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    Information & Control
    An Improved Analytical Model for Fault Diagnosis of Power Systems
    WANG Da-zhi, JIANG Xue-chen, NING Yi, ZHAO Lin-lin
    2016, 37 (8):  1065-1069.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.001
    Abstract ( 814 )   HTML   PDF (306KB) ( 917 )  
    There exists uncertainty about whether protective relays(PRs) and circuit breakers(CBs) operate when a fault occurs, which will result in the wrong solution and multiple solution for fault diagnosis based on the existing complete analytical models of power systems. By analyzing the uncertainty about PRs action, CBs action, and alarm, an improved complete analytical model was proposed. According to the probabilities of uncertain events mentioned above, different weight factors were assigned to various PRs and CBs for making the model more reasonable. At the same time, by analyzing action states of PRs and CBs, the dimensions of variables in this model were reduced. The cases of fault diagnosis verified the validity of the proposed method.
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    Application of Proof-Number Search to Computer Lazi Games
    GAO Qiang, XU Xin-he
    2016, 37 (8):  1070-1075.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.002
    Abstract ( 764 )   HTML   PDF (386KB) ( 1121 )  
    The principles of proof-number based on the AND/OR tree are expounded, the application of proof-number search to computer Lazi games is summarized and the flaws of proof-number and PN2 search are discussed. Moreover, a new two-level algorithm, i.e., PN-DFPN search, is introduced, which performs at the first-level a standard proof-number search and at the second-level a depth-first PN search that replaces the second-level of PN2. This algorithm covers the shortage of PN2 search. PN2 and PN-DFPN are applied to solve some openings of Connect 6 on 7×7 and 9×9 boards. The experimental result shows that PN-DFPN is more efficient than PN2.
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    B Correction Algorithm in GBAS Based on Navigation Satellites Monitoring Information
    LIU Jun, MOU Shao-jun, ZHANG Li-li, WANG Qun-yang
    2016, 37 (8):  1075-1078.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.003
    Abstract ( 558 )   HTML   PDF (299KB) ( 1045 )  
    Ground based augmentation system (GBAS) promotes the transition of air traffic management system from roadbed navigation to satellite-based navigation, in which B for multi-reference consistency check (MRCC) is the core algorithm in GBAS. The B correction algorithm is proposed based on the navigation satellites monitoring. The satellite pseudorange correction error S estimated is defined to monitor navigation satellites.With the methods of Gauss expansion-Shewhat, S warning threshold is derived. According to S value detected and fault satellites, a new collection of available satellites is formed, thus it is avoided that the whole receiver may be eliminated by the execution logic of MRCC because the B value cannot effectively reflect a large deviation of satellite pseudorange correction error estimated, which means the B values can be corrected. Experimental results show that the satellite fault can be monitored effectively in the new algorithm, and B value can be corrected, so as to improve the monitoring capacity of MRCC and increase system availability.
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    Identification of Sleep Stages Based on Body Movement Signals from RFMS
    XU Li-sheng, BO Hong-rui, ZHAO Jin-ye, DOU Yuan-zhu
    2016, 37 (8):  1079-1083.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.004
    Abstract ( 768 )   HTML   PDF (662KB) ( 1557 )  
    To reduce the burden of the traditional sleep monitoring system on human body, a non-contact sleep monitoring system based on microwave technique was developed, and a sleep stages recognition algorithm was proposed based on body movement signals from radio frequency motion sensors (RFMSs).The RFMS signals were processed by wavelet transform, then, the energy of signals was calculated by integral algorithm. Finally, the sleep stages such as wakefulness, light sleep, moderate sleep, deep sleep were recognized by discriminant analysis and threshold processing. The RFMS signals from 8 normal subjects, whose sleep were monitored for 46 days, were acquired, with their video information, TANITA sleep information, pulse wave, and respiration signals gathered synchronously. Compared with videos, the staging results of this system match 90% in wakefulness stage. In comparison with the results of TANITA, the results of the RFMS match 70% in other sleep stages.The results match 80% in comparison with the change modes of respiratory rate and heart rate at different sleep stages.
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    Contrast Analysis of Analytical Solution and Numerical Solution to the VANET Mobility Model
    ZHAO Hai, YU Chong, SI Shuai-zong, PENG Hai-xia
    2016, 37 (8):  1084-1088.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.005
    Abstract ( 602 )   HTML   PDF (322KB) ( 842 )  
    Considering the high mobility characteristics of vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), a mobility analytical model and a mobility simulation model were established. The analytic solution and the numerical solution of the VANET degree distribution were obtained by the two proposed mobility models. Comparing the two degree distribution curves, it is shown that there are lot of nodes with small degree values, while a few nodes with huge degree values, which means that the degree distribution follows the power law function, proving that the VANET is a scale-free network. And the theoretical analysis and simulation experiment verified the high robustness of the VANET against random attacks and its vulnerability when facing targeted attacks.
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    A Task Allocation Model for CPU-GPU Heterogeneous System Based on SVMs
    WANG Yan-hua, QIAO Jian-zhong, LIN Shu-kuan, ZHAO Ting-lei
    2016, 37 (8):  1089-1094.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.006
    Abstract ( 823 )   HTML   PDF (1428KB) ( 1174 )  
    To improve the performance and efficiency of heterogeneous system, a two-stage task allocation model is proposed and implemented, by which the workload allocated to CPU and GPU is adjusted several times to decrease the execution time to the maximum extent. Firstly, the support vector machine (SVM) is used to classify a task into CPU and GPU in pre-treating. Then,after adjusting the allocation sets several times, the model carries out task allocation in the light of the characteristic and status of processors and the result produced by the first stage. Moreover, a real heterogeneous system is evaluated through several benchmarks on the proposed model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can achieve an average 43.54% of performance improvement, compared with some of the leading-edge allocation techniques.
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    A Ranking Algorithm of Keyword Search on Probabilistic XML Data
    ZHAO Yue, YUAN Ye, WANG Guo-ren
    2016, 37 (8):  1095-1099.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.007
    Abstract ( 670 )   HTML   PDF (300KB) ( 772 )  
    Discusses the problem of efficiently ranking the search results of keyword related only to content on probabilistic XML data. A new ranking model is presented according to the characteristic of probabilistic XML data. Unlike the existing ranking algorithms which only depend on the probabilities of retrieval results, the new ranking algorithm proposed fully considered the degrees of nodes discriminating and describing the documents and the characteristic of probabilistic XML data. A ranking model of retrieval results which satisfied the above features is designed and a new inverted index structure for the ranking model is proposed. The new algorithm can accomplish keyword search quickly, so as to provide the most relevant information to the users. The results of simulation experiment show that the proposed method is effective.
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    Blind Separation of EEG Based on Blind Deconvolution
    HUANG Lu, WANG Hong
    2016, 37 (8):  1100-1103.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.008
    Abstract ( 602 )   HTML   PDF (2803KB) ( 988 )  
    The convolution mixture model was adopted to describe the as-observed EEG signals, and then a method for the blind separation of EEG based on blind deconvolution was put forward. The cost function was established based on the independence of EEG sources, and iteration was carried out using conjugate gradient method. The verification was implemented with simulation experiment, adopting the correlation coefficients between separated signals and source signals as the verification indexes. Experimental results show that the method proposed can achieve blind separation of EEG successfully, providing a theoretical and practical reference for the processing of EEG and other physiological signals.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Simulation of Hot Rolling Texture Under Plane Strain Condition by Thermo-mechanical Simulator
    SHEN Xin-jun, TANG Shuai, YANG Xiao-long, WANG Guo-dong
    2016, 37 (8):  1104-1107.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.009
    Abstract ( 623 )   HTML   PDF (1505KB) ( 792 )  
    The texture evolution of recrystallized austenite and deformed austenite in the plane strain compression test was investigated using optical microscope and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) by thermo-mechanical simulator. The results show that the plane strain state can be obtained because the two free-ends of the sample limit the transverse metal flow in the deforming zone. For the process of transformation texture of recrystallized austenite, the austenite transforms to allotriomorphic ferrite, bainite and a little pearlite, because recrystallization of austenite occurs and there is not obvious lattice distortion before transformation, and the transformation texture is100<011>α. For the process of transformation texture of deformed austenite, the austenite transforms to ferrite and pearlite due to the deformation in non-recrystallized austenite region, and the transformation textures are332<113>αand 113<110>α. The textures of the two processes are the typical transformation textures of hot rolling under plane strain. Thus, the plane strain compression test by thermo-mechanical simulator can create excellent plane strain state which is appropriate to investigate the evolution of hot rolling texture.
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    Effect of Iron Coke Hot Briquette on Softening-Melting and Dripping Properties of Blast Furnace Mixed Burden
    WANG Hong-tao, CHU Man-sheng, ZHAO Wei, LIU Zheng-gen
    2016, 37 (8):  1108-1112.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.010
    Abstract ( 720 )   HTML   PDF (723KB) ( 922 )  
    Through the experiment of softening-melting and dripping of iron ore with load reduction, the effect of iron coke hot briquette (ICHB) on softening-melting and dripping properties of blast furnace mixed burden was investigated. The results show that, with the increase of ICHB adding ratio, the softening temperature range is increased from 206.3℃ to 218.9℃, while the melting temperature range is decreased from 171.1℃ to 124.8℃. The cohesive zone becomes narrower and tends to move downwards. Besides, the dripping pressure drop is decreased. The dripping ratio is increased first and then decreases, the superior value of which is 40.58% when the ICHB ratio is 30%. In addition, S-value is decreased, which indicates that the permeability of mixed burden is improved. Therefore, a certain amount of ICHB is beneficial for improving softening-melting and dripping properties of mixed burden and the appropriate adding ratio of ICHB is about 30%.
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    Experimental Study on Removal of NO by Using Co(en)3+3 and Urea Complexation
    QIN Qin, WANG Ning, SUN Ming-xue, LIU Jie
    2016, 37 (8):  1113-1117.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.011
    Abstract ( 689 )   HTML   PDF (734KB) ( 960 )  
    Experiments on flue gas denitrification by using Co(en)3+3 and urea complexation were performed in a semi-batch bubbling reactor. The results show that the oxidation degree of NO2, the solubility of NO, and the removal rate of NO are increased by adding Co(en)3+3 in the urea solution. The removal rate of NO increases with increasing oxygen concentration, Co(en)3+3concentration and NO inlet concentration, while the removal rate of NO increases slightly with the increase of urea concentration. Increasing gas flow is not conducive to the absorption of NO. The absorption liquid maintains the high removal rate of NO when the pH value is 10.4 and the temperature is between 60 and 70℃.
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    Simulation Study of EMBr-Ruler Technology and V-EMBr Technology
    LI Fei, WANG En-gang, FENG Ming-jie
    2016, 37 (8):  1118-1122.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.012
    Abstract ( 719 )   HTML   PDF (868KB) ( 873 )  
    In ANSYS14.5 and FLUNET6.3 computing platforms, distribution of magnetic flux density and flow field in the mold were simulated during the electromagnetic braking process of EMBr (electromagnetic brake)-Ruler and V-EMBr (vertical electromagnetic brake ), respectively. The calculation results show that EMBr-Ruler and V-EMBr can generate a constant and effective magnetic field in molten steel, and the magnetic flux density is mainly focused on the poles covered region. EMBr-Ruler and V-EMBr can control the mainstream of molten steel and promote flotation and removal of non-metallic inclusions and bubbles to improve the purity of the slab. V-EMBr can better control the upward flow which is formed after the narrow face of mold impacted by the mainstream, stabilize more effectively fluctuations of free surface and overcome the disadvantage of inadequate control upward flow with EMBr-Ruler. EMBr-Ruler can better control the downward flow, but the overall braking effect of V-EMBr and its metallurgical effect are more comprehensive and favorable.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Analysis of Flow-induced Vibration of Fluid Conveying Pipe with Elastic Support
    ZHAO Qian-li, SUN Zhi-li, CHAI Xiao-dong, TONG Cao
    2016, 37 (8):  1122-1126.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.013
    Abstract ( 667 )   HTML   PDF (419KB) ( 843 )  
    The flow-induced vibration of cantilevered fluid-conveying pipes with elastic support was analyzed by differential transformation method (DTM). Firstly, the motion equation was non-dimensionalized, then, the recurrence relation among each derivative was derived by DTM. Furthermore, the former four dimensionless frequencies and the general expression for mode shapes were obtained without consideration of fluid flow. On this basis, the relationship between frequency and flow velocity, elastic coefficient was worked out, and the critical velocity and stability condition were investigated simultaneously. DTM was verified to be of high accuracy and practicability by comparison and analysis. Besides, DTM could be referred when support format for pipes are designed.
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    Cell-based Smoothed Extended Finite Element Method for Composite Materials with Cracks
    ZHOU Li-ming, MENG Guang-wei, LI Feng, GUO Gui-kai
    2016, 37 (8):  1127-1132.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.014
    Abstract ( 679 )   HTML   PDF (892KB) ( 886 )  
    To overcome some inherent flaws and improve accuracy of the finite element method (FEM), a novel numerical method called cell-based smoothed extended finite element method (CS-XFEM) was presented. It combined the cell-based smoothed finite element method (CSFEM) and the extended finite element method (XFEM). The CS-XFEM was used to simulate an orthotropic plate containing center crack or inclined crack, and then was compared with FEM, XFEM and bimaterial extended finite element method (BXFEM). The result shows that the CS-XFEM has the advantages of both the CSFEM and XFEM: the meshes are independent to the crack surface; the end of crack needn’t to be a node and the meshes around the end needn’t to be fined; the CS-XFEM can transform domain integration into boundary integration, therefore, the derivatives of the shape functions are not needed and the mesh size needn’t to be regular. The CS-XFEM is a simple and efficient numerical method to analyze fracture problems.
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    Reliability Assessment of Railway Vehicle Gearbox Based on Extension Analysis
    LIU Yu-mei, ZHAO Cong-cong, XIONG Ming-ye, LU Zheng-xu
    2016, 37 (8):  1133-1137.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.015
    Abstract ( 643 )   HTML   PDF (432KB) ( 815 )  
    The extension method was adopted to analyze the reliability assessment problems of railway vehicle gearbox during its line operation. The matter-element model of gearbox reliability was studied based on the contained analysis and scalability analysis method of the extenics theory, and the lower/upper reliability targets of the gearbox reliability assessment were set. The proportional hazards models(PHMs) were established based on the component’s operating state, and the particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm was used to obtain the parameters of PHMs by means of maximum likelihood estimation. On the basis of parameters evaluation results, the matter-element models of components were established. At last, the reliability of the railway vehicle gearbox was evaluated. The result shows that under current operating state of gearbox, the reliability of the large gear bearingⅠand pinion are relatively lower, which are the main monitoring components in the railway vehicle line operation.
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    Suspension Semi-active Control of Vehicles Based on Road Profile Classification
    QIN Ye-chen, DONG Ming-ming, ZHAO Feng, GU Liang
    2016, 37 (8):  1138-1143.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.016
    Abstract ( 818 )   HTML   PDF (1739KB) ( 1061 )  
    To realize suspension semi-active adaptive control and the compromise between ride comfort and control stability, an algorithm based on multi-objective optimization and road recognition was proposed. Firstly, we built an equivalent quarter vehicle model with skyhook control, and established analytical descriptions, based on the system dynamics, for vehicle sprung mass acceleration and tire force. Then, a genetic-based multi-objective optimization method was used to calculate the Pareto optimal solutions. Different weights were assigned for different road level to obtain the corresponding control gains. Simulation results show that the as-proposed adaptive control strategy can achieve the balance between ride comfort and control stability for varying road levels.
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    Split Cutter Head Reliability Calculation Based on Crack Failure Regions
    SUN Wei, ZHU Ye, LING Jing-xiu, HUO Jun-zhou
    2016, 37 (8):  1144-1148.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.017
    Abstract ( 563 )   HTML   PDF (488KB) ( 850 )  
    A calculation model of reliability was developed based on the method of dividing crack regions on the surface of TBM (tunnel boring machine )cutter head. The dangerous area was divided on the basis of different stress and structure, and the stress amplitude spectrum was obtained by rain-flow counting. To calculate the reliability, a model of cracks extension was built with crack fatigue damage accumulation as basic variable. For example, dangerous areas of the TBM cutter head used on Zhongtianshan tunnel engineering were divided into 10 according to crack-resistance, and the calculated reliability in TBM tunneling for 4km was consistent with the reality. At this stage, fatigue damage most likely occurred on cutter saddle welding, therefore, measures should be taken to prevent the crack growth during repairs.
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    Tooth Contact Algorithm of Line Contact Curve-Face Gear
    LIN Chao, GU Si-jia
    2016, 37 (8):  1149-1154.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.018
    Abstract ( 627 )   HTML   PDF (714KB) ( 924 )  
    To study contact characteristics of the curve-face gears, a transmission coordinate of curve-face gears was established. The instantaneous rotation axis and the axode of the curve-face gear were derived. The calculation method of meshing point of line contact curve-face gear was obtained based on the fundamental theorem of meshing tooth profile. The tooth contact prints and the tooth profile points were obtained in the view of geometry. The results of tooth contact analysis of the curve-face gear show that the positions of profile modification are determined. The calculation method of meshing point of line contact curve-face gear pair was verified via rolling experiments.
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    Steering Resistance Characteristics of Multi-axle in-Wheel Motor Electric Vehicle
    ZHI Jin-ning, XIANG Chang-le, MA Yue
    2016, 37 (8):  1155-1160.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.019
    Abstract ( 676 )   HTML   PDF (471KB) ( 1059 )  
    To study the steering resistance characteristics of multi-axle electric vehicle, the dynamic model was established for three degree of freedom vehicle based on the effect of wheel load changes on tire cornering stiffness. The steering resistance computational method was proposed under steady steering condition, and the theoretical formulas of the tire side slip angle and steering resistance moment were derived. Based on this model, the relation of resistance moment with the steering input and vehicle velocity was analyzed as well as its theoretical constraint boundaries. The steering resistance moment of the wheeled vehicle was compared with that of the tracked vehicle under the equal mass and track length conditions. Furthermore, the influences of side slip angles on each tire force distribution were discussed and the computational results were validated using the ADAMS software. The results indicate that the resistance moment of multi-axle electric vehicle is more than that of the tracked vehicle with the same configurations, and the computational model can lay a theoretical basis of the steering control strategy.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Deformation and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Dry and Saturated Sand Under Cyclic Loading and Unloading Process
    WANG Hong, YANG Tian-hong, LIU Hong-lei, ZHAO Yong-chuan
    2016, 37 (8):  1161-1165.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.020
    Abstract ( 577 )   HTML   PDF (1361KB) ( 1077 )  
    Uniaxial cyclic loading/unloading experiments were conducted on dry and saturated sandstones from Xiaojihan coal mine in Shaanxi province to study the deformation and strength characteristics, acoustic emission (AE) and load/unload response ration (LURR) in the failure process of sandstones. The results show that water has a significant influence on the properties mentioned above. The compressive strength and plastic hysteresis loops number of water-saturated specimens are less than that of dry specimens, and the axial strain in the compaction stage of water-saturated specimens is 18.9% larger than that of dry specimens, but the axial strain prior to peak strength of water-saturated specimens is 17.4% less than that of dry specimens. The elastic moduli of dry and saturated specimens both tend to increase during the cyclic loading/unloading process. AE cumulative energy of dry and saturated specimens is 3.87×10-11J and 2.58×10-11J respectively, and the latter is reduced by 33.3%. Furthermore, the LURR of dry and saturated specimens shows similar changing laws, but the characteristic peak time of saturated specimens appears earlier, which means the macroscopic crack generates earlier in saturated specimens.
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    Experimental Study on Large Post-Liquefaction Deformation Behavior of Tailings Silt
    DU Yan-qiang, YANG Chun-he, ZHANG Chao, WU Shang-wei
    2016, 37 (8):  1166-1171.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.021
    Abstract ( 577 )   HTML   PDF (756KB) ( 839 )  
    The GDS dynamic triaxial testing system was used to study the reloading feature of liquefied tailings silt. First, the saturated tailings silt was liquefied by cyclic loadings, then, the static loadings were applied to the liquefied tailings silt. The deformation and pore water pressure of the liquefied tailings silt were experimentally studied, with confining pressure, relative density and loading rate considered. The results show that, the confining pressure and relative density impact on the deformation of liquefied tailings silt obviously, while the loading rate has little effect, under undrainage condition. Pore water pressure ratio is usually between 0.7~0.9 at the end of the experiment. Relative density has greater impact on the pore water pressure than confining pressure. Based on the experimental data, a new three-parameter constitutive model of liquefied tailings silt is presented and the model parameters are determined by fitting. It is validated that the model proposed has good applicability and forecast precision.
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    HFSE Characteristics of Basaltic Volcanic Wall Rocks Around BIFs in Benxi Area
    HAN Chang-ik, WANG En-de, FU Jian-fei, RA Chong-yol
    2016, 37 (8):  1172-1176.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.022
    Abstract ( 630 )   HTML   PDF (426KB) ( 741 )  
    BIFs have spatial and temporal association with their basaltic volcanic wall rocks in Benxi area of Liaoning Province. Through an analysis on the HFSE (high field-strength element)characteristics of basaltic volcanic wall rocks around BIFs, it was found that their w○Nb/w○Ta ratios (7.00~19.93) were remarkably fractionated, but the fractionation of w○Zr/w○Hf ratios (33.46~38.28) was not so obvious. In addition, the fractionation of w○Nb/w○Ta ratios had regional tendency from Gongchangling to Nanfen and Waitoushan. These migration and fractionation characteristics of HFSE showed a connection between basin evolution and subduction process. Their (w○Nb/w○Yb)N ratios (1.21~18.45, average 2.72) were greater than 1, further suggesting that the tectonic setting for BIFs in the studied area was an intra-continental back arc basin.
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    Numerical Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Steel Tube Slab Component Under Different Structural Parameters
    JIA Peng-jiao, ZHAO Wen, HAO Yun-chao, HAN Jian-yong
    2016, 37 (8):  1177-1181.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.023
    Abstract ( 603 )   HTML   PDF (513KB) ( 868 )  
    Based on the experimental results of 8 STS(steel tube slab) components, the finite element models were proposed to study the mechanical properties of STS components, and influence of steel thickness, bolt diameter, reinforcement ratio and flange distance on the mechanical properties of STS component was analyzed. The results indicate: steel thickness has a little influence on the flexural capacity of STS component, but it effectively improves lateral stiffness of STS component; flange distance has a notably influence on the flexural capacity and lateral stiffness of STS component; however, bolt diameter and reinforcement ratio have little influence on the flexural capacity and lateral stiffness of STS component.
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    Comprehensive Discrimination on Mined-out Area Through ITOPSIS Coupled with PSF
    JIA Nan, WU Chao, LUO Zhou-quan, XIE Cheng-yu
    2016, 37 (8):  1182-1187.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.024
    Abstract ( 635 )   HTML   PDF (626KB) ( 760 )  
    A synthetic discrimination from global to local through improved TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution, TOPSIS) coupled with point safety factors (PSF) was proposed to enhance the objective of goaf stability analysis. Firstly, the TOPSIS method was introduced and improved for global stability analysis. The improved TOPSIS(ITOPSIS) has the following merits: ①Quantitative description objectiveness of qualitative indexes were enhanced through interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets(IVIFS); ②Relative closeness formula was improved to avoid the indiscernibility of TOPSIS; ③Absolute ideal point and improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process objective (IFAHP) were used to avoid the reverse phenomenon caused by the change of ideal point and weights respectively; ④ Stable grade division was realized and ITOPSIS was applied on 10 groups mined-out area samples in a certain mine. Thus, PSF was used on 2#,4# goaf for local stability discrimination and local stability state can be reflected through PSF graph. The results provide a better comprehensive approach to goaf stability analysis globally and locally.
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    Consolidation and Creep Theory Based on Terzaghi Consolidation Theory and Empirical Creep Model
    SUN Ming-qian, WANG Qing, NIU Cen-cen, SUN Tie
    2016, 37 (8):  1188-1192.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.025
    Abstract ( 825 )   HTML   PDF (407KB) ( 1026 )  
    Based on the one-dimensional compression creeping and step-loading test on the soft soil subjected to the vacuum preloading treatment in Tianjin Binhai New Area, the modified Singh-Mitchell empirical creep model was used to improve the Terzaghi consolidation theory, and a new one-dimensional consolidation equation was obtained. The new equation used the soft soil mechanics indexes, obtained from the one-dimensional compression and creep tests, as the calculation parameters, and considered the creep deformation generated after primary consolidation. The results obtained from the new equation on different depths of specimens with different stress levels are very close to the test results, which indicates that the new equation can reflect the stress-strain-time relationship of soft soil and is applicable for the soft soil foundation in Tianjin Binhai New Area.
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    Hydraulic Fracture Network Propagation Rule of Shale Reservoir
    XIA Bin-wei, YANG Chong, LU Yi-yu, SONG Chen-peng
    2016, 37 (8):  1193-1198.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.026
    Abstract ( 784 )   HTML   PDF (837KB) ( 981 )  
    To deeply understand the hydraulic fracturing crack propagation rule of shale gas reservoir and crack network formation conditions, a two-dimensional model of hydraulic fracture extension in shale was established. The influence of in-situ stress difference coefficient, natural fracture and bedding plane on hydraulic fracture extension was analyzed, and the mechanism of hydraulic fracture network formation was studied. The results show that the steering and bifurcation of hydraulic fracture along the bedding plane and coalescence into natural fracture are the keys to the formation of crack network. Crack network can form on condition that the approaching angle between bedding plane and natural fractures and the stress difference coefficient are combined properly with critical values, or a single crack will form. The fracture network in shale gas reservoir is easy to form when the angle is large between the maximum horizontal principal stress direction and bedding plane or natural open fracture.
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    QSAR Research on Flotation Selectivity of Hydroximic Acid Collectors
    TAN Xin, SHANG Yan-bo, HE Fa-yu, LIU Long-li
    2016, 37 (8):  1198-1202.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.027
    Abstract ( 773 )   HTML   PDF (228KB) ( 885 )  
    Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) of 13 kinds of hydroximic acid collectors were studied to predict the flotation selectivity of cassiterite flotation separation based on genetic algorithm. Using fast descriptor and quantum chemical descriptor, two kinds of two-parameter models were developed, i.e., Model 5 for selectivity index 1 and Model 6 for selectivity index 2. The correlative coefficients of Model 5 and Model 6 were 0.868 and 0.796, with R2cv of 0.779 and 0.590, respectively. For the two models, internal reliability was validated using the leave-one-out approach, with R2 =0.785 for Model 5 and R2 =0.615 for Model 6, and an external validation was also performed using test sets and the mean absolute deviations were 0.137 and 1.939, respectively. The results show that Model 5 for selectivity index 1 has better predictability, and can effectively predict flotation selectivity of hydroximic acid collectors.
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    Experimental Research on China’s Oil Shale Dust Explosibility
    YU Li-fu, LI Gang, PAN Chao, YUAN Chun-miao
    2016, 37 (8):  1203-1206.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.028
    Abstract ( 645 )   HTML   PDF (453KB) ( 804 )  
    To understand China’s oil shale dust explosion parameters, by using standard apparatus, a set of experiments has been conducted on the ignition sensitivity and the explosion severity of shale dusts from four main mining areas, and the results are analyzed by comparing with coal dust. The results show that the ignition temperature of the shale dust layer is between 240~280℃, the dust cloud ignition temperature is between 440~560℃, both are approximate to that of bituminous coal. The minimum ignition of dust cloud has a wide distribution from 0.2 to 16J, which has a negative relationship with the volatile content of the shale sample. The explosion limit of oil shale is between 200~225g/m3, higher than that of bituminous coal. From 300 to 2500g/m3 the explosion severity firstly increases with the dust concentration and goes down afterward, the maximum value is about 2/3 of the bituminous. The results of the study are helpful for understanding shale dust explosion risk and selecting process explosion-proof methods.
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    Management Science
    Impact Mechanism of Family-to-Work Interface on Emotional Labor
    LIU Zhe, YANG Yong, MA Qin-hai , LI Zhe
    2016, 37 (8):  1207-1211.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.029
    Abstract ( 678 )   HTML   PDF (356KB) ( 858 )  
    To study the impact of service employees’ family factors on their performance, a three-stage questionnaire survey was conducted by using SPSS and AMOS analytic tools. The results show that the family to work conflict of service employees could inhibit deep acting and genuine expression of emotional labor; family to work facilitation could promote deep acting and genuine expression of emotional labor; the positive relationship between family to work conflict and surface acting becomes weaker with the family-work balance increasing, and the negative relationship between family to work facilitation and surface acting and the positive relationship between family to work facilitation and deep acting become stronger with the family-work balance increasing.
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    Supply Chain Coordination Based on Retailers’ Capital Constraints
    HOU Bo, ZHUANG Xin-tian, CHEN Yi-shan, ZHANG Zhi-yong
    2016, 37 (8):  1212-1216.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.08.030
    Abstract ( 685 )   HTML   PDF (182KB) ( 941 )  
    The supply chain coordination of retailers’ capital constraint was studied under the condition of random demands. In the internal financing model, the conditions of supply chain coordination implementation were obtained by using the supply chain members’ expected maximal profit as the objective function. It was found that the use of revenue sharing contract under the internal financing can allow retailers to realize their optimal order quantity without capital constraints, thus improving supply chain parties’ expected revenue and coordinating retailers’ and suppliers’ profit distribution after financing as well. Furthermore, the effects of parameter change on supply chain coordination and coordination condition were explored.
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