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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Study on Technical InterpretationTogether with a Review on Pitts Analysis of HST
    WU Guo-lin, CHEN Fu
    2015, 17 (5):  441-448.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.001
    Abstract ( 485 )   HTML   PDF (3248KB) ( 867 )  

    Pitts pragmatic analytical philosophy of technology uniquely studies technology from the relationship between technology and society. His definition of technology and technical interpretation of technological failure involve excessively the factors beyond technology. The technical reasons for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) failure, for instance, were explained specifically from the perspective of logical analysis by introducing three-valued logic. In technical interpretation there are deficiencies of corresponding principles, which should be replaced by atomic structure-functionon in the mode of technical interpretation from structure to function. Such a technical interpretation is of significance to deductive reasoning, which is named Reichenbachs technical logic. Whats more, Pitts definition that technology is “humanity at work” is too broad, whereas technology is the practice capacity of reasoning and technical artifacts call for continuous testing.

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    Research of Engineering Innovation Subjects Innovation Process: Based on Distributed Cognition Theory
    XUE Fu, CHEN Hong-bing
    2015, 17 (5):  449-454.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.002
    Abstract ( 535 )   HTML   PDF (842KB) ( 934 )  
    Engineering innovation subjects are the initiators of organization-based innovation activities. Distributed cognition theory holds that cognition is distributed in participants, tools, environment and culture, and it stresses the presence of cognition. Distributed cognition offers a methodology to understand how engineering innovation subjects achieve innovation. Moreover, it proposes and verifies the likelihood of engineering innovation subjects distributed cognition, and analyzes its characteristics of innovation objective, organizational interaction, total factor, embodiment and situationality. The ways that engineering innovation subjects practice with distributed cognition in project decision-making, designing, engineering and construction process help to understand fully the process of project innovation.
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    The Rising of Technological Anthropology
    WANG Hao
    2015, 17 (5):  455-460.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.003
    Abstract ( 754 )   HTML   PDF (813KB) ( 1455 )  
    Technological anthropology can be divided into microscopic anthropology and macroscopic anthropology. The former takes the studies of material culture as its basis while the latter is concerned with the interaction between technology and society. The rising sign of technological anthropology is that Pierre Lemonnier and Bryan Pfaffenberger summarized the two types of understanding, and put forward a new anthropology of technology by taking the social technology system as its core. The rising of technological anthropology can be attributed to the four factors—crises of traditional anthropology, differences between science and technology, empirical turning of technological philosophy, and participants perspectives of technological anthropology. As to the current research of technological anthropology, such problems do exist as incomplete discipline system, imperfect research paradigm and inadequate case studies.
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    Economics and Management
    An Empirical Research of the Effects of Entry into WTO upon Chinas Economic Growth
    WU Yan-song, ZHANG Zhi-ming, FENG Bei
    2015, 17 (5):  461-467.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.004
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML   PDF (831KB) ( 1145 )  
    Using the virtual variable regression and cross-variable analysis, this paper makes an empirical research of the effects of entry into WTO upon Chinas economic growth and its conduction paths. The results show that on the whole, entry into WTO has remarkably promoted Chinas economic growth and in terms of specific effect paths, the foreign trade path, the economic restructuring path and the foreign direct investment path exert a significant effect on Chinas economic growth whereas the technology advancement path does not. For a better use of the positive effects of entry into WTO upon Chinas economic growth, it is recommended that China should broaden the level of opening-up, enhance investment intensity, improve investment quality, promote the reform of foreign trade systems and gradually introduce WTO rules to accelerate Chinas marketization.
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    Study on the Reform of Financial Monopoly from the Perspective of Private Lending in Transparency
    QIU Xiao-guang, YANG Shuo
    2015, 17 (5):  468-473.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.005
    Abstract ( 392 )   HTML   PDF (811KB) ( 944 )  
    From the perspective of institutional genetics, the development of private lending in transparency in the financial system reform and open-up is a joint effort of corporate financing and other factors, which is attributed to a product of the markets rational evolution. For the crackdown and reform of financial monopoly, China should relieve, encourage, nurture and guide the incremental development of private finance under the premise of strengthening financial supervision, rather than by inhibiting and hindering the development of informal finance so as to maintain the monopoly interests of formal finance. In this process, laws should positively respond to the demands of legislation in the institutional development of informal finance, and relevant rules should be formulated in order to maintain the standardized development of private finance, and cultivate and strengthen its features to compete and develop with formal finance.
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    Study on the Correlations Between Top Administrative Managers Strategic Leadership and Corporate Performance
    REN Rong-rong, XING Gang
    2015, 17 (5):  474-480.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.006
    Abstract ( 516 )   HTML   PDF (1002KB) ( 2216 )  
    In view of the urgent need to construct the strategic leadership for top administrative managers in recent years, this study aims at probing the leadership dimensions of top administrative managers through literature review and questionnaire survey. Furthermore, the relationship between leadership and corporate performance is also investigated. The results show that among the five leadership dimensions, vision, strategy implementation and relationship building exert a positive effect on corporate performance. However, the other two dimensions, which are strategic decision-making and strategic driving, do not predict corporate performance significantly.
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    The Reengineering Design of Colleges and Universities Financial Reimbursement Procedure: Based on the One-card Campus Platform
    CHEN Jing
    2015, 17 (5):  481-487.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.007
    Abstract ( 470 )   HTML   PDF (1030KB) ( 1219 )  
    Financial reimbursement is a basic financial operation for institutions of higher learning; however, there exist many problems in the traditional financial reimbursement procedure such as lack of data sharing, poor timeliness of information transmission, financial information asymmetry, redundant links and repetitive work. Arguably, such problems are mainly caused by the reimbursement produce. An optimized solution is first establishing the financial service management system based on the one-card campus platform so as to achieve the interconnection among various departments and the comprehensive sharing of data. Then, the reengineering scheme of financial reimbursement procedure should be designed on the one-card campus platform by turning to the theory of business process reengineering so as to achieve remote web-based reimbursement, cashless reimbursement, electronic endorsement, compatibility of electronic invoice with paper bills, intelligent voucher generation as well as real-time information push and query.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Political Philosophical Reflection on the Totalitarian States Mobilization Logic and Operation Mode
    YIN Dong-shui
    2015, 17 (5):  488-494.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.008
    Abstract ( 550 )   HTML   PDF (827KB) ( 1245 )  
    Atotalitarian state has two faces-one is its control over the society, and the other is its mobilization towards the society. Control implies powers domination, coercion and enslavement of the society while mobilization is to persuade, stimulate as well as encourage the society. The totalitarian state monopolizes the resources that necessitate and facilitate mass mobilization. Meanwhile, the totalitarian state is also a state of mobilization that needs to mobilize the mass continuously. Mass mobilization has become a significant way of the states social control, creation of political identity and external expansion. Mass mobilization in the totalitarian state is not always smooth whose practice manifests that it may confront triple contradictions which put mass mobilization into a dilemma.
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    Chinese Ecological Politics: Based on an Analysis of the Environmental Group Events in Recent Years
    QIN Bing-yu
    2015, 17 (5):  495-501.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.009
    Abstract ( 872 )   HTML   PDF (820KB) ( 1760 )  
    Environmental problems and political issues are closely related in that ecological politics has raised environment issues to the level of politics. With the gradual deterioration of the environment, the public pay more attention to environmental issues, among whom some are even directly engaged in environmental group events. Such a behavior of spontaneous organization of anti-environment pollution and destruction is the specific performance of Chinese ecological political action with local characteristics. Currently, the nature of Chinese ecological political action is incidents, the theme of the action focuses on specific environmental problems, the main participants of the action are the general public without strong leadership, and the performance of the action is local scale with violent and non-violent ways coexisting. The development of ecological politics and the peoples action are both an opportunity and a challenge to the country and the government, and the ecological politics requires the government to improve its governance capability so as to prevent and resolve conflicts.
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    Policy Network as a Governance ToolAn Analytical Framework
    TIAN Hua-wen, WEI Shu-yan
    2015, 17 (5):  502-507.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.010
    Abstract ( 460 )   HTML   PDF (862KB) ( 969 )  
    Policy network which works as a governance tool has been recognized by a number of scholars. In the present, the studies on governance approaches have become the mainstream in this field, which have so far undergone three generations including theoretical origin, network management and network quantitative analysis. Despite the fruitful achievements, there still lacks a clear theoretical framework. Using the basic logic of management and gradualism, a preliminary analysis framework of policy network governance has been refined by integrating the western theories from different schools and combining Chinas realities. The framework is composed of three successive links including network description, network management and network examination. Network description is expanded from four dimensions such as actors, relationship between actors, network structure and network rules. Network management and network examination mainly revolve around four aspects including managers, actors, relationship between alliances and network rules.
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    Between Human Orientation and Material Orientation: Value Distinction and Integration of System Trust
    ZENG Yan
    2015, 17 (5):  508-514.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.011
    Abstract ( 464 )   HTML   PDF (826KB) ( 963 )  
    Starting in the course of the development of modern society, system trust is a modern rational way to solve problems in human life, which indicates its inherent powerful tension between human orientation and material orientation. The current popular value that material orientation shadows human orientation confines the implementation of system trust to the rational construction of the system itself in practice, which ignores the basic issue of the relationship between man and man in trust, thus completely blocking the pathway of system trust. Hence, an effective approach to solving the practical problems of system trust is returning to the value requirements of human orientation and material orientation in system trust, paying attention to the scientific nature of the system itself, clearing the relationship between people and the system as well as the relationship among people, and cultivating individuals virtue of integrity.
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    On the Credibility Basis of Cyberspace Legalization
    CONG Li-xian
    2015, 17 (5):  515-520.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.012
    Abstract ( 452 )   HTML   PDF (814KB) ( 673 )  
    Ruling by law and credibility exist side by side and support each other, i.e., credibility is the foundation of ruling by law, which in turn is the guarantee of credibility. The credibility basis of cyberspace legalization consists of four aspects—credibility construction of network management institutions, credibility construction of network service providers, credibility construction of internet users, and credibility construction of network communities. The core for the credibility construction of network management institutions lies in the effective supervision of power, both internally and externally, and the supervision of leading cadres and authorities. The credibility construction of internet service providers includes credibility management, social order maintenance and protection of internet users rights and interests, whose key is to realize information credibility. The credibility construction of internet users calls for political, economic and cultural consideration, among which strengthening instruction and guidance is an effective way out. The credibility construction of network communities needs to start from “the very heart”, which requires the promotion and guarantee of the relevant systems and mechanisms.
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    Study on the Layers Service During Foreign Commercial Arbitrations
    ZHANG Wen-zhe, ZHANG Hu
    2015, 17 (5):  521-526.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.013
    Abstract ( 495 )   HTML   PDF (809KB) ( 836 )  
    Based on the agreement of the parties involved, the stipulation of arbitration rules or the authorization by the court, the relevant notices might be serviced by the lawyer before the arbitration, during the arbitration, and in applying for recognition and enforcement. In some countries of the Anglo-American law system, the lawyers service is supposed to have the same effect as the service of the arbitrator, the arbitral institution or the court. According to the Chinese laws, the lawyers service is defined as a personal act, which does not have the nature of judicial power. The lawyers service to be performed before the arbitration should be valid as long as it accords with what the parties agree. During the arbitration, the effect of the lawyers service should be ascertained by the arbitral rules chosen by the parties involved. As to the validity of the lawyers service in the process of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, it should be assessed in accordance with the provisions of the Chinese laws.
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    Research of Party Conduct and Anti-corruption Construction at Colleges and Universities: From the Perspective of University Management by Law
    YANG Ming
    2015, 17 (5):  527-532.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.014
    Abstract ( 529 )   HTML   PDF (810KB) ( 1117 )  
    University management by law and party conduct and anti-corruption construction at colleges and universities are inherently connected in the body of leadership, inner spirit, practice process and goals. They promote, permeate and complement each other. Because the education of party conduct and anti-corruption lacked direction and timeliness, its construction lacked systematicity and implementation, its supervision lacked counterbalance and effectiveness, and its sanction lacked exemplariness and deterrence, colleges and universities were faced with such challenges as the intense benefit game, the great impact of power abusiveness, the serious “Si Feng” problems and the weak concept of ruling by law. To handle these problems, the concept of ruling by law should be cultivated from the perspective of university management by law, and the system of party conduct and anti-corruption construction at colleges and universities should be established and improved based on the three dimensions—the basic position of education, the protective function of institutions, and the crucial role of supervision.
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    Historical Evolution Logic and Implications of Ethics of American Higher Education System
    TIAN Xue-fei, SHI Wan-bing
    2015, 17 (5):  533-538.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.015
    Abstract ( 519 )   HTML   PDF (810KB) ( 790 )  
    The historical evolution of American higher education system is a game with multiple ethical values—from the highlight of democracy of higher education in the colonial period to the highlight of freedom of higher education system in the founding period; from the rational highlight of higher education system in the industrial transformation period to the highlight of justice of higher education system in the popularization expansion period and finally to the highlight of efficiency of higher education system in the consolidation period. The historical evolution logic of American higher education system ethics is a game of multiple values between harmony and complementarity and between non-equilibrium and equilibrium, whose ultimate goal is to realize the equilibrium of the multiple values. In terms of China’s higher education system ethics, it is recommended that China should benefit from the American characteristics, strengthen its institutional construction, promote the balance of the multi-value system, and also maintain its own strengths with its historical and cultural traditions.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    On Wittgensteins Meanging in the Worlds of LanguageFrom Logic to Language Understanding
    REN Rui, ZHAO Xia-wen
    2015, 17 (5):  539-544.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.016
    Abstract ( 766 )   HTML   PDF (813KB) ( 1110 )  
    Wittgenstein is a philosopher of language, and his philosophy is often divided into the two parts of his early and later philosophies. Different from others, although both are language-centered, his early and later philosophies are of completely opposite positions in having disclosed utterly different worlds of language. Accdemically, everyday language is considered meaningless and is taken as the source of chaos in his early philosophy, while it is not only meaningful but also the only academic choice in his later philosophy. The early one is prescriptive in ideally prescribing language by logic. Logic decides the meaning of language. In his later philosophy, language use decides and is meaning, and the actual use of everyday language is entirely accepted with an attitude similar to what is rational is actual and what is actual is rational. Meaning of language depends on the actual use and what explanation and understanding given by language users. Meaning in the world of everyday language is ultimately determined by language understanding.
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    Space and Thinking: An Interpretation of The Pilgrims Progress Based on Turners Cognitive Space Theory
    JIANG Zhan, HE Hui-bin
    2015, 17 (5):  545-550.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2015.05.017
    Abstract ( 552 )   HTML   PDF (815KB) ( 1610 )  
    The Pilgrims Progress stands out as a landmark in the history of British literature. In spite of its considerable research, the exploration from the perspectives of the author as well as the readers thinking and cognition remains to be done. The theory of cognitive space put forward by Mark Turner in The Literary Mind provides a theoretical foundation for such studies. As reflected in the novel texts, the projection mode from the source space to the target space, the blending of multiple spaces which gives rise to rich meanings and the readers comprehensive cognition across spaces through imagination reveal that the thinking modes of Bunyans creation and the readers understanding are closely connected with the space, so as to interpret the creation and understanding thought from a new angle and illustrate that the cognition by means of space is peoples fundamental way of thinking.
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