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    Information & Control
    Numerical Model for Ellipsoid Experiencing Optically Induced Dielectrophoresis
    HU Sheng , ZHAO Yong , HU Hai-feng
    2016, 37 (4):  457-461.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.001
    Abstract ( 711 )   HTML   PDF (598KB) ( 930 )  
    Based on the method of molecular dynamics, a numerical model was presented to simulate the behavior of such a ellipsoid experiencing optically induced dielectrophoresis (ODEP). The ODEP and Stokes force exerted on the ellipsoid were studied, and the Runge-Kutta method was used to calculate the self-rotation speed regarding different aspect ratio of ellipsoid. The electric field was solved by using COMSOL software, and the trajectory of the ellipsoid experiencing ODEP was simulated on the basis of the Velocity-Verlet algorithm. The simulation results indicated that the greater particle aspect ratio, the faster the speed. The ellipsoid at 28, 30μm location was controlled by the positive ODEP, which could move towards the light pattern along the gradient of the electric field magnitude, and the maximum speed could reach 312μm/s. The simulations results of the rotation speed and the trajectory are consistent with those in the experiment.
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    Optimization Model for Bus Network Timetabling with Uneven Headway
    WU Ying-hui, TANG Jia-fu
    2016, 37 (4):  461-466.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.002
    Abstract ( 713 )   HTML   PDF (349KB) ( 924 )  
    The bus network timetabling is to optimize the departure time of each trip of all lines to make buses from different lines synchronously arrive at transfer nodes, so that passengers have smooth transfers. A bus network timetabling problem with uneven headways was studied. The waiting time for transferring were formulated by using mathematical inequalities. A mixed integer programming model was proposed to minimize the total waiting time of transferring passengers. The computational complexity of the model and the spatial structural characteristics of the feasible solution were analyzed. Then, a preprocessing approach was designed to reduce the solution space. An optimization software CPLEX was used to solve the preprocessed model. The results of different instances showed the effectiveness of the proposed model and the solving method.
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    Fast Source Localization Method for Social Network
    ZHANG Yu-bo, ZHANG Xi-zhe, XU Chao, ZHANG Bin
    2016, 37 (4):  467-471.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.003
    Abstract ( 709 )   HTML   PDF (531KB) ( 842 )  
    Considering the phenomenon that several partial paths were recorded by the users in most social networks, a fast source localization method based on partial paths was provided by using the previous source localization method based on observers. The four cases of screening candidate sources were analyzed based on the proposed method, which made use of the partial paths recorded by the observers. By screening candidate sources, the purpose of reducing the computing expense and improving the location efficiency was achieved. The results of experiments on model network showed the effectiveness of the method.
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    Method of Power Grid Fault Diagnosis Based on Model Prediction and Abductive Reasoning Network
    LIU Xiao-qin, WANG Da-zhi, ZHANG Cui-ling, NING Yi
    2016, 37 (4):  472-477.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.004
    Abstract ( 728 )   HTML   PDF (490KB) ( 901 )  
    Considering the power grid fault, the diagnostic information redundancy is low based only on protective relays and circuit breakers(switch) for diagnosis, and the accuracy of diagnosis will be affected under complex fault cases. The electric data information was introduced to propose the model prediction and data cleaning method, as well as to establish the power network fault diagnosis system. By using the model to predict the electric quantity information accurately, the cleaning rules and the logical inference rules were established, and the data cleaning and verification of the switch were carried out respectively. On this basis, the abductive reasoning network (ARN) was used to diagnose the fault information, and the candidate faults were obtained. The simulation results verified the validity and accuracy of this method.
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    Application of Thresholding Landweber Algorithm in MIT Image Reconstruction
    WANG Xu, WANG Jing-wen, WANG Ke-yuan
    2016, 37 (4):  477-480.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.005
    Abstract ( 708 )   HTML   PDF (281KB) ( 854 )  
    To improve image reconstruction quality of magnetic induction tomography (MIT), a thresholding Landweber reconstruction algorithm was put forward. The threshold value was set on the basis of the Landweber algorithm, and the threshold parameter was adaptively regulated with the iteration, which could improve the image reconstruction quality and accelerate the convergence rate of the Landweber algorithm. Based on the MIT system model established with Comsol Multiphysics, a forward mathematical model was set up and solved by the finite element method. The simulation results showed that the image reconstruction quality obtained by threshold Landweber reconstruction algorithm is better than that obtained by LBP and the algorithm without threshold, and the convergence rate can be accelerated.
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    Multi-pedestrian Detection Approach Based on Improved ViBe Algorithm
    PAK Chun-hyok, PAN Yi-lin, ZHAO Hai, ZHU Hong-bo
    2016, 37 (4):  481-485.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.006
    Abstract ( 701 )   HTML   PDF (803KB) ( 973 )  
    The moving object detection of multi-pedestrian scenario was conducted by using the improved ViBe algorithm and the template matching method. The original ViBe algorithm was combined with the frame difference method to improve the performance of moving object detection, which can more rapidly eliminate the ghosts in the result binary image than the original ViBe algorithm. According to the treated foreground result around the treating pixel, the dynamic model parameters were used to estimate the foreground for improving the accuracy of the foreground object detection. The HOG algorithm was used to detect the pedestrians in the moving objects. The results showed that the method does not reduce the real-time performance of moving object detection, and significantly improve the accuracy of the detection algorithm.
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    Elastic Network Characteristics in Internet Topology
    LIU Xiao, ZHAO Hai, ZHANG Jun, WANG Jin-fa
    2016, 37 (4):  486-490.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.007
    Abstract ( 799 )   HTML   PDF (337KB) ( 1063 )  
    Internet topology data whose magnitude is 107 in CAIDA was adopted to analyze the Internet network size, standard Internet structure entropy, Internet average path length, power exponents of degree distribution of IPv4,IPv6 and AS level Internet. The results showed that the Internet has expandability and robustness. The Internet topology has the elastic network characteristics, and the elastic network characteristics become more obvious with the evolution of Internet topology. The discovery of the Internet elastic network characteristics makes it possible for reference to biological macro guidance Internet topology research.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Reduction Experiment of Stainless Steel Dust Based on Hot Briquetting
    RI Sok-chol , CHU Man-sheng, LI Hua-bing, RA Ju-hyon
    2016, 37 (4):  490-495.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.008
    Abstract ( 729 )   HTML   PDF (812KB) ( 867 )  
    To efficiently recycle valuable metal such as Fe, Cr and Ni in stainless steel dust, the preparation and self-reduction of coal composite stainless steel dust hot briquette(CCSB) were researched. Under 200℃ hot briquetting temperature, 35MPa hot briquetting pressure, the compressive strength was above 900N/P. Volatile matter of coal pyrolysis could take part in reduction of stainless steel dust under high temperature, and reduction action rate of volatile matter was 0.4 at 1400 or 1450℃. XRD analysis and thermodynamic calculation results showed that product containing chromium is appeared as FeCr2O4, Cr2O3, Cr7C3, [Cr]Fe-Cr-Ni-C in turn in the self-reduction process. Under 1450℃ reduction temperature, CCSB with 0.72 of xc/xo can not completely be reduced, but CCSB with 0.8 of xc/xo or more can completely be reduced under 1450℃, 20min.
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    Effects of Homogenizing Annealing and Forging on Strength and Toughness of Dual-Phase Wear Resistant Steels
    LIU Xing-gang, HAN Ming-bo, WANG Xue-peng, ZHANG Guo-zhi
    2016, 37 (4):  496-499.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.009
    Abstract ( 753 )   HTML   PDF (634KB) ( 793 )  
    The effects of homogenizing annealing and forging on the microstructure, strength and toughness of the dual-phase wear-resistant steel were investigated. The results showed that the microstructure of the steel contained mainly lath martensite, acicular bainite and a little retained austenite under 980℃ homogenizing annealing for 4 and 8hrs respectively and 1150℃ forging. The minimum grain size of the steel is No.7.0~7.5 grade after forging while the maximum grain size of the steel homogenized is No.6.5~7.0 grade. The holding time of the homogenizing annealing is the main factor that affects the mechanical properties of dual-phase wear resistant steels, and the impact toughness and elongation values of the test steels holding for 4hrs are higher than that of the test steels holding for 8hrs. Forging deformation improves the strength and toughness of dual-phase wear resistant steels more significantly than that under homogenizing annealing, and the optimized process parameters were as follow with initial forging temperature of 1150℃, final forging temperature of 800℃ and forging ratio of 2.
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    Multivariable Decoupling Control of Hydraulic Looper System Based on ADAMS-MATLAB Co-simulation
    YIN Fang-chen, SUN Jie, MA Geng-sheng, ZHANG Dian-hua
    2016, 37 (4):  500-504.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.010
    Abstract ( 761 )   HTML   PDF (591KB) ( 885 )  
    The multivariable control for hydraulic looper system which has the features of nonlinearity, strong coupling and uncertainty is the difficult point in the rolling control field. In order to improve the control performance of hot continuous rolling strips, a virtual prototype model of the hydraulic looper was built by using ADAMS, then the iterative learning control(ILC)system based on a non-interactive decoupling strategy was designed by using MATLAB, thus a co-simulation model was built by using ADAMS/Sub module and MATLAB/Simulink interface. Simulation studies were made for traditional PID control system and for the designed control system on the basis of this co-simulation model.The simulation results showed that the designed control system further weakens the coupling effect between the looper height and tension, and achives better control effect of the looper system.
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    Synthesis of Foliar Fertilizer from Titanium-Bearing Blast Furnace Slag and Cultivation Experiment of Sweet Corn
    ZHANG Yue, XUE Xiang-xin
    2016, 37 (4):  504-507.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.011
    Abstract ( 596 )   HTML   PDF (232KB) ( 828 )  
    The foliar fertilizer was synthesized with the titanium-bearing blast furnace slag, potassium bisulfate, citric acid, urea and magnesium oxide as raw materials by melting and chelating methods. The field cultivation experiments of sweet corns were carried out in order to evaluate the effects of the foliar fertilizer on the growth, yield, characters and the SPAD value of nitrogen, magnesium, sugar and heavy metal in grains. The results showed that the foliar fertilizer contained nutritional elements such as nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, iron, titanium and magnesium. The application of the foliar fertilizer shortened the growing period of the sweet corn by 2 days, and also made the yield, plant heights, diameters of the stem and ears, grain number per panicle, weight of single spike, and the number of efficient panicles per plant, together with the SPAD value of chlorophyll in leaves, nitrogen and magnesium in grains significantly increase. However, there was no difference in the mass fraction of sugar, titanium, vanadium and chromium in the sweet corn. In addition, mass fractions of the heavy metal elements like vanadium and chromium in the sweet corn were below the maximum residue limit set by National Standards of China.
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    Key Parameter Selection in Particle-Size-Grouping Method
    LEI Hong, ZHAO Yan
    2016, 37 (4):  508-512.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.012
    Abstract ( 599 )   HTML   PDF (347KB) ( 741 )  
    In order to have a deep insight into the particle-size-grouping (PSG) method, a modified maximum group number method was developed to study the effects of two key parameters (the particle volume increment and the maximum group number) on the particle number density and volume fraction. The results showed that a more accurate value of the particle number density was obtained by using the PSG method with the traditional maximum group number while a more accurate value of the particle volume fraction was obtained by using the PSG method with the modified maximum group number. With the increase of the particle volume increment, the predicted value of the particle number density decreased, while the predicted value of the particle volume fraction increased when using the PSG method with the traditional maximum group number. With the increase of particle volume increment, the predicted value of the particle number density decreased, while the predicted value of the particle volume fraction showed a trend of oscillation when using the PSG method with the modified maximum group number.
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    Influence of Mechanical Activation on Digestion Performance of Hydrargillite
    LYU Guo-zhi, ZHANG Ting-an, KE Xian-yao, ZHANG Wei-guang
    2016, 37 (4):  512-516.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.013
    Abstract ( 596 )   HTML   PDF (640KB) ( 846 )  
    The digestion behavior of alumina from the hydrargillite by the mechanical activation digestion method was investigated.The effects of the mechanical activation stirring speed, digestion temperature and time on the digestion performance of the hydrargillite were examined, and the transformation rules of the process control procedures were also discussed. The results indicated that the mechanical activation effectively reduced the digestion temperature and time of the hydrargillite, and also relaxed the range of raw material sizes. The actual digestion rate of alumina from the hydrargillite reached over 85% under the conditions with digestion temperature of 150℃, the digestion time of 40min, the stirring speed of 100r/min, the ball addition ratio of 30% and the mass ratio of balls to the hydrargillite of 1.2∶1. The mechanical activation can greatly reduce the effect of diffusion control on digestion processes of the hydrargillite.
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    Gas Flow Regime in Vertical Tank for Sinter Waste Heat Recovery
    FENG Jun-sheng, DONG Hui, GAO Jian-ye, LIANG Kai
    2016, 37 (4):  517-521.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.014
    Abstract ( 658 )   HTML   PDF (573KB) ( 815 )  
    The dimensionless method of Ergun’s equation was used to investigate the flow regime of the gas flow through the sinter bed layer. The effects of the gas superficial velocity, sinter particle diameter and the bed layer voidage on the gas pressure drop in the sinter bed layer were studied, and the change law of particle Reynolds number with the changing of particle diameter was also discussed. The results showed that the pressure drop per unit bed layer height in the sinter bed layer increased as a quadratic relationship with the increase of the gas superficial velocity for a given particle diameter. For a given gas superficial velocity, the pressure drop per unit bed layer height decreased as an exponential relationship with the increase of particle diameter and voidage. The critical particle Reynolds number in the sinter bed layer decreased as an exponential relationship with the increase of the bed layer geometrical factor, and the mean calculation deviation of the experimental prediction formula for critical particle Reynolds number was within 5%, showing a good prediction by using the method.
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    Aluminothermic Reduction-Molten Salt Electrolysis of Silica in Cryolite Melts
    LIU Ai-min, GUAN Jin-zhao, XIE Kai-yu, SHI Zhong-ning
    2016, 37 (4):  522-526.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.015
    Abstract ( 1042 )   HTML   PDF (427KB) ( 1091 )  
    The thermodynamic conditions for the aluminothermic reduction of the silica were discussed. The thermodynamic calculation results showed that reducing silica by aluminum is thermodynamically feasible. The kinetic analysis by non-isothermal differential scanning calorimetry indicated that the apparent activation energy was 697.5kJ/mol, while the reaction order was 3.7. Al-Si alloy including 8.56%silicon and the alumina-rich cryolite were obtained by the aluminothermic reduction of silica in cryolite molten salt medium. Al-Si alloys contained 94.01%aluminum and oxygen were produced using the alumina-rich cryolite molten salts separated by the inert anode, and the recovery rate of silicon was 83.43%.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Dynamic Characteristics of Container Crane’s Lifting Transmission System Under Lifting Dynamic Load
    LIU Yuan-yuan, ZHANG Qing, QIN Xian-rong, SUN Yuan-tao
    2016, 37 (4):  526-531.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.016
    Abstract ( 629 )   HTML   PDF (751KB) ( 827 )  
    In order to study the dynamic characteristics of a container crane’s lifting transmission system under variable working conditions, a dynamic model of the lifting mechanism was established to simulate the lifting dynamic load. A translation-rotation coupling dynamic model was built with considering the time-vary mesh stiffness and support stiffness of every gear pair. The displacement response of every gear pair and vibration characteristics were obtained during acceleration, constant speed and deceleration stage, and mesh force at three stages were analyzed in frequency domain. The results showed that the lifting dynamic load cannot be ignored, and the changing trend of torsional vibration is identical to the lifting dynamic load. Meshing force spectrum at acceleration and deceleration stage has side-bands by the variation of velocity.
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    Gear Contact Fatigue Reliability Based on Response Surface and MCMC
    TONG Cao, SUN Zhi-li, CHAI Xiao-dong, WANG Jian
    2016, 37 (4):  532-537.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.017
    Abstract ( 694 )   HTML   PDF (563KB) ( 844 )  
    A parameterized model of the gear with assembly and manufacturing errors was established for the gear contact failure, and the dynamic tooth surface contact stress was simulated by using the large-deformation explicit dynamics simulation software. Then, the response performance function of the gear was built by the stress-strength interference model. A reliability analysis method based on response surface and the Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) was proposed to improve the precision of the response performance function, and the dependability sensitivity analysis was conducted to quantify the effects of assembly errors, machining errors and stochastic external loads on gear transmission reliability. Finally, the correctness of this method was verified by comparing the results of 100000 Monte Carlo simulations with the results of the as-proposed method.
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    Milling Stability Analysis Based on Chebyshev Segmentation
    LI He, HAN Ping, ZHANG Ling-li
    2016, 37 (4):  538-542.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.018
    Abstract ( 542 )   HTML   PDF (570KB) ( 849 )  
    Using the Chebyshev segmentation method to discrete the time period contained in delay differential equation, the Newton second-order difference quotient method was used to calculate the motion vector of cutter at each time endpoint, then the transfer matrix of milling system was obtained, and the system stability was determined by the Floquet theory. Using the above methods, a two-degrees of freedom milling system stability issues was investigated to get system stability lobe diagrams. The results showed that under the same calculation accuracy, the points needed to cut the time period by the Chebyshev segmentation are less than those by the average segmentation, and the computational efficiency of the Chebyshev segmentation is higher. When the time period is divided into the same parts, the stability lobe diagrams gotten by the Chebyshev segmentation method are more accurate than that of the other.
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    Design and Analysis of New Energy-Efficient Legs for Quadruped Robots
    MA Zong-li, ZHU Yan-fang, LIU Yong-chao, WANG Jian-ming
    2016, 37 (4):  543-548.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.019
    Abstract ( 985 )   HTML   PDF (698KB) ( 1083 )  
    The physiological characteristics of dog hind leg were analyzed, a flexible leg structure made of thigh and shank for integrative structure was presented. Only exerting drive in hip joint,the quadruped robot can realize trot gait. The model was analyzed dynamically and simulated by the ADAMS. The results showed that the quadruped robot with this structure can move stably and rapidly in trot gait. Compared with other quadruped robots which need drive in hip and knee joint simultaneously, we can reduce the drive torque and drive power of hip joint, foot contact force, and energy consumption. The cushioning property of this model is excellent. This leg structure of the quadruped robot is shown to be reasonable.
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    Effect of Tracked Vehicle Speed on Bogie Wheels’ Dynamic Displacement
    ZHU Xing-gao, GU Liang
    2016, 37 (4):  548-553.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.020
    Abstract ( 697 )   HTML   PDF (716KB) ( 854 )  
    For the complex problems of ground-track-wheels coupling system excitation characteristics, a dynamics model of the tracked vehicle suspension system was established leaving out the track impacts. The theoretical calculations of the road wheels dynamic displacement were realized through kinetic equation. It was then simulated under various working conditions. A multi-body dynamics simulation model was proposed. Comparing the simulation result with that of the theoretical calculations, the change regulation of the road wheels dynamic displacement with the vehicle speed was analyzed. The results provide a theoretical reference for designing and developing the tracked vehicle. A technical support for loading excitation directly on road wheels about vehicle road simulation system is provided as well.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Cutter Efficiency Assessment Model Based on Broken Rock Volume
    WANG Shu-hong,WANG Cun-gen,ZHAO He-xing,ZAN Shi-ming
    2016, 37 (4):  554-558.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.021
    Abstract ( 578 )   HTML   PDF (349KB) ( 895 )  
    The calculation method of the rock volume broken by TBM disc cutters was discussed by considering different rock fragmentation modes, such as shear failure, tensile failure, extrusion failure and multi-failure modes. Due to the fact that shear failure and tensile failure are the dominate fracture modes of rock under the load of disc cutters, the quantitative relations among the crack length, the projected length of the shear fracture and the width of the cutter edge were used to identify the rock failure mode and calculate the volume of fragmentized rock. The rock crushing work ratio was calculated based on the CSM model to evaluate rock breaking efficiency of the disc cutters. This method was verified through an engineering project and results showed that this method could provide a reference for the performance prediction and optimization of TBM.
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    Growth Mechanism of TeO2 Nanowires Synthesized by Thermal Evaporation Method
    SHEN Yan-bai, MA Jia-wei, WEI De-zhou, ZHANG Bao-qing
    2016, 37 (4):  558-562.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.022
    Abstract ( 928 )   HTML   PDF (695KB) ( 933 )  
    TeO2 nanowires were synthesized on Au-coated glass substrates at 450℃ by thermal evaporation method using Te powders as the source material. The structures and morphology of TeO2 nanowires were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. A possible growth mechanism was proposed. The results showed that TeO2 nanowires with a tetragonal structure were approximately 70~200nm in diameter and several hundreds of micrometers to 2mm in length. By the morphology observation of the as-prepared products obtained at different growth times, the growth process of TeO2 nanowires was analyzed. It is concluded that the growth of TeO2 nanowires is based on vapor-solid growth mechanism, where Au film deposited on the glass substrates is possibly used for inducing and accelerating the growth of TeO2 nanowires.
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    Method to Determine Microscopic Parameters of PFC2D Numerical Model
    LI Kun-meng, LI Yun-hui, XU Shuai, AN Long
    2016, 37 (4):  563-567.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.023
    Abstract ( 884 )   HTML   PDF (952KB) ( 1037 )  
    Due to the blindness of the current “trial and error method” used in determining the microscopic parameters in the PFC2D, a microscopic parameters determination method was put forward based on physical experiments. The physical and geometrical parameters of the simulation model were obtained by simulating the basic characteristics of real samples, and the contact constitutive parameters between particles were back calculated base on the physical test responses. Taking the mylonite of -450 level footwall in Jiaojia gold mine as an example, the micro parameters of the corresponding numerical model were determined, and uniaxial and biaxial simulation were carried out based on the uniaxial compressive physical test. The simulation results and physical responses have good consistency, which verifies the reliability and applicability of the proposed method. The PFC2D microcosmic parameters determination method can ensure simulation accuracy, reduce the early modeling workload and offer references for similar researches.
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    Stability Analysis of Excavation Surface Based on Failure Probability of Unstable Block
    WANG Cun-gen, WANG Shu-hong, MU Xi-jiang, ZAN Shi-ming
    2016, 37 (4):  568-572.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.024
    Abstract ( 697 )   HTML   PDF (514KB) ( 799 )  
    Based on the spatial network model developed by our team, the general theory of block was used for block analysis, the safety factor, the volume and the edge length of unstable blocks in the excavation surface were obtained. The block generation probability can be first determined by the edge length and the trace length, then the block failure probability was calculated by the block generation probability and the safety factor. The failure block was identified when the failure probability of block is greater than the standard value. The ratio of the failure volume of rock blocks to the unstable volume of rock blocks was used as an evaluation index on the excavation surface stability, and a stability analysis method of the excavation surface was proposed on the basis of the unstable blocks failure probability. An example was given to evaluate the stability of the excavation surface based on this method.
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    Soil Disturbance of Beijing Subway Constructed by Open-Face Shield Tunneling Method in Sandy Stratum
    ZHANG Jian, WANG Shu-ying, YANG Jun-sheng, ZHANG Xi-bao
    2016, 37 (4):  572-577.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.025
    Abstract ( 591 )   HTML   PDF (1155KB) ( 855 )  
    The open-face shield tunneling the sand stratum can affect the surrounding soil and may cause collapse with excessive deformation. Based on the open-face shield construction of NO.2 Beijing’s Metro of Line 6, the structure and the comprehensive excavation system of the domestic first open-face shield was explained. The law of disturbance was analyzed by monitoring subsidence and horizontal displacements of the soil. Some measures to reduce soil disturbance were also presented. Results showed that the deformation law of the soil is the most complicated when the shield approaches to the monitoring holes. It is important to have a good control on the soil deformation when the shield is passing through and leaving monitoring holes. The range of the disturbance area can be 1.5 times the hole diameter from the shield. The conclusion can be used as a reference for controlling the deformation induced by shield construction in sandy stratum.
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    Stope Parameters Optimization of Non-pillar Longhole Retreat Caving
    WANG Wei, LUO Zhou-quan, QIN Ya-guang, SUN Yang
    2016, 37 (4):  578-582.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.026
    Abstract ( 580 )   HTML   PDF (610KB) ( 841 )  
    In order to realize safe and efficient mining of non-pillar longhole retreat caving in a lead-zinc mine, stope parameters optimization was conducted. Field measurement of in-situ stress was carried out on-650m level, and a numerical model was constructed by Surpac-FLAC3D modeling technique. On these grounds, in-situ stress field was inversed by multiple regression method. The change relation of roof stability with stope parameters was obtained by using the small thin elastic mechanics theory, and the primary stope parameters schemes were put forward by combining with actual mining condition. Based on the inversion of ground stress field, the mining numerical analysis of primary schemes was conducted to get mechanical response indexes of different schemes. The safety and economy indexes were comprehensively considered, and the multi-objective TOPSIS decision method was introduced, the superior order of parameter schemes was determined by calculating the vector similarity of evaluation indexes set to ideal solution. Optimal stope parameters of non-pillar longhole retreat caving were finally determined, i.e., chamber width 10m, pillar width 8m.
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    Pore-Water Pressure Characteristics of Tailings Silt Under Cyclic Loading
    DU Yan-qiang, YANG Chun-he, WU Shang-wei
    2016, 37 (4):  583-588.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.027
    Abstract ( 622 )   HTML   PDF (609KB) ( 830 )  
    A GDS dynamic triaxial testing system was used for cyclic loading test to study pore-water pressure behaviors in tailings silt. Cyclic stress was applied to liquefy the tailings silt. The influences of relative density and confining pressure on pore-water pressure in tailings silt were studied. The results showed that the development of pore-water pressure can be divided into four stages, namely rapidly growing stage, stabilized-increasing stage, structural failure stage and fully liquefied stage. The increase of confining pressure and relative density can strengthen the capacity of anti-liquefaction. The result of lab tests on tailings silt was compared with that on sand, it showed that the characteristic of dynamic pore-water pressure for tailings silt is different from that of sand, and it can be described with a double-S model which has a very good application in both tailings silt and sand.
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    Stability of Tailings Dam of Xiaodae Tailings Pond
    WEI Zuo-an, YANG Yong-hao, ZHAO Huai-jun, CHEN Yu-long
    2016, 37 (4):  589-593.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.028
    Abstract ( 788 )   HTML   PDF (637KB) ( 948 )  
    Due to the limitation of the topography of Xiaodae tailings pond, the height of the starter dam is 72.5m and increases very fast (the average rate was 18.5m/a). To ensure its safety, the stability analysis was carried out through physical model tests, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis after primary design of the tailings pond. The structural composition of tailings dam, the variation rules of seepage field with or without drainage system in the dam, and the stability of tailings dam under different working conditions were obtained. Results could be helpful to the design and safety management of the tailings pond. So far, the dam has been stably utilized for over five years.
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    Evaluation Model of Microseismic Monitoring Sensor Layout Scheme and Its Application
    ZHANG Chu-xuan, LI Xi-bing, DONG Long-jun, YAO Jin-rui
    2016, 37 (4):  594-599.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.029
    Abstract ( 713 )   HTML   PDF (354KB) ( 999 )  
    A sensor layout evaluation model based on the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) was established to make up the layout deficiencies of empirical design. First, the indices which had great impacts on the choice of sensor-layout programs were selected according to the technical conditions, economic conditions and engineering conditions to build evaluation index system. Second, considering the influence of the indices at the edge state on the weight, the variable weight calculation method was used to get the index weights of all schemes. Finally, comprehensive advantages and disadvantages of each scheme were calculated by TOPSIS. This method was used to evaluate microseismic monitoring sensor layout programs to obtain the good and bad of each program. This model provides a good way for the layout of microseismic monitoring sensors.
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    Management Science
    Selection Method of Sales Scheme for Mobile Phone Product and Telecommunication Service Suite Bundling
    YUAN Yuan, FAN Zhi-ping, YOU Tian-hui
    2016, 37 (4):  599-603.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.030
    Abstract ( 775 )   HTML   PDF (225KB) ( 885 )  
    Aiming at the situation that mobile phone product and telecommunication service suite are sold in bundles with different discount, a selection method of sales scheme was proposed. Based on market survey and segmentation, the expected monthly payment and customer lifetime value were firstly calculated with respect to each bundling sales plan in the schemes. The customer utility of each bundling sales plan was then calculated, and the choice probability of the customers with respect to each bundling sales plan was obtained by using the multinomial Logit model, with the expected profit of each sales scheme calculated. The sales scheme with the highest expected profit was selected as the final sales scheme. A numerical example was given to illustrate the feasibility and validity of the as-proposed method.
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    Logistics Service Quality Control Considering Risk Aversion Under Supply Disruption
    XING Peng, ZHANG Cui-hua, WANG Yu-lin, JIANG Jun
    2016, 37 (4):  604-608.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.04.031
    Abstract ( 697 )   HTML   PDF (829KB) ( 851 )  
    Considering logistics service integrator (LSI) and functional logistics service provider (FLSP) with risk aversion, the logistics service quality control was studied under supply disruption. The quality-utility models and equilibrium solutions of LSI and FLSP with risk aversion were obtained under supply disruption and the Stackelberg game, respectively. Finally, a numerical simulation was conducted by the Matlab R2013a. The correlations among LSI’s effort level of quality supervision, proportion of order allocation and main FLSP’s quality defect warranties were analyzed. The impact of parameters on utilities of LSI, main FLSP and second FLSP were also discussed.
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