62.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.010
    Abstract ( 452 )   HTML   PDF (818KB) ( 976 )  
    Taking Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as an example, such cooperative types as industrial transfer, environmental claims of central cities and temporary cooperation in big events could improve the air quality in some indicators or in a certain period of time. However, they fail to sustain due to such management dilemmas as scarcity of interest links and lack of stimulation and supervision, which might intensify regional inequality. The features of new air pollution compounds call for the theoretical claim and practical necessity of constructing a sustainable cooperative governance mechanism. It is suggested that the system improvement and mechanism innovation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regions sustainable collaborative governance on air pollution should be made through organizational cooperation, interest coordination, effective stimulation, policy implementation and various participation.
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    Technological Empowerment, Creative Destruction and People OrientationGovernment Governance Innovation in the Era of New Media
    WANG Shan, FENG Gong
    2016, 18 (1):  63-68.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.011
    Abstract ( 595 )   HTML   PDF (880KB) ( 1014 )  
    In the era of new media, information technology represented by the Internet empowers the public, destroys the traditional government structures, and constructs the digital government creatively. It eliminates the communication gap between the government and the society, and bridges the communication for the two sides creatively. Besides, it undermines the traditional governance modes and implements the creative e-governance. At the same time, information technology urges the government to transform its executive concepts and leadership styles from official standard to people orientation, to transfer its organizational structure from closeness to openness and to change the governance behavior patterns from leaders to service providers.
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    Intergenerational Equity and Compensation: A Perspective of Sustainable Development Studies on Endowment Insurance
    WANG Zuo-bao
    2016, 18 (1):  68-73.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.012
    Abstract ( 618 )   HTML   PDF (805KB) ( 1111 )  
    Coordinating the interests between contemporary and future generations to achieve intergenerational equity is a core issue for sustainable development. In essence, the modern social endowment insurance system is an intergenerational transfer of wealth. Under the influence of its design and population aging, the system is faced with the risk of intergenerational inequity and the unsustainable problems. It is recommended that the intergenerational equity should be regarded as the measurement, key conditions and basic constraints of the systems sustainable development, the intergenerational distribution structure of the social welfare system should be improved, and the intergenerational inequity should be made up through intergenerational compensation in public areas so as to realize its sustainable development.
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    Preliminary Study on the Research Paradigm of Science of International Criminal Law
    LI Hai-ying, LIU Jie
    2016, 18 (1):  74-80.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.013
    Abstract ( 462 )   HTML   PDF (821KB) ( 882 )  
    As a type of analysis theory, paradigm not only provides international criminal law with the common regulations for academic research and evaluation, but also supplies science of international criminal law with methods and tools for self-perfection and impetus for development and revolution. Examining its value setting, question field, knowledge framework and method path via the paradigm theory, it is of certainty that science of international criminal law has set up its own paradigm. However, the paradigm research of science of international criminal law, a rather recent interdiscipline, is still in its infancy, which calls for further research from all aspects such as value concern, juridical practice, method awareness and academic joint force so as to help the science towards true maturity.
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    Construction of the Legal Remedy System for Environmental TortComments on Article 64 of the Newly Revised Environmental Protection Law
    LENG Luo-sheng, XU Shu-lin
    2016, 18 (1):  81-86.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.014
    Abstract ( 556 )   HTML   PDF (807KB) ( 904 )  
    Article 64 of the newly revised Environmental Protection Law in 2014 establishes the liability rules about environmental pollution and ecological destruction, which directly points to the relevant provisions that apply to the Tort Liability Act. Based on this article, the legal remedy system for environmental tort was analyzed. It was found that there exist some aspects hard to coordinate between the Environmental Protection Law and the Tort Liability Act, which are mainly on the mismatch of adjustment ranges. Moreover, environmental tort is characterized by both public and private interest, and the ways to afford liabilities should also be innovated and expanded. Therefore, it may be inappropriate to fully put the contents about the liabilities for environmental tort into the Tort Liability Act by directly applying the mutatis mutandis rules in the Environmental Protection Law. In constructing the legal remedy system for environmental tort, environmental legislation should be strengthened, the logical relationship between environmental pollution tort and ecological destruction tort should be straightened out, and the contents of environmental public welfare should be refined so as to coordinate the environmental protection law and the tort liability law, thus solving the problems caused by legislative defects.
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    A Government-University Exchange Model and Its Evolution
    YE Jie, BAO Guo-xian
    2016, 18 (1):  87-93.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.015
    Abstract ( 475 )   HTML   PDF (818KB) ( 675 )  
    The analysis model based on the core elements of value, resources, impact and environment may throw light on the microscopic mechanism of government and university exchange behaviors. Based on the four types of resources—information, power, system and status, information control, exercise of discretion, institutional supply and status identification constitute the basic models of government-university exchange, which serve as the neural network, core, guarantee and booster of government and university exchange behaviors. In the construction of exchange relationship, governments and universities are bound by the laws, society, superiors and markets. Moreover, social norms, administrative reforms, legal process, market mechanism and their interaction promote the changes of exchange value, resources and impact of the parties involved.
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    University Teachers and Their National Identity
    CHEN Gao-hua
    2016, 18 (1):  94-98.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.016
    Abstract ( 503 )   HTML   PDF (789KB) ( 652 )  
    In the era of globalization, national identity has become a prominent issue for citizens. Given the inner mission of exploring and spreading truth, university teachers particularly are in a unique dilemma on the issue of national identity, which is embodied not only in the diverse ways of thinking and notions of value, but also in the tension between world spirit, humanism and national consciousness that university teachers should possess. However, if university teachers can truly achieve the consciousness of national identity, they will need appropriate world spirit and humanism. At the same time, the implementation of world spirit and humanism calls for the consciousness of national identity.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Conflicts of Power Hidden in English Language Promotion Corporation and Competition Between Britain and America in English Overseas Promotion Since the 20th Century
    ZHANG Tian-yu, ZHOU Gui-jun
    2016, 18 (1):  99-104.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.017
    Abstract ( 557 )   HTML   PDF (813KB) ( 1199 )  
    The globalization of English has experienced the corporation and competition in English overseas promotion between Britain and America, the essence of which is power conflicts hidden in language promotion. There exists a two-way circular connection between language promotion and power, which is determined by the social attributes and cultural identity of a language. On the one hand, the act of language promotion relies on power. In addition to the mandatory promotion by the colonists, the effectiveness of language promotion depends on the individual preference of language recipients, which is directly related to the power of language possessors. On the other hand, the act of language promotion serves power. It consolidates the hard power of a nation by ideological infiltration and indirect economic functions, and also strengthens the soft power of a nation by its cultural benefits.
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    A Re-examination of “The Death of the Author”
    SHI Feng-xiao
    2016, 18 (1):  105-110.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2016.01.018
    Abstract ( 607 )   HTML   PDF (810KB) ( 1883 )  
    Roland Barthes sentenced the author to death in The Death of the Author, which has a profound effect. There have been constant debate and discussion regarding whether to support or repudiate it ever since. However, the comparative reading and analysis of such central concepts as the author, the language, the text and the reader in The Death of the Author with those in his other works will reveal the birth, development, change and reversal therein. It has something to do with the development of his thoughts and his habit of playing with words, which is partly attributed to the intellectual progress of human beings. It carries more theoretical connotations behind and beyond the academic debate. Placing “the death of the author” among Barthes thinking framework and the historical context will contribute to an impartial and deep understanding of its complexity and profundity.
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